-.7:- The Commoner vol; 18, NO. 3 6 w- President Wilson Outlines Basis for General Peace President Wilson made the following address at a joint session of congress, Feb. 11: Gentlemen of the Congress: On the 8 th ft January I had the honor of addressing you en Iho objects of tho war as our people conceive them. Tho prime minister of Great Britain had npokon in similar terms on tho 5th of January. To thoBO addresses the German chancellor re plied on tho 24th and Count Czerin, for Austria, on tho same day. It is gratifying to have our dcslro so promptly realized that all exchanges of vlow on this groat matter should bo made In tho hearing of all tho world. AUSTRIAN CHANCELLOR'S REPLY Count Czerin'6 reply, .which is directed chiefly . to my own address of tho 8th of January, Is ut tered in a very friondly tono. Ho finds in my statomont a sufficiently encouraging approach to tho views of hiB own government to justify him In believing that It furnishes a basis for a more detailed discussion of purposes by the two gov ernments; Ho is represented to have intimated that tho views ho was expressing had been com municated to mo beforehand and that I was aware of them at tho time he was uttoring them, but in this I am sure he was misunderstood. I had rocoived no intimation of what ho intended 'to say. There was, of course, no reason why ho should communicato privately with me. I am (IMito content to bo one of his public audience. COUNT VON HERTLING'S REPLY VAGUE. Count von Hertling's reply is, I must say, very vaguo and very confusing. It is full of equivocal phrases and leads it Is not clear where. But it Is certainly In a vory different tono from that of Count Czerin, and apparently of an opposite pur- , poso. It confirms, I am sorry to say, rather than romovos, tho unfortunate impression made lv what wo had learned of tho conferences at Brest- LitovBk. His discussion and acceptance of our goneral principles load him to no practical con clusions. Ho refuses to apply them to the sub stantive Items which must constitute tho body of any final settlement. Ho is jealous of inter national action and of international counsel. Ho . accepts, he says, the principle of public diplom acy, but he appears to insist that it be confined, at any rate in this case, to generalities and that the several particular questions of territory and sovereignty, the several questions "upon whose settlement must dopond the acceptance of peace by the twonty-throo states now engaged in the war, must bo discussed and settled, not in gen eral council, but severally by the nations most Immediately concerned by interest or neighbor hood. Ho agroes that tho seas should be free, but looks askance at any limitation to that freedom by International action in tho interest of common ordor. Ho would without reserve be glad to see economic barriers removed between nation and nation, for that could In no way impode the am bitions of tho military party with whom ho seems constrained to keep on terms. Neither does ho raise objection to a limitation of arma ments. That matter will be settled of itself, he thinks, by oconomic conditions whiph must fol low the war. But the German colonies, he de mands, must bo returned without debate. Ho will discuss with(Jno one but the representatives of Russia what dBlposition shall be made of the pooplos and the lands of the Baltic provinces with no one but the government of France the conditions" under which French territory shall be ovacuated; and only with Austria what shall be done with Poland. In the determinat ion o all questions affecting tho Balkan states he de fers, as I understand him, to Austria and Turkey; and with. regard to 'the agreements to bo entered into concerning the non-Turkish peo ples of tho present Ottoman Empire to the Tin ish authorities themselves. After asetlement all around, effected in this fashion, by indTviS ual barter and concession, ho would hi objection, if I correctly interpret U?E statement to a league of nations which would undertake to sdSsr of power & CHANCELLOR'S METHOD IMPOSSIBLE A"SL?'arS? & ESS ffs-js: After all, the test of whether it is possible for either government to go any- further in this comparison of views is simple and obvious. The principles to be applied are these: . First, that each part of the final set- tlement must be based upon the essen- tial justice of that particular case and upon such adjustments as are most likely to bring a peace that will be permanent; Second, that peoples and provinces are not to be bartered about from sovereign- ty to sovereignty as if they were mere chattels and pawns in a game, even the great game, now forever discredited, of the balance of power; but that Third, every territorial settlement in- volved in this war must be made in the interest and for the bene.fit of the popu- lations concerned, and not as a part of any mere adjustment or compromise of claims amongst rival states; and Fourth, that all well-defined national aspirations Bhall be accorded the utmost satisfaction that can be accorded them, without introducing new or perpetuating old elements of discord and antagonism that would be likely in ' ie to break the peace of Europe and consequently of the world. President Wilson. 4 ion and temper of the world that no general peace, no peace worth the infinite sacrifices of these years of tragical suffering, can possibly be arrived at in any such fashion. The method tho German Chancellor proposes is the method of the Congress of Vienna. We can not and will not return to that. What is. at stake now isthe peace of the world. What we are striving for is a .new international order based upon broad and universal principles of right and justice no mere peace of shreds and. patches. Is it possible that Count von Hertling does not see that, does not grasp it, is in fact living in his thought in a world dead and gone? Has he utterly -forgotten the Reichstag resolutions of the 19th of July, or does he deliberately ignore them? They spoke of the conditions of a gen eral peace, not of national aggrandizement or of arrangements between state and state. The peace of the world depends upon the just settlement of each of the several problems to which I adverted in my recent address to the congress. I, of course, do not mean that the peace of the world depends upon the acceptance of any particular set of suggestions as to the way in which those problems are to be dealt with. I mean only that those problems each and all affect the whole world; that unless they are dealt with in a spirit of unselfish and un biased justice, with a view to the wishes the natural connections, the racial aspirations! the security, and the peace of mind of. the peoples involved, no permanent peace will have been at tained. They can not be discussed separately or in corners. None of them constitutes a pri vate or separate interest from which the onin- ion of the world may bo shutuout. Whatever affects the peace affects mankind, and nothine sett ed by military force, if settled wrong is settled at all. It will presently have to be re opened. 1U SPEAKING IN THE COURT OF MANKIND Is Count von Hertling not awarp that he is speaking in the court of mankind, that all the awakened nations of the world now sit in iude ment on what every public man, of whatever nation, may say on the issues of a conflict which has spread to every egion of the world The reichstag resolutions of July themselves frank? accepted the decisions of that court? There shall be no annexations, no contribution 11 Punitive damages. Peoples are not to behandeS about from one sovereignty to another bv L . e.wUBU umy oy ineir own sent. "Self-determination" Is not a mere phrase. It is an imperative principle of action which statesmen- will henceforth ignore at their peril. We can not have general peace for the asking, or by the mere arrangements of a peace conference. It can not be pieced together out of individual understandings between powerful states. All the parties of this war must join In the settlement of every issue anywhere involved in it; because what we are seeking is a peace that we can all unite to guarantee and maintain and every item of it must be submitted to the common judgment whether it be right and fair, an act of justice, rather than a. .bargain between sovereigns. . NO DESIRE TO INTERFERE IN EUROPE'S AFFAIRS: The United States has no desire to interfere in European affairs or to act as arbiter in Eu ropean territorial disputes. Sho would disdain to take advantage of any internal weakness or disorder to impose her own will upon another people. She ig quite ready to be shown that the settlements she has suggested are not the best or the most enduring. They are only her own provisional sketch of, principles, and of the way in which they should be applied. But she entered this war because she was made a part ner, whether she would or not,, in the sufferings and indignities inflicted by the military masters of Germany, against the peace and security of 'mankind; and the conditions of peace will touch her as nearly as they will touch any other na tion to which is entrusted a leading part in the maintenance of civilization. She can not seo her way to peace until the causes of this war are removed, its renewal rendered as nearly as may be impossible. RIGHTS OF SMALL NATIONS. This war has its roots in the disregard of the rights of small nations and of nationalities which lacked the union and the force to make good their claim to determine their own allegi ances and their own forms of political life. Cove nants must now be entered into which will Ten der such things impossible for the future; and those covenants must be backed by the united force of all the nations that love justice and are willing to maintain it at any cost. If territorial settlements and the political relations of great populations which have not the organized pow er to resist are to be determined by the con, tracts of the powerful governments which con sider themselves most directly affected, as Count von Hertling proposes, why may not economic questions also? It has come about in the altered world in which we now find our selves that justice and the rights of peoples affect the whole field of international-dealing as much as access to raw materials and fair and equal conditions of trade. Count yon Hertling wants the essential bases of commercial and industrial life to be safeguarded by common agreement and guarantee, but he can not expect that to be concededhim if the other matters to be determined by the articles of peace are not handled in the same way, items, in the final accounting. He can not ask the benefit of com mon agreement in the one field without accord ing it in the other. I take it for granted that he sees that separate and selfish compacts with regard to trade and the essential materials of manufacture would afford no foundation for' peace. Neither, he may rest assured, will sep arate and selfish compacts with .regard to prov inces and peoples. Count Czerin seems to see the fundamental elements of peace with clear eyes and doe's not seek to obscure them. He sees that an inde pendent Poland, made up of all the indisputably Polish peoples who lie contiguous to one an other, Is a matter of European cpneern and must of course be conceded; that Belgium must be evacuated and restored, no matter what sac rifices and concessions that may involve; and that national aspirations must he satisfied, even -within his own Empire, in the common interest of Europe and mankind. If he is silent about questions which touch the interest and purpose of his allies more nearly than they touch those of Austria only, it must of course be because he feels constrained, I suppose, to defer to Ger many and Turkey in the circumstances. See ing and conceding, as he does the essential principles involved and the necessity of can didly applying them, he naturally feels that Austria -can respond .to. tho purpose of peace as expressed by the United States with less em barrassment that could Germany. He would .. . JTrfVA,