JANUABT, 1917 a unit through the national jorern nient Mr. Bryan. That th what? Tho Chairman. That the states, acting as a unit through tho national government, have been able to do more in the way of properly regulat ing the railways of the country than the respective states have been able to do? Mr. Bryan. I can not agree with you on any evidence that I know of; but I shall be glad to consider any evidence that you have in support of that proposition. The Chairman. I had the impres sion that that was self-evident. Mr. Bryan. That is not my view. Tho Chairman. That while some of the states Very few have reached a very perfect system of reg ulation and control, that has not been the case with most of them. Mr. Bryan. I think on that point I might suggest ' The Chairman. And that they have been very slow, .in my judg ment, in meeting the requirements of the situation. Mr. Bryan. Not S3 slow as the federal government. And, besides, where you have a number of states acting separate there i3 opportun ity for the trying of remedies that will enable lis to "experiment and profit by experiment. A successful experiment tried in one state is apt to. be adopted in another; but where you have just the oHe legislative body. acting there- is no other' "body from which it cafl- receive -'either the lm-' p- 'sp that comes from rivalry or tho benefits of experience ' The Chairman You are "aware that in the suggestions regarding na tional incorporation it is not pro posed to relievQ--.thosft corporations from tbe policeilaws iofutheostate or from the taxing powers of the state? Mr. Bryan. ..i Yes. The Chairman." You are aware of that? Mr. Bryan., Yes. ' . The Chairman. And you are aware also that they all involve the most careful controf of capitalization of tho stock and bond issues? Mr. Bryan.. Butt think everything that is goodirt tie proposed measure can be secured entirely independent ly of the proposed change. The Chairman. I see. Mr. Bryan. That is, ,that you can add, through the federal government,' any regulation that is desirable and any that would be included in the plan without the adoption of the plan at all. The Chairman. That is all, Mr. Bryan. Mr. Adamson. Mr. Bryan, while you may be aware, of .Chairman New land's theory about what ought to- be done, how could you possibly be aware of what would be the final out come of legislation if we should en ter on this project? Mr. Bryan. No one can predict w'th any certainty in regard to legis lation. Mr. Adamson. v. The influences wh'ch could secure thHs-Tmrvement at all might frame the legislation? Mr. Bryan. My fear is that the temptations that would come with the change would be difficult to resist -that is, the temptation would come to tho railroads to exercise an un duo influence. Mr. Adamson. Whatever general advantages may be claimed for large consolidations 0f these local corpora t nnS might those advantages be largely offset if local interests and "venienco were Ignored through the management by people far re nnvPd from the communities? Mr Bryan. Yes. -: They may not only be Overcome; but-1 think there The Commoner is a principle there that wo can not ignore, and that is that whoro you transfer from the locality to somo remote place the controlling power, in proportion as it is removed, It is less amenable to local oDinion. ami .that is one of tho objections to tho consolidation that has gone on under tho trust system. Mr. Adamson. You answered Chairman Newland's question about tho ramifications of these great sys tems going into tho vicinity one of another and competing. I will ask you, while you say you have heard no great general complaint, except as to competition, if you have not ob served the practice of great and pro found courtesy by one railroad com bination as to another with regard to invading its territory? Mr. Bryan. I think there has sometimes been a consideration for each other that could not" be entirely explained by the ordinary rules of courtesy. ' MrfiAdajmgon. Qn tho subject of the necessity for this regulation, my railway friends do not conceal that they are embarrassed in two particu lars: One is that they have too many restrictions on' their operation and too many restrictions on the securing and use of capital. That is their Whole complaint. N6w, they say, in elaboration; 'that they have not tho power 'to' control either their ex penditures or their earnings. I wm ask you if under the condition of so ciety where we have relinquished part of our natibnal liberty in con sideration of securing other great benefits from society if that is not true of every persdn and corporation in this country? Mr. Bryan. Yes; but in the case of the "corporation there is a reason for restriction ' that does not exist with the 'individual. " " Mr. Adamson. You mean a great er reason? Mr. Bryan. Yes. Mr. Adamson. An additional rea son.? :.... . ,. . . Mr. Bryan Yes; because the cor poration has no rights except those conferred by law, .vhilo the individ ual has" natural rights. Mr. Adamson. They further state that the government has dealt with them solely with a policy of re striction and punishment. I want first to ask you a few questions to see if I can develop that they are en tirely in error about that. You re member the desperate conditions ex isting when we undertook to regulate the railroads and you were correct in saying that the states, first started it. The government, prodded to it or induced to it by the representatives from the states, finally made an ef fort; then the railroads resisted it until the supreme court set aside enough of it to emasculate it; and you correctly say that, m spite of and notwithstanding your position, we succeeded, after 12 or 15 years, in putting some life back into it. I want to ask you what particular thing the government has put upon them what restrictive thing tne 23 tlon of railroad3 that is any more se vere than it is on any other business or society? For instance, we estab lished a rule that every rate and practice shall be just and reasonable. Is that any more than is required of other people by the government that their conduct shall be just and reasonable? Is that un unreason able rule, for the railroads to com plain of? Mr Bryan. I do not regard it as a reason for-' complaint. Mr. Adamson. Then, we adopted the Elkins law, forbidding discrim inations and rebates: wo hurl mnmeL thing in tho original law about dis criminations. Is thoro anvtMnc? wrong in saying to tho mon who aro operating thcso great corporations that they shall not givo ono man in one community a preference over an other? Mr. Bryan. My recollection Is that it was stated at tho time tho Elklns law was drawn by tho representatives of tho railroads that tho complaint was that as long as ono system grant ed robates, the other had to, that it was a distadvatago to tho railroad to givo robates, and that tho Elkins law really protected tho railroads irom each other. Mr. Adamson. Then wo have pro vided, in the interest of public safety, certain requirements and restrictions. Do you think there is anything wrong or harsh in that? Mr. Bryan. Speaking generally, I am not able to point out any restric tion that I regard as unjust. Mr. Adamson. I shall riot enu merate all of these to you, but all of them have been prohibitions against the conduct not of good men .but of bad men wrongs, crimes per so, or malum in so or malum prohibitum. These restrictions aro directed to tho conduct of the men, and not against tho railroads; and how can a good man who wants to do right and administer tho affairs of a railroad properly, justly object to these re strictions and prohibitions any more than you can, as a citizen of this country object to tho prohibitions against bad men committing lawless acts? Mr. Bryan. I think your reason ing is sound, Mr. Adamson. and I .have long believed that our laws should put the penalty upon tho in dividual and not upon, tho corporation. Mr. Adamson. Do you believe that the railroads are correct in their ap prehension that tho people have a prejudice against . them? Do you think that the people love and admire tho railroads, and desire that the railroad officials should do right, as other people? Mr. Bryan. You state it a 'lltlh? stronger than I would. ' i Mr. Adamson. What is your state ment? Mr. Bryan. When you speak ol! loye for these men. Mr. Adamson. The railroads'..,. ' Mr. Bryan. I mean loving the' railroad officials. Mr. Adamson. No; tho railroads, I say, and the good officials. ' Mr. Bryan. Yes. I think in an impersonal way they love the rail roads, but that they separate some of the railroad officials from the rail road that they love when they at tempt to display their affections. c Mr. Adamson. They love tho good ones and try to correct the bad ones. Mr. Bryan. They aro interested in legislation that will permit the Investment of all the capital neces sary, and the earning of all the div idends necessary, and the fact that always toll who are tho bad officials and which Is the bad railroad until after a thorough Investigation. ' - Mr. Adamson. Mr. Chairman, I will bo compelled to go to tho abuse. I movo wo adjourn. ft (Tho motion was agreed to.) ' Tho Chairman. Tho commlttco will take a recess until Saturday at 10 o'clock. (Wheroupon, at 12 o'clock noon, tho committee took a recess until Saturday, December 9, 1910, at 10 o'clock a. m.) DUTCH THANK WILSON A cablegram from Tho Hague, dated Dec. 22, says: Cablo messages were sent Prcsldont Wilson today thank ing him for "his effort for peace," wishing hlm'succcss and Invoking tho Divine blessing upon it, from tho Netherlands group of tho World Union of Churches, tho Netherlands National Women's Council and tho Liberal Democratic Union. POPJG PltAISES TUB PKESIDENT'8 NOTE A Homo cablograra, dated Dec. 24, says: Pope Benedict, according to re port today, li speaking to Cardinal Gasparri, papal secretary of state, regarding President Wilson's note to tho belligerents, said: It Is a docu ment showing tho honesty, justice and; far-sightedness of tho American President' SWEDEN MAY TAKE A HAND A Paris cablegram, dated Dec. 24, says: A Havre dispatch from Berno says it is believed In certain quarters hero that the Swedish government Is about to approach the belligerents on the subject of peace In tho uame way as tho Swiss President. "You said 'you'd go through firo and water for me." "Show me a combination of tho two and I will." Puck. 1 a i ' "fr 'I Before Drinking Coffee, - -j m i You - if fur they have an interest in not doing government has put upon the opera- Nn justice to the railroads is the pro tection of the railroad against in justice, if it will only go to the peo-. pie and fairly lay its case before them; but as long as the railroad keeps an "oil room" and spends its time trying to corrupt the men sent there by the people to regulate the railroad it Is apt-to raise a suspicion as to the good intent of the railroad, Mr. Adamson. Then the miscon duct and mismanagement of -the bad railroad officials has contributed to create the very demagogue of whom they complain? Mr. Bryan. jYes; but you can not Should Consider Whether .u Or Not It Is ; J Mk Aj& mmmmm aa ffl jl ictriiii til , "There's aReason"for P05TUM ii 4 'I s ;l "5 ?: :1 'VI HI i A