,lCB'' t"" TWW """' I i ii 1 ' . , The Commoner WILLIAM J. BRYAN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR VOL 17, NO. 1 Lincoln, Nebraska, January, 1917 Whole Number 693 President Wilson Sends Appeal for Peace A Washington, D. C, dispatch, dated Dec. 20, gays: The texts of Communications sent by the President's direction to each group of combat ants were madd public tonight. The notes to tho belligerents are prefaced with this instruction by Secretary Lansing to tho American ambassadors presentinj them: "The President directs me to send you the following communication to be presented imme diately to the minister of foreign affairs of the government to which you are accredited." The texts of the notes themselves then begin identically as follows: "The President of the United States has in structed me to suggest to the here is inserted a designation of the government addressed a course of action with regard to the" present war which he hopes that the government will take under consideration!, as suggested in the most friendly spirit and as coming not only from a l friend but also as coming from the represent ative of a neutral nation .whose interests have been most seriously effected by the war and whose concern for its early conclusion arises out of a manifest necessity to determine how best to safeguard those interests if the war is to con tinue. At this point the texts vary. In the notes to the Central powers this paragraph follows next: "The suggestion which I am ' instructed to make the President has long had in mind to offer. He is sfimewhat embarrassed to offer it at this partiaular tinre because it may now seem to have been prompted by a desire to play a part in connection with the recent overtures of the Central powers. It has, in fact, been in no way suggested by them in its origin, and tho Pres ident would have delayed offering it until those overtures had been independently answered but for the fact that it also concernBfae question of peace, and may best be considered Mn comrftction with other "proposals which have the same end in view. The President can only beg that his suggestion be considered ontirely on its own merits and as if it had been made in other, cir cumstances." SUGGESTION NOT' PROMPTED BY CENTRAL POWERS In the note to tho Entente allies the following paragraph takes the place of the one just quoted: "Tho suggestion wh'ch I am Instructed to make the President has long had It in mjnd to offer. He is somewhat embarrassed to offer it at this particular time because it may now seem to have been prompted by the recent overtures of the Central powers, it is, in fact, in no way associated with them-in its origin, and tho Pres ident would, have delayed offering it until those overtures had been answered but for the fact that it also concerns tho question of peace and may best be considered in connection with other proposals which have the same end in view. Tho President can only bog that his suggestion bo considered entirely on its own merits and as if it had beon made in other circumstances." Then all the notes proceed identically as fol lows: "The President suggests that an early occas sion be sought to call out from all tho nations now at war such an avowal of their respective , views as to tho terms upon which the war might be concluded and the arrangements which would ' bo deemed satisfactory as a guaranty against its renewal or tho kindling of nny similar conflict in tho futuro ao "nrould malso It pocalblo frankly to compare them. He is indifferent as to tho means taken to accomplish this. He would bo happy himself to serve, or oven to take the in itiative in its accomplishment, in any -way that might prove acceptable; but ho has no desire to determine the method or the instrumentality. One way will be as acceptable to him as another if only the great object he has in mind be at tained. "He takes tho liberty of calling attention to the fact that the objects which the statesmen of the belligerents on both sides have in mind in this war are virtually the same, as utated in gen eral terms to their own people and to tho world. Each side desires to make tho rights and priv ileges of weak peoples and small states as se cure against aggression or denial in the future as the rights and privileges of tho great and powerful states now at war. Each wishes itself to be made secure in the future, along with all other nations and peoples, against the recurrence ' of wars like this and against aggression of sel fish interference of any kind. Each would bo jealous of tho formation of any more rival CONTENTS PRESIDENT WILSON SENDS APPEAL FOR PEACE BEGINNING OP THE END "PREMATURE" PEACE SENATE SUPPORTS PRESIDENT'S AP PEAL FOR PEACE THE PRESIDENT'S PEACE NOTE A WORD OF WARNING NOW FOR LIQUOR LEGISLATION TO THE GOVERNORS AND LEGISLA TURES OF THE VARIOUS STATES THE PROPOSED RETURN TO BAR BARISM MR BRYAN OPPOSES EXCLUSIVE FED ERAL CONTROL OF RAILROADS WASHINGTON BANQUET TO MR. BRYAN leagues to preservo' an uncertain balance of power araidBt multiplying suspicions; but each 1b ready to considor tho formation of a league or nations to insure pence and Juatlco throughout tho world. Beforo that final step can bo taken, however, each deems it necessary first to sottle tho issues of tho present war upon terms which will cortainly safeguard tho independonco, tho territorial integrity and tho political and com mercial freedom of tho nations involved. OPPORTUNITY FOR COMPARISON OF VIEWS "In the measures to bo taken to secure the future peace of the world the peoplo and govern ment of the United States are as vitally and an directly interested as the governments now at war. Their interest, moreover, in tho means Jto Jbe adopted to relievo the smaller and weaker peoples of the world of IhVporll of wrong and -jviolcnco 16 ao quick and ardent as that of any other peoplo or government. They stand ready, and even eager, to co-operate In tho accomplish ment of these ends, when the war Is over, with every influence and resource at their command. But tho war must first bo concluded. Tho terms upon which it Is to be concluded they are not at liberty to suggest; but the President does feel that It is his right and his duty to point out their intimate interest in its conclusion, lest it should presently bo too Into to accomplish the greater things which lie beyond, lest tho situa tion of neutral nations, now exceedingly hard to endure, be rendered altogether intolerable, and lest, more than all, an injury bo dono civiliza tion itself which can never be atoned for or re paired. . '. "The President therefore, feels altogether justified In suggesting an immediate opportunity for a comparison of views as to the torms which must precede those ultimate arrangements t for tho peace of JJthe world, which all deslro and in which the neutral nations as well as" those at war are ready to play their full responsible part. "If the contest must continue to proceed to ward undefined ends by slow attrition until the one group of belligerents or the other is ex hausted, if million after million of human Uvea must continue to bo offered up urtil on tho ono side or the other thero are no more to offer, resentments must be kindled that can never cool and despairs ongendered from which there can be no recovery, hopes of peace and of the willing concert of free peoples will be rendered vain1 and idle. 1 "The life of the entire world has been pro foundly affected. Every part of the gVeat fam ily of mankind has felt the burden and! terror of this unprecedented contest of arms. Tft nation in tho civilized world can be said In truth 'tt stand outside its influence or to be safe aealnarf 4 4o