MTryajB w i;!aaif""i;r"!L" it.2isssmmmHA l AMM ,)mAmiwu 4M NOVEMBER, 1917 Subscriber A(ftr.i$tog Dept. This department Is for tho benefit of Commoner subscribers, ana a special rate of six cents a word per Insertion tho lowest rate has been made for them. Address all communications to Tho Commoner, Lincoln, Nebraska. ECZEMA SPECIFIC WILL ABSO lutely cure eczema, salt rheum, bar bers Itch and other tkln diseases. Sent by malL $1.50. Send for recom mendations. Almklov'a Pharmacy, Cooperstown, North Dakota. WESTERN CEDAR "POSTS QUICK" In car lots to consumer. Farmers Co-operatlvo Co., Sagle, Idaho. STORIES, POEMS. PLATS, ETC., ARE wanted for publication. Good Ideas bring big: money. Submit Mss. or write Literary Bureau, 137, Hannibal, Mo. The Commoner 13 $1,000 BUTS DESIRABLE TROPICAL Fruit Grove. Tremendous sacrifice to secure quick moving:. Write immedi ately for particulars. J. Hammond, La Gloria, Cuba. WHY SUFFER " WITH CATARRH, colds and coughs, when Formol will dve you instant relief; ask for free treatment. Formol Laboratories, 133 Kensingrton, Buffalo, N. Y. RESLR SHORTHAND; WORLD'S BEST; lesson free. Reftlg, Keytesvllle, Mo. 1720 Colorado Boulevard Denver, Colo. SSE-sSS I?HSS ST:S!H3s ourgeons of North America, appealed i. . ;"at onorat8 in nations throw them torcthcr hanhararrl anil he tLfTt Pr?fe8Sl0n " Ktive1" l'Vr!dUal8- '." tb crea tmUble tan,dard at do- beforeHt,Ve upon you now aa never thorn to nnd their w In theno un nroSn iar5, elFectIveneBS-M The .nth MlIRt n . n , T , ' tried problems, and then when this to nfr nV l d?lared' must share I ontinenoo U n i Ut Ii, War ls OTtr' 8cattcr thc80 yonK Us part of the hlamo for tho "tin- t S ? Pt? 8 ?? long?r a mat- - ovr o country, xrlth all tho things pardonable prudery that endured an ' ZiZy' l?.0U?hJl m,"Bt be thc' havc lcarncd ftnd "Eht not to evil rather than have it exposed and I fn , ?f tho c'1 doctrine of have learned, we shall have lowered eradicated" s. : t has come to ho seen as , the level of the moral life of this There is not an army in the field ,"2 ! S l",tho grcat law 0 i nation In a way that we can not af- wuuse enecuveness Is not reduced by nin VTn f T 7,, , iaK0 ino ' rord t0 do- reason of social disease," said Sec-1 hi X? cIent licB' We now now I retary Daniels. "Tho navy suffers ' ftho testimony of science that there nvi: muuur. cavj retary Daniels. "Thn nn cnw ' r "" ui science mat there nvi: imimir. pipaiw.k likewise, and business halts bccanM ' ' , .i?u,? " tiioaa ,t., jx a. . . - ,mu iur mo sexes, to nrcnrh t ie 5:7:tJ ' . ;:jt. :?".-" -"JJr"'.. . . to preach immorality and a lowering' - - - 1 . 1 of manhood. I c 0?r "U cf ur t uvc nan i ur ociqc momer these diseases destroy the manhood ot workmen and fighters. During the last statistical year men of the American navy lost 141,378 days' sickness from a small group of ab- "Onlv Cln wrlll . 1 -L . .. w.j wuu mil UYUI IIHOW Inl Oil 1 In blond nnri tnnro Mint 4V.t ll i . o.wmat, iioui a smaii group or ab-in, , v-", ""' "" " i solutely preventable diseases. This ! ;,en ,from the ncart of tho world lacuna mat every aay tnroughout the i Z I V , uw,uu Ul Ult rucu I year there were 456 men disabled.! , b4een made to Pay for ,ta aubmls-i Add to that number those required ?, a orlc fahichood. Young to care for the disabled and we have cs ned' fu.ure3 cheated of prom- j --, ..,u .uaswu ujwu iu nuuui lor ' WinfnH Tr?Afo Wrlto for Lister Inventions VYdlllLU lUCUb wanted. llXW.OOO In prlzej offered for Inventions. !?cnd sketch for free opinion at pxtcntAblllty. Our four books sent free. Victor J. Evans & Co., 722 9th. WashlnKton.D. C $25 to $300 Paid Anyone FOR IDEAS or supc est Ions suitable for photoplays Experience unnecessary; complete outfit mailed FREE. JPrtIteera Xra&tte, 513, St. Z,ouin Kodak Developing and Printing TliatRatlfltlcs the most critical. Permanent prints best chemicals, latest Improved appllnnccrf. expert opcratonC Meuov baclcifuot satlstied. DevcIeptBs roll HLbih, any size, 10c each PrlHtlng, 2x4 and smaller, 3c each liStrgrcr, up to 4x5 4c each Black and white with white borders. Money re tarned for these not good enough to print. Work returned same day received, postpaid. BoHvrortk & CZt., Dept. C, Ames, IoTra ATOI9 OrEKlTUG 2 III 1 STOKES I m U jm j f.i ':i No more Gallstone ,7.1 77 (N ") Pains ot Aches In Stomach. Iiack. Sixle or Stoulrfers; Liver Trouble. Stomach Misery. DysrKpsIi, Colic. Cas, BlHuneis, Heailacfaes. Con stl ration. Flics; Calanh. Nervousness, Bluet, Jaundice, A open dlcitbt. These are common gallftone symptoms wwwrii. Soi(Horahiabte MEDICAL HOOK on IT 1? T? TP tlier, StoBineh, and Call Tronblei. J. JCV 111 111 JaBuaeKDeyCoDcpt. &S8, 219 8. Dearlora8L, Cki.aro AMERICAN STATE TRIALS The most Interesting work published in years. The pro ceedings in the trial courts of tie important 'trials from the beginning of the American . courts. Includes Statement of the Cases, Evidence, Rulings and Instructions of Court and the Addresses of Counsel. Bi ographical and Historical notes. ' Eight -volumes now out. Send for descriptive circulars. THOMAS LAW BOOK CO., St. Louis, Mo enough men en the non-effective Hat each day to man a modern battleship. Ravages in Civil Idfc, Too. "In the navy in 1915 there were admitted for treatment for these dis eases 112 persons in every 1,000, and in the army 84 for every 1,000, the number in the army having de creased from 145 to the 1,000 after the passage of an act stopping the pay of all soldiers admitted for treat ment for such disease. The new navy law stops the pay of men so af fected, and will probably reduce the ratio. These figures show a condi tion upon tho part of the minority in both arms of the service that chal lenges the thought of the author ities. "In civil life the number afflicted is quite as large proportionately as in the military service. It has been printed that Hecht, of Vienna, stated SitpluU WntOwUIMm.'.mSUm lint kit l-V.-l.-. .l y. " Imfcrr, ruMfr or wrfwM wxa aaa oocs. WaUr-tVoor, Hurt Proof, Itot-rroof hmlnthtruppm. TfclcfcMI IttMvIr. NtmaltOturraf, Warm, comfort Mr. mirtmiHi U. Ketpfmlft (daxuliUMi aod piern kkM. lint to the sins of the fathers, innocent wo- i "S av'iiZSS men roDDCd or tho rirht to hnnnv ww yt'vMt'i-' . tx. """ ua niu HkHL to nappy ,,, cirrtrftrroltrtUliwo wdrr. A tmat briar M motherhood and the virility of a n&- OVERLAND SHOE COicM t, R4.,wi. tion sapped at its very foundations. - xuuuy as never oeiore American I r manhood must be clean. We must if nave fitness. America stands in need i $ or every ounce of strength. We must j cut out the cancer if we would live." I wn)Mmm BAICER PROTEO- PLEADS FOR TION A dispatch, dated Boston, Oct. 25, sayB: Unless a net work nt wMn. tion is spread around thc soldiers In 1 1 communities adjoining the warl camps, the whole moral life of this nation will be lowered and there will be a wide extenfl!fin of nnMni diseases, said Secretary Baker in an address todav hnfnrn dm t I H function and the inlnd mum ! a rrno , uuuress louay, Deroro the Boston , t nnd happy and fro from won-Jra to clvo campaign committee of the war camp community recreation fund, which Is printed that Hecnt, or Vienna, statea . .. , " ------ 7u " that at one time the equivalent of .85,y l st,art,a drlvo for. fSOO.OOO thrAa entire Austrian divisions of,"1 w MBM" uo1 or ?700,000 J iiwy iTMTKKfxm Kw.nvsi rf.n lkiiJlll.'Jlt'alllaTilHftH1l L0L Akron Troasea efloIpBd vrilH our faiaoes Airon apoDx uuDDer 1'aua aro bo imt ui r nor to It other, tkit wb izlmAlr acad a Truss on 10 pays nuuc trial, to ANTrostnrx ed person. Yoaeoeethava toaesduaODap). Ft eotfiiljr Bxtiaf aetorr. 1 3? i'TyA.'fPHfl w - ,.. nv. . u. in iLf i'vj. B taM. ... . .M.m 1- ' -""' " " I RKUItf iUlRUISUBtRB i ' uBrAJoxmispeMeKacoerfaattaumea) , , .. . brines isatant roliff and produces thousand, or cores, it u aanitary. eztraEaelT .comlortaWe, cannot alip, aJlowa tio blood circulation, aad CoattDUally aaasaazos and strengthens wcucBca miinrirf, 1 SCROTAL PAD NEED NO LEG STRAP Oar NewAbonSporareltablxrr Scrotal rad IiolJs 8 opt of 10 caaas of acrotal haraia pSectly wi tfeoat atsap btwoao tba Jes. FREE SAMPLE PAD AND CONSULTATION J free trerr nataredparaon. Adrlea and raeonaaeBdatlOT ior onr ezplenced Fitting Expert aJao . itj,? www BiaEter ms.ta in pam ennwiw, "" ? rzyVIji bookUt. "Baf to Troaa Users' all abaohrtalr iraa. TNEAKRONTRUI8CO. 3231 mwaiUBB.AKBOM.0 j. nn nAA - . ior me war lunu. nil iiirii I'll vv itM iiniiri li raLuiciiL iiji . l .11 . ...1.11 !. n,v...n "EverV riOW nnrl fhnn nm !,, army in Belgium, representing only said Secretary Baker "I don't know a smau part ot tne total uerman forces, is reported during the first five months of its occupation to have furnished 35,000 such padents. p.n.nndin.n and Australian officers Have (deplored the ravages of this disease. The late ligures irom tne xrmsn army gave 78,000 cases, and all other countries have also been weakened. "Menace in War and Peace." "Sir William Osier places these infectious diseases at the top as a menace in war and peace. The time has come to realize that this subtlest foe of humanity must be conquered, and it can not be conquered by deny ing its existence, saying it Is a neces sary evil or applying palliatives. It is deadlier than smallpox or tuber culosis. A Canadian authority says: Its ravages today are more terrible for Britain and Canada than Vimy Kldge, tne aomiue uuu ajco. "The remedy, there is but one continence. It must be preached in the home, in the school, in the marts of trade, in the pulpit and military camps and among shipmates afloat. The eradication of the evil effects must be thorough, but the teacher who will be heard and heeded when the teachings of all others will fall on deaf ears is the word of authority from the medical profession. "You, gentlemen, of the medical profession, deal with life and death. You bring the bodies into the world and you close the eyes otyhe dead. 100 OF HEALTH i AIRDTCAL Trltw hnn rntlmated that ' li.OWO.OOO rx-oplo In the U. H. (al moHt aa many aa the population of ' N. Y. City) have Improved thHr marital ' and pbvnlta.1 hrnlth and now llva with out calling a doctor, bf-oauin of our PL'Dl.lCATIONS. COUKKfTPONDEKCH COimUHS of TltKATJlENT nnd IN STRUCTION; PKHKONAL TI175ATMKNT and SAXITATITTTM PAMB nA tVTTTir' n TION IN I'dtSONAL CLAKSBM at our ocnooi ana mimarinm. Our IwenlT vear rfrwA nlnint.l , i proves tho value ot our nyaUm o( bal Ins;, which retitorra 100 OP HEALTH in mono wno nara orcn repaatt-my oia- 1 aDDoInfad In their attartm to find relief I elsewhere. Kvcry nerve, tlacuo and oriran mtwt , ho flctlvf, full of vitality and normnl In , infit ntp 11 xr at pit riftr KlnntlkAnth Afinrtnf frtinlfur Mt1x an Inlratlnu Btory of the - mindly f TninifiiiniiR r'limm wn I mil D nfi " ratified tn liu riiaiif-. and v will notid It " to you postpaid upon ro'jutnt. mum school ahd sanitarium 1 Dt M NEVADA, MO. I These Four Standards Make the Mitchell Cars Unique These standards In tho past few yeara have multlpllr-d the Mitchell prestige. They are crrattfn? new criterion! for strenstli, beauty and equipment. Every buyer of a fine car should mcafcure what U y rman. ' FIRST EFFICIKXCY TIIIltD COMPIJSTISN ICSS The baBis of all is factory effl- Then wo found that most car buy ciency. crs bought fxtras for their cr. We We build the whole car chassis learned what those extras were, and and bodies under these up-to-date added them to Mitchells. Now methods. They have cut our labor Mitchells embody 31 feature which cost in two. And those vast savings nearly all car omit, pay for all our extra values. . FOURTH LUXURY SECOND OVER-STRENGTH T,,en wc jmvo mAde thc. Mltrhells Three years ago we adopted tho tho handsomest cars In their class. standard of 100 per cent over- In tho past yoar alone we have added strength. That meant to double our 25 per cent to the luxury cost of margins of safety in every import- those cars. ant part. And it means, we believe, a life- We regard these standards a os tJme car. Two mitchclls have al- sential in a high-grad car today, ready run over 200,000 miles each. In a car that you buy to Keep Oo The average repair cost has been re- soe our latest models and we know duced about 75 per cent. you will agree. MITCHELL MOTORS CO., Racine, Wb., U. S. A. V 91525 Mitchell A roomy 7 - passenger Six, wJth 127 - inch wheelbase and a high ly developed 48-horse-power motor. Also Town Car and Limousine. TWO SIZES 'lIstM&2& sixes All Prices t o. b. Racine. 91ZSO Mitchell Jun ior A 2 or i pas senger Six on similar lJnes, with 120-Inch wheelbase and a 40-horsc-power motor. Quarter inch smaller bore. ljfcl'fetSUj to-t----J --;