The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 01, 1918, Page 13, Image 13

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    w ) WWMWWWPW Mffift w my ww i,w hmb wye yiw w w nj; "yiygjuy if ' fw vw-
'Wipjwii5ipr'''-TT-- y? imwpsmfn yfflmTW$WXW$p
The Commoner
MARCH, 1918
PATENTS Promptly Procured. Send sketch or
Ajftiuutu model lor actual pcarch and report
1918 Kdltlnn DO-dapa PafptitHnoV Krpn. Genrce P.
rv Klinmol.coc. Barrister llldg., Washington, D.O
lOMFalseTeetk Waatei-Doi't Matter if Broket
Wc pay up to 16 dollars per set. Also cash for old gold.
rallvornndhrokenJQwelry.CheckFentby return mall.
' uoou ucm 10 cays lor scnuor'a approval or our or
for. Mazer's Tooth Specialty. 2007 8. 6th St., Phlla, Pa
WntilnH Trfnnc Write for List or Inventions
VVaiilLU lUUlb Wauled. 11.000,000 In prizes
o acred for Invention;. end Kkctch for freo opinion
ol patentability. Our four books Font free.
Victor J. Evans A Co., 722 9th, WaahhiRtoii.D.C
Swcdenborg's Works, cloth; "Thxs True
Christian Rcllerlon," 20c; "Apocalypse
Revealed," 20c. Address Itev. L. G. Jjhr
denberger, WlndHor Place, St. LohIm, Mo.
No Internal medicine will cure
EeseMO. f)n1v hatha ajuiltaatLim
5f CRANOLENK can the Eczema microbe be destroyed.
Sfou pay us no money until you Bay job are cared. Writ Mir.
Wis Chwwcil Co., 248MiIte WtfCirarrfM
The bttt easily made for home ue in your ewa hocae.
Large saving. Avoid pay tee larjre profits for product which
may be Quickly produced at home. Dcttcr II v tog-Reduced
cost, valuable information. Full direction. 35 ceata.
"V Valley Farm Co., Newburgh, New York, U. &. A.
Ings, the minimum standard of ex
emption from seizure to lie fixed by
the legislative assembly; all lanus so
confiscated to bejransferred to the
control of demoJrprficaUy constituted
local authorities -for the purpose of
division of such lands among peasant
tenants who are actually carrying on
cultlvattpn of sti- lands.
2l--AimingaTthe attainment of
the final abblitlo&of all special priv
ilege atfd'privilrlgcL classes in Rus
sia, "the socialist labor party will
support every revolutionary move
ment lending to put an end to the
domination of hereditary aristocracy,
wealth.'private monopoly, and polit
ical and police autocracy in Russia;
kthese forces being always detrimental
to the well being and progress of the
working classes and happiness of
24. The party Is lrrevocablycom
mitted to the annihilation of every
remnant of autocracy and to the es
tablishment at the earliest possible
moment of a Constituent Assembly
freely elected by the entire people on
the basis of a universal, direct and
secret ballot; executive officers to be
chosen by such constituent assembly.
Take Nuxated Iron, Says Doctor, If You
Want Plenty of "Stay There" Strength
Like an Athlete!
COME A Now Yorker, of wide experience,
has written a book telling how the to
bacco or snuff! habit may be easily and
quickly banished with delightful bene
fit. Tho author, Edward J. Woods.
1823 A, Station F, New York City, will
mail his book freo on request.
Tho health Improves wonderfully after
tobacco craving is conquered. Calmness,
tranquil sleep, clear Keyes, normal ap
petite, good digestion, manly vigor,
strong memory- and a general gain in
efficiency are among the many benefits
reported. Get rid of that nervous, irrlt
ablo feeling; no more need of pipe, cigar,
cigarette, snuff or chewing tobacco to
pacify morbid desire.
I was badly ruptured while lifting a
trunk several years ago. Doctors said
my only hope of cure was an operation.
Trusses did me no good. Finally I got
hold of something that quickly and
completely cured me. Years have passed
and the rupture has never returned, al
though I am doing hard work as a car
penter. There was no operation, no lost
time, no trouble. I have nothing to sell,
but will give full information about
how you ..-ay find a complete cure with
out operation, if you write to me,
Eugene M. Pullen, Carpenter, 1003D
Marcellus Avenue, Manasquan, N. J.
Better cut out this notice and show it
to any others who are ruptured you
may save a life or at least stop the
misery of rupture and the worry and
danger of an pperation.
Mado of. Open Hearth wire
hearilr ealvanized aotronK
durable. loscr-IaatlBar. rust-re-
Bisung lenco. bow uirecwioino
' a armer as wire mm prices.
Hero's a f e w of our big Tolues
3-Inch Host Fence Za a rod
47-tach Farm Feiiee- Sllfa. a red
48-inch Poultry Fence -34Ke a rod
fiftkAtal ffrUtmm At Calif. B.rh.d XUtmm
Our biff Cataloc? of fence values ahovra loa ritvla
and heights of farm, Poultry and Lawn Fenco at
reuueoa money-earing prices, it's iree. write today.
KITSELMAN BROS. Box 215 Muscle, Ind.
Tjm, Mmey
ab ywr sleek
ttmUms fky Uk
mmm htkw a i
Per ha,ffe, Calm tadSaea?. Sbttimm
boot... felaUyMyafef to Write tdr-
Wjl luuuiBrnK --- e, Spuria Mffct-Ic
WmX&Sr 2
A Washinon, D. C. dispatch,
dated Feb. li, says: Following ex
tracts from February Brewers Jour
nal show what liquor men are saying
and doing.
"American soldiers who are now
learning in France how to drink md-o
erately will be of powerful assistance
on" their returning home in transform
ing the American saloon into the
pleasant and comfortable European
beer and wine hall and hospitable
"General Pershing allows beer and
light wines to the American soldiers
in Europe, and the reason assigned
for this by experts who know the con
ditions in Europe is that they are
not intoxicating but are wholesome,
healthful and invigorating."
"The purchasing committte of the
Brewers' Association in France has
contracted with American firms for
the delivery of barley and malt from
the United States, and part of the
deliveries have been effected. Most
of the brewers using these Amer
ican brewing materials are well sat
isfied with their quality."
What Are We Doing?
What are American friends of the
American solcUers saying to the
President anG"cpngress about this
Frenchifying t"6.ur soldiers? Pro
fessor Irving'- Fisher and Father
George Zurcher have both sounded
a warning, that the defeat or re
versal of nati(J,n'aJ prohibition might
be accomplished' by the return of our
soldiers with French standards, since
they will be the political heroes and
office holders of the after-the-war
period. Most of the lecturers com
ing back from the front are defend
ing even the "rum ration," which
may be copied from Britain If our
dumb democracy does not make a
louder demand that our soldiers
whe'n in Britain shall do as Amer
icans do. So friends pf the soldiers
seem to be awed into feeble protests
by blustering denials of statements
never made. No one has said our
soldiers in France are "mostly drunk
ards" or "drink to excess." What
has been said is that they have been
from the first permitted, and recently
by official order, to "buy and receive
as a gift beer and light
wines," and that there has been
abundant proof that these permitted,
'drinks do intoxicate and lead to
.General Pershing's intimation
early in December that he would ask
the French government to allow com-
MnkcM Delicate, Ncrvoun, IIhhi1myb
People Stronger In Ton Dh-m'
Time, lu Many Cmm-H
MOST peoplo foolishly seem to
think they arc Rointr to tret re-
wnowcd health and strength from
some stimulating medicine, secret nos
trum or narcotic drug, said Dr. E.
Saner, a Boston Physician who has
studied widely, botli in this country
and in great European Medical Insti
tutions, when, as a fact, real and true
strength can only come from tho food
you eat. But peoplo ofton fail to get
the strength out of their food because
thoy haven't enough Iron in their blood
to enable It to change food into living
matter. From their weakened, nervous
condition they .know something is
wrong, but they can't tell what.lf you
aro not strong or well, you owe it to
yourself to make tho following test:
See how long you can work or how
rar you can wihk wiiiioui uecoming
tired. Next take two five-grain tab
lets of ordinary nuxated iron three
times per day after meals for two
weoks. Then test your strength again
and see for yourself how much you
have gained. I have seen dozens of
nervous, run-down people, who were
ailing all tho while, most astonishing
ly Increase their strength and endur
anco simply by taking Iron in the prop
er form and this after they had in
somo cases been doctoring for months
without obtaining any benefit. But
don't take the old forms of reduced
Iron, iron acetate or tincture of Iron
simply to save a few cents. You must
take iron in a form that can be easily
absorbed and assimilated, like nux
ated iron, if you want it to do you
any good, otherwise it may prove
worse than useless. Many an athleto
or prize fighter has won tho day sim
ply because he knew the secret of
great strength and endurance which
comes from having plenty of Iron in
CJauanHJ )i Mil Xh
tho blottd, whilo many .mother ha gone
down to Inglorious defeat simply for
the lack of Iron.
NOTB Nn rated Iron which prcac-tlmd and
recommended above. by Dr. K. Haur. nnd ether
Phynlclniirr. i not n tccrct remedy but one which k
known to dmtrxifltM everywhere Un'lkr the elder
Inorganic Iron product ltlHPJuilyalm,iut'd,loes
not Injure the leeth.mnko thorn I) lack, nor .ttpset
tho tomnch. i ho manufacturm iniarantmifUweM
lnl a- d oi tiro y tlKlactnry result to every pur
cnawror I hey will refund your money. It tadl
pctiBCd by alt Rood driisrjrht'. A vertbe nont
plete prohibition for American sol
diers, has come to nothing in six
weeks, during wl "h the wine and
beer habit has become entrenched
among our soldiers. Has the effort
to establish an American standard
been given up because friends of the
soldier have been bluffed Into silence
that seems to give consent to this
Frenchifying of our soldiers? And
what about sacrificing in American
homes to supply American barley to
French brewers to make beer for
American soldiers?
Labor Should help.
P. a The Brewers' Journal also
'says in its letter from Washington,
D. C: "Samuel Gompers, president
of the American Federation of La
bor, has sent out from his office in
this city more than two million
copies of a manifesto urging organ
ized labor to oppose the prohibition
amendment." That is a supreme ar
gument for the National Dry Feder
ation now in process of formation.
It Is "everybody's business" and so
"nobody's business" mong temper
ance forces to checkmate that costly
appeal of the "wets" to workingmen.
It can be checkmated if the temper
ance forces co-operate and might
constrain the attorney general to use
that carload of brewers' books and
papers at the Pittsburgh federal
court, seized for-evidence, in which
the relations of labor leaders. to the
liquor propaganda are shown., Or
ganized" labor should join organized
Christianity to bring all that evi
dence to light, without fear or favor.
"Could I interest you in a life of
Napoleon, sir?"
"You might," answered the busy
man at the desk, "if there Is any
thing in Napoleon's life that will
show me how to make a greater
profit out of the junk business. What
did he do with his cannon when he
scrappy'' 'em?" Birmingham Age-HeraJ.
"Ainrica,W LoveYou"
Great patriate- picture. Mr. Novra, Mai e. made
110 onreveolrg. I.arxetnmp'e 10r. 9Hi(ilf.
0aet feore. U)Mm, DeeL ( Nev EfyX, H. J
The Oklahoma
Guaranty Law
assures to you absolute safety
of monies deposited with
- -
This bank for ten years has
rendered satisfactory service
to Commoner readers scat
tered over thirty states.
Wo solicit' your business,
suggesting cither a time de
posit, or savings account, on
either of which Interest Is
Free booklet . and copy of
guaranty law furnished on