The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 01, 1916, Page 15, Image 15

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The Commoner
r4Pr i"ynvvr
Germany Makes Offer
of Peace
Tho following dispatches were carried by the
Associated Press:
Berlin, Dec. 12. (By wirless to Sayville.)
Germany and its allies today proposed to enter
forthwith into peace negotiations.
The propositions which they will bring for
ward are, according to Chancellor von Beth-mann-Hollweg,
appropriate for the establish
ment of lasting peace.
The Austrian, Turkish and Bulgarian govern
ments are making similar proposals. These pro
posals also have been transmitted to the Vatican.
The following announcement was given out
today by the semi-ofiicial Overseas News agency:
"Tho chancellor this morning received one
after another of the representatives of the United
States of America and Spain, and Switzerland;
that is, of the states protecting German interests
in hostile foreign countries. The chancellor
transmitted to them a note and asked them to
bring it to the knowledge of the hostile govern
ments. The note will be ready today in the
Re'ehstag by the chancellor.
"In the note the four allied (central) powers
propose to enter forthwith on peace negotia
tions. The propositions which they bring for
such negotiations are according to their firm
belief appropriate for the establishment of a
lasting peace.
"The governmnts at Vienna, Constantinople
and Sofia transmitted identical notes and also
communicated with the Holy See and all neu
tral powers."
Berlin, Dec. 12. Following is the text of the
note addressed by Germany and its allies to the
hostilo governments:
"The most terrific-war ever experienced in
history has been raging for the last two years
and a half over a large part of the world a
catastrophe wh'ch thousands of years of com
mon civilization was unablo to prevent and which
injures the most precious achievements of hu
manity. Our aims are not to shatter nor anni
hilate our adversaries. In spite of our con
sciousness of our military and economic strength
and our readiness to continue the war (which
has been forced upon us) until the bitter end,
if necessary; at the time prompted by the desire
to avoid further bloodshed and make an end to
the atrocities of war, the four allied powers
propose to enter forthwith into peace negotia
tions. "The propositions which they bring forward
for such negotiations and which have for their
object a guarantee of existence, of honor and
liberty of evolution for their nations, are, ac
cording to their firm belief, an appropriate basis
for the establishment of- a lasting peace.
"The four allied powers have been obliged to
take up arms to defend justice and the liberty
of national evolution; The glorious deeds of our
armies have in no way altered our purpose. We
always maintained the firm belief as to our own
rights and justified claims in no way control the
rights of these nations.
"The spiritual and material progress which
were the pride of Europe at tho beginning of
the twentieth century are threatened with ruin.
Germany and its allies, Austria-Hungary, Bul
garia and Turkey, gave proof of their uncon
querable strength in this struggle. tThey gained
gigantic advantages over adversaries superior
in number and war material. Our lines stand
unshaken against attempts made by the enemies.
"Tho last attack in the Balkans has been rap
idly and victoriously overcome. The most recent
events have demonstrated that further continu
ance of war will not result in breaking the re
sistance of our forces and the whole situation
with regard to our troops justifies our expecta
tion of further successes."
Even to tho most cynical, it should bo appar
ent these days that William Jennings Bryan is
laboring devotedly and unselfishly for tho dem
ocratic cause. At this writing he has stumped
for tho President in sixteen western states, and
will have toured three more before tho end of
the campaign. Ho is giving his whole time and
energy to tho work, and making four or five
speeches a day. Ho is footing his own traveling
expenses. A paper which is not in tho habit of
plucking bouquets for commoners (the-ow
York Evening Post) reports of him: "Ho is giv
ing more of time, energy and money combinpd
than any other single man to bring about the
re-election of Woodrow Wilson."
What is more, all reports agree that Mr Bryan
is doing this in no perfunctory manner, mit with
all the ardor of an evangelist. And if response
from the people is his pay, ho is being richly
rewarded, for, judged by the amount of enthu
siasm ho is arousing, this is the most successful
campaign of his career. He is, as ho perceives,
making more votes for Wilson than he over won
for himself.
"I can make a much better argument for the
re-election of President Wilson than I ever could
for myself," ho explains. "For four campaigns I
have been able to talk-about promises only, but
today I can point to a record greater than any
administration of our generation. Deeds are
so much more convincing that promises."
This is not merely an attempt on the part of
the speaker to prove himself a good sportsman.
We are proud to give Mr. Bryan credit, even as
the Post does, for "caring for a principle far
more than a good many other mpn in public life
today." That he should win more votes for Mr.
Wilson than ho ever did for himself is natural.
Mr. Bryan is the finest type of idealist a type
more effective in working for a cause than in
working for himself.
We "can not help but note, in passing, how
' much more dramatic a figure Mr. Bryan is in
this campaign than Colonel RooBevelt. The
! Colonel stood by watching the fight and fondling
a shillelah. Was th's a private jamboree, or
could anybody mix in? Finally, his impatience
got the better of him and he had to lake the
plunge. He saw so many heads to bash that
it mado his mouth "water.
Mr. Bryan is of a different temper. He was
far from spoiling for a fight. Ho had had an
encounter each year and had. not emerged from
it with much distinction. Mr. Bryan is not
bloodthirsty, anyway. Tho whisper of con
science was all that urged him on. As usual he
did what he thought was right. Ho swallowed
his pride and "sailed in." From Puck, N. Y.
Asheville extends a cordial greeting to Wil
liam Jennings Bryan.
This splendid statesman will find the Asheville
folk neighborly and he and his family will enjoy
spending a part of the days of the year in our
midst. Speaking of Asheville people, The Times
deights to honor the distinguished dibciple of
peace, and wishes for him all of the joy and de
light that comes to one who has seen a vision
and has manfully wrought towards its achieve
ment. Notable for his conviction and loyalty to his
purpose in life William Jennings Bryan is not
merely, a national figure but a world-recognized
character with ability unquestioned and sincer
ity undisputed, and those who disagree with h'm
acknowledge his integrity- and admire his
fidelity. 4
Asheville feels honored at having been chosen
the place where the distinguished Nebraskan
will build his summer home the place to which
he comes for rest and thought and more than
this Asheville will always look toward Mount
Calm with a feeling of Joy and appreciation.
Added pleasure would be Asheville's if that
master man Henry Ford could see his way
clear to make a sojourn regularly on another
one of our delightful hilltops. Mr. Ford, by
reason of his remarkable foresight and glimpse
0 q
Send Tho Commoner to yotir fried-
n constant reminder for tho whole .yew. v
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of better things Is also a world-wldo oharactor.
Another man noted for his integrity, upright
ness, and ability and if ho could havo his resting
bungalow within Ashovlllo's limits this com
munity would Indeed appreciate the acquisition.
Both of these distinguished gentleman, prominent-
In somewhat dlfforent linos and yot oach
without, superior in his own sphore, nro thrloo
welcome to our midst, and if mijj, llttlo sorvloe
of ours can make tholr days more happy It will
bo a joy to tender such service. Asheville
(N. 0.) Timos.
The people of the Unltod Statos are not in a
truculent tomper. They are not ashamed of tho
rolo this nation has played in respect of tho Eu
ropean war. They do not bcliovo tho Allies havo
been 'fighting our battles" while we oat snugly
by and coined blood money out of the oporatlon.
They are patient under the Injuries that both
parties to the war havo visited upon this country,
becauso they take into .account tho abnormal
state of the belligerents very much as a wlso
man makes allowance for a neighbor who acts
in the stress of an overmastering emotion.
They aro, in their international relations, ny
far the most Idealistic people in the world a re
sult, no doubt, of their fortunate geographical
position. They actively wish their neighbors
good. That this nation, on a broad view, has
consistently stood for the highest interests of
civilization in the face of embroiled Europe sat
isfies their idealism. They know that our par
ticipation in tho war, from however strong com
puls'on, would be a world calamity.
That much is clearly deduclblo from the pres
idential campaign, and wo look upon this ex
pression of public opinion as ono of the finest in
cidents In American history. Man is naturally
a fighting animal. Getting him to fight has al
ways been tho easiest trick in the statesman's
box. Moreover, war is contagious, and the con
tagion1 has been in the air for many inontns.
That the American "people In 191G refused to bo
hurrahed, heckled and taunted into belligerency
will stand as tme of tho high justifications of
Onb singular phase of the campaign consisted
in persistently insulting a public that saw its
own interests and tho highest human interests.
That phase was conducted by a rather extensive
and clamorous sot;" but the public's answer was
merely a good-natured shrug. Saturday Even
ing Post;
. Referring to the Washington banquet, Decem
ber G, the New York World said editorially:
"Mr. Bryan deserves all the honor accorded
him yesterday and last evening In Washington.
Ho quit the Wilson administration because he
feared it was too militant, ho did not rush into
tho arms of a candidate who was practically
committed to war in both hemispheres. In loy
alty' to party principle as well as faithfulness to
an Idea, he has given tho country a fine, example
of fidelity and common sense."
Governor Hiram Johnson of California, whose
election to the senate was marked by a plurality
so large that nobody can remember its .extent,
has been able so far to conceal his grief over the
fact that the electoral vote of tho state did not
go to his genial friend. Judgo Hughes. "
Peter Goelet Gerry, called a free trade demo
crat, was elected United States senator in Rhode
Island, defeating that sterling champion of high
protection, the Hon. Henry Frederick LIppitt.
This Is the first official intimation that the mil
lenium isnot very far distant.
Wanted the name of every democrat and independent who will assist
Mr. Bryan in driving the liquor interests out the parly and out of the nation.