4.-m.-""mtrw "? wjy ''-ti"TH'' s-?1 The Commoner 10 "VOL. 17, NO. 2 rw ,i German Note to the United States A Washington dispatch, dated Jan 31, says: Following Is the text of the note handed to Sec retary of Stato Lansing by Count von Bernstorff, the German ambassador: "Mr. Secretary of State: Your excellency was good enough to transmit to the Imperial govern ment a copy of the message which the President of tho United States of America addressed to the senate on tho 22d Inst. Tho Imperial govern ment has given It tho earnest consideration which tho President's statements deserve, In spired, as they are, by a deep sentiment of re sponsibility. "It Is highly gratifying to the imperial gov ernment to ascertain that the main tendencies of this Important statement correspond largely to tho desires and principles professod by Ger many. "Those principles especially include self-government and equality of rights for all nations. Germany would bo sincerely glad If in recog nition of this principle countries like Ireland and India, which do not enjoy the benefits of polit ical independence, should now obtain their free dom, "The German people also repudiate all alli ances which serve to force the countries into a competition for might and to involve them in a net of selfish intrigues. "On the other hand, Germany will gladly co operate in all efforts to prevent future wars. Tho freedom of the seas, being a preliminary condition of the free existence of nations and tho peaceful intercourse between them, as well as the open door for the commerce of all na tions, has always formed part of the leading principles of Germany's political program. "All the more tho imperial government re grots that the attitude of her enemies, who are "SO'outlnaVr oppoood to -pcaoo, makoo it impossible for the world at present to bring about the re alization of these lofty ideals. "Germany and her allies were ready to enter now into a discussion, of peace and had set down as a basis tho guaranty of existence, honor and free development of their peoples. "Their aims, as has been expressly stated in tho note of December 12, 191G, were not direct ed toward the destruction or annihilation of their enemies and were, according to their con viction, perfectly compatible with the rights of tho other nations. "As to Belgium, for which such warm and cordial sympathy is felt in the United States, the chancellor had declared only a few weeks previously that its annexation had never formed part of Germarty's intentions. "The peace to bo signed with Belgium was to provide for such conditions in that country, with which Germany desires, to maintain friendly neighborly relations, that Belgium should not bo used again by Germany's enemies for the pur pose of instigating continuous hostile intrigues. "Such precautionary measures are all the more necessary, as Germany's enemies have re peatedly stated not only in speeches delivered by their leading men, but also in the statutes of the economical conference in Paris, that it is their intention not to treat Germany as an equal, oven after peace has been restored, but to con tinue their hostile attitude and especially to wage a automatical economical war against her. "The attempt of the four allied powers to bring about peaoe has failed owingto the lust of conquest of their enemies, who desired to dic tate tho conditions of peace. Under tho pretense of following tho principle of nationality, our en emies have disclosed their real aim in this way, viz:, to dismember and dishonor Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria. "To the wish of reconciliation, they oppose the will of destruction. They desire a fight to tho bitter end. "A new situation has thus been created which forces Germany to new decisions. Since two years and a half, Engtynd is using her naval power for a criminal attempt to force Germany into submission by starvation. In brutal con tempt of international law the group of powers Ida 'by England does not only curtail the legiti mate trade of their opponents, but they also, by ruthless pressure, compel- neutral countries either to altogether forego every trade not agreeable to the entente powers or to limit it according to tholr arbitrary decrees. "Tho American government knows the steps which have been taken to cause England and her allies to return to the rules of international law and to respect the freedom of the seas. "The English government, however, insists upon continuing its war of starvation, which does not at all affect tho military power of its opponents, but compels women and children, the sick and the aged, to suffer for their country pains and privations which endanger the vitality of the nation. Thus British tyranny mercilessly increases the sufferings of the world, indiffer ent to the laws of humanity, indifferent to the protests of the neutrals whom they severely harm, indifferent even to the silent longing for peace among England's own allies. "Each day of tho terrible struggle causes new destruction, new sufferings. Each day shorten ing tho war will, on both sides, preserve the life of thousands of brave soldiers and be a benefit to mankind. "The imperial government could not justify before its own conscience, before the German people and before history the neglect of any means destined to bring about the end of the war. Like the President of the United States, the imperial government had hoped to reach this goal by negotiations. "After the attempts to come to an under standing with the entente powers have been an swered by the latter with the announcement of an intensified continuation of the war, the im perial government in order to serve the wel fare of mankind in a higher sense and not to wrong its own people is now compelled to con tinue the fight for existence again forced upon it with the full employment of all the weapons which are at its disposal. "Sincerely trusting that the people and gov ernment of the United States will understand the motives for this decision and its necessity the imperial government hopes that tti United States may view the new situation from the lofty heights of impartiality and assist, on their part to prevent further misery and unavoidable sac rifice of human life. "Inclosing two memoranda regarding the de tails of the contemplated military measures at sea, I remain, etc. "(Signed , "J. BERNSTORFF." BANGER ZONE FOR SHOPS OUTLINED BY GERMANY ' A Washington dispatch, dated Jan. 31, says Following is the official text of annex to the German note presented to the state department by Count von Bernstorff: ni MEMORANDUM "From February 1, 1917, sea traffic will be stopped with every available weapon and 4m, out further notice in the foTlowTng oloclade" zones around Great Britain, France ItalvTm? in the eastern Mediterranean. y nd in "In the north: "The zone is confined by a HrP it 1 ,i no?Tr?fN0rWay' a-"ne from ttere across the point ttlZmhiZlT- ftJ?h" t0 a of the Pavre (T Islands fro B0"thern Pnt point 02 degrees northTlu degree TS degrees north, 16 degrees west the i t0 " north, 20 degrees wrt i iTI n B7 degrees degrees LT??rthS W,7US " Flntsterre, and at a d stanL S f"6! from C along the north coas of SnafnTn I Sem'les boundary. paln to th French "In the south: minutes north and 0 decree "1' 3,8 degrees 20 west of a zone slxtv-onp lit ?' also north and north AfrC ta k EKW'. 7B the onSitde west. For mlL t $ sone with Greece thnr f 1.1-., width of twenty sea miles north and 'eaTofV . following line. Thirty-eight decreea Z? f the 6 degrees east to 38 degrees nSSTaSllo '? grees west to 37 degrees north and 11 ! de 30 minutes east to 34 degrees north and 22T grees 30 minutes east. 22 do" "From there leads a zone twenty ... ii west of 22 degrees 30 minutes eastern Wu ?8 into Greek territorial waters lon8Uude "Neutral ships navigating these hwi,,i zones do so at their own risk. "ckade "Although care has been taken that neutral ships which are on their way toward ports 0 the blockade zone on February l, 1917 have come in the vicinity of the latter, will be spared during a sufficiently long period 1 i! strongly advised to warn them with all aVa 1 abe means in order to cause their return "Neutral ships which on February 1 are in ports of the blockade zone can with the same safety leave them. me "The instructions given to the commanders of German submarines provide for a sufficiently long period during which the safety of passeng ers on unarmed enemy passenger ships is guar- "Americans en route to the blockade zone on enemy freight steamers are not endangered as the enemy shipping firms, have time to prevent such ships from entering the zone. "Sailing of regular American passengers shins may continue undisturbed after February l, J.J17, l . 4(a) The port of destination is Falmouth. "(b) Sailing to or coming from that port course is taken via the Scilly Island and about 50degrees north 20 degrees west. "(c) The steamers are marked in tho follow ing way, which must not be allowed to other vessels in American ports: "On ships hull and superstructure three ver tical stripes, one meter wide each, to be painted alternately white and red. Each mast should show a large flag checkered white and red and the stern the American national flag. "Care should be taken that, during dark, national flag and painted marks are easily rec ognizable from a- distance and that the boats are well lighted throughout. "(d) One steamer a week sails in each di rection, with arrival at Falmouth on Sunday and departure from Falmouth on Wednesday. "(e) United States government guarantees that no contraband (according to German con traband list) is carried by those steamers." THE OAIili OF THE NATIONS Wanted, more men for the dead and the dy- ' ' . ing, Yonder where many a river runs red, Heaped in the war-riven trenches are lying Men must be found who can die in their stead, Ever the call of the cannon roars louder; "Hurry us troops till we're sated again,' March forth battalions of food lor our powder, Search through the world for them wanted, more men!" Wanted, more men for the best have been taken; Their rifles are silent, their war songs are stilled, Their posts are deserted, their banners for saken Never againbean they kill or be killed! The God of the Battlefield" smiles on the stronger, Soon the grim tide may be turned, but till then The line ffust be held for a little while longer, Hasten hem out to us wanted,-tfore men! Wanted, more men in tlie shock of fhe battle A thousand may stand but a minute or two; March out the regiments, drive them like cat tle, Send all you find, be they many or few. Pill up the gaps in the ranks that are shat tered, ' Set the big guns at their red work again; Soon they'll be broken and fallen and scat tered And still will the watchword be: "Wanted, more men!" 1 James J. Montague, in Pittsburg Post. 1L S Ji&