u The Commoner VOL. 17, NO. 1 6 , i F Mr. Bryan Opposes Exclusive Federal Con trol of Railroads Following Is the statemont of Mr. Bryan beforo tho Joint Subcommittee on Interstate Commorce of tho United States senate, In ses sion, Thursday, Dec. 7, 19X0, Sonator Francis G. Nowlands, chairman, proBi.Mng; also VJce-chalr-man, William C. Adamson. Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of tho com mitted, my reason for coming hero is that tho proposition which you have before yotrSeoms to mo to bo of so great importance, In fact, so rev olutionary in character, that,as one interested in all things that affect the government and peo ple, I fool it ray duty to present very briefly what might be called tho other sldo from tho aide that has been presented, as I have read it In tho papers. Tho first question to bo de61ded Is whether wo need MORE stringent railroad regulations, and, according to tho decision of that question will bo tho decision of tho other questions in volved. If wo want LESS restriction 1 know no bettor plan of securing it than tho transfer of all regulation to Washington. Tho issue, as I un derstand it, is whether the federal government should take exclusive control of the regulation of railroads, not only as to interstate commerce but as to intrastate commorce as well. Tho transfer of this power to Washington that Is, tho giving of tho federal government exclusive control is, in my judgment, oDjuctionablo for several reasons, if what wo desiro is moro stringent regulation. It seems to me inevitable that such a chango would Very much weaken tho regulation of railroads for two reasons: In tho first place, It would bring such a burden upon tho people In charge of regulation at Washington that they would bo overwhelmed and would find It physically impossible to go into -tho -whole subject and understand tho de tails. I may add that I would like to introduce and make part of ray testimony, if you call it tostlmony, a speech mado'by Dr. Clifford Thome, chairman of tho state board of railroad com missioners of Iowa, and president of the Na tional Association of Railway Commissioners. This is an extract from his address which is described as tho "President's address at the twenty-sovonth annual convention of tho Na tional Association of Railway Commissioners, San Francisco, October 12, 1915." Tho Chairman. If you will hand the speech to tho roporter it will bo included In the record. (Tho paper referred to is hero printed In full, as follows:) THE GREAT AMERICAN EXPERIMENT "Wo aro on the ovo of another struggle for party supremacy. The birth and death of po litical parties are intensely dramatic and in teresting; but, at tho most, parties aro only tomporary things. Our form of government is .ot far greater consequence; itrhas outlived and will outlive hundreds of brilliant leaders and many great political TartieaV Its creation was, and its change will be,, a news item of centuries. "For several years there 'has 'been gradually developing in this country a sentiment in favqr ot wiping out state lines. An agitation, partly spontaneous and partly inspired by interested persons, has been carried on 40, support a chango in tho trend of our judicial decisions relative to the powers of a state to regulate business. This is .reflected in speeches, inaga jrine articles and books. Vlt is now vigorously claimed that tho time has arrived for tho. practical -abolition of all atate regulation. This Uiought has permeated 'tho mindB of some of our ableBt leaders. Such a change in the American plan of government would be of stupendous importance. "It is probaoly safe to say that not since the Civil war has this question of the relative rights and functions of state and national governments commanded . such widespread consideration as during tho past few years. "The issufes of today again concern vast prop erty interests. The rights of railroads, express companies, telegraph, telephone, and other public-service corporations, as well as many huge in dustrials, the rights of shippers, prqducors, arid consumers, and the future policies of state and nation on many grave questions of business aro vitally concerned. "Shall wo proceed as rapidly as possible to eliminate state government from our commer cial life? "Judge Sanborn, as a circuit judgo, in the spring of 1911, rendered a decision enjoining tho enforcement of certain orders made by tho Minnesota Railroad & Warehouse commission. During the past 50 years there have been many orders of federal courts sustaining and enjoin- , ing orders made by state authorities, but none of these have commanded tho nation-wide con sideration following that decision. "Tho decision by Judge Sanborn occasioned tho railroad commissions of eight sister states, having 70 similar casos pending in the federal courts involving precisely the same issues, to file a brief with the supreme court as amicl curiae, opposing the doctrine he announced. This action was later uanimously indorsed at a representative gathering of 30 state railroad -commissions in their annual convention at Washington, D. C. "After the railroad commissions had deter mined to file a brief and argument against the doctrine announced by Sanborn, the governors at their national convention unanimously agreed upon a similar action. Finally,. the fed eral government, through the attorney general of the United States, filed a brief opposed to the positions taken by the governors and, rail road commissions of the various states. Per haps never before in tho history of the United States has any case called forth such an array of briefs and arguments from the various de partments of the state and national goyern monts. "The Minnesota rate cas.e will probably take rank as one of the great legal contests of the present generation. The decision of the su preme court of the United"4- States reversing Judge Sanborn, of the lower federal court, brought into issue the whole subject of the rel ative functions of the state and nation in our scheme of government as applied to the com mercial affairs of the country. It focused at tention for the moment on, the wisdom of our American plan of dual government. "The supremo court refused to decide the real issue that the public had under consider ation at the time. The court said that the 'ques tion as to whether federal regulation of com merce shall supplant state regulation is not a question for the judiciary to determine; it is legislative and not judicial in character. The contest was thereby transferred 'from the court room to the halls of congress. It now becomes not a question of precedence or of statute but one of expediency of wisdom. "Since that .decision a movement has been gradually 'inaugurated throughout the nation looking toward the .elimination of. state regula tion of commerce.. ".Let us pause .a few. moments and --carefully weigh the -wisdom of this dual system or fed eral Dlan. "You may start -with thiB premise: Within the next 25 years substantially all our com mercial affairs will be carried on by companies doing both state and interstate business. What is good for railroads will bo good for others Shall wo abandon our state governments, so far as the regulation of business is concerned' Here is an Issue which strikes at fundamentals which-has to do with the method of govern ment. "In striving after the new wo frequently fail to realize tho intrinsic value of the old. Let us consider a few of tho reasons justifying this federaj plan or dual form of regulation, which contemplates both a centralized governing power and state regulation. "It is true that our constitution in many re spects was a compromise, the creation of cir cumatances. The different colonies were loath Jyif dUp aUT of thGir powers- Hamilton fought vigorously for a strong national gov ernment. In those days much fear prevailed that we might have too loose a central govern ment. -Statesmen of that and succeeding pe riods were profoundly concerned over this problem. Marshall, on the supreme bench, be came tho chief instrument! in cementing' the national character of our government. "However, it is a gross mistake to Imagine that the jealousy among the rival states was the solo cause for limiting the powers of the central government. There existed among the framers of our constitution, entirely independ ent of any compromise as to the rights of rival states, a deep-seated conviction that a federal government composed of several states retain ing large jurisdiction was far preferable to a strong centralized government. This" is evi denced by the recorded discussions of that day. Here was a question not of state rights but of expediency, of wise government. This purposo or intent in their minds was reflected in tho constitution which they drafted. "One whose writings insp'red much of tho thought of that time was Rousseau. His 'Con trat social' became a standard textbook for tho makers of the government of those days. In this work Rousseau stated: " 'As nature has set limits to the stature of a properly formed man, outside which it pro duces only giants and dwarfs, so likewise, with regard to the best constitution of a state, there are limits to its possible extent, so that it may be neither too great to enable It to be well gov erned nor too small to enable it to maintain itself single handed. There is in every body politic a maximum of force which it can not ex ceed and which is often diminished as the state is aggrandized. The more the social bond is extended the more it is weakened, and in gen eral a small state is proportionally stronger than a large one". DISTANCE WEAKENS ADMINISTRATION " 'A thousand reasons demonstrate the truth of this: maxim. In the first place, administra tion becomeX more difficult at great distances, as weight-Aecomes heavier at the end of a longer lever. . The same laws can not be suitable to so many different provinces, wh'ch have different customs and different cli mates and can not tolerate the same form of government . The chiefs, overwhelmed with business, see nothing themselves; clerks rule the state. In a word, the measures that must be taken to maintain the general author ity, which so many officers at a distance w'sh to evade or Impose upon, absorb all the public attention; no regard for the welfare of the people remains, and scarcely any for their de fense in time of need, and thus a body too huge for its constitution sinks and perishes, crushed by its own weight.' "There is much truth well stated in the fore going sentences. It is quite evident, however, that Rousseau had not realized the full possi bilities of the federal plan of government, as worked out in America, whereby the advant ages of intelligent, efficient local home rule and the large empire, compelling respect, are com bined into one whole. It is this comnlnation, this federated co-operative plan which is tho distinguishing feature of the American consti tution. "From the earliest records we learn that men have always been, seeking for some form of government which would come close to the life and thought of the average man, which would keep in close touch -with the progress of busi ness and social life and at the same time lie large and strong enough to keep peace at home and abroad. Powerful centralized governments or innumerable small principalities have been com mon. There seems to be an inevitable tend ency for a government either to fall to pieces or to gravitate into a strong, centralized dom ineering power. MWhat is .the fundamental characteristic of our government, which distinguishes it from all others preceding ours? It is not the republican idea of government, for the world has seen many republics. It is not the formation of a large empire, for there have been larger. It is the creation of a nation large and strong enough to assert its independence among the world powers and to compel respect from oth ers and obedienco and order at home, at the same time combined with a form of government securing real, tangible home rule to the va rious independent sovereignties making up that nation. The delicate balance between the cen tral and local authorities in America was a novelty among the nations, up to the end of the $ A"..U. s