"VT" tffornvrw" w -rgfiwrWfSWWJ The 25 rrmmi wffii nr. An Appeal f gh: Pea ace f OrDWr I II " K &s& vtOuvnn Sui veto. &x3axsztfL a. aa?ii ttst sseo &tez aronwu. Vimx "valhem iir 3ilr;ff 3S&azxjj "2uC W ii&te ar&Mtt&c eta: ami esztssi SaC a am jSbwmz -xm&vwl Sate xwaaf it jfsacfc Ys&vakoiz IBM r&a & xurnsugSmt -. 2ik& &te (CM xwA t&otOc mi vw&be&z mrtfo & 6snaS, Yjxwrtsz tSs&sl the &fx7xat& mi "Sax? &3ta&& &&&& fa, $&&&! itodtts&t &. H fa &s&e MkuuA I ?&tmv x&z $etaJtQte mi t&e fedca mi f&& &. ismm vluatemw eyrmx&vz H ion, Zh&xl. limsxmmsturrt $ skikjls T t&fa: & rwa-sexAsuL mi Hue Wste& Sfcc itMA && iSb i May fb&jep&aag, esaa& " Ytt rfreimeaA. mi &: X&&A &&e&x. i&&& rv$m tSm &: wr s&an&i eti >oc&&&i z& ZAte&m && fjwv&Tm&Bk mi X&& ZtvH& w&yWm2sAH& tit i& thatf. c?tU& vteojo, hjrljte ttj?rte-l rrrrii'x w&s mi &?s 4ik ts- t&w&mTimr4gr. wT?&N8k lMfr f ta.a usA. for z fmttseut wvmzte, vt Ur. as, m?atU tteu raezx "aj Gtrtszu. tz&t v7 or Ja the tHzte&xt ?&&(&. 't& v&i. &&- txMbkt&niz, U&poivtthtHtT In sntSi ssatoax is ttntfe, not Joint, fwfate, jwa rttetlrhS '"To tttlx wtUi ttl Urn btk ot l&z.y lite ixzwfal vmwfiAW j&e&RAXczz , hunfizd t tUn vsKreUzy of izz, tf vith z. tunasA rtVif k. vwxswrzuAnta larhith amt&i&zd "Titr. imptfteX Yrtttmaunt therefore &ra rtol doubt that the gorraaeot ot thts Vnited ZUtUtK will nudtv.:id thfi zitnziion thnx forced npon Germany ty thi envmUi Mw? timtal Muthodz ot yt-K.r &ud by their dztermlttztirm to dtttroy the tntrl ierx znd thzt the trtem ment of thn United Hl&ua Trill fnrther r&Mvi tb'At the now openly dlxtAofsA tntznlitmx ot the ffttUmU! zllUa ire nufr to Germany the free dtin of utAion which ix reterved In it note ad drewA to the r.oierumenl ot the United States on Mscy 4, in5, '"Under thexe Arnm&rujb Geriazny will meet the Illegal wrdnre ot her tmetn'e by forcibly preventing alter Yebru&ry 1, 1917, In mine zrtmnd Great Britain, France and Italy and In th aXutern Mediterranean, all naviga tion, that of neutral included, trom and to Eng land and trum and to France, etc., etc. All shlpa wet within the 'Mine will he mink "1 think that yon will agree with me that, in yfewr of thin deelaratfon, which uddenly and without prior Intimation ot any kind, deliber ately withdraw the solemn aurance given in the imperial governments note ot the 4th of May, I'JIO, thi'A government had no alternative conxfaUint with the dignity and honor of the United 8tate, hut to take the counje which, in ltn note ot the igth of April, in C, It announced that It would take In the event that the German government did not declare and effect an aban donment of the method of ubmarine warfare which It wa then employing and to which It now purpoitbH again to remrtJ ' mSLATIONB ARK SEVERED "1 have, therefore, directed the secretary of wlftte -to announce to Ills excellency, the German urnhaKHftdor, that nil diplomatic relations be tween the United Htatesi and the German owr pJrc are severed, and that the American am- && XbS& &vwzz5xa2 act ams ti fsts amax es Stsfi mamazMz of. issateOi Sr tint TPfasOmm s. Zx& psoas anwgSnmisfeiw 1 'ZsSzose to st zz & is. Ifa totexusfrm. i "Cla fevziissL xnseStoxrxSzz sk (ftp fo fiaua -ySii rSo&y iaan? -rszwxL ur &esr itfSL && &.ve &asL i&e? urtE SatitnaL jaj 2 -zzsgszL s h a$udxaut fefemlhfij iteSzpz&r. Sussr 3sE5& aao cjet Jim&fbvixii. j&a&z &o& uZ& tl& Jhvs. si JjzesZ&sn tgstzzzuc in t2a? -&3Sgx$ pncsisisL f tit? rtiSi- me. &&k -pact tzsz jazZta zia TmM&t: k ozfssl -ysrur, H S&&& woSB5a (sea arj jas Se. i&e 26c5r SXH&. a&z?ftvtm Wfz j&oo&S. fee Zaud. lift isgzMsz&S. ieugt mi te&zvas&mE&l isrr -zzrfi && &&&! &&. fe siC oanaaasifeT; I 3&3M 7S&& iSos fBhfizzr &E saay at mAszxKasrr Uk s& &zm&c&ma f ecsr 22. soai s Msr 555 in s&s 5cBatfeB ef bir tieest ail sessral arreranaeBt: irfM s iueao mmtar&z. E&s Wa met ae. sire 227- oa5 cmaiSlts: -srfti. 1 fc5rJtiI (QrsstsK OTvarsseaj- We as s&& time:: fsrieo&e mi &&. Gvrz&a &&& ss ezz7- Sfafest tx&i i5sis ior tieesz 17 z 2&2B. soc b&- Hrr tstt tfcer are bcasSs to ee ti y j. ill ve are &cdfe? to l&?re it; zsS. -e &&& BtK'efag V2fnt thzn the rz&&-jzz&ia gtzless? &z zs& terre bo xti&ite vote- We ssei mszty to zzzea true zXfrp fz tho&zZi a.r-4 1 202 o tbs fcs 22ccil sriBi5is onr roste- ttM? t .t o&ly tvo tbt&Szs; zgo sfc rssrsir t3 TisdSeaie ocr rJg&t to liberty a.sd fisstS&z acd aa ss-eo-Vzsz&l life, Tae& are b& &es of peses, set urarv God grast tfeat -jre jnay sfot be eaallfeked to dfeskd t&em by acts of Tsillfel lajastice on tfe& part of the goreTEment of nprTjr" XKXT OF PRESIDENT TVBLSOX-S f XVIXATIOX TOXKCXRALS A Washington dispztzh, dated Feb. 4, s&ts The Treddevi'z inritation to uentrzls to loi lov his action fn breaking off relations irlth Germany jzs contained in instructions to American diplomats to announce the break with Germany to the goremments to vhich they axe. accredited. It was contained in the following Ji,T?irlL!i?BIedltel7B0tlfj' tbe screm roent to wWcfa you are accredited that the United States, because of the German gorera- ments recent annonncement of its intention to renew unrestricted Eubmarine warfare, has no choice but to follow the course laid don in itenote of April 18, ISIS (the Su-ex note). It haS, therefore, recalled the American am- haEKador from Berlin and has delivered pass- sL German ambassador to the United ''Say alflo that the President is reluctant to believe Germany actually will carry out her threat against neutral commerce, but if it be done the President will ask congress to author ze ue of the national, power to protect Tmer iflfrii citizens engaged In their peaceful and lawful cYrandH en the seas. peac.eruI and "The course taken is, In the President's view, entirely In conformity with the principles peace) " I)roposlDS world league W "He believes It will make for the peace of the world if other neutral powers iannd ft POBslble to taVe similar action d !t M.7or; f"y and immediatefr on the re ception of this 'announcement 4d upon the suggestidn as to airailar action " -yigffi Mfcgigafe aamrcie aseitffiaoi. -iny agjjisii Sir or aDSsr33r Se tefc- -rmi iff 3sjuima2r rcam Tffta: Ssnnais- 3xr - anna; 32zasf in Me aifisis, ian 5n iaaum vz && a: asiEicsas?- s rest asr TYtff 31 TffiWi as csrn &xb fin- SnsaipacL tit hihs. act 5ar Sse 312558 Sn gm tagH. ieBr to carrr ms. ta T?r3l cC 5Sa5r ffisaaaena: 3 I22S CTSiT.F 33ESS 0 jnfife: 9ML jy j 2 iTfgP? S CUGa 22S u2fcBl S6jaSffi.T jr z. &-3X&. ssnassS, sasS iKi siaaE feel rDKrfel is resscifes 2s "srMci. - rscLrt "i ri- . b. ttsp as sjj ivsre, sag aaraszlx . 25. ?is2S tie fSefeaoB ol car rir iif -J szeziSoz ei &zr 23Dsns3, -rre ssaj in Inrr?: &k; tie IsJcTBas TriSgri sre ss5r trrs. zirl siSsE xre iscsdeai to thzsz kt k S e&exi c4Ler as ane 5a. so case iacaf: ?jr-nrr t. "We csa snsr 3ecg Eiscr-. a f ja sfez. 233 forcariEg firy Tire cscM if rjiej Its Pnesafest, in cii EaSte zsctl - v- i--. lfgers2, as asied tat tbej fesr ta i rc rsSISoss ot acEsa lypfsgs xae sh ajeaf ire of rsoore lhaa fifty QBoes s- siej. n; cose together ia aa BcnHESce se&es. vi can expect szich. 2a eihiiats. c tttk 17 tfeeia, are -ye zkjc in dsty bE2e s seatr tj to tae ssasda.rd TrMca "are bare f- uset" Tsere are sereral alterEstrrss fnas ijii to choose. First, ve can. pcsyt3&e 3z.r2 Oi -arar is orer tfee settleneat oC zz? izszrx "wbica eai uot now be settled sy jnsifxl means. Second, ire caifSreep JLssici cn2 oS belligerent snips. Tliird. -we ctr rf2rc clearance to ships of the United Scues iri other neatral coantries carrjic KL:nini and passengers on the same ship. Fcirt, v can "withdraw protection frozn Aseri-fi- ctf zeas irho- are trilling to jeopsreiie tie ra tion's peace by traveling as searses "sriii ccr. traband on American or neutral Teasels- Fifti. we can, if necessary, "keep all Arsericir: tsscIs ont of the danger zone for the presest,-jiit as the mayor of a city keeps dtiies is tcir homes Trhen a mob is in possession of ie street Sixth, congress, which has exclusiTe pc-er 10 declare war, can submit tbe declaration :o referendnm , rote, making exception ia cise cf actual inTasion. Other alternatves are likely to be sgst2 We can not depend nporu.precedent to iscc 12 unprecedented situation. The most inporurt thing is that the officials at "Washinstos siiu know that the people at home protest arairit entering this war on .either side, snUs tts frightful expenditure of blood and treasure: that they are not willing to send Acerican soldiers across the Atlantic to march nnder t-e banner of any European monarch or to die on European soil in settlement of European qcr rels; and that they are not willing to ssrres der the opportunity" to render a supreme 5r to the world as a friend of all and peacemaker when peace is possible. wire immediately to tne i-reiuc, . senators and yonr congressmen. A few c j now may save many dollars m i- possibly a son. (Signed) w. x brTAX. &f wr' -"k.!)