The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 01, 1916, Page 18, Image 18

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The Commoner
VOLl 16, NO. 12
- - f r-
this: Boil, peel and slico sweet po
tatoes; peel and sllco nico apples,
and lay In altornato rows In a but
tered shallow pan or casserole; lay
enough butter over the potatoes and
apples to moisten the whole, adding
sugar if deslrod; bako until nicely
browned, and servo hot with the
Little scratches and mars on var
nished furniture can often bo nearly
effaced by rubbing with furniture
polish, to be had of tho dealer in
paints. Bo sure to shako the polish
well, and apply with an absolutely
clean rag, rubbing well Into the
When fat from frying is to be put
away, allow tho fat to slightly cool
and soTtio, thou strain through a
chooso cloth; wipe out the skillet and
return tho fat, lot heat until well
moltod, then strain again through
cheoso cloth into jar to bb used, thon
cover with a cloth, or lid. To clarify
a small amount of cold fat, pour boil
ing water over it, stir well, and set
aside to cool; when again cold, re
movo tho cako that has formod on
top, scrape the sedimonts from tho
bottom of it, and it is ready for use.
Cement for Floors
Here is tho usual way in which
tho contractor, trying to save money
by doing poor work, does his cement
floors: A layer of grit one and 'one
half inches deep, first laid down and
tamped. Thon half an inch of ce
ment mortar is poured over tho grit
and a "cement floor" is tho result.
In due course of time, tho owners
aro wondering what causes the
cracks and breaks in the floor. The
proper way to make a cement floor
la to havo a layer of grit or cinders
throe to six Inches deep,mixed with
tho proper proportions of cement and
sand. Then the finishing surface of
cement can bo laid on top, thick
enough to be more than a mere
shell-coating; this should bo
smoothed down and well troweled
into place.
For the Seamstress ,
In working buttonholes, 'strength
en tho material around the cut por
tion with running stitches of thread,
carrying a strand of silk or thread
to prevent tho" buttonhole from
stretching along the top cut while
working. After it is finished, stitch
around tho edge of tho hole with a
row of machine stitchtne.
A. tailor's buttonhole has a bar
worked at each end; eyelets are
seldom worked now, aB tho invisible
eytfs may be bought, and answer
every purpose. For children's gar
ments, strong buttonholes should be
made, and the buttons sewed on with
Strong thread. Tho four-hole but
tons aro much bettor than tho two
hole for all children's underwear.
To Save Gas
Have a "piece of sheet or galvanized
-iron cut to cover the top of the range.
This will be almost square, if there
aro four burners, but a piece to fit a
two, or three-hole "hot plate" may
ibo used for such a cooker. Have a
,holo cut In the sheet over tho burn
er, and keep tho piece removed to iise
;as a lid when only one or more burn
ers is needed. The vessel needing
the most heat may be set over tho
lighted burner, after removing the
lid, and those needing slow boiling,
or stewing may be sot on the sheet.
'Tho heat that would otherwlso es
cape will bo spread along the sheet
'under the other vessels. For iron
ing day, if you have a gas iron, use a
'afreet of the iron to set your flat
frons on, and they will all heat over
'osA-hurner. An iron plate js sold
im tke stores for twenty-five cents, to
set orer one burner, ami
155? W1U oook weli " SmE
Moving Pictures in the School
.(Continued from Preceding Page.)
stylo' n,nd very effective in fabric com
bination. Either straight or bloomnr
trousers may bo buttoned to a waist
that slips on over tho head, or, have a
front closing, as illustrated. Long or
short sleeves will: bo correct.
SOOS-j-TiJullcs' Night-Gown Cut In
sizes 34, 38, 42 and 4G inches bust
measure. Quito the right style for this
time, Is the gown in tho illustration,
mado to slip on over tho head and with
a yoke back and front. Tho front and
yoko are slashed through tho centre
and finished with eyelets for ribbon
a 7r8ST?lllren,SA EreH Cut in sizes
4, 0 and 8 years. A tie inserted through
a horizontal opening in front, Is ono of
the dressy features of this little frock;
another, is tho belt with shaped ends
emerging at each front side to bo but
toned to the dress. Contrasting goods
contributes the collar and pretty cuffs
on short sleeves, and scalloping, tho
POnular trimmlno- fny Mn,ii.,,i"
os, daintily finishes them. "-
.704T1Lndle,H c Cut In sizes 3C to
43 inches bust measure. Hanging
straight and loose from tho shoulders
,n, f ron t0 a lltUo belw the lS
where it flares stylishly, this model
shows the latest in fall coats. Itsdis
tlngulshlng feature Is tho large pocket
made with ono end to fold over ? tab
effect, fastening with button."
80(M .LaiilcH' SkirtCut in sizes 2A
to 32 inches waist measure. On simple
lines with a distinguished alrf thS
skirt is cut in two gores that are Both
ered at the top and gracefully draped
from yokes that aro mounted on a
raised -waistline. The gathered and
graduated heading pushes up tho
walstllneaha makes the model more
youthful Its use Is optional. v '
.l-T-Lnrtiea' -press Cut In sizes 34
to. 42 incftos bust- measure. Convincing
a&" !?.. ,th0 -PaPtyarlty ot the "over
effect1' in .ongwpleco dresses. The, sur
plice Tclosin.g-of the overblouse gives a
neat vest effect to tho separate gulmpo
Which Is xf different material and has
fulb sleeyos' gathered to deep cuffs.
Tho skirt is cut In three gored with tho
upper edges gathered to a yoke,
, 800b'na!H, Shirt-Wnlst Cut in
sizes 36 to 42 inches bust measure. It
adds to tho fascination of this blouse
to .have the fronts extended in tab ef
fect And . prossed just below tho line of
the bTt. The sleeves aro easily full
and gathered into euns uiat are
trimmed to match tho collar and revers
In opposing color. Tho combination ef
fect will give a pretty blouse.
8?T71ljiaaic?' rcHM Cut in sizes 30
to 44 Inches bust measure. This one
piece frock lays claim to having tho
newest syle features because of the
marked simplicity, grace and straight
noss of line. For smartness tho collar
aeserves the better half of credit that
is shared by the pointed girdle which
draws in tho fulness at normal waist
line without any fitted effect.
. 783'nuc' Shlrt-Walst Cut In
sizes 36 to 44 inches bustmeasure. An
irresistible model in plain and striped
silk, or your choice of fabrics and col-
?t2r ln 802ld w,Wfce.. The shoulder
fronts aro gathered ana in theij'achNat
tho waistline, tho fulness Is gathered
under a stay belt
7543 -Child's D.rcMa Cut in sizes 2 4
and 6 years. In this little , frock wo
lave, a ,sactluo cut, wJth'tblohtre of
tho back and front In bbMfcrm.
The closing is placed under thev'iiJe
What do vnn fliti, . ...
experiment has been tried locally l
a few schools, but it is too a v
tho trial to pass a critic7judl
?lt(J their lue' Those who'S
the innovation contend that it Z
do much to make some part cuhr
branches of study more real to th
pupil, while others say the eXpen
of renting reels, and installing ml
chines-and booths would add mow
to tho cost of public education than
tho resulting good would warrant
The taxes for this purpose are al'
ready a grievous burden to many
tax-payerd, and unless of real value
it would "cost more than it would
come to." Many claim that the ma
jority of the educational films now
available would prove of no practical
value for reinforcing text-books, and
no matter what the instructive ele
ments claimed for them, these
would be mado secondary to the
dramatic interest or plot of the pic
ture play. In certain classrooms, or
in lectures, they might be made val
uable, and the idea of a circulating
library of films, sustained by popular
subscriptions, is being entertained.
But, what do the tax payers think of
it? It is beginning to be recognized
that a little more of the three It's,
and a better knowledge of the spell
ing book would be of considerable
value to the rising generation.
"What God Sustained"
One of our readers tells me that
"God condemns the policy of the
AntL-saloon league in the strongest
terms, and that, being commanded
not to add t'o, br take away from,
.one jot or tittle of the Holy Word!
no one -can stand for, or advocate or
vote for either the suffrage or sa
loon question, without sending the'r
souls down to Hell," as either mat
ter is disposed of in the Bible. Per
haps we don't all read the Bible
alike, or understand its teachings in
the narrow, way our brother anti
suffragist and upholder of the saloons
seems to be doing. Read a little
closer, brother, then give chapter
and verse.
' t. , .
of,, the front -pi lt. A flat collar edges
the hjerh neck and-a band cuff the long,
full sleeves.
7540 CliUA'fi .Anron Cut In sizes 2,
4, 6, 8, 10 and 1-2 years. This all-covering
apron is high Jn the neck, where
.vthere is a small,- flat collar and has
long sleeves, ending in a band at the
wrists; The front is plain and the clos
ing is placed in the centre of the back.
There are tie strings from the side
seams and small patch pockets at the
sldrB .qf the front. ,
7303 liSidlcit' Apron Cut in one sl?c.
This ne piece garment is remarkable
In taking very llttlo material. It Is In
one piece,- but may be seamed at the
shoulders. Body and sleeves are In one
and the fulness is gathered on a tano
or an elastic at the waistline. Tno
aprnn slips on over the head.
8003 Clilld'rt TItirtorwiiHt nnd Pefi
Coat Cut in sizes , 1. 3, and 5 years.
Your good judgment will tell ynu tiini
this necessary little garment will iook
better, lit better and last longer, u
made at home from a pattern. The up
derwaist is cut on perfect lines. ie
shaped at the armhojes and button
at back, A waistband is fitted J "J
buttons for attaching a gathered or
circular cut petticoat. ,
7014 Child' NlKht-DrnwcM Ciu "'
sizes 1. 2, 4. G, 8. 10 and 12 years. Tins
cozy garment for winter nights, rwn
have the closing at tho front oi bach.
bishop or plain sleeves, and bonm'J
with or without the feet. It is cut on
tho most advanced lines for chi Jdnn
sleeping garments and should ie
veloped In canton flannel, outing ""
nel or other fabric of yarmtn. fi
7834 IiadlcH Drews Cut In f lcsf ,n
to 44 inches bust measure. J "" tnB
of style and snap with cotrasu
goods for tho collar, rever fronts on
cuffs. Novelty t pockets In tho
gored skirt give a smart touch to
front where the closing is made.