The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 01, 1916, Page 10, Image 10

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    SSjiyBiiyfy y vi
The Commoner
VOL. 16, NO. 12
Generous Expressions from Friends
Below will bo found extracts from a few of
tho many congratulatory letters sent to Mr.
Bryan following tho November elections:
November 17,; 191b.
Tho White House, -'
My dear Mr. Bryan:
May I not say how much I have admired your
part in tho campaign and -what a vast deal of
effectlvo work you seem to me to have done in
tho very part of the country which has now
aligned itself with tho forces -of progress? I
think all democrats aro grateful to you. Cer
tainly I am.
With warmest regard,
Cordially and sincerely yours,
Hon William J. Bryan,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
Hamilton, Mont., Nov. 9. I write to inform
you that I am elected and I thank you most
heartily and cordially for all that you did for
mo so kindly and generously, and especially for
tho very strong endorsement which you gave my
candidacy all of the speeches which you made
in Montana. It was very good of you and I as
sure you of my very warm appreciation thereof.
I also cordially thank you for all you did in
Montana for President Wilson and the entire
cause. President Wilson carried Montana and
I know that much of tho result was due to your
efforts. It was most kind of you to come to
Montana, where you haVo iriapy warni friends
and admirers and help us. H. L. Myers, TJ. S.
Washington, Nov. 16. I-have "delayed, until
tho result was certain,, sending you my congrat
ulations upon the important part, taken, by you
In tho campaign an d. uponjthe .manifest result jot
your activity. I have not failed to direct atten
tion to the fact that it was "Bryan territory"
which saved the day for the democracy". I had
numbers of men ask me, Why you were not cam
paigning for Wilson. They were astounded
when I told them that you were maldng the
most remarkablo campaign that you had ever
made, oxcepting that of 1896. r It is worthy of
note and remembrance that the portion of the
country which is devoted tp peace and which
did not become greatly excited by tho propa
ganda of "preparedness," where woman suffrage
prevails and where the liquor traffic is being
outlawed, preserved tho democratic party. One
can hardly realize that a democrat is elected
President by the votes of Kansas, California,
Utah and Now Hampshire. Cono Johnsbh.
Washington, D. C. Just a lino to thank you
most cordially for tho splendid arid effective ser-'
vico you did for me and the whole democratic
ticket in Tennessee in tho late campaign. Our
majority was the largest that our party has re
ceived in the state in matiy years, and you did
much to bring about the happy result. The
President's victory was truly wonderful. K,. D.
McKellar, U. S. Senator-elect.
Washington, D. C, Nov. 16. A word of con
gratulation to you, without whose work in the
west tho "invisible government" would again
bo coming into power. Some time; ago, the Lon
don Nation, in no unfriendly spirit styled you
"Tho peasant statesman of the United States,"
moaning,'.as I read it, the statesman of the coun-try-sldo
folk In contradistinction to city dwell
ers. This election appears to have confirmed
tho title, by shifting the balance of national
power from the Tammanies to the men and wo
men of the prairies and the mountains, and un
der your influence as the apostle of righteous
ness and peace. Louis F. Post.
Springfiotd, 111., Nov. 10. I congratulate you
upon the re-election of Wilson; your peace prop
aganda and your thorough campaign in the west
mado his election possible. D,uring tho cam
paign tho republican papers and tho Hughes
spell-binders ' in the east and throughout the
middle -west took great pleasuro in publishing
and iterating and reiterating that Mr. Bryan's
prty had placed him in a state of "innocuous
desuetude," had banished him to the barren
mountains and alkali plainB tQ speak to tho coy
otes and the cactus. Well, Myou brought homo
the bacon." . It did the hearts of your old time
friends good to hear the crowd shout "hurrah
for Bryan," as tho returns from west of the Mis
souri river wero announced. I especially con
gratulate you on. Nebraska, no one could wish a
greater victory than you have achieved there.
James A. Creighton.
Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 10. You seem to have
done your full share in securing a second term
for Mr. Wilson, and I trust that the country will
not overlook the fact. The west did it, and you
won the west, assisted, it is true, by Roosevelt.
But you aro tho one entitled to the credit and
tho congratulations. V. V. McNitt.
Washington, D. C, Nor. 11. I can not resist
tho impulse to write you just a word of congrat
ulation on the splendid work you did in this
campaign and the realization of your old dream
of reuniting the west and the south for real
democracy. In my mind, it Is the most signal
and most significant triumph the democracy ever
won. Now that Nebraska has adopted prohibi
tion, one bone of contention will be removed in
that state. After all that has happened, the
splendid support you gave the President all over
the west, and' In the very states that won him
his re-election, has pleased your friends more
than I can tell you. J. A. Edgerton.
New York, Nov. 10. The papers announce
this morning the final results of the election.
Do you realize the republicans only carried four
states west of the Mississippi, provided they re
tain present results? Does it not mean the
scepter has passed from Wall street, and is now
where it belongs, with the producing masses
of the nation? I especially wish to congratulate
you on the result in Nebraska. The President
carried the state by a splendid vote. You set
the Issue peace, prosperity, and progressive
policies. Your campaign was a remarkable one,
I followed you everywhere. J. B. Sullivan.
Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov. 26. Permit mo
to thank you for all that you have done for me
and for the party in Utah, and particularly for
tho splendid services rendered us in the recent
election. Your speeches at Ogden and Salt Lalce
City were the features of the campaign and con
tributed mightily to tho victory which we won.
Be assured that the democracy of Utah appre
ciates your great services to the party, and en
tertains for you a deep and lasting regard.
William H. King, U. S. Senator-elect.
Cheyenne, Wyo., Nov. 15. Among the many
messagesot congratulation received by me from
all over the country, none has pleased me so
much as the one that came from you, as no In
dividual contributed more largely than yourself
toward my success. This is clearly "proved by
the vote, as out of tho twenty-one counties in
the state I won sixteen, including the countv
Uinta, the ,rst place within the borders nf
state where you held a meeting; and folloUn
your trail through the state I won pSSKffil
every community in which you held a moetinL
including the city of Cheyenne, which has herJl
tofore been considered an impossible stronehni
The influence of your meetings early in the cam'
paign crystallized the opinion of the people ami
once- they had made up their minds the onnosi
tlon found it impossible to change their attitudT
My appeal to you for help, at St. Louis, was ono
of the wisest things I did throughout the cam
paign, since tho assistance rendered by you was
the most far reaching in its influence. As much
as I was gratified, by my own election, I was of
course, more Intensely interested in the re-election
of President Wilson, and I am more gen
uinely pleased by the large influence upon the
same that was contributed by the west. John
B Kendrick, U, S. Senator-elect.
New York, Nov, 14. I feel that I just have
to write to you and congratulate you on tho
splendid" showing made by the west In tho re
cent contest. You have more friends today, in
my opinion, than you ever had before in your
remarkable career. The papers here that were
formerly cynical in their attitude toward you
have taken a different tack and your magnificent
aid to President Wilson has been commented on
generously.1 Sloane Gordon.
Mobile, Ala., Nov. 29. Among my greatest
causes for thanksgiving is your dedication to the
cause of nation wide prohibition. Heartiest con
gratulations not only on your gloriously loyal
part in the great victory for democracy, peace
and prosperity, but even more on your announced
purpose to help free the party we love from li
quor domination. William D. Upshaw.
Oakland, Cal., Nov. 14. To the thousands of
letters that you will receive in appreciation of
your services for Mr. Wilson in this campaign,
I want" to add mine. You so generously disap
pointed the hopes rather than the justifiable
expectations of the old line republican politicians
of this nation in your ardent support of Mr. Wil
son, that you have endeared yourself more than
ever to those who have always understood and
appreciated your services for the citizenship and
struggling masses of this nation, and the popu
lar ddctrines of the progressives of the new
democracy embrace in them in the main the
matters which you began urging upon the peo
ple of this country away bac1: in the early
'nineties. I want you to know that there are
millions of your fellow citizens in this nation
who have not despaired, but earnestly look for
ward with hope to the day whe you may again
be our standard bearer and receive that which
more than any other democrat in the nation de
serves, its popular acclaim as president; and he
. lieve me that among them all none delights to
more earnestly hope for that than he who loves
to subscribe himself. Jesse J. Dunn.
Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 26. -I just want to add
my congratulations to the many you have re
ceived upon the result of the election which
without your efficient help would certainly have
been different, and no telling what might nave
happened eventually. The "regular organiza
tions" of our party in New York, Indiana, Illi
nois, New Jersey Massachusetts and elsewhere
have shown themselves in their true colors.
There must be a new alignment of the parties
in future, a conservative and a progressive, ana
if you can bring about this, you wUl surely w
adding to the' grand and successful work you
have been doing the past twenty years, my oniy
regret being that you are not getting the bene-ii
or the credit for it that you deserve. A. J. w,as
Grand Porks, N. D., Nov. 14,-1 feel sure that
you made thousands of votes for the President
in the states of Nebraska, Colorado,, Utah, Cal
ifornia, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana,
North Dakota and Minnesota. And if It were
not for those states the President would navt
been defeated. I was particularly glad to see
that your own state went- for prohibition, i
think I also remember what you said when you
were here about your proposed fight in the next
campaign' for national prohibition, and in the
speech I made a few days ago when we had a
celebration of Mr. Wilson's election, I mentioneu
that at the meeting and told them I was going
to be with you in the fight, and I surely am.
M. P. Murphy.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
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