The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 01, 1916, Page 27, Image 27

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    i"rn TfWT'WWr -
The Commoner
Both Parties Facing a "Dry" Fight
From the Washington Star, Dec. 7.
A great fight will be made to place
in the next national democratic and
republican platforms a prohibition
plank, in the opinion of senators of
both parties at the capitol today, who
commented upon the appeal of Wil
liam Jennings Bryan to the demo
cratic party to adopt nation-wide
prohibition as one of the measures
to bo enacted into law.
Only the passage during the next
four years of a joint resolution by
congress for a constitutional amend
ment for national prohibition and its
submission to the states for ratifica
tion can prevent the effort being
made to have both parties take up
the fight for prohibition, they said.
Senator Sheppard of Texas, leader
of the prohibition forces in the sen
ate, expressed his gratification at the
stand taken by Mr. Bryan. He fa
vored a prohibition plank for the
Senator Konyon Favors Plank
Senator Kenyon of Iowa, a strong
advocate of prohibition on the re
publican side of the chamber, said
that he believed, with the growing
strength of the prohibition sentiment
in the country, neither party could
afford not to put a prohibition plank
in its platform if the other adopted
"If Mr. Bryan runs for President
on the democratic ticket with prohi
bition in his platform," said Senator
Kenyon, "the republicans could not
Subscribers Jttivtrtisittfl Bept.
Thla department la for the benefit of
Commoner subscribers, and a special
rate of six cents a word per Insertion
the lowest rate has been made for
them. Address all communications to
The Commoner. Lincoln. Nebraska
IDAHO LAND. If you aro looking for
1 a better place to live, where there
Is pure soft water, beautiful climate,
no crop failures, or hailstorms, write
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MICE Suburban Home of 30 acres
1N and two choice farms to trade for
merchandise or sell for cash. Address
Lock Box 121, Osceola, Mo.
hold the republican party together in
opposition to him."
Senator Kern of Indiana, demo
cratic leader, said that if ho owned
any stock in a brewery or distillery
he would sell it in a hurry. Ho add
ed, however, that .he did not think
that a majority of the democratic
party would favor Imposing prohibi
tion upon a state in which the public
sentiment did not demand prohibition.
Bryan Strong on Moral Issuo"
Senator Simmons of North Caro
lina, one of the most influential
democrats in the bgdy, was unwilling
at this time to say what course would
be followed by the democratic party
In regard to Mr. Bryan's appeal.
"Ho made a great speech," said
Mr. Simmons. "No one can equal
Mr. Bryan when he discusses a moral
issue. Unless some action is taken
in the next four years looking toward
national prohibition, the matter will
be a live issue at the next national
There were others, however, among
the democratic senators who, while
they did not care to be quoted, stated
that they did not believe that na
tional prohibition could bo enforced,
and that its supporters were align
ing themselves with the "speak
easies." They were opposed to hav
ing jjio democratic party take up na
tional prohibition as an issue.
or population, as Nevada, Arizona or
Delawaro and for such largo states
as Now York, Pennsylvania and Illi
nois, where conditions were vastly
different. Ho referred only inci
dentally to tho November election,
remarking, "I do not bellevo the
sums spent by either tho republican
or democratic party in tho 1910 cam
paign ever will bo known."
AGENTS Wanted to sell new parlor
baseball game. Novel, fascinating
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M ilIllCU lUtdh Wanted. Sl.000.000 in prize?
ottered for Inventions. Fend sketch for frco opinion
"'patentability. Our four books sent Ircc.
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Wntflon E. CoIemant
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Hj."- reasonable. Highest references. Beatservl' "
IT ONCE Ten ladies to travel, dem
onstrate and sell well established lino
to our dealers. Previous experience
not necessary. Good pay. Railroad
fare paid. Goodrich Drag Co., Dept 21),
Omaha, Neb.
ro.i developed, 10c. Six prints free with
nrst roll. Or, send six negatives, any
size, and 10c (stamps)' for six prints,
Bell Ave, RcHHokc, Va.
' A Washtegton dlspatcb, dated
Dec. 6, says: "With Senator Owen an
nouncing promises of support from
republicans, the senate today settled
down to consideration of tho Owen
Corrupt Practice bill to limit expend
iture of money in congressional and
presidential elections, and leaders
on both sides predicted that the
measure in amended form would be
passed before tho March adjourn
ment. Senator Owen said Informally that
ho would withhold, for the present
at least, his resolution to direct sc
special investigation into campaign
expenditures of all political parties
in the recent national election, be
cause of the assurances from repub
lican senators that they would aid in
good faith to effect the passage of a
measure that would prevent lavish
expenditures of money and, remove
opportunity for corruption in future
Several amendments were offered
among them one by Senator Kenyon
to penalize election betting by a fine
of ?500 for each offense. Senator
Works Dronosed a similar amend
ment, and another which would limit
individual contributions to a cam
paign fund to $100, to be paid only
to recognized political committees.
Senator Sherman, republican,
opened debate on the bill. He ob
jected to the provision limiting cam
paign expenditures by a political
committee on behalf of a senatorial
candidate to $5,000, declaring the
language was not clear whether this
referred to both' primaries and elec
tions, or would allow a total for both
of $10,000, He said a later provi
sion permitting certain personal ex
penditures would permit a wealthy
candidate who could spend his own
money to have a great advantage
over one who must rely on contribu
tions and campaign committee funds.
The Illinois senator also contended
it was unfair to make the same
standard for states small In territory
Professor Young gentlemen, it is
my duty and privilege to create In
you a thirst for knowledge.
Student Now you have helped mo
to solve a problem over which I havo
been puzzling for somejtime.
Professor Indeed, I am pleased
to havo been of assistance. May I
ask in what particular I have on
lightened you?
Student I never could understand
before why all your lectures aro so
dry. The Christian Herald.
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