rT rj DECEMBER, 1915 .! "' 4 ;.")!) .M ESSfe W The Commoner CflW HH6253 7i 4 V&Zm ha & ju JVote Columbia Grafonola Price $200 CoIumtLfc Grafonola Price $100 A Columbia Grafonola the one best gift for all the family for all the year The one gift the best gift for all the family is the "One Incomparable Musical Instrument' the one instrument with the "Tone of Life" a genuine Columbia Grafonola. The Columbia Grafonola is the "gift supreme" a gift that brings more pleasure day after day to all the family, for all the year around. There is no gift quite like it, none that can give a more lasting joy and it is a gift within the means of all. Columbia Grafonolas range in price from f 15 to $350. See your Columbia dealer toddy, and make sure that this Christmas will find a Columbia Grafonola in your home. New Columbia Records on Bale the 20 th of every month. Lo Celambl GrafoneU Price 959 .'rj It COLUMBIA AFONOLAS GR Wholesale THE GRAFONOLA COMPANY LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Distributors of Columbia Grafonolas and Records for Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota. Special Attention to Mail Orders f jBpHWfMe)eJffJiej3pSjM ePk. XI N Retail WfA f lLj ..' ,3Ct&. iW ' '