The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, April 01, 1917, Page 32, Image 32

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The Commoner
V0L- 17, NO. 3.
I ... MMM
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4 '
'Mill "Am All! vtWSM1&$3SlM?
rl want square men to act as my special Sales represent
atives in every county. I want hustling, energetic, ambi
tious reiiows, anxious 10 mano uig. money, who are wiiuug
to work with me. I want to show you and every other honest
man who bolioves in fair play and a square deal how to make
$300 profit and expenses every month. I want to show you
how to make more money, easier, quicker, more sure and
certain than you over did before in all your life. I want you
to ndvortiso, sell, and appoint local ngonts for the most sen
sational seller In fifty your9 the startling invention that has
sot the entire country agog .
Hero's an absolutely now invention. Nothing else, like it.
Has taken tho entire country by storm. Solves the bathing
problem. Gives every homo a modern, up-to-date bathroom
in any part of tho house No plumbing, no waterworks
needed. Take full length baths in any room; upstairs, down
stairs, bed room, sick room, parlor, kitchen, any room in the
house. The Robinson Tub folds in' small roll, handy as an
umbrella. Rivals expensive bathroom. Constructed of the
wonderful "Stooline" material. I toll you it's Great! Re
member it is needed in every home'. Means modern bathing
facilities for all the people. A godsend to humanity."
I want you to handle your county. I'll furnish demon-
What others arc doing YOU dan do, Road thesa.records:
wnrdH!, Ttf. T5 Smlfli
phio, $90 wookly profit. Meyers, Wis., $250 first month.'fBeaslpy, Neb., 835
profit first 4 hours. Newton, Calif., $G0 in 3 days. -' Mathias, Florida, $120 In
2 days. Corrigan, N. Y., $114 in CO hours. C. H, Ttrempr, Ind., $35 profit first
6 hours. W. F. Hincard, Now Mexico, $35 in 2 days. , Average men, average
salos, average towns. Undeniable Proof of the Big Monev to bo made by
hustlers everywhere. Tho Robinson Tub isJbadlvwanfrui nnrt onirnviv
lk..l.t -.- r . o 7
UU 11& 111. . ,
stratlng tub on a liberal basis. I'm positive, yes, I'm abso
lutely certain that you can make bigger money in a week
with me than you ever made in a month before, Hustlers,
east, west, north, south, are simply coining money. Orders,
orders, everywhere. For remember, fully 70 per cent of the
people have no bathrooms. You can take the orders right
and left. Quick sales and immense profits. Two sales a day
means $300' a month profit. Stop and realize the tremendous
possibilities. Look around you. Be amazed. Your neigh
bors, friends, relatives, have no bathrooms. They are eager
for one; never had the opportunity to install one. You step
in; show the tub. Sale's made, profit sure.
Why, I don't care if you never sold anything before in
all your life, you can make good big money with me.
You're honest? You're square? Of course you are. You've
got grit,' ginger, gumption? Of course you have. You want
to make good? You want to make big money? Sure you do.
Well, that's all I ask. If you are willing to do your best,
backed by my co-operation and help, you can blast out the
bigges't financial success of your career. I grant credit, you
know, so money can't hold you back. 1 furnish sample on
liberal plan. I help you out arid back you' up. So don't let
doubt drag you back. You have nothing to lose. My other
men are building homes, starting bank accounts, so can you.
O, ,
" ".' . !...- B 1 ... .
See how-' pleased these people are: "Delighted with Tiih- m nn ,
It." Mrs. Je'nntf .JBall, Miss. "Bath Tub O. il Just rijht slS." w ,?mS
Iff'- jfl
Ohio. "Our Tub'MH'.hdftn In rlnllv uno Tt m ; "r' '' vvn. uenz,
"Hayo been using your Tub. Could not do w'iti, mh.' V "aJ"'N' T.
Town.. 'Rrt'hlnnnri rnU flrdi- nlna'o." nitr.- A ir .. -
'Robinson Tub first class,1
Mra n n nr..
Chas. A. Masslo, Wash. ' "Tub ' arrived
Itomombfcr this: Tho Robinson Fold
ing Bath. Tub, equipped with our Spe
cial Outlet Emptying Device makes the
tub positively self-omptylng. HoW con
venient and handy this is. After the
bath no fuss and bother emptying the
tub. By tho time you'ro dressed tho
tub Is emptied, ready to lay away. All
tho conveniences of a modern up-to-dato
bath-room, and yet tho Folding
Tub does not take up spaco or be in the
way when not In use. No special room
need bo set aside as a bathroom unless
desired. Any room can bo made into a
bathroom in 5 minutes time. Is It any
wonder users are dolightod, and agents
aro enthusiastic? Tho Robinson Fold
ing Bath Tub demonstrates its value
Immediately upon showing. It is tho
Ideal bathing equipment for Very
home, city, country or town, for camp-!
ing, etc., as well as the one dcsirablo
tub for tho slck-room.bed-room, parlor,
living room or kitchen; any room can
be made into a bath-room in a jiffy. All
tills without plumbing, waterworks or
extra expense. After the Initial cost
there aro no further expenses to pay..
Every homo everywhere Itf just walt
'ng for tho Robinson Folding' Tub.
Children and all delighted." C. R. Loucks, I,a. "Wo ill took a bath it ,?
isa daisy'- O; L. -Morris; Ore. "After testlnir vnt, ok ' ?" ' " s.urc
wonder and crlvdaVehilrn- satlsfnnHnn n r ivrXrI" .," Bttjr' ll burcii ,s a
JZ2i$gRxgW3Szr iar
saUsfaction," O. P. Morgan, Ohio.
Yes, join the many who are making bigger money than they ever did be-
fpre. You don't need to quit your regulnr job rlsbt noiv. Try the business out
'evenings, Saturday afternoons, whenever you have a llttlo spare time. Seo that
.all I tell you is so. Then quit your job. Say good-bye to the time-clock; say
good-bye to grinding work and meagre pay. Bid your pay-check pals farewell
forever. Just for a chango you bo the. Iiohh. You can do it.. I know after one
i wook of spare time effort you will bo eager to devote all your time to the salo
of the Robinson Folding Bath Tub. You will bo amazed. You will sav "Mv
luck was surely with me when I got acquainted with Robinson."
I wish that I might call a meetlne of all nmhit.inna ri ., a x,.
1 might talk to them and toll them of tho tremendous possibilities in thla : bual"
ness; show them the sales my other representatives are maklmr- convin
fc thom beyond tho possibility of doubt that here at last is the chanco'thov hS
Sb6en waiting for; tho "Opportunity" that is said to knock at eve?? man's don?
vonce. If I could only look you squarely In tho oyo and tell you alf thn fnX
jabout this wonderful business; if I could only lay before you undeniable ? proS
i.atackB of letters and orders on my desk; If I could show voS on !,
letter trom itouinson Kepresentatlves Hesitate? Why. man. vo VvoiVuwf
Every Robinson Folding Bath Tub
-that leaves our factory la guaranteed
for ten years against any defect In
manufacture. This Is due to the re
markable invention "Steeline," tho ma
terial used In tho construction of the
Robinson Folding Tub. Constructed
with this material tho tub can be, and
Is, guaranteed for ten years. Should it
prove defective a new tub Is immedi
ately furnished In Its place. This guar
antee protects every customer for a
period of ten years. Steeline makes
the Tub soft and pliable, yet strong
and lasting. The tub can not spill, tip
or splash. Just as strong and durable
In use as tho ordinary enamel tub, but
In convenience so far superior. In
buying tho Robinson Tub, customers
take absolutely no risk. They aro guar
anteed agalrist defects by our liberal,
binding guarantee. Families every
where boost the Robinson Tub to their
friends which makes tho sales come
fast and sure for our representatives.
Surely tho . ideal bathing equipment
without one objectionable feature.
ndth part of a second. You would drop everything, your
3, like a "hot potato," and say "Robinson, I'm with you.
slow. Let me tell you the amazing story of "Steeline ;
" Special Commoner Coupon
II&S; fuublHNOH, PreN't.
VW$ihlmti 'MfB CV Fc Bid, Toledo, -.Onto. -'
RP30Mmonth o'oks. good; to me. yrlto me and toll' mo nil nivA,,f ",v,
58S8WW lana hVV Ican this ig money actinias ?oViejBentath"e
TKW obligates me in no way. ." -v.' ..- ' " 4I,r?9nt.Oi,jJ,e. v
t a. . . .:, vT-: . " v- . ,-. : ' ..
-aC-yaM ' ..VW . . ' - i K ' " . .. , ; , ,------.
n!, iva ' . -,-".. , ?.
Town. :
State I
hesitate for the thousandth
job, your other business, 111
, .f'S" " coupon ueiow. Jet me tell you the amazing story of -ateeiuiti ,
let-mo tell you of that ingenious device that makes the tub self-emptying;
Inr v a f a11 .a ii. . mm . . 1 1 nrt tc
w .u to,i juu oi mo years or seir-sacniicing experimental woric; ine -
of unremitting effort in the worklntr out of n,n ldfin.l: nerfect bathing facill- I
ties for every home, that tho rich, the poor, the high, tho lowly, might have
tno comfort and convenience, the pleasure and luxury of a modern bathroom. mo tell you of this wonderful invention as it Is today, an article which I
honestly believe to be tho greatest invention for tho average American home
of tho past century. I can't tell you all this in person, so send tho coupon
below and lot mo write you a long letter.
I want to tell you tho entire story. Then you can decide whether or not
you appreciate tho Immense possibilities of the business I want you to start
in. You will read of hundreds of men in your position who were at first skep
tical, then curious, then enthusiastic, who aro making bigger money today
than over thought possible In their most roseate day dreams. I will tell you
!iw on? amb,itIous person in each community can connect with "Opportunity,
get a stranglo-hold on success; kn'ow tho blessed stimulus of financial inut
pondence. You will then realize, knowt and appreciate the fact that Ijonff"
and ambition combined with tho right proposition and backed by conscien
uous effort are tho only requisites to an abundant success.
DYs'rsin tWs coxlpjpn right now'. Don't send mo a single .penny, "on
moii li y Postage, Don't send me any remuneration at an. J"-ya'j The
ShnLv!1? counon' -That is all I ask. By sending th'tf coupon you fflveme in
$i?rt&pft'e rWvvbrd X have said. Let me prove every statement. J
me tell. j4pu. tho wholffhthusirtif. ambltlorf-awalcenlng story of a treinenao
warm-wide success will you do this?- Ofcourse'you will. bffn "IIU
thocoupon how!
H. S, ROBINSON, Pres't
.va, I4A6, jtf, UUJLU ';-. "-'
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