, v .V V-.' HI i V J " IJtl'! -.jjwpa The Commoner VOL. 1G, NO. lj A DOCTOR'S TRIBUTE TO ?. "Since I became an Autologist my success has been marvelous. When Autology was first placed in my hands I immediately recog nized your wonderful grasp of the whole subject of Health and Disease. Being a constitutional Rebel in all departments of intel lectual pursuits and activity I felt no hesitancy in abandoning the old grouping, experimenting, guessing method that requires the intro- , duction of that professional savior 'complications' with which we so frequently, if not daily, justify ourselves following the death of a patient or our inability to relieve, much less cure. "AFTER ADOPTING AUTOLOGY AS MY EXCLUSIVE METHOD OP TREATMENT IN ALL OASES I HAD PHENOM ENAL SUCCESS HAVE NOT LOST A SINGLE CASE OF PNEU MONIA, TYPHOID FEVER' APPENDICITIS, GASTRITIS AND OTHER DISEASES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. Edmond R. Moras, M. D. Hazard University Medical School, '88; College of Physicians and Surgeons (Chicago) '89; Form erly House Physician and Surgeon in Cook County Hospital (Chicago)-; Professor of Obstetrics, Col lege of Physicians and Surgeons (Chicago). "For years my wife suffered constantly and intensely from 'pelvic catarrh' and all the accompanying distress and reflex pain, and like all such cases when dependent upon the old"professional orthodoxy her case became more chronic, more painful. Thanks to Autology my wife is entirely recovered, has an almost inexhaustible fund of energy, great endurance and excellent autologic health, ' "My mother, who resides in Southwest Texas, is a deep dyed in the wool Autologist a convert from experience. Last winter she underwent the most serious illness she has experienced during her 75 years. During her illness I wired and wrote her not to deviate one iota from the instructions. Thanks to her good judgment she adhered strictly to the treatment and recovered fully and no doubt added years to her already long and useful life. "Almost forgot the other good tidings too good to keep. For 15 years I wore glasses, one pair for general use and oris for reading and writing. Today, thanks to you, my eyes are in excellent condition have not worn glasses in two years read and write, pen and machine, large and small type, without difficulty or annoyance. ' .'; rv. V i 'V. ; VVV 99 ; "Thanks,, doing nicely!" (Name on request.) ..., .w ... :..'J;i " ' ':....-'' ' ' VV Autology saved my life. Three of the best physicians here'told me I?wuid.bfe compelled-to' have an; oration for Appendicitis. Nevertheless, I have had no pain or indications of it since' fxAlomAutolooii eight years "ago. It lias been nothing less than a "Godsend" to me. Mrs. C. K. G. (Name on request.) 1' ' ''. ' " r-, , " I am getting better of the hardening of the arteries; all dizziness and heart thumping have disappeared & Cf (Name on request.) "'.,. . -..v ,-OV WELL OR SICK YOU NEED TAUTOLOGY No man can have, a better physician than himself, is a truth as ancient as commonsensfe. Autology fe.the knowl edge of yourself -the practise of livingness the business of health and disease. To understand your ailments is to know how to cure them yourself. To understand your functions is to know how to keep well Well or sick vou need rOUWANT BODILY AND MENTAL FREEDOM then send for A TmOAUTOLOGY- IT'S FREE! You wi enjoy the reading and your request will in ho way obligate you to purchase Autologvand I never bother anyone with follow-up letters or circulars. Please address : wutuie araoiogj dm. Edmond R. Moras, M. D., 513 Sheridan Road, Highland Park, Illinois W f ' ' ' " - "'..alj w m .