r t Tfm T ! f The Commoner DECEMBER, 1916. 13 wlB5P!wwraJWPfr, ' m' "" dry democrats, it is within the range of possi bility that he may bo in position of control aa to nomination and platform. Should such prove to bo the case, the candidate will bo William J. Bryan, and the platform will be nation-wide prohibition, with woman suffrage and some oth er reform questions to keep it company. Bryan's light to put tke democratic party right is the most formidable and menacing factor the republicans have to face. With the democratic party standing for prohibition in 1920, and the republican party committed to the saloon, the latter will be hopelessly beaten. If the liquor forces, early become convinced that Bryan is going to win in the democratic party, they will go pell mell to the republicans In order to make sure of controlling that or ganization. Therein lies danger for the repub licans. As a saloon organization, the repuo lican party would be doomed to defeat. Mr. Bryan has taken a long look into the fu ture. He has been preparing, for years, for the thing he is now doing. The liquor traffic hates and fears him and will have more reason for doing so. Success to him. Stewart, in National Enquirer. WHY WILSON WON A new sectionalism, a political revolution, a new era'in American politics these are some of the phrases used by the eastern observers in dis cussing the dramatic reversal of the election ver dict by western votes after the loss of the great pivotal eastern states had led virtually every morning paper in the Union to announce Pres ident Wilson's defeat. The result reveals "a new political alignment," and "this is the tremend ous fact of the election," declares the progressive Philadelphia North American. "The scepter of power is passing to the west in conjunction with the south and southwest," sajrs the independent New York Evening Post; and it adds: "Mr. Wil son has shown us all that we must roll up our political maps and make one entirely new." For half a century, as one editor remarks, "New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Illinois, and Indiana had been the United States in. a na tional election." But now, says the democratic New York World, "the cash-register patriotism of New York has been spat upon by a virile west that is keeping the faith of the fathers," and this means "the beginning of a new political era." What might perhaps be interpreted as a courteous western expression of this same view reaches us from Minnesota in the statement of the editor of the Duluth Herald (ind.) that the unexpectedly large Wilson vote in that state "represents, in a way, the west's declaration of independence of the political and financial con trol of the east." "Wall street may have a mort gage on the effete east," telegraphs the secretary of the Woodrow Wilson Independent league of California to a New York newspaper, "but the west does its own thinking." Many will recall Mr. Bryan's dream that the west would some day decide' a presidential election, and one New York paper reminds us, "in the interest ol ac curacy," that "aside from the south, the WHson majorities come mainly from the territory in which Mr. Bryan did his campaigning for Wilson this year." This campaigning, of which only the faintest echoes reached us in the east, took Mr. Bryan through nineteen states in eight weeks, during which time he made four or five speeches a day, always driving home these two ideas: That the government should not be turned over to the reactionaries who were repudiated by the progressive element of their own party in 1912; and that the President should not be re buked for keeping the country out of war with Mexico and Europe. Literary Digest. MR. BRYAN'S PURPOSE FOR DEMOCRACY From The Springfield Republican. That Mr. Bryan remains a factor in politics to he reckoned with the election has demon strated. The grievance which eastern news Papers and particularly those of New York city, have maintained against William Jennings Bry an is that he refuses to stay dead after being declared defunct and buried. So it has been in "le past, and now is. A dispatch from Omaha reports Mr. Bryan as having dismantled his winter home and shipped a portion of the furniture to his winter iiome in Florida., whihrhis large library is being sent to Asheville, N. C, where it is said "he will live and vote." Home critics of Nebraska's distinguished citizen intimato that Mr. Bryan's waning political influenco in his own state leads him to depart for other political pastures, in the hope of securing tho prohibition presidential nomination four years hence. Mr. Bryan's an swer is that ho will continue to do his voting at Lincoln, Nebraska. All this has- Its Interest, es pecially as revealing human naturo as Mr. Bry an's opponents have always exhibited it. Mr. Bryan is still a democrat, but ho was not "still" during the campaign after tho David B. Hill pattern. Ho spoke in nearly a scoro of states- in Now Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, Iowa, Kan sas, Oklahoma, Colorado, Missouri, Tennessee, Kentucky, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois and Ne braska but ho did not speak In Idaho, South Dakota, Minnesota or Indiana, as has been stated. All but four of tho eighteen states which heard Mr. Bryan went for Wilson. Tho east paid no heed to tho former secretary of state as he covered tho territory whore ho was most at home, albeit an occasional voluntary letter to the newspapers told of tho great audiences he was talking to and the enthusiasm aroused by his appeals. When the story of this election is told, Mr. Bryan must be given a larger measure of credit that eastern people have realized be longed to him. As a matter of history a sort of supplement to his resignation from tho cab inet tho dispatch which Mr. Bryan sent to President Wilson three days after election is worth giving: "The returns are now so nearly complete that I shall not longer deny myself the pleasure of extending to you heartiest congratulations upon your re-eloction and earnest good wishes for the success of your second term. Am proud of tho west including Nebraska. The states beyond the Missouri have rallied to. your support and saved the day, and in doing so have honored themselves no less than you. They have been largely benefited by the great reforms enacted under your leadership, and they stand with you for peace, prosperity and progress." Mr. Bryan will never be president of the United States, but tho democracy will benefli i'y his attachment to it as a moral force calculating to pull against other forces operating on a lowor level. Mr. Bryan tells the National Woman's Christian Temperance Union that ho is "in pol itics with both feet." What for? To drive the saloon out of the United States; "for this," ho says in his Commoner newspaper, "Is the great moral issue of this generation, and the demo cratic party is the party to lead tho fight in tho nation." Stranger things than tho success of Mr. Bryan in this effort to revolutionize his party haye happened in American politics. If tho democracy under its present leadership shall be able to bind to itself the firm backing of the people of the states,, whence its success came in this election, the old democratic party will be well on the way toward sucb transformation as Mr. Bryan hopes for. MR. BRYAN AS A MAKER AND MAINTALNER OF PRESIDENTS We desire to commend to those democrats in Indiana, who were so afraid to let William Jen nings Bryan come Into the state, that they take note of the fact that it Is the west, where Mr. Bryan did his campaigning, that brought to democracy its national victory. Of course, you may never have heard of it. The Commoner was literally boycotted by both the Associated Press and International News services employed in South Bend, and not a word of his speeches or his tours came over the regular news wires, although he put in all of October, practically al together in the west, and with seemingly telling effect. Yes, Mr. Bryan was literally.boycotted on this tour by the press associations. They fell out with him when he quit the state department. His pacifism seemed not to jibe, somehow, with the popular militarism that was sweeping the country at the time and for misconstruction and garbling of his public utterances, he took them to task. They started out accordingly, to wipe Mr Bryan out of the public mind, if possible,, and doubting the efficacy of further misrepre senting, they seemingly adopted tho policy of Ignoring him. Bryan, however, stumped the western states, and with practically the only publicity given to his speeches beyond that of his voice, being that of local newspapers in the cities that ho visited; well, it was thoso local ities that saved tho day for democracy whether on nccount of him, or in spito of him, wo do not know, But truth, and truth only, Is otornal and dom inating, incident to which wo would add, dem ocracy itsolf needs to tako notico, as well as the public at largo. Wo commend tho Idea to our democratic state central committee, so fearful of Mr. Bryan, and tho truths that ho always dl somlnatcs, evidently quite acceptable to the masBOB as indicated by tho voto out west. Take off your hat to Mr. Bryan, democrats. Oh yo, ho quit tho cabinet In a huff, and ho criticised tho President on points of war, but bo was Amer ican first of all, and democrat second, and no doubt contributed of personal Influence n much as any ono man aside from tho President hlm solf, to that same President's re-election. Mr. Bryan nominated Mr. Wilson at Balti more, in 1912, nnd ho, in all probability, de livered to him tho electoral votes of Nebraska, California, Kansas, Washington, Montana, Utah, North Dakota, New Mexico and Wyomingquite essential to his choico, in 19 1G. South Bend (Ind.) News-Times. THE CAMPAIGN OF 1020 Tho clouds of tho political horizon ara today, tinged with a dlfforoiit hue than over before, and the chances are that the alignment for tho presidential contest in 1920 will knock most of' the old-time politicians clear off the political checkerboard. At this time thorq appears to bo little doubt but what the "paramount" issue In the next national campaign will be the liquor question. It then follows that the men who will lead tho who have long ago enllHted In tho great cause, who havo long ago enlisted In tho grat cause, and havo been at the head of the smaller armies In the various state campaigns that have resulted in the elimination of the saloon from one-half of tho Union. President Wilson will, not bo available in 1920, and tho democratic- party will havo to se lect another candidate ono who has an un blemished record on tho question of prohibition. The man will likely bo Bryan, W. J. Bryan, WJ1 Ilam Jennings Bryan of Nebraska and Florida, the mcfn who has thrice fallen In such contests, but who arose stronger and more optimistic after the ballots had been counted. Mr. Bryan has always been strong In the west and with that section of the country In tho dry column, and, coupled with the Impregnable democratic south, which has long been mostly dry, he would cer tainly bo a very formidable competitor for tho great honor which he has been seeking for tho past twenty years. No man has ever appeared In the political life of this nation against whom has been arrayed such powerful opposition as has been constantly directed at Mr. Bryan. In 1890, tho republican national committee spent the enormous sum of $16,000,000 to defeat the Commoner, and more than $9,000,000 four years later. All of the big interests of the country have always been hostile to his candidacy, including about all of tho larger newspapers; and through it all the Nebraskan has remained serene and composed, and retains his popularity with tho people. The states in which Mr. Bryan campaigned this year showed big Wilson pluralities, and hl work for the dry cause was undoubtedly a big factor In adding four stars to tho prohibition flag. Huntington Beach (Cal.) News. MR. BRYAN DELIVERED THE GOODS Mr. Bryan devoted his speeches during th campaign to fifteen states In the west, mostly where women vote and states that wore dry or held elections on the liquor question. His own state went dry by 29,442. In 1912 it was his power of mind and voice that made President Wilson's nomination pos sible. In 1916 the states in which he spok made possible President Wilson's re-election. Former President Roor$velt also campaigned Ija these same states which were progressive and t where he was popular as a rancher and rough rider years ago, but Mr. Brya-i's appeals .de livered the votes which insured President Wil son's re-election. The two leaders now visible for 1920 nip ihtffifT' f- . 4.