wssjjfwty The Commoner VOL. 16, no. 12 .j ,, V,, The Commoner ISSUED BIONTIILY Entered Jit tlio Postofllco at Lincoln, Nobraska, an HcconU-clasB matter. WILLIAM J. BRYAN, CIIAHLES W. BRYAN Editor and Proprietor Associate Ed. and Publisher Edit. Rmfl. and Business OfHcc, Suite 207 Press Bids. 0H6 Ycnr 91.00 Six Month . . . .a . .r0 In Clubs of Fivo or more, per year.. .7rt Thrco Month . . , . daiik'u j9ij .10 Samplo Copies Free. Foreign Post, 2Go Extra SIJHSCHII'TIONS can ba sent direct to Tho Com moner. Thoy can also bo sent through newspapers which have advertised a clubbing rate, or through local agent6, whero such agents havo been ap pointed. All remittances should bo sent by post oflleo money order, express order, or by bank draft on Now York or Chicago. Do not send individual chocks, stamps, or currency. UI'JNKWAIiS Tho dato on your wrapper shows tho tltno to which your subscription Is paid. Thus January 10 means that payment has boon received to and including tho Issue of January, 1910. GlIANtiH OF ADDIU3SS Subscribers requesting a change of address must givo old as well as new address. ADVKllTISING Rates will bo furnlshod upon application. Address all communications to 'II 1 10, LINCOLN, NEB. WORLDLY FAME Naught but a gust o wind is worldly fame, Now from this quarter, now from that arriv ing. And bearing with each change a different name. Danto. The fact that monoy gets tight every now and then ought not to bo utilized as an argument against national prohibition. Tho voters do their best to equalize matters. Montana sent an unmarried young .woman to congress, while California sent a Benedict there. x Mr. Hughes isn't the only eminent republican who found it an irksome and laborious task to think up a reason for observing Thanksgiving this year. Tho best proof that the republican national committee grossly mismanaged the campaign is that it didn't elect its candidates. The other evidence doesn't matter. Colonel Roosevelt has gone to the Fiji islands where the natives won't bo able to tell whether the languago ho employs in commenting on tho result of the late election is religious in char acter, or on the other hand. General Trevino, defeated at Chihuahua, says that tho reason was ho ran out of ammunition. It would be interesting to know where Villa gets his ammunition. He seems to have a fairly well greased avenue of supply. It is as yet Impossible to say which is the more devout devotee of silence, the political prophet who said that as goes Maine so goes the nation, or the chap who said it was all over when he heard, how New York and Indiana had gone. This is the season of the year when newly elected members of state legislatures are firmly convinced that the business of the session ought to be cleaned up within" six weeks at the most. Along next April they will have changed their taiirids. e 0 COMMONER RENEWALS ft ! The subscriptions of those who became, subscribers with the first issue of the Commoner, and have renewed at the close of each year, are due with the Jan uary (1P17) issue. In order to facilitate the work of changing and re-entering the addresses upon our subscription books and mailing lists, and obviate the ex pense of sending out personal statements announcing that renewals are sdue, sub scribers are asked to assist as much as possible by sending in renewals with as little delay las possible. . The "Peace Issue" (The following editorial by Mr. Bryan was published in the May issue of The Commoner, just prior to the St. Louis convention. In view of the "Peace Issue," which was one of the im portant factors in carrying the western states for the democratic ticket, this editorial will bo of interest now. Ed.) Tho Chicago .Tribune, the most influential republican paper west of New York, begins a leading editorial in its issue of May 7 as follows: "The meeting of the republican national con vention, which will be in session in Chicago a month from today, will bo the most important meeting of republican delegates since the party was founded. "The issues confronting the country today are fully as great as those which faced our fore fathers in I860, while the influence of the re publican delegates will be greater this year than it was at that time. In 1860 it was the division of their opponents which gave the control of the nation to the republicans. This year it will be only a division of republicans which will permit the government of the United States to remain in the hands of the democrats. "Mr. Wilson is a minority President. He received a trifle under 6.300,000 votes, as com pared to 7,600.000 and more cast for Roosevelt and Taft together. Thus the progressive-republican vote was more than 1,300,000, greater than Yhe democratic vote, while it is probable that in their factional bitterness both repub licans and progressives voted for Wilson in or der to assure the defeat of their pet aversion. "It therefore appears mathematicallv certain that if a candidate can be found who will please the voters who voted for ' Roosevelt and the voters who voted for Taft ths person will be the next president of the United States. "If only one candidate is chosen to represent progressives and republicans, Wilsony will need to hold his entire 1912' vote arid approximately 700,000 votes from his opponents." It is just as well to look the facts in the face. The REPUBLICAN party, if united, can enter the campaign with "a popular majority of 1,300,000 votes on its side. As a portion of this majority is made up of large majoritffis-ln a few republican states, our party's handlcap'is not quite as great as it appears, but it is still enough to compel serious consideration. To the normal republican advantage must be added the disaffection among German and Irish democrats. Without attempting to decide whether the President was wise or unwise in taking the course that alienated them, the party is confronted "with the FACT that this alienation will cost it a large number of votes enough to defeat the party in severaj close states. . , .From what source can we draw the number of recruits necessary to give the party a fighting chance? From one source and from one source only, namely, the PEACE ELEMENT of the republican party; we can not draw votes from thd war element. v There is a peace element in the republican party as shown by the vote cast for Henry Ford in Michigan, Nebraska, and other states. This is the only element to which the demo cratic party can appeal, and to 'appeal to this element it will be necessary to do more than has yet been done. If any considerable num ber of republicans felt friendly to the Presi dent they would have shown it by writing in his name as their choice when they expressed themselves at the primary. If this element is to be conciliated it must be done by a MOVE TOWARD PEACE. The opportunity is here. The German government, in accepting this government's position in the sub marine controversy, gives as one of its reasons for doing so its unwillingness to be responsible for extending or spreading the war. It refers to the fact that it has twice expressed a desire to consider terms of peace. The -way is onon EJil2ie P'eidonVe advantage of the oppo?l tunity? Failure to secure peace would bring isyj s ? wwle success would hQ ot TRE- MENDOUS advantage to him politically, as well as a blessing to this country and the world He can at one stroke destroy all the advantage the .-republican, party now has and makP i. race on I. record of a peacemaker win J8 give voice to the world's conscience to hi ity's hopes? t0 human- MR. BRYAN'S RESIDENCE Following is an interview by Mr. Bryan dvn to the press December 1, 1916: "I expect to be a frequent visitor in Washing ton during the next fifteen or twenty years if t live that long. I am interested in national and international questions more than ever if that is possible. Asheville, N. C, is beautifully lo cated in the Blue Ridge mountains. The ell mate is salubrious and the mountain peaks but rounding the city present a magnificent view" but our chief reason for spending the summers at Asheville is that it is only a night's ride from Washington. Lincoln, Nebraska, will remain our home as it has been for the past twenty-nine years. We shall spend a part of.each year there and that part will Include election day. I shall retain my citizenship there and shall vote there The sacrifice of home life is the severest pen alty that one has to pay for being in politics. By spending the summer in Asheville I can remain home more and yet be near enough to come to Washington whenever it may be desirable to do so. Several years ago I secured a building site near Asheville ten acres on top of a little mountain which rises five hundred feet above the city. We shall build there next spring. The name selected for the Asheville home is 'Mount Calm.' " IN MR. BRYAN'S STATE Commenting on the result in his own voting precinct, the "city of Lincoln, Lancaster county and state of Nebraska, in the recent election, Mr. Bryan, in an interview November 9, said: "I am proud of Normal precinct, the city of Lincoln, the county of Lancaster and the state of Nebraska. AH of these units have not only supported President Wilson, but they have sup ported the dry amendment. The prohibition ma jority in Nebraska is so large that the question is settled, and the state politics for the future will be built upon a prohibition basis. The li quor question is the only question that has di vided our party during the last twenty years, and now that this question is settled and out of the way, Nebraska democracy will take its place on the firing line and share in the leadership in this reform, as in all other reforms during the last two decades." THE NEBRASKA CAMPAIGN Mr. Bryan spoke in Nebraska the last week of the campaign. He spoke upon two subjects only. One Tvas the desirability of the adoption of prohibition; the other the duty the voters of Nebraska, irrespective of party, owed to support President Wilson because he had kept the nation out of war and had given prosperity. Prohibi tion carried the state by 29,442. Mr. Wilson carried the state by 41,0 5 6( The state had once before rejected prohibition by a majority in ex cess of 20,000, and politicians' usually speak of it as being "normally republican" by 20,000. These facts are here stated for the benefit of those Commoner readers who may have seen in the newspapers that have never tried to be fair to Mr. Bryan that he was repudiated in his own state at the November election. A CORRECTION 1T Trn.n 1,. 4-r.rn.tir afofoQ l 11 T 1 II EUl 6 recent presidential campaign. By an oversight Ohio and Pennsylvania were omitted from tlie list given in the November Commoner. The cor rect list of states, visited by Mr. Bryan in order named, follows: New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, Iowa, Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado, Missouri, Tennes see, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois and Nebraska. The health commissioner of Chicago has been experimenting with a dozen employees as a oi squad to determine whether it is possible torn upon an allowance of forty cents a day rooa each individual. If he will follow it up wu aemonstration of how a workingman with a w Ily of six children can get the forty cents i pj . lie will have contributed something worth wu to the discussion. r , u-