The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 01, 1916, Page 31, Image 31

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The Commoner
Hear the Edison Diamond Amberola
The Perfect Phonograph
i i
m HOMAS A. EDISON has accomplished what -
fJU heretofore had only heen approached; the
reproduction of the humai. voice so exactly
the same as the original that there is not an iota of
, idifference between the actual voice and the repro-
l duction. , ".
-- Edison invented ihe phonograph and7 has1 now
brought it to perfection. The
vV h 'Jit T '-
. '. j! "Js ia real musical instrument in the highest sense . j
of the term. Amberola reproduction is pure, un- '
adulterated music, without the slightest mechanical
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would be proud to have in their home. The price is
- no indication of the superb quality of the Amberola
M . This greatest of all musical inventions in your or Biue Amberol Records. Both are made in accord-
living room would make it just the brightest and ance with Mr. Edison's laboratory standards, no
-., cheeriest spot in your home. No matter how delight- higher standards exfet. The permanent reproducer
f ulj it may now be a Diamond Amberola could not stylus of the Amberola is a genuine diamond which
. fail to make it more so, a spot where your family and will outlast the instrument itself. There are no"
'friends would delight to gather and enjoy with you needles to change. Blue Amberol Records are prac-
tji0 gems of the world of opera, concert, musical com- tically unbreakable and unwearable.
edy and vaudeville.
"'"..' - We can not give you an adequate idea of the
: For the young folks who love to work off the merits of the Diamond Amberola in words. There-
exuberance of youth in the mazes 01 the dance, you
? cbuld have selections specially arranged by expert
dancing instructors.
',. And for the children, inspiring military band
- selections, Riley recitations and lots of good, clean
. . fun, with "Uncle Josh" or "Mr. Cohen'
fore, we urge you to visit the nearest Edison dealer -who
will be delighted to demonstrate to you the
wonders of "the perfect phonograph." He will
consider himself under an obligation, not you.
If you do not know how to readily find an
Edison dealer, drop us a line and we will send you
the address of the one nearest )you, also our Diamond
TJVvnr olaa nnnlfC xrrm crpf so much OUt Of life at
. . ; 'moderate expenditure of $30, $50 or ?75 for the Amberola and Blue Arabero Record catalogs, the
' -Diamond Amberola and 50 or 75c for EDISON ter a vfenteble library of all Wnds and classes of
I&UE AMBEfcOL RECORDS, with a few special music' OTe a thousand selections in all,
tifjT' i
. ' selections at 3j..uur oiiacn Amueruia iuuua xa.a ou-
' pefb, artistically J designed instrument hat anyone
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