"X ' "s I f. ft. h mim . A The Commoner v-K VOL. 16, NO. u 32 .1 i f iTiMV MhSV A n I H H H m B H H I m H H. fa l n tU B v BE MY GENERAL AGENT IN YOUR COUNTY WyA XK r wonf onnnrn ttirti to act as mv Special Sales represent atives in every county. I want hustling, energotic, ambi tious fellows, anxious to make big money, who &Te willing to work with mo. I want to show you and every other honest man who believes in fair play and a square deal how to niBko $300 profit and expenses every month. I want to show you how to make more money, easier, quicker, moro suro and certain than you ever did before in all vour life. I want you to advertise, sell, and appoint local ngonts for tho most sensational seller in fifty years tho startling invention that has sot tho entiro country agog Tho Robinson Folding BatlrTub Hero's an absolutely new invention. Nothing else like It. Has taken tho entire country by storm. Solves tho bathing problem. Gives every homo a modern, up-to-dato bathroom in any part of tho house. No plumbing, no waterworks needed. Take full length baths in any room; upstairs, downstairs, bed room, sick rooni, parlor, kitchen, any room in the house. The Robinson Tub folds in small roll, handy as an umbrella. Rivals expensive bathroom. Constructed of tho wonderful "Steellne". material, I tell yoi it's Great! Remember it is needed in every home. Mtkns modern bathing facilities for all the people.; AK godsend to humanity. "v I want you to handle your county. I'll furnish demon- l basis. I'm" positive, yes, I'm abso- strating tub on a liberal 1 r Scanatlonal SalcN Succettst What othors aro doing YOU can do. Read these records. N. T. Smith, Ohio, $90 weekly profit. Meyers, Wis., $250 first month. Beaslcy, Nob., $35 profit first 4 hours. Newton. Calif., $60 in 3 days. Mathlas, Florida, $126 In 2 days. Corrlgan, N. Y $114 in 00 hours. C H, Tromor, Ind., $35 profit first G hours. W. F. Illncard. Now Mexico. $35 in 2 days Avcrago men, average sales, average towns. Undonlablo Proof of tho Big Money to bo made by hustlers oVorywhoro. Tho Robinson Tub is badly wanted and eagerly bought. luieiy certain mai you va.ii uiukq Digger money in a fe. week with mo than you ever made in a month before. 'V Hustlers, east. west, north, south, aro simnlv nnnnr. 1 w v w w r - r m0 wvUlliK money. Orders, orders, everywhere. For remember fully 70 per cent of the people have no bathrooms. You can take tho orders, right and left. Quick sales and im mense profits. Two sales a day means ?300 a month profit. Stop and realize tho tremendous possibilities. Look around you. - Bo amazed. Your neighbors, friends relatives, have no bathrooms. They are eager for one' never had the opportunity to install one. You step in; show tho tub. Sale's made, profit sure. No Experience Needed 'Why, I don't care if you never sold anything before in all your life, you can make good big money with me. You're honest? You're square? Of course you are. You're got grit, ginger, gumption? Of course you have! You want to make good? You want to make big money? Sure you do. Well, that's all I ask. If you are willing to do your best, backed by my co-operation and help, you can blast out the biggest financial success of your career. I grant credit, you know, so money can't hold you back. - J furnish sample on liberal plan. I help you out and back you up. So don't let doubt drag you back. You havo nothing to lose. My other men are building homes, starting bank accounts, so can you. Customers' Words of Praise Soo how pleased these people are: "Delighted with Tub will recommend It,"" Mrs. Jennie Hall, Miss. "Bath Tub O. K, Just right size," Wm. Benz, Ohio. "Our Tub has been in daily use. Fine," Mrs. J. E. Randall, N. Y. "Have been using your Tub. Could not do without it," Mrs. Q. C. Money, Iowa. "Robinson Tub first class," Chas. A. Massle, Wash. "Tub arrived. Children and all delighted," C. R, Louclcs, La. "We all took a bath. It sure Is a' daisy," O. la.- Morris, Ore- .".After testing your Tub can say it surely Is a wonder and gives entire satisfaction," O. P. Morgan, Ohio. Empties Itself Remember this! The Robinson FoUHnc Hath Tub, equipped wlllt our pedal Out let lunptvltK' Device makes the tub posi tively self empt) liiir. How coi venlent and handy this Is. After the bath no fuss and bother emptying the tub, My the tlm you'rr ilrciiecl the tub Is emptied, ready tq lay awiy. A I the convcn'emtt olnmodcrn up-to-date bi.throuin, and jet the Folding Tub does not take up tpace or be In the way when not 1 1 uio No itpcclal room need be set aside an a bathroom unless desired. Any room can be made Into a lia hroom In 5 minutes time. I It any wonder user, aro delighted, a d agents are enthusiastic! Tho Kobln ou Voiding Hath Tub demonstrates Its value Immediately upon showing. It hi the denlbathlngeiiulpment lorevcry home, city, country or town for camping, e c, as well as the one desirable tub for the sck room, bed-room, parlor, Jiving room or kitchen; any room can be made into a bath room In ft Jilt)'. All his without plumbing, waterworks or extra expense. .After tho Initial co,t there arc no further expenses to nay Ever home everywhere M jusp wait lug tor the Kobliuon Folding Tub, Guaranteed for 10 Years! Cannot Leak! Every Robinson Folding Bath Tub that leaves our factory Is guaranteed for, tea years against any defect In manufacture This Is due to the remarkable Invention ''Steellne," the material used In the con struction of the Robinson Folding Tub. Constructed wtth ,Uils material the tub can bV and is, guaranteed for 10 years. Should It prove defective a new tub li Immediately furnished In Its place. Tbti guarantee protects every customer for s period of ten years, Steellne makes the Tub soft and pliable, yet strong and last ing. The tub .cineot spin, tip or splash. Just as strong and durable. In use as the ordinary enameled tub, but la conven ience so far superior. In bujlne the Robinson Tub, customers take absolute ly no risk. They are guaranteed against defects by our liberal,, binding guana tee. Families everywhere boost the Rob Inson Tub to their frlehds which makes the sales come fast and sure for our representatives. Surely the ideat bath ing equipment without one objectionable feature. JOIN ROBINSON'S MULTITUDE OF MONEY-MAKERS! TTinn trr-tvi .. JlJu l a. i . .. -t. juu wiJiiiiiirr nncirotA fMa .i. -. a . . .- -i t now. Try tho buslnesa-4-dron cvftrvthw ; 7".!"' Ul?. mousanatn part oi a secona. out ovonings, Saturday afternoons,. whonovor you have a little spare time. "Robinson, I'm with you" u,ur Business, jiko rt. p -mt.fri twrrw k rnn rtrviA vjin, ai 1 - - a Tea, join tho many -who aro making bigger monoy than they over did be lore, xou uon't bccu xo quit your rcRuiar jo iikiu Soo that all I tell you Is so. Then emit your Job. Say good-bye to tho time clock; say good-byo to grinding work and meager pay. Bid your pay-check pals, faroWoll forever. Just for a change you be tho boss, You can do it. I know after ono week f spare tlmo effort you will bo eager to devote all your time to tho salo of tile Rohlnson Folding Bath Tub, You will be amazed. You will say: "My luck was surely with mo wheri I got acquainted with Robinson." A SUIIE CHANGE PtR AMBITIOUS PEOPLE I wish that I might call a meeting of all ambitious people in America that I might talk to them and' tell them of tho tromendous possibilities In -this business; show thorn tho-salcs my other representatives aro making; con vince them beyond tho possibility of doubt that hero at last is the chance they have boon waiting for; tho "Opportunity" that is said to knock at evory man's door once. If I could only look you squaroly in tho eyo and toll you all tho facts about this wonderful business; if I could only lay before you undeniable proof stackB of lotters and ordors on my desk; if T could show you enthusiastic letters from Robinson Representatives Hesitate? Why, 1 ...........................................ri.....a........... ,mmm,m m Special Commoner Coupon j II. S. llOMNSON, PrcM't. Robinson Cabinet Mf?. Co., 4205 Factories Hid?., Toledo, Ohio ' l $300 a month looks 'good to me. Wiito me and tell mo all about v , 5 gal-plan and how I can make thlsbig money acting as yqir r?pMsfftatFvV 5 This obligates mo in no way. . wi.aenT,auve. m - . s Name : You would "hot potato," and say let mo to?i viS?01 f lo-W Le mo tel1 yu th0 amazing story of "Steellne"; etiiaii vyWHthat ingenious device that makes the tub self-emptylru? of Sromit ffl ffS? iears of self-sacrificing experimental work; the years ties fJ! vT.vfhSrtLn Pit wo,rking out of an ideal; perfect bathing faclli the cSmforr nS t)mt. tn rich' tne PotJr- the high', the lowly, might have room Wfm2nM,onv.oniePc?thfl Pleasure and luxury .of a modern bath whlch IhJntivif?1 0f.thJs wonderful invention as it is today, an article Snhnrnf1y bellevo to fee the greatest invention for tho average Amer- cS,n bw Pa8t century. I can't tell you all this in person, so send tno coupon bejow and let mo write you a long letter. ' ' ET BIB TEt,Ii YOU AMf you aSnroSnJlJ0" tho enMre storv- T1on you can decide whether or not In Vm, m th0, lrnmens Possibilities of the business I want,you to start akentSJJi ii'eKd .of huSlreds qf men in your position who were at first todythL' fnii t,. i,. l3'.;.1'U0D""0 "l niotr most roseate uuy uiwihu, . ten you now nnn nmhlflm.o tvc i i. .it-. nntioct Willi - - - w , a m mj ba J La a .iibii iaaii 'fiiaviiiiiii x - j i.iiiiiiuvv - UPPOrtUnltV ' trOit n nfrno.tV.1,T .. . 1 ... t. l.Uonnrl otlmUIUS rnnV APoCfil indPendence. You will then realize, know, and appreciate tho iKhonesy!!nd ambition combined with the right proposition and backed by conscientious effort are the only requisites to an abundant success. MAIL THI5 COMMONER doUPON TODAY Yes, sign this coupon right now. Don't send mo a single penny. Dont send mo any postage. Don't send nio any remuneration at all. Just sign and mall the coupon. That is all I ask. By sending the coupon you give mo the chanco to provo every word I have said. Lpt mo prove every statement. Lot mo tell you the whole enthusing, ambition-awakening story of a tre mendous Wnrlrl-'nrlln !.,. mill ..I., .i i.1. lo - . vntl will. OIB'1 ..,, wu anvucoo, vr iix yuu uv Him "ju.ii mo coupon how J Of course you will- Street and No ....,.. i -, .,..,.., J. . ,., H. S. ROBINSON, Pres't 4205 FHcTorlcH Bldff., Toledo, ' The Roblrfttea Cabluct Mfg. Co. "I Town k State; t