The Commoner DECEMBER, 1916 19 Ruptured? Throw Away Your Truss! MMWMMIHMMMminMiiMM For Many Years We Have Been Telling You That No Truss Will Ever Help You We Have Told You the Harm That Trusses Are Doing. We Have Told You That the Only Truly Comfortable and Scientific Device for Holding Rupturo is the Brooks Rupture Appliance and That It Is Sent on Trial to Prove It If you have tried most everything else come to me. Where others fail is where I have my greatest success. Send attached coupon today and I will send vou free my illustrated book on Rup ture and its cure, showing my Appli ance and giving you prices and names of many people who have tried it and wore cured. It is instant relief when all others fall. Remember, I use no salves, no harness, no lies. I send on trial to prove what I say is true. You are tho judge and once hav-inc- seen my Illustrated book and read t vou will bo as enthusiastic as my hundreds of patients whose letters you can also read. Fill out free coupon be fow and mail today. It's well worth your time whether you try my Appli ance or not. "Cured by the Brooks Discovery At the Age of 70 Mr. C. E. Brooks, Marshall, Mich. Dear Sir: I began using your Appllanco for the cure of rupture (I had a pretty bad case) I think In May, 1905. On No vember 20, 1905, I milt usintr it. .Since 0wffiPvm not needed or used It. X am wui . rupture and rank myself among those cured by tho Brooks Discovery, which, considering my ago, 76 years, I regard as remarkable. Vnrv slnnnrnlv vours. High Point, N. C. SAM A. HOOVER. Cured Without Operation jvmMmx..-jms& The above 1 O. E. Brooks, Inventor of the Appliance, who cured himself and who In now striving otlicrM the benefit of IiIn experience. If ruptured, write Iilm to lny, at Marshall, Mich. "Wns Sure He Would. Be a Cripple" Brooks, Marshall, Mich. .Cured iu Three Months ifmW m t Mr. C. E Dear Sir: Enclosed is a picture of my children, and thtf Uttlo man you see seated on tho chair is tho one who was cured by your Appli ance. Ha had been ruptured quite a while before we wrote you, and I was sure that he would be a crip- l'v btiu ;ob wj. y ' -- -'""' -.-.--1-. his life. However, some helping nana showed me an ad. in a newspaper, with the result that he was in perfect health J ih rough the wearing of a Brooks Ap pliance for just three months. The doctor advised an operation, which I would not consent to. Your ii ! vice was to put an Air Cushion Ap pllanco on him, and I must say that it is worth ten times what it cost. I wish you could havo seen him be fore we used tho Appliance and now, when ho is fully as sound as anyone could be. T can not thank you too much for what you have done for my bCy. Yours respectfully, Ada, Minn. OLIVER HANSON. Child Cured in Four Months 21 Jansen St., Dubuque, Iowa. Mr. C. E. Brooks, Marshall, Mich. Dear Sir: The baby's rupture is al together cured, thanks to your Appli ance, and we are so thankful to you. If we could only have known of it sooner, our little boy would not havo had to suffer near as much as he did. He wore your brace a little over four months. Yours very truly, ANDREW EGGENBERGER. 430 Cleveland Ave, Salem, Ohio. Mr. C. E'. Brooks, Marshall, Mich. Dear Mr. Brooks: I am sending you a small pic ture of my son, who is now five years old. We ordered your appliance for him when howas only two months old, and yet want to say in about three months all signs of rupturo were gone, and he is some boy today. I shall be very glad to say a good word for you whenever the op portunity presents itself. Yours very truly, T. A. McLAlN. NaBMM Veteran Cured Commerce, Ga., R. F. D. No. 11. Mr. C. E. Brooks. Dear Sir: I am glad to tell you that 1 am now sounu unu well and can plow or do any heavy work. I can say your Appllanco has effected a perma nent cure. Before get ting your Appliance I was in a terrible con dition and had given up all hope or ever Be ing any better. If it hadn't been for your Appliance V.W....! '!,V.V,.., iyWtej. . i .& 'xflBHW would TTronn cured. I am sixiy- . rtii nrtn 4ii i ."" -'" . v;i,r nn Eckle's Artillery, wb """y. - never na.v ".v" -,- , tUror vnars oitrht years oti anu i- "'"".. " A' T Saro doln.Kr suffering, humanity, H. D. BANKS. Doctor Pronounces Him Cured 119 Towlo Avenue, Mlshawaka, Ind. Mr. C. E. Brooks, Marshall, Mich. Dear "Mr. Brooks: Answering your letter, will say we need no moro Appliances, as our son has been completely cured by wearing your Appliance. Wo recently had him examined, and the doctor said the opening was en tirely closed and that it wasn't necessary to wear it longer. Thanking you for your kindness. I am, Yours very truly, MRS. H. TOLLMAN. REMEMBER I send my Appllanco on trial to prove what I say Is true. You are to bo tho judge. Fill out frco coupon below and mail today. TEN REASONS WHY You' Should Send fur Ilrook Ituplure Appliance 1. It is absolutely tho only Appllanco of the kind on tho markot today, and n It aro embodied tho principles that Inventors havo sought after for yearn. .'.In a Appllanco for retaining tho rupturo can not bo thrown out of posi tion. 8. Being an air cufthlon of soft rub ber It clings closely to tho body, yet never blisters or causes irritation. A. Unlike the ordinary so-called pads, used In other trussos, it is not cumber some or ungainly. G. It Is small, soft and pllablu, and positively can not be detocted through tho olothlng. 0. The soft, pliable hands holding tho Appllanco do not glvo ono tho unpleas ant sensation of wearing a harness. 7. Thore in nothing about It to got foul, and when It becomes soiled It can bb washed without Injuring It in tho least. 8. Thoro aro no metal springs In tho Appliance to torturo ono by cutting and bruising tho flesh. 0. All of the material of which tho Appliances aro made is of tho very best that money can buy, making it a dur able and safe Appllanco to wear. 10. My reputation for honesty and fair dealing Is so thoroughly estab lished by an experience of over thirty years of dealing with tho public, and my prices are so reasonable, my terms so fair, that there certainly should be no Jiesituncy in sending free coupon to day. Pennsylvania Man Thankful Mr. C. E. Brooks, Marshall, Mich. Dear Sir: Perhaps it will Interest you to know that I have been ruptured six years and havo always had troublo with It till I got your Appliance. It Is very easy to wear, fits neat and snug, and Jh not In the way at any time, day or night. In fact, at times I did not know I had it on; it Just adapted it self to tho fthnpo of tho body and seemed to bo a part of tho body, us It clung to the spot, no matter what position I was in. It would bo a veritable God-send to the unfortunate who suffer from runture if all could procure the Brooks Rupture Appliance and wear It. They would certainly never regret it. My rupturo Is now all healed up and nothing ever did It but your Appliance. Whenever tho opportunity presents It self I will say a good word for your Appliance, and also tho honorable way In which you deal with ruptured peo ple. It IS a pleasure to recommend a good thing among your frlonds or strangers. I am, yours very tinccrol, JAMBA A. BRITTON. 80 Spring St., Bethlehem, Va. Free Information Coupon Mr. . C. E. BROOKS, 193 State St., Marshall Michigan Please send me by mall In plain wrapper your illustrated book and full information about your Appliance for the cure of rapture. ., , 5 Namo Address ... i i i " R. F. D. .city ;..".... ; i, . . ". . . stat 4 i Yours sincerely, .,