WW" The Commoner TOL. 17, NO. 32 3. I - r u M$a IT- 1 jd Surgeons Chicago) Sq; Formerly House Physician and bur in Cook County Hospital Chicago) Ptoessor of Obstetrics, Edmond K. Moras, M. D . Harvard University Meaical School, 'So; College of Physicians and geon r.it -.r nr... ...'tst.. .. c... ......... ....A college oj l riysmuns urn aurjcvin nnncf. What Others Say! Doctor Moras has written a Common sense Book on xlutology, and by so doing lias placed the Standard of --uio-t3n,oa -oc -iioaun turaior totne" iront man" any-other- man who has lived for a thousand years. ELBERT HUBBARD. I have read your Autology with care. It has been of unusual interest throughout, and from beginning to end makes a splendid environment for producing activo thought. LUTHER BURBANK. I have seen some criticisms' of Autology that make me smile and I should like to say that about all the health magazines I know will be compelled to gjjt more knowledge before they will ever be able to bring to gether as much vital and truthful knowledge, in so Bmall a space, as is contained in Autology. The truth is that the backbone of the book A,utology is fundamental, furnishing a basis on' which readers with tho right kind of brains can build their own the ory and practise of eating and otherwise caring for their health. DR. J. H. TILDEN, Editor of "The Philosophy of Health," Denver, Colo. Autology saved my life. Three of the best physicians hero told me I would be compelled to have an opera tion for Appendicitis. Nevertheless I have had no pain or indications of it since following 'Autology eight years ago. It has 'been nothing less than a "Godsend" to me. MRS. C. K. G. (Name on request) Dr. Moras -has written a book that every man, woman and child owes it to his intelligence to read and study. It is called "Autology and Autopathy," which, being liberally translated, may be construed, "He That Knows Himself May Cure Himself.',' Whiles it is a '.'medical" book in the common acceptance of the term, there isn't a word about medicines in the entire work. But there is more hard commonsense, more in formation concerning the care of the body in health and disease, more advice about diet for brain, nerve and body-building than in tho entire libraries of the world besides. Ethically and professionally, the au thor of this really remarkable book stands high, but the contents of the book aro such as to place him high abovo his follows, and It will stand a a moument to him after his professional record Is forgotton. The book In worth fSOO.OO to ny mnn who carcn for IiIn own nhyNlcnl wel fare, or tho health of wife and uablca. THE DENTAL. SUMMARY, Vol. 31, No. 5, May, 1911. I am getting hotter of the hardening of the arteries t all dizziness and heart thumping have disappeared. E C C (Name on request. . . Wo consider Autoloy one of the most wonderful books over written. "PHYSICAL CULTURE" MAGAZINE Science for the Prevention of POOR HEALTH The secret of Health and Vigor lies not hidden -in musty medical books nor is it concealed behind the bulgy brows of the busy diag nosticians. The secret of Health and yigor lies in yourself. It is within the reach of all. It is a case of knowing some fundamental "whys" and "wherefores" about yourself Man's normal state is perfect health. The idea that we must have a "family physician" is absurd. Because at thelast all the doctor does, or can do, is to assist Nature. Sometimes he does not. Then itus said to be a "serious case." i The proposition is why not give Friend Nature a show in the first place? Why not study the problems she has to contend with and endeavor to assist her yourself? Why not redeem yourself before you are "down and out" ? That is what Dr. Moras teaches you how to do in his book on the science of Autology. Autology, you might say, is the "Science for the Prevention of Neglect and Abuse to the Human Body." And by the same token it is the "Science for the - Prevention of Disease and Poor Health" and "The Guide to Youthful fild Age.' a Dr. Edmond R. Morashas made the pathology of disease his life work. Through his twenty-eight years of private practise and hospital experience he has collected volumes of scientific data con cerning poor health and disease, its cause and inception. And his conclusion is summed up in two pregnant words "Know Thyself" Autology. AUTOLOGY is painstakingly and accurately compiled. It is clear and understandable. It is written for the layman, giving him all the experience of the time-tried, successful practi tioner. It has proven a source of inspiration to untold thou sands. It has meant a release from sickly, inefficient, devitalizing existencevinto a healthy, happy, successful life. It can do the same for you. Free "Guide to Autology" For your further information Dr. Moras wants to send you free of charge his explanatory booklet, "Guide to Autology," describing and discussing AUTOLO&Y. It contains much valu able information, and, like 'its' Big Brother, is written in a style - piquant and absorbing. Send for your free copy today. There is no obligation. Address : EDMOND R. MORAS, M. D., 514 Sheridan Road, Highland Park, 111. 3B