The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, January 01, 1917, Page 31, Image 31

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    JfSV"" -" - -JM
".fWBiewp r-J,
The Commoner
William Jennings Bryan te la Bir
mingham as a lsctmrwr. Last week
ho was in Washington as the guest of
democrats In the nation and was .en
tertained by the President. Mr.
Bryan's work in the campaign called
forth the thanks of the administra
tion. His work for. th American
people has been recognized for years,
and many of hl3 ideas have been en
acted Into laws of the highest import
ance, like the election of senators by
Subscribers' flflwrmittg Dcpr.
This department Is for the bcnoflt of
Commoner nubscribers, and a special
rate of six cents a word per lnsortion
the lowest rater-has been mado for
them. Address, all communications to
The Commoner, .Lincoln, Nebraska.
IDAHO LAND. If you are looking- for
a better, place to live, where therd
la pure soft water, beautiful climate,
no crop failures, or hailstorms, write
It. D. llanna, Caldwell, Idaho.
WOULD $150 Monthly as General
Agent for $150,000 corporation and
a Ford auto of your own, introducing
Stock and Poultry remedies, Dips,
Disinfectants, interest you? Then ad
dress, JRoycleum Co-Operative Mfcr. Co..
Dept. Mia, Mdntlcello,and.
MO-BE-CO Cleaner cleans with
out work or dirt. Mailed prepaid
for 25 cents. Agents wauiuu, iuon
Bcrg, Dept. A;; Fosston, Minn.
OESLR SHORTHAND lesson free.
x Rettlg, Sacramento, Cal., 1303 I.
MARCH sonaShlt 6f WUson's-campaign,
iV1 "Ship Named;.!!; S., A." ICo copy!
2 for 25c. .Monqy !orde?3r stamps. John,
Clifford, 601 Buchanan,. 'Bld&., Portlands
Oregon. tV'-" - " . v"' '
YOULD $1,60 Monthly, Auto. -of your
own to travel in, general agent";'
imnunng remarKaDie.seiiQrs, Lightning
Patcli Vulcanizer, Shock Absorber, und
Anti-Thief Combination Auto-Switch
Lock, thief proof, Interest you? Then
address Dept 1-25. TJ. S. Manufacturing
Co., "Wolcott, Indiana.
PENNSYLVANIA Farms for sain. My
1 Crawford county farms produce
abundant crops. 'Sold asy terms, small
first payment. Titles guaranteed. Free
Booklets. A. G. Phillips, Meadville, Pa.
UCZEMA SPECIFIC Will absolutely
J-i cure eczema, salt rheum, barbers.
Itch and othor sikln diseases. Sent by
ia!1. $1.50. Roml for recommendations
Almklov'8 Pharmacy. Cooperstown.
N'orth Dakota.
1720 Colorado
Denver, Colo.
WanfpH THpiq Write for List of Inventions
r auiiu lULdb Wnntod. 51.000.000 in prlroa
otlwd lor Inventions. Send sketch for froo opinion
Ql Patontnblllty. Our four books sent free.
vietorJ.Kvans & Co., 7W9tb. Washlnston, D.C
AT ONCE Ten ladies to travel, dem
onstratd and sell well established line
to our dealers. Previous experience
not necessary. Good pay. Railroad
fare paid. Goodrich Drugf Co., Dept 20.
Otmilin, Ncl.
HlSi (No om
M? h-. Side i r Sl.ouldew; Liver )
w&n iS" Col'c' s' Blttne.
d r..CT',1 ""' Catarrh. Nervousness. Bliu s,
No mere Gallstone
Pa'"s or Aches in
Trouble. Stomach
Headaches. Con
laundice. Anran.
PDrMllllhllin jm1Ij.. -. ... I.. fl..j
y,i ,-- . : . . ""u kmiuiic fyuiB.uros m vmi bu.
'"r, KUmftb, aid (J.ll TrqiiMt. H K. Ill Ml
illUB,ntBedy Co., lit p. Wt, 810 8. DMrhornSU, CW.c
dicltls. Tie
I't Wear A Truss
Bo RriYVfilti i.i .... . . "
Stuart's tuiio .Pins -..V"".?" u and Pln"-. .
iticdldno inSr ?ro d"fercnt from the trus3, beinz W
ppffi. SPrjWSS MP, self-adhesive to prevent I
VnJiJi'"0. dleglnK In " OP orlnrtlnfr nniM T
Homo Treatment c?, f. fV? .attached. Simple
No delay flSinbS? toM'r m Wwt-hnpo&i.
mas Irdm ihn ilV Yu5.aieas or WWB tcstlmo
rom tnoso .tared. AianM 6d tttiri and Sratd ftlx.
Do This NOW!
Savt Ymt f Suffering
Write today for FREE
Trial Plapco and Illus
trated boolc on? rupture.
Learn how to close tho
hernial opening as na
ture Intended, so the
rupture un't come down.
No charge for It, now or
ever; nothing to return.
PL APtyff- gc W t, Louis, lio.
the people Instead of by legislatures.
r. uryan nai rlalted Birmingham
often, and has spoken here on public
Questions many times. Ho has de
voted friends here and followers who
have been his friends for twenty years
and more. His visit coincides with
tho meeting of the Anti-Saloon
league, but Alabama is safely prohi
bition and needs ho visits on that
mission, except for higher prohibi
tion. It welcomes the "Great Com
moner" as ono of tho leaders of
thought in America, always on the
moral side of groat questions.
Mr. Bryan finds a welcome in Bir
mingham as warm as tho welcome
he finds in Nebraska, for he has long
been a citizen of the nation too great
to bo claimed by any one state.
Birmingham (Ala.) News, Dec. 12.
Montgomery paid William Jen
nings Bryan a tribute yesterday that;
nas seldom n ever been paid to any
man in the private walks of lifo: of
the nation.
He greeted by 'one of the most
magnificent audience "that5 ever filled
th6;Grandr'f heatri' t rohf the1, orchestra
to thbateony.' :
It wariidt'only -lrge but composed
of the kept eleiueiiU, of the commun
ity Ofjall clasgesa'nd..'iri all walks
of lif Q.i- - Z . -: sA; -'"
The .banker ;tfdShli'Ifo Wore.
hl"hAf'r ''', ' . -- ' Vi- '
y.'. .... ? . . -
eT man. who wears overalls while
around and about j his . duties, was
tore wlVlirhig jfife:;'.
ivA'listened attentively, intently,
.ca.tchfnvechjand every word as it
fellrbm the speaker's lips, and were
thrilled as they were deeply touched
and impressed by his many homely
illustrations of the evils of the liquor
traffic ' n i
It was- an address for tho masses.
It was an address for, the classes.
, It was an, address, to? he cultured,
the educated man .an'diw.oman. ,
It was , an, $ address fpr ibp , plain,
uneducated man,4 and 'uneducated wo
man. .; ' iA ,, ,.;,. , '
All could . understand all alike
could, appreciate it, and all. a)ike are
impressed by it'.
As an advocate of "any cause, Mr.
Bryan is without a-pfter in this coun
try. ... -
He is a born orator.
Every, word and tone ana gesture
bear the impress of sincerity.
. Hev. captivates n t only the intel
lect but the heart, and when one
once hears him he wants to hear him
again and again.
The features of his face are full,
somewhat massive, and express thd
honesty, the sincerity, the calm de
termination for which he ' is farH
His manner is grave and deliber
ate, but pleasing- and attracts his au
dience by not only his rare gifts of
oratory, but his arguments.
He is a polished speaker, logical
and forceful, and enchains attention
by a lofty, sustained and unbroken
strain of rhetoric.
His voice is cleai can be heard
distinctly throughout the largest au
ditorium in this country, his sen
tences well rounded, and his gesticu
lations neither frequent nor violent,
but always graceful.
He enrapts the audience, and in his
occasional flights of oratory he never
fails to arouse the audience to the
liio-hosr. nitch of enthusiasm. Yes-
fteTday he seemed to be never so much
himself. , ,
His splendid, his magnificent, his
unquestioned appreciative audience,
seem to. arouse in him all the enthu
siasm of his nature, and he held for
over ari hour "that audience spell
bound, and tho only regrets wore
that his engagement in another city
necessitated hia cutting his address
abort to catch an outgoing train.
Mr. Bryan's strength and popular
ity as a great figure In our national
life was mado undeniably apparont
in tho community on his visit hero
Mr. Bryan will always find a cor
dial welcome to Montgomery. Mont
gomery (Ala.) Journal, Jan. 3.
YEAR 1010
From Memphis (Tonn.) Commer
cial Appeal.
By a careful comparison of statis
tics from different sources tho follow
ing are estimated to bo tho total mil
itary casualties of tho belligerents 10
Jan. 1, 1917: i
Great Britain . ........ .1,400,000
Ru68ia- v...-i. 8,700,000
Franco . . . . ? .'.;.. . .-. ,i.' . 3J800.000
Italy ....;.. 850,000
Sorvia . . . : ;t.. . .,, 500,000
Belgium ; , . 225,000
Roumania . ...;.,.. 350,000
Other entente .....'. 20,000
Total entente . . i ; . . . . 15,845,000
Germany '4,500, 0U0
Austria-Hungary .,...".. 4,250,000
Bulgaria 200,000
Turkey 400,000
Total central powers t. . 9,350,000
'Grand total 25,195,000
0 these a fourth, or 6,300,000 are
This is a rough approximation,
Only Great Britain.and Germany give
put lists of losses, and the German
lists are alwayj many months in ar
cearsr Tho figures for British losses
are most, reliable. .. The Russian and
Austro-Hupgarian casualties are
known only in a vague way, but they
aro certainly enormous.
Berlin recently estimated that the
losses since Juno 1, last, for all nei-
jlgerentB had been at the rate of a
million men a month, or 7,000,000.
Tho casualty rate Is certainly rMn;
as the war goes on, because of the
larger masses of mon and tho better
weapons Involved.
Tho number of men killed In othor
wars Is as follows: American Civil
war, 1,000,000; Crimean, 485,000;
Franco-Prussian. 290.000: Snanlsh-
Amorican, 2,910: Boor. 12.000: Rus
so-Japanese, 555,900.
Wlmt Wnr Hiw CoHt
While tho indirect money cost of
the war in ruined towns and fields.
diminished productivity and maimed
anu siam human belnc-i can novcr bo
known, tho following is an approxi
mation of tho direct money loss to tho
different boiligoront governments of
tho conflict to Jan. 1, 1917:
Great Britain $15,000,000,000
Russia 9,500,000,000
Franco 11,000,000000
Italy. ........... 3,000,000,000
Minor entente' nations 2,500,000,000
Total cntentd . ..$41,000,000,000
Germany . ...... ..$15,000,000,000
Austria-Hungary . . 7,700,000000
Turkey 1,000,000,000
Bulgaria. 300,000,000
Total central powers $24,000,000,000
Military cost to neu
trals duo tb war. . 700,000,000
Grand total direct mil
itary cost of war. . ?G5, 700, 000,000
The indirect cost Is probably twlco
as great as tho direct cost, irlvine
I $196,000,000,000 as a rough approx
imation oi tno loss to humanity by
two years and Ave months of stand
ing at Armageddon. Nearly two hun
dred thousand million dollars!
The war is now costing $110,000,
000 a day.
The American Civil war lasted four
years ahd the direct cost was only
$8,000,000,000. But it took thoouth
50 years to recover
tJwedenborK' great work on the life after
death, 400 pftjjcs, only 15 cent u postpaid.
Pastor Landenbcfecfi Windsor Placc( St, Lsuls, Ha.
As we reckon time, another year has passed.
In many respects it has been the very best year in
the history of THE MIDWEST LIFE. It closed
'the year with $2,093,272 of insurance in force;
with substantial progress made in its agency or
ganization, with an increase in its assets of $137,
000, and with renewed hope and courage for the
year 1917.
The total income of the company for the year
was $289,342. The total assets of the company
now reach $857,105. Without doubt, at the epd
ofthis year they Will equal $1,000,000. The death
claims paid during the year amounted to $29,581
as against $25,632 paid out in the year 1915.
The company is operating only in Kansas and
Nebraska. Agents wishing to represent this
company in either of these states can secure the
desired information by calling at or writing to the
Home Office.
N. Z. SNELL, President..
' Guaranteed Cost Lif Insurance
t .
" rli,
." T-J 1