iwapjp ' Commoner JANUARY, 1018 nd people associated together against the im perialists. We can not be separated in interest or divided in purpose. We stand together until the end. FIGHT UNTIL THE END "For such arrangements and covenants we are willing to fight and to continue to fight until they are achieved; but only because we wish the right to prevail and desire a just and -stable peace such as can be secured only by removing the chief provocations to war wiich this program does remove. We have no jealousy of German greatness and there is nothing in this program that impairs it. We grudge her no achievement or distinction of learning or of pacific enterprise such as have made her record very bright and very enviable. We do not wish to injure her or to block in any way her legitimate influence or power. Wo do not wish to fight her either with arms or with hostile arrangements of trade, if she is willing to associate herself with us and the other peace loving nations of the world in covenants ,of justice and law and fair dealing.. We wishher only to accept a place of equality among the peoples of the world the new world in which we now live instead of a place of mastery. '"Never do we presume to suggest to her any alteration or modification of her institutions. But it is necessary' we must frankly say and necessary .as a preliminary to any intelligent dealings with her on "our part, that we should knpw whom her spokesmen speak for when they speak to us, whether for the reichstag majority or for the military party, and the men whose creed is imperial domination. "We have spoken now, surely, in terms too concrete to admit of any further doubt or ques tion. An evident principle- runs through the whole program I have outlined. It is the prin ciple of justice to all peoples and nationalities and their right to lixp on equal terms' of liberty and safety with one another, whether they be strong or weak. Unless this principle be made its foundation no part of the structure of inter national justice can stand. The people of the United States could .act. upon no other principle and to the vindication of this principle they aire ready to devote their lives, their honor and everything that they possess. The moral climax of this, the culminating and final war for human liberty has come, and they are ready to put their own strength, their own highest purpose, their own integrity and devotion to the test,' GREAT BRITAIN'S WAR AIMS AS TOLD BY LLOYD GEORGE A London cablegram, dated Jan. 5, bays: Vital K points in the definition of Great Britain' war aims by Prime Minister Lloyd George, in an ad dress to the trades unions of the Uiiited King dom, are: We are fighting for a just and lasting peace. Three conditions must be fulfilled: Firstly The sanctity of treaties re-established. - Secondly Territorial settlements based on tha right of self-determination or the consent of the governed. Thirdly" -Creation of an international organ ization to limit' armaments ami diminish the 'probability of war. - We are not fighting to destroy the German constitution; We are" not fighting a war of aggression against the German people.;. Our wish is not to destroy German's great position in the "world but to turn lier aside trom schemes of military domination. 0- We demand complete restoration, political, territorial and economic, of the inde pendence of Belgium, .with such reparation a"s can be made. Restoration of Serbia, Montenegro and the occupied parts of France, Italy and Rpumania. 'We mean to stand by the- French democracy to the death in the demand they make for a rer consideration of the great wrong of '71 when Alsace-Lorraine was torn away. , . Although we agree with President Wilson that theireaking up of Austria-Hungary is not a part of our war ainrt, we feel, that unless gen uine self-government on true democratic prin ciples iff granted those Austro-Hungarian na tionalities who have long desired U. it is impossible-hb'le-f or removal of those causes 6? un rest inthat'part of Europe- which so long, have threatened 4ts genuine peace. . While we do not challenge maintenance of the ' . ' ) Turkish empire in the home lands of the Turk-' ish race, with it capital Constantinople the passage between the Mediterranean and the Black Sea belngr internationalized Arabia, Ar menia, Mesopotamia, Syria and Palestine are entitled to recognition of their separate national conditions. An independent Poland, comprising all gen uinely Polish elements, is necessary to the sta bility of Europe. The inhabitants of the African colonies must be placed under an administration acceptable to themselves for the purpose of preventing ex ploitation for the benefit of European capital ists ahd European governments. We should be proud to fight to the end side by side with the new Russian democracy. So would America, France and Italy. But Russia can only be saved by her own people. A MONUMENTAL VICTORY From The Raleigh, N. C, News and Observer, Dec. 18, 1917. As was generally expected, the house of rep resentatives yesterday adopted by more than the required majority the motion to submit to the states the national prohibition amendment. The action of the house was forecast last August ' when the senate, also by more than the required majority, gave its sanction to the submission of the amendment. Sentiment for national prohi bition has been growing with astonishing rapid ity ever since the beginning of the war, and the growth was accelerated when the United States became a participant in the world struggle. Vigorous efforts to accomplish the dejteat of the resolution were made. It was claimed that it would mean the policing of the states by fed eral officers, but in answer to this it was pointed out that federal assistance in enforcing liquor laws had been in "effect in the states for many years without undesirable results. It was claimed further, that national prohlbi- ' tlbn would be an invasion of state's rights, but as the south, where the principle of state's rights was' most strongly entrenched showed by the. stand of its congressmen that it regarded liquor as an evil that knew no state lines, but threw its sinister influence athwart the whole country so long as it had a grip on any appreciable part of it, this argument also failed tq convince. Another argument wao that the" working man was bitterly oppbsed to national prohibition, that ue had to have' his beer and that he would be terribly dissatisfied if it was denied him. This, was to forget that laboring inenare divided over the beer juBt as other people are. Not all laboring men by any means regard beer as neces sary to their happiness, an' it is a safe bet 'that taking the wives of laboring men into account, labor would muster more anti-beer people than pro-beer advocates. . Other arguments were advanced, but they could not stem the tide of the rapidly growing popular demand for a final knock-out blow for -liquor. It is gratifying to North Carolinians that a North Carolinian, Representative E. Y. Webb, led the fight in the house for the, adoption of the resolution. Mr. Webb has been a' consistent, able and fearless advocate of prohibition from the beginning of his public career, his name is in separably cdnnejsted with the Webb-Kehyon law as well as with the action of the house yester day. All legislation in congress intended to lossen the gr!p of liquor has had his; vigorous and effective support. He has been a tower of strength to the prohibition cause. It was very fitting, too, that Hon. W. J. Bryan should have been a co-recipient with Mr,Webb of congratulations yesterday after the vote on the prohibition resolution, No one man has wielded so powerful an influence for a dry na tion as Mr. Bryan. Since his resignation from the office of secretary of state he has given much of his time to the prohibition movement and his influence has been Immensely valuable to the cause. The action of congress is further vindication of his wisdom and foresight and his work for prohibition will rank in value ahd' im portance with that which he has done for the election of senators by the direct Vote of the people, the income tax, tariff and banking re form and other legislation aimed to benefit the rank and file of the people. Yesterday's victory 'as monumental in its sig nificance. It marked the beginning of the end of the menace of liquor. 't ' "t 0 j, 0 f w . y WOMAN SUFFRAGE WINS IN HOUSE A Washington dispatch dated Jan. 10, says: Woman suffrage by federal con stitutional amendment won in the house tonight with oxactly the required num-' be? of affirmative votes. While mem bers in thoir seats and throngs in, thq, ;. galleries -waited with eager interest, the" house adopted by a v6to of 274 to i;iir) a resolution providing for submission tp the states of the So-called Susan B, Anthony amendment for nati6nal cri- franchlsement of women. But for th3;t1 promise of Speaker Clark to east his"17 vote from the chair for the resolutibVto if It was needed, the change of a 'single-'0 vote to the opposition would have' meant" s) defeat. Republican Leader Marin,- who' came from a Baltimore hospital," where'''' he had boon iirulnr trnntmonf vfr' nlrtnn 'fi congress convened, and Representative" t) Sims of Tennessee, just out of "a ; jJlck ' bod, and hardly able to walk to his seatf"1 ' brought the votes which settled the iS 'to sue. FIGHT NEXT, -IN THE SENATE ) The house hardly had adjourned be-"' fore the suffrage champion's began their' fight for favorable action on the senate ' side of the capitol. Recent polls there have Indicated that the necessary two- () thirds vote could not be mustered, but () encouraged by the house victory ahd ' counting upon the Influence of Presi- dent Wllsori, who came to their Bupporfc ' last night, "the suffragists hope to bring the senate into line so far as 16 have the amendment before state legislatures & during the criming yqar. They Wei sur'," at least of forcing a Vote In tfrb' sonata '' ' before ther present session ends.' PRESIDENT INDORSES. WOMAN ,p1 ' MTTrnr rtn 1. t . T SUFFRAGE ' " ' ' C A Washington dispatch, dated Jam v $ sas: President Wilson late today told ' - a delegation of' house leaders that 1iq ' favored enactment of the Susan B. An- thony federal suffrage amendment and would make clear his position in a state- - ment which he Issued tonight. After a forty-minute conference with the President, the congressmen issued this statement: , ,' - "The committee found that the Presi- . dent had not felt at liberty to volunteer . his advice to members of congress in this important matter, but when .wo. sought his advice he very frankly, and, ,., earnesuy .aaviseu .us 10 yoie ior, ine t iv amendment as an act of right and justice , ; to the women of the country and of the ,, world." ' ',. .. -r' -' .- ) ;,:-, . ... ,r. r LETTERS FROM COMMONER READER& H. S. Case? Ind. Find enclose 'drafY for$3 to pay for five yearly subscribers,.. an ' tnty five eents additional' to pay for . exJtra( copies, (of the December number. i " V ' ', . R. C. Anderson, Oregon Herewith pad post office money order to pay for the eqclpseif fiwb of six subscribers. , t . 't , 9eo. W. Pratt, Mo, -I enclose $3 to 'pay, 'for five subscriptions. Have always appreciated (fie work, of Mr. Bryan and hope he wljl live tohejp bring about lasting peace along the .lines hejias advocated for years. , ,,,, ' ,VQ Col. James R. Campbell, III.7 I enclose , you a club of eight subscriptions, includ- ;- ing my own, to The Commoner To,., show hqw popular Colonel Bryan's paper is with our people, I only solicit-, i ed seven persons to subscribe and-not - one refused. I had the plea&ure .ofservo ing as colonel of the 9th Illinois in the., same brigade as Colonel Bryan, in the. v Spanish-American war, and from my perb: . aonal relations with liim I regard hira as one of the greatest statesmen thatwec? have, . " - j : u 1 ;i - ;,.'.;. ) is) f "..ii I rt j t, tmumfmkWiiA HMIIIIMI