The Commoner JANTJAEY, 1917 s The Proposed Return to Barbarism Those who hope for progress toward a higher civilization should lose no time in warning their senators and congressmen against the proposed return to barbarism now urged by some of the professional soldiers of the nation, who, secure ly seated on the backs of the people and drawing comfortable salaries for life, are seeking to com mit the nation to false standards of honor and to turn the thoughts of Its youth from peace to war. Universal military training is entirely out of harmony with the history and aspirations of the American people. To advocate it as a peace measure would be like teaching young men to drink intoxicating liquor on the theory that It would advance the cause of temperance. Universal military training Is Impossible with out the cultivation of a military spirit, and the military spirit leads to war; Jit is the spirit that has involved Europe in the present war. The poison of militarism has been smuggled into this country and Is being administered in deadly doses to such as will submit themselves to its influence. Even ministers, under its pernicious power, have gone about bellowing for war and crucifying afresh the Master who came into the world to substitute the philosophy of love for the philosophy of force and to call all men into an universal brotherhood. Write at once to both your senators and your congressman. Do not delay. v W. J. BRYAN. THE "PREPARATION" CRAZE From the San Francisco Chronicle.! Pending the outcome of the peace suggestions in Europe our entire programme of military "preparedness" should be suspended. What win come of the overture made by Ger many we shall see in due' time. The important fact is the evidence that the peoplo of the" bel ligerent countries are utterly disgusted with the continuous and horrible fighting and are more than ready to quit. Nor do any of them probably particularly care what the terms are so only that individuals of all nations are free to go and come in the, world and pursue their respective callings precisely as they were before the war. It is the vanity of the rulers and not the de sires of the people which is the obstacle to peace. And the people will have their way. And at such a time it is a shocking thing -that the one great neutral nation should completely abandon its pacific policies of past years and plunge into preparations for war. It is said that the President feels that the sit uation is too delicate to make it desirable for the United States to make any suggestion. But it would not be in the least indelicate for congress, by joint resolution, to propose to all the belligerents that if they will disband their armies and scrap their wardhips we will do the same, and that, as evidence of our sincerity, our entire expansion programme shall be suspended, pending the result of the European war. The heads of the, -army propose a peace force of 500,000 men, with a million and a half men behind them, trained and ready for war. Some one suggests that we could probably ...get the 500,000 by fixing the pay of privates at $30 a month. If none in an army of 500,000 was paid in excess of $30 a month the pay of the army alone would be $180,000,000 a year, but the pay of officers, subsistence, and maintenance of bar racks would easily bring the amount to $400, 000,000 annually, and we have not added the cost of a navy "equal to that of any other power." The world has gone mad. No war was ever waged or ever will be except for the control or trade, and no modern war can be carried on ex cept at a cost for each side vastly exceeding any Possible gain to either. Nor can any great war be carried on except oy mortgaging the energies of future genem J ons to the extent that they can not pay and nave enough left to suppprt themselves decently. And future generations will not endure it. jor is there any reason why they should. We uave no control of the activities of our descend- ants, nor, are they under the slightest obligation to pay our debts. And they will not starve them selves to pay tho war debts of their ancestors. The moro wo spend for preparedness tho moro wo shall bo asked to Bpond. Tho right thing to do is to stop now. T JN'ffj WOMAN SUFFRAGE Interview given by Mr. Bryan at Jickson, Tenn., December 30, 191G. "What do you think of our chances of secur ing woman suffrage In Tennessee?" was the question asked William Jennings Bryan -by a representative of tho Tennessee Equal Suffrage Association last night. "My opinion on chances," said Mr. Bryan, would not be as good as your own, because I have no general knowledge o tho sentiment up on which to base an opinion. I am In favor of the extension of suffrage to women on equal terms with men, as advocated in our last demo cratic national platform, and i am in favor of securing it everywhere Just as rapidly as it can be brought about." "Are you in favor of tho national amend ment?" "Yes, but while I hopo for it within a few years, I would not advise any state to wait for national action If It can secure it in the state. I believe In working for it along every line that Is open." "What do you think of tho Illinois plan of se curing it by statute?" was the next question. "That Is the quickest way of securing as much as can besecured by statute, but there is no in consistency In favoring statutory suffrage, so far as the legislature can grant it, and at the same time working for the submission of a state amenlment. One can advocate both of these and still continue to work, for tho national amend ment. When one believes In a principle, he seeks methods by which it can bo applied and employs any and all that are available" "Is there any reason why statutory suffrago should be denied merely because a constitutional amendment has been endorsed?" - "No," said Mr. Bryan, "the democratic na tional platform declares for tho principle. The method of securing it is not so material as the securing of It. When you find men differing as to the method to be employed you will generally find that they differ also In their enthusiasm. The more enthusiastic a man Is, the more will ing he is to adopt any and all methods. The less enthusiastic he is, the more apt he is to bo dis criminating as to methods. If he is really op posed to the measure he is likely to bo VERY discriminating, and to favor anything that will delay action. JThe great need in securing any reform Is to raise the temperature and that is donG by -educational w.ork. You always have great difficulty in pleasing a man who is just above" freezing. When a man gets up to boiling point, he doesn't need, any attention. I hopo that a majority of your state legislature have ' reached boiling point on the woman suffrage question." Boosting The Commoner Following are a few of the many clubs re ceived from Commoner readers sinew our appeal to assist Mr. Bryan in extending the circulation of The Commoner so as to enable him to reach a wider circle of readers in his effort to drive the liquor interests out of the democratic party and out of the nation. Will not other friends oi Mr. Bryan help-also? M. R. Williams, Pa., 6; Henry Fingado, Colo., 5; W. J. Little, Tex., 5; R. N. Evans, 111., 5; W. H. Hooks, Ky., 5; S. J. Cooper, la., 5; J. H. Whitehead, Va., 5; P. J. Sweeney, Wash., 5; O. Bielland, Minn., C; B. F. Corl, O., 5; Dr. W. A. Reynolds, Mo., 4; J. L. Franklin, Tex., 5; Geo. W. Holloway, Kans., 4 ; Jacob L. Traylor, 111., G ; E. E. Turnipseed, la., 5; Sam F. Gleckler, III., 3; Harry A. Herbott, Pa., 7; Chas. R. Diehl, Okla., 4 ; Jos. A. Nauman, Mo., 9 ; Saml. Leer, Ind., 5; A. H. Sumner, la., 5; A. D. Trundle, Md., 3; T.'E. Higgins, Wis., 4; W. K. Whitfield, 111., 5- W. H. Thomas, Ind., 5; J. E. Watts, Kans., 6; S.' L. Powers, Mo., 4; G. W. Parker, -0., 5; D. C. Carleton, N. Y., 3; S. R. Sankey, Mo., 5; Wm. Swaithes, Mo., 7; G. E. Stechert & Co., N. Y., 3; D. M. Carrel, Mo., 3; J. B. Moore, Kans., 6; Geo. W. Thompson, VaB;A!ffttonj?Irtif., S; N, R. Tarvln, Ind., 10; Jno. C. Jones, Kans., Eva Nappor, Mo., 4; J. H. WInton, Cal., 18; Mrs. M. C. Harris, La., 3; L. E. Fuller, 111., 6; W. M. Ruff, 111., G; Wm. T. Fox, Kan., 6; Ralph E. Ray craft, Mich., 5; L. Shamleffor, Kans., 4; Noah 0. Storllng, Md., 7; J. D. Grant., La., 8; M. Schoon ovor, Ind., 1C; Jns. K. Rosk, Ind., 32; Adam C. Davis, Pa., G; B. F. McManus, Mich., G; V. J. Vogltanco, Neb., G; Harry A. Herbott, Pa., 5; Henry Moran, III., G; Sol. W. II. Conrad, O., 4; Dr. J. T. Ellis, 0., 6; Cynthia Moll, O., 6; H. S. Caso, Ind., 6; O. T. Lewis, Mo., 0; C. S. Whit ney, la., 6; W, G. Crcswell, Okla., 6; W. II. Thomas, Ind., 8; J. P. Porter, la., 6; J. W. Brothers, la., 5; J. S. Stambaugh, Pa., 3; Thoo. F. Thiomo, Ind., C; C. N. Baugh, III., G; Goo. Schaffner, Pa., 11; Henry Sherk, Mo., 7; Dan!. W. Woodring, Pa., 6; Isidor Jacobs, Cal., tf; Jno. W. Smiley, Ky., 5; S. D. Enochs, 111., G; B. Carr, In., 3; Goo. W. Kemp, Mo., 6; E. W. Woodward, Mo., G; A. L. Callings, 0., 3; W. R. Kimmons, Tex., G; C. J. Carlson, Wis., G; Ed. C. Carpenter, 111., G; Edwin Rico, Ida., 6; D. G. Shields, Cal., 6; E. II. Williams, Ind., G; C. E. McCulloch, N. Car., 7; S. H. Lamborn, la., 7; W. J. Walker, Mo., 6; W. N. Campbell, D. C, G; M. S. Ampsach, III., G; J. H. Leffelman, 111., G; R. E. Bruner, Jr., Mo., 7; W. D. McConnaughoy, la., 6; A. L. Nicholson, Ind., 8; W. C. Smith, Ind., 7: C. L. Baldwin, 111., M. Schoonover, Ind., 3; C. II; Gott, 111., 6; Wm. S. Hazzard, la., 3; Ward Fluming, Nob., G; E. C. Llnvillo, Ind., G; C. F. Voorhes, 0 5; J. Low right, Mo., 6; W. F. Felhaber, Ida., 7; J. W. Evans 111., 6; B. H. Brlggs, Pa G; Huffman Bros., Mo., G; R. T. Ashley, Ind., 6; Sam Wilkes, Tex., 6; Bon T, Green, La., G; David Fulchor, Cal., 3; Isaac C. Evans, Ala., 9; D. W. Ramsey, Kans., 10; Wm. White, Ind., 7; Rev. Adam Kerr, Mo., 3; Thos, A. Yon., Fla., 10; J. A. Whaloy, Jr., Ala., 14; Nicholas Ehrllch, N. Y 6; B. II. Mc Klnnoy, Fla., 8; E. L. Stratton, Pa., 6; B. B. Hlnklo, Mont., 6; Samuel Mason, Ind., G; W. M, Brockloy, III., 5; Sam M. McCornliss, Ind., G; D. B. Buahong, Md.r 5; Goo. W. Spratt, Mo.r6; B. H. Pittraan, Tex., 5; A. B Nicholson, Mich., 9; A. E. Sherwood, Neb., 6; J. K. Phipps, Va., G; S. J. Jackson, JU., G; Miss C. E. Cleveland, D. C, 4; Wm. F. Kurtz, Pa., 4; Thos. F. Carmony, Ind., 6; Chas. Maples, Ark., 6; F. Leo Johnson, Ida., 6; J. R. Shoop,-0., G; Wm, Dodson, Mo., 3; David Koons, Okla., 4; J. S. Lafl4-Kans G; J. T. Johnson, Kans., G; B. H. McKinney, Fla., 6; W. H. Dameron, 111., 6; Henry Hedgpeth, Ariz., G; J. B. Holt, Ark., 11; E. H. Wilson, Neb., 4; G. W. Masslo, Va., G; Rev. T. M. Reese, Wash., 8 ; A. W. Voohees, Ind., 6 ; D. C. St. John, N. Y., 3; M. H. Pentland, Ind., G; J. A. Fear, W. Va., 4; A. A. Meredith, W. Va., G; Geo. H. Knicker bocker, N. Y., 0; P. L. Frazler, Oreg., G; A. J. White, Ark., G; A. Hagstrum, Minn., G; J. C. Coulter, S. C, G; J. M. Conlellns, Oreg., 10; L. J. Reavis, Wash., 6; James 'Fox-, la., 6; -Samuel Beam, Ind., 4; Harold J. SiriltheJ)., 3; Jno. N. Carters, Ky., 6; D. B. Topham, Neb., 10; S. J. Gallowajs Mo., 8; W. H. Kettering, 111., G; B, Carr, la., 6; E. J. Sarchctt, la., G; J. R. Arter holt, Pa., 6; Wm. T. Meloy, 0., 6; Thos. A. Welsh, O., 6; T. C. McNamara, Wash., 8; J. N. B. Shelton, Mo., 7; S. R. Saunders, N. Y., 3; P. E. Porta, Mo G;ST. M. Wolfe, Ark., 6; C. B. Hickernell, Fla., 9; V. R. Liggett, Col., 6; H. Donaghuo, Minn., G; Henry Slevin, N. Y 3; L. E. Brickell, S. D., G; W. Carl Richards, Md., 7; E. N. Nichols, N. Y., G; Mrs. Jas. Gaynor, Wis., 6; Thos. A. Owen, III., If; Wm. Davls Pa.r G; R. C. Snyder, O., 6; D. G. Fields, Calif, 4; J. C. B. Smith, 111., G; Horace S. Case., Ind., G; K. G. Phelps, Ida., 4; J. H. Pegram, Kans., U; A. Far quhar, la., 4; H. P. Robinson, Vt., 6; J, Faber, Mont, 6; Jno. J. McHale, Minn., 8; Dr. J. MT. Williams, Ind.,' 5; Thos. J. Swltzler, Pa., 7; W. T. Le Compte,'Mo G; Jno. T. Burke, Ind., 9; Floyd M. Jackson, Mont., 12; M. G. Joiner, Ky.f 6 ; Tom Brooks, Kans., 5 ; James Maupln, Mo., 3. As proof of their good faith in eliminating the wet and dry issue from the Nebraska legis lature the majority decided to elect the presi dent of a brewing company in Nebraska City as president pro tern of the senate and the floor leader of the dominant democratic senators. And they elected him with four democratic mem" bers protesting and voting against blm. As fur ther proof that it was looked upon as a liquor, issue, the vote of the wettest republican sea ator was cast with the democratic majority, 41 ai.u i..(i.-'- J3--5w