"XwrvvmK'i'' mv$r"? II The Commoner VOLtfJ&iNO-l a2 tm,imimitmiMifimmmimmm i i ij i :' ft Ml K The War Against Alcohol ' 'So far as wo aro concorned In the United States, tho movomonts of va rious kinds and forma against tho almost immoasurablo ovil resulting from tho habitual uso of alcohol aro now approaching their culmination. 'A few months ago, exorcising tho war nowor, the govornmont stopped tho making of whiskey. It has now, by a similar ordor, rcducod tho al coholic content of beer to something like tho vanishing point. Within a yory few yoars tho number of states prohibiting tho liquor trafllc has In creased from throo or four to twonty seven. Tho groat stato of Ohio, which has ulways horotoforo been strongly agalnUt prohibition, was al most ovonly diVldod In November of this your, tho votes for prohibition bolng something undor 523,000 nnd tho vrttcs against It bolng just over 524,000. Tho comploto abolition of tho liquor trafllc In tho city of Wash ington and tho District of Columbia "wont Into olToct only a fow wooks ago toy act of congross, with oxcellent re sults already apptront. IIlthoVt'6, tho prohibition movement lias procoedod in localities under tho 3ocal option system, and in states un dor tho plan of stato-wido prohibi tion. Thoso statos which havo adopt ed prohibition aro now, by virtue of recent federal laws, bettor protected than thoy formoiiy woro from tho violation of thoir own police systems "by tho bringing In of liquor from ad Jacont states. ' A fow years ago it would not havo boon thought possible by most ob server and studonts of politics that wo were approaching the ovo of sub mission by congress to tho legisla tures of tho states of an amendment to the national constitution, prohibit ing tho liquor traffic throughout tho United States. But already tho anti saloon movomont has actually won that victory. Tho prohibition amend ment, undor tho leadership of Sen ator Morris Shoppard, of Texas, w.s adopted in tho United States senate last summer, and on December 17 it was passed by tho houso of represent atives by a voto of 282 to 128. There had never been any dispute as to tho attitude of tho present house, while thoro was some question whether or not the necessary two-thirds majority could be obtained in the senate. When tho amondmont has been ac cepted by throe-fourths of tho states it will become a part of the national constitution. This means that thirty six states must consent to nation wide suppression of the making of and traffic in liquor as a beverage. Besides this great movement for stato and national prohibition of the liquor traffic, many other indications are to be noted of a growing purpose to emancipate America from alcohol ism. A fow yoars ago Secretary Dan iols was ridiculed for steps taken by him to remove the drink evil from the navy, and similarly there was great controversy over tho canteen question, as relates to tho army. At the presont time the war department has the moral Support of the profes sional army men in determined ef forts, not only to keep liquor out of the camps and away from the mil itary reservations, but also to abolish saloons in the immediate vicinity of the cantonments and other army posts. The social habits of the people, furthermore, havo been greatly changed through influences due to 1UU1U1 IU1U IHUUBLllUi ICclUCIDUlllp " railroads have long demanded ab stinence on the part of their employ- pnn. Mnnv nfhpp hwliistrfnl and busi ness organizations have taken the same stand. Not only drunkenness, but even the moderate uso of liquor is now frowned upon, by a great ma jority of responsible business mon. Tho proper use of the various instru ments of modern business tele- tion, and many others are all at seem to us desirable thaJDr, Jglehart should in future editions of this book include a new chapter on the efforts of tho present administration to ban ish alcohol from tho army and navy and to prevent the use of grain and food materials in the making of stim ulating beverages. Dr. Iglehart ia a generous fighter and is free from that narrowness which has marred, rather than helped, the work of some temperance reformers. We would 'suggest, there fore, that he might also collect data for an additional chapter, showing with what ingenuity and good temper many of the distillers and brewers are adapting their plants to more use ful find t.imnlv nnrnnoQc i x, w.rf rull,uoco VUttH IRQ . making of alcoholic beverages, and 1200 TO 1 RS&ifi AGlBanUoWomlor-ovoraoOpod.h.TO ".lJ" B w lUlwinlBHa boonyrowunuuHinKlo plant-nil woll J5 Planted. Pinnto aita oroct'&tirtVul&'a1 will Hlrar-ly miriirho you. Just tho boanovoryono should plant thlo your. .My iratiply layot llmltoa nnd lean oiler only Jnaeultul paukeMoontttinlnB GO JJOftUH t'lich with cultural directions. Order ojirlv to bu Hurnnf thnm. MK -w -w.w. x ". 49 in ii u. Him iiich urauc utnrucn c?counni MMaa nftn. h IP. 1. J. 1 11 n i k jJo not limy until tour lowost prlooo. 5W PI? I JtnlU eavo you money. .Tollyour frlonds: M11.L8. Heed Grower. Ikapt. 8a . UOBK HIIX, W. Y. t$ The Year 1917 , THE MIDWEST LIFE has noW passed what is. considered In insurance circlos. as tho end of its initial dovolopmont poriod, namely, $10,000. 000, of insurance in force, $1,000,000 in assets and ton years or more in business. This com pany has accomplished all this in less than twelve years; aud no company could have ac complished it all in less than ton years, as noth ing but the flight of time can give age to an in stitutlon. Tho .ear 1917 was the Lest in tho history of this company. It issued more policies for more nsuranco than in any previous year; it made a larger not gain in insurance in force; it in creased its assets ad surplus more. This company is now operatiugMn Nebraska Kansas and Wyoming. It expects to enter Swa odTrnn nCU ' V,1? CorrPndence 13 so HcTt od from those wishing to write Insurance in tho states named and from those desiring insurance States Wher l0CatGd' if WitUiu the ' uS THE MIDWEST LIFE 'of LINCOLN, NEBRASKA N. Z. SNELL, President. Guaranteed Cost Lifo Insurance nun, uuu muuy ouiera are an at, matting of alcoholic beveraees anrl war against so obvious an enemy of also how many thousands of saloon- eiuuuuujr a mwuvuv uiiub.. aub Keepers have been turning their great growth of interest in athletic tail places into restaurants, grocery sports is also a factor making for stores, cigar stores, shoe and clothing temperance. Thus many forces and shops, and so on. A few months an bring the alcoholic evil u'nder sSme- 3E WSKSStJ?" thing like adequate control, although presOur 'capital "5 ?S "waL ng S? ',,S,P',tt0 UprT "', fr !. coins through the sarueex- .--..... "w. iaiajuuc penence. An enormous eavinjr In be possible for a good while to come, these times will be accomplilhed by txuiuus liio vuieran oncers in tnis naamg tne streets, of the. many thou movement for temperance and for sands of heavy wagons and trucks the outlawing of the drinking saloon, sent out from the breweries on their T .. x, "" "ore wormy uauy rounds to the saloons. More place than the Reverend Dr. Ferdin- necessary forms of trade should ab- and C. Iglehart. As an eloquent sorb all such wasteful activities speaker, he is known throughout the Review nt TitrJi, country; and as a writer his words ' : He has known many public men and , Miami, Fla., Jan, 1st, 1918. has had a hapd in political affairs, '.Frederick C. Iglehartj as well as a voice among the churches f, U1B xlouse -New rork. and a pen at the service of the re- My dear Sir ' : liglous press. We have now, as Dr. I write to thank you for the ifrpur Iglehart s latest contribution to the service you have .rendered the cause cause which has claimed a lifetime's of temperance and prohibition in effort, a little volume entitled, "King giving to the public the results of Alcohol Dethroned." It is not a sys- your experience and observation in tematic treatise, nor is it a history of tho book - entitled "King Alcohol the temneranfifi mnvpmonf T nn-nntnr. Tinthrrknorl .- w wuivii w AU KfKJIL 1(1,1X47 x. arguments and it also embodies his- f It comes out just at the right time ww, uui 11, ia u unique dook in its o am in securing the ratification of plan, and it reflnnf-.R mnnii f , clal knowledge and varied contacts of the writer hlmselfr Thus we tiave- chapters on the mental and physical effects of alco hol as proved by scientific tests. The who world seems now convinced of the uselessness of alcohol and its detrimental nature when used as a beverage. Dr. Iglehart has obtained for the purposes of his book the ex pressions of many men of experience and knowledge; so that his chapters, for example, upon alcohol in respect to the efficiency of industry and of labor, reflect the best current opinion Perhaps the most interesting part of the book are two chapters devoted to Lincoln's attitude on this question. Few people ahe aware" that Abraham Lincoln was a great temperance lead er in Illinois, and that he was the most active man in the group that se cured the state-wide vote of Illinois on prohibtion in the year 1855 It was by only a few thousand votes' that Lincoln and his friends failed to carry the state at tiirf Hma n-.-u.x Lincoln was a trf-n.l niiafni-n- x I allnw thn oa V7i 7"T r u..n.01 1 i,;" "". !x"fc ,llll?ur m e White , aim stooa always for every phase of opposition to the use1 of al coholic drink. Dr. Iglehart was a friend of Theo dore Roosevelt when the Colonel was J 1G tead of the police commission under Mayor Strong, in New York and made his fight for the closing of the saloons on Sunday. We have an nteresting chapter on that epteoue in the present book. There is one devoted to Mr. Bryan as a prohibiten champion, and there are several in structive chapters dealing with the abolition of the saloon in the south with prohibition in the west w 1th legislation, and with the world-wide war on alcohol. It would the amendment recently submitted. It deserves, and I doubt not will have, a large sale. And what joy you must feel in' the certainty of an early victory for the reform for which you have toiled so long and so faithfully! You have been a pioneer in the greatest moral movement of this generation; and, ItORBBr.UI! lit . STRONG, PIG-TIGHT. IffftflA fif riviA YT. At. . I.. f "Uy emlTnUed-Btrong .Hble lono-U-tlng, rost-ro- "wtlngf MceuBold direct tathe - i mm nirauuupnCHi lBJnLU.. . . 7.i:' ; "- " vrSZZSW Zt Sfiia?sJ5lW SIR asSSrissM?aE --Twnn-ii.mL , "w"a "ox Z'a Wuncl. Ind. tf kH rPw CiM i P T ri tm I dl . ; Aneumatism A Home Care Givea by One Who Had It x iuo BpriQfr or 1893 I was attsckodbv Muscular and Inflammatwy RhouSStism I Sth 0n,y tl0B0. ho tavo It knSSfor ?rihr?e years- l tr,od roniody after r. medr and doctor atler doctor, but such rellofl al roraoay mat cured mo cotuulctely and It riii.inn V tT. r,u,y n"od and oven bed- I want every sulTerer from, anr form hr SFffiX? ''iZZ l 7 wS1ofS&a" tin irv a it "" na j. win Bend it tree olcurlpR your lihwmS"1!!?"? "' P"coor it, ono dollar, bnC understand I 9 tH.J.ckrrc,c6,Daum.yi),, .- :. i-M.iMi&U3tiim14