W'V T"T-f - X The Commoner JANUARY, 1917 19 Insurance tables. No city can afford to allow an institution to be built up that can not live except as It lessens the productive value of the people of tho town. Wo would not license an institution to spread disease among hogs; why license saloons to spreads disease among men, and by depraving this generation, close tho door of hope to children before they see the light of day? THERE IS A MORAL ARGUMENT The economic argument should be convincing even to those who are not open to the moral ar gument; but there is a moral argument. There is an awakening in this country; the conscience of the people is being aroused, and the voters are beginning to recognize tho moral responsi bilities assumed by those who vote for the li censing of the liquor traffic. You are going to have a chance in this congress to vote on the licensing of saloons in the District of Columbia; you may have a chance to vote on the question of submitting a prohibition amendment to the people of this country. Let me ask you to re member the responsibility that one takes upon, himself who votes on the side of tho saloon. There are three things that the saloon needs be sides customers; it needs the capital to run it; it needs the liquor to sell; and it needs the votes that bring it into existence. The saloon can not live without votes. The votes are as neces sary as either the capital or the liquor. The man who furnishes the capital receives his pay in dividends, and his name is sometimes written above the door. The. man who furnishes tho li quor receives his profit on the liquor, and you sometimes see his advertisement out in front of the saloon. Tho man who furnishes the votes is the silent partner. And what does he receive? Nothing but the disgrace of being a partner and sharing moral responsibility for the harm that the saloon does. I take it for granted that no member of con gress would do a thing that he is asnamed to write down and make a matter of record. Let mo Buggest, therefore, a way in which you may put yourself to the .test before you vote to li cense a saloon anywhere. Take a pen and .ink, and a piece of paper and write down "I (your name) know that the saloon is an evil, and I do not know who will conduct the saloons that will come into existence as a result of my vote, but, without knowing who the dftloon-keepers will be and knowing that the saloon is an evil, I here by declare my willingness to share moral re sponsibility with those men, whoever they are, for any harm that they may do in the conduct of their business," and then sign your name to it, and read it to your wife, and then frame it and hang it on the wall! I say to you, my friends, that the time is com ing iB near at hand when the American peo ple will refuse to become partners with those who are in the liquor business. The only arguments that they make today are: First, that the government needs the royenue. That argument can be used in favor of the li censing of any evil. Someone has suggested that burglars would give a larger percentage of their collections, and the burglar only takes loose personal property, while the saloon takes from the., home, husband, fatherland son, and would take wife, another, -and daughter if it could; and the saloons kill a hundred where the burglar kills one. The second argument is that you can not en force the law. Can they by such threats induce you to become partners with those who boast of their lawlessness? We have very few anarchists In this country; as they are usually described men who carry red flags, march in parades and erak on street, corners and they do not have much influence. The real Anarchists in number and in power are the-men who stand behind the 1'quor interests, and -who tell you in advance that thoy will defy your "government and disobey your laws. These men ask you to be their partners in this lawlessness! Every big question as last becomes a political Question. The parties may try to avoid it, but do not let them delude you by telling you it will disturb the harmony of the party to oppose the saloon. ,1 need not tell you that the saloon dis turbs the harmony of the party whenever you attempt to do anything towards regulating it. If they are. closing at twelve o'clock at night, and ypu want them to close a't a quarter to twelve o clock, you have a. contest on your hands; they all profess to belicvo that tho liberty of tho country is in danger. Wo had a fight in Ne braska over closing at eight o'clock, and ono man, doubtless conscientious in his position, and very much alarmed for fear tho rights of tho people would bo Invaded, kept count of tho votes as thoy wero cast, and when ho found thnt a majority had voted for tho law, he throw up his hands and exclaimed, "My God, tho light of llb 'erty has gono out!" Aro you afraid of disturbing tho harmony of the party? As far back as 1908 tho liquor In terests wero activo in several states; thoy cast their votes according to their interests on tho li quor question. In the state ot Indiana this year tho liquor interests went into our state conven tion, and, in spite of tho protests of two demo cratic candidates f,or the senate and a democratic candidate for governor, they forced a wet plank into tho democratic state platform of Indiana; and after they had smeared our party with tho slimo of tho saloon, the voted tho republican ticket! That is what you can expect always; they will disgrace the party as long as thoy stay in it and desert it whenever they can not con trol it. I owo all I am or hope to be politically to tho democratic party. No man who ever lived in this country was more indebted to a party than I am to tho democratic party. It took n when a young lawyer in Nebraska, without a name that was known, and without fortune. It made me a candidate for congress, and after that a candidate for president; three times tho democratic party has given me the nomination, and it never cost mo anything to bo nominated for president. They have made it possible for me to accomplish whatever I have been able to accomplish, and I would not be true to that party if I was not willing to take any risk to save my party from being buried in a drunkard's grave. If you want to know what party is to control tho future, you must find out what party is draw ing the young men from the colleges and schools, for tho young men who enter the party today will dominate it tomorrow. The democratic .. party can not appeal to the young men of this country if it allows itself to become the cham pion of the brewery, the distillery and the sa loon. Twenty-three states have already gono ' dry, and in the last campaign at least four more indicated their endorsement of prohibition. Be fore 1920 more than thirty states out of forty eight will be dry. Today a majority of tho peo ple of the United States live in dry territory. Today a majority of tho representatives in tho house have already voted in favor of a national amendment. If there is any moral force in tho doctrine that the people rule, then, when a ma jority of the people, speaking through a majority of their representatives, have declared against the saloon, it is, from that day on, an outlaw, and God forbid that my party shall be the cham pion of an outlaw! We glory in the last campaign. We not only won all that we fought for, but we got a great deal thrown in that we did not expect. One of the richest blessings that came with this election was the fact that it set the' democratic party free from obligation to the Uquor interests. The great wet cities were willing to turn this gov ernment back to tho predatory interests, and it was left to the prohibition states of the west and south to save the party and the nation from tho wet cities of the east. We had seventeen of the twenty-three dry states. We had ten of tho twelve states where women vote. A QUESTION FOR DEMOCRATS What shall we do in the next campaign? Shall we -repudiate the people who gave us our vic tory and cast in our lot with those who tried to def eat us? Shall we part with these friends who Baved us, in order to ally ourselves with those who would have annihiliated us? Now that -1s the position of the democratic narty But, while taking the prohibition side is an opportunity to us, it is a necessity to the re publican party. The republicans lost out on the old issues; they must find some issues that will win back the states that have, until this year, been republican. What issues have they? None, except the prohibition issue. We are likely to have a rivalry between the democrats and re rl,,hiirans to see who will get there first! P And if you will pardon me, I shall tell you a story that some of you who live In the cities Say not understand, but will be understood by thoso who Hvo In tho country; it illustrates the proposition that, when ono party starts on thfs subject, tho other must, because neither party can afford to have tho other dischnrgo Us liquor element upon it. Tho Btory is this: A farmer went to a veterin ary surgeon to get somo inedicino for a horso that had a soro throat, and tho doctor gavo tho farmer somo powder and a long tin tube. The man wont out with tho powdor and tube, but came back in a little while looking ffcry much dilapidated. "Did you follow my InstrucUons?" inquired tho doctor. "Doctor, I tried to," said tho farraor. "I put tho tube down tho horse's throat, as you direct ed, the end of tho tube at the placo that wan sore, and was just about to blow tho powdor onto tho diseased part, when tho horso coughed and I tqok the mcdiclno!" Now It makes a great deal of difference which party blows first on UiIb subject! If tho demo crats tako the lead they will drive tho men In terested in the liquor traffic Into tho republican party. ' Then the republican party will get all our bad mon, and, goodness knows, they havo enough bad men now without ours. But, If thoy blow first, wo will get all their bad men, and wo haven't room for any moro! These men stand together; they know no los'alty to party; thoy havo no Interest in anything except tho amount they can make selling a thing they know to bo injurious. If thoy will combine against the homo in favor of the saloon, why should wo not com bine for the homo against tho saloon? THE PARTY OF THE PEOPLE Tho democratic party is the party of the peo ple, and tho homo is tho people's citadel. Tho democratic party can not afford to be untruo to tho home, the unit of society. Therefore, when the line is drawn, there is but one thing for the democratic party to do, and that Is to tako tho moral side of this question. I present It to you as tho gospel of right; it is also the gospel of expediency. The democratic party haB outlived tho taunt that it is a whiskey party; it is perfectly re spectable now for a democrat to drink no liquor at all. A majority of tho states that aro dry go democratic at every election. I appeal to you as democrats, democrats who lovo your party, democrats who want to put your party on tho highway to success I appeal to you to put tho democratic party on the side of tho mother, tho child, the homo and humanity, and not allow it to be made tho champion of the most mercenary, tho most tyrannical group that ever entered politics for tho purpose of debauching parties and corrupting government. I thank you. (Mr. Bryan finished speaking at 1:25 a. m after which the banquet meeting was informally adjourned.) orrosEn TO UQUOR DOMINATION i Department of Labor Office of tho Assistant Secretary Washington December 21, 191C. .-- Hon. W. J. Bryan, -s-" co Tho Commoner, - Lincoln, Nebraska. Dear Mr. Bryan: In answer to your call through The Com moner, my name is at your service (so far as II can be used with propriety in view of my present official connections) for promoting your cam palen against the alcoholic-beverage ring.. While I have never been in sympathy with the policy of regulating or abolishing tho liquor traffic for. sumptuary reasons, I am in favor of doing away with it root and branch, in tho in terest of clean politics. The liquor ring is the left bower of Invisible government. It travels in couples with the fi nancial ring referred to as "Wall Street." It masquerades as democratic 'in the open (to the injury of tho democratic party) and aeals with republican rings In secret to the demoralization of both parties and the great injury of the gov ernment. When you kill tho liquor ring you di vest the Interests of most of their political power. Most heartily yours, LOUIS F. POST. The Don't Worry club has an excellent chance to increase its membership materially by 9:lrctx larizing the various gentlemen who have aspir ations to become speaker of the next housev , i i A