IJ TIT ")"7 irjR7irn.S-IT The Commoner NOVEMBER, 1916 19 they owed tlieir good fortune, but in time this benefactor, too, would bo remembered in story and in statue. - ' . This illustration presents the lesson to bo conveyed in this address upon The Larger Lire. Long before tho coming of Christ man had become acquainted with all tho pleasures that the body can give; the physical man had been cultivated to the full and mado to yield its all to tho race. Even the mind had beqn explored and its more extended field had been brought into use. Art, literature, oratory, poetry, the rich fruitage of the ages these were man's possessions. But Jesus revealed to man spiritual values, of which the world had been unconscious; He made an infinite addition to man's real wealth. Ho did not come to subtract from anything that man know or possessed; He did not come to withdraw a single good that could be em bodied in a life. His mission was to give and to enlarge. Paul, in speaking of Him, said that He came "to bring life and immortality to life"; and Christ himself, in defining His mission, declared, "I am come that they might have life and have it more abundantly." Here wo have the testi mony not .only of the greatest apostle but of tho Saviour himself, that life was to be enriched by His presence, His promises and His teachings. The additions which Christ makes to the life are three-fold. First, He improves the quality of that which man had before enjoyed. Tho body is the better and the stronger for being subjected to m6ral discipline. The temptations which come With the body will, when yielded to, impair its strength and shorten existence. The physical energies are purific d, and thus pro longed, when tho body is obedient to spiritual control and 'brought into harmony with spiritual laws. The mind, 'likewise, is lifted to a higher plane and employed in a much larger work when it has spiritual direction. The mind, like the body, is an agent, not a master. Both are excellent servants, but neither is fit to occupy tne throne. The mind has temptations of its own and it has not strength within itself sufficient to enable" It to resist. thede temptations. "' Christ not only raises the quality of life by" ' putting the mind and the body under the con- . trol of the spirit, but he enlarges the life by . supplying a spiritual vision. The possibilities of life are viewed with the eye of faith rather than through the eye of reason. Man walks very slowly if he must think out the result of each step before he takes it. He can not "be far sighted if he sees no farther than the reason points upon the1 way. The large deeds of life are the result of faith. It is useless to discuss which is the more important, faith or works, because there would be no works of, real value without faith. Faith comes first; works follow. The undertakings which have lifted men into history were undertakings which were spiritu ally discerned and only possible to those who trust. Joseph's -career illustrates the value of faith. Reason failed when he was imprispned for vir tue's sake; it was faith that enabled lilm to walk through the dungeon to a seat by the side of Pharoah. , . ., Christ has revealed to man the permanent things, tho things that defy the grave. Wo spend a great deal of time on the body. It shames us to cast up the account and find out how much we spend for its food, its cloth ing, its shelter, its comfort. And all the time we know that this body must return to the dust from whence it came. We have no assurance that the strength which the gymnasium gives us or any perfection of form or feature can be carried into the next world. I believe in the resurrection of the body. It is no more difficult to believe that the spirit can clothe itself in a body suitable to its new existence tban it is -to believe that the germ of life in a grain of Wheat can renew the body in which it lived. -I do not know just what kind of a body I shall have in the next world. Ac cording to the scientists I have had eight bodies already; an infant's body; a boy's bbdy; a young man's body, and so on, for- they say the body is renewed -every seven years. I do not know which one of these numerous bodies I shall have in tho next world, and I do not care. The God who made 'thiaworld; aTML.arranged.it for man's benefit . can. be trusted' toanake the' next worja, and I anr.conterit to use', in the Jand. 'beyond tho sides, whatever body Ho sees fit to give me. But, I repeat, wo have no assurance anywhere that physical strength or physical perfection can bo carried with us beyond this life. And so with tho mind, we spend a great deal of time upon it. Wo train it; we educate it; wo store it with information, but wo do not know how much of this intellectual accumulation wo can uso in tho world beyond. Wo commence to learn as soon as we can talk. Wo go through tho grades of tho common school, tho high school and tho college. Wo study history and literature, science and poetry; we learn a great deal about people and about passing events which will surely bo of little value to us be yond. It is a consolation to know that there is that which is not mortal. We become more and moro interested in tho permanent things as wo grow older. As wo feel the strength of the body de clining and as lethargy creeps over tho mind wo yearn to attach ourselves to something that will remain when we are gone. This is why people In their latter years look about for en terprises which they can help; for institutions about which their memories can entwine, and movements which will carry their thought, their purpose and their benovolenco into succeeding generations. If you will turn to the Parable of tho Tares, you will find that Christ, in interpreting it, gave an assurance that is moro appreciated with tho years: "Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father." Tho promise is not to physical beauty or mental strength; it is righteousness that will shine in the land beyond, and it will shine, not as a comet, or meteor; nor as a moon or even as a fixed star, but as tho SUN. If Christ had come offering something in ex change for what man had, it might havo been necessary to weigh one against tho other, but, when He came to add that which is beyond price and to take nothing away, who can afford to re ject His offer? He knocks at the door of each home; Ho waits to bestow upon all who will receivo It tho larger life. (From The Larger Life.) IDEALS Hi, 4" t' THE VALUE OF AN IDEAL What is the value of an ideal? Havo you ever attempted to estimate its worth? Have you ever tried to measure its value in dollars and cents? If you would know the pecuniary value of an ideal, go into the home of some man of great wealth who has an only son; go into that home when tho son has gone downward in a path of dissipation until the father no longer hopes for his reform, and then ask the father what an Ideal would have been worth that would have made a man out of his son instead of a wreck. He will toll you that all the money that he has or could have, he would gladly give for an ideal of life that would turn Ills boy's steps upward instead of downward. An ideal is above prico. It means the differ ence between sucdess and. failure the difference between a noblo life and a disgraceful career, and it sometimes means the difference between 'life and death. (From a lecture on The Value of an Ideal.) THE CHANGE IN TOLSTOY'S IDEALS A few months ago it was my good fortune to spend a day in the. country home of the great philosopher of Russia. You know something of the history of Tolstoy, how he was born in the ranks of the nobility and how with such a birth he enjoyed every possible social distinction. At an early age he became a writer of fiction and his books have given him a fixed place among the novelists of the century. "He sounded all the depths and shoals of honor" in so fan as honor could be derived from society or from lit erature, and yet, at the age of forty-eight life seemed so vain and empty to him that ho wanted to die. They showed me a ring in the ceiling of a room in his house from which he had planned to hang himself. And what de terred him? A change came in his ideal. Ho waslborn again; he became, a-new creature, and formore than twenty-eight-years, .clad JnHio garb of a peasant and living "the simple life 'ot a peasant, ho has been preaching unto all tho world a philosophy that rests upon tho doc trlno "Thou shalt lovo tho Lord thy God with, all thy heart and thy neighbor as thyself."4 There is scarcely a civilized community In all the world where tho namo of Tolstoy is not known and whore his iufluonco has not been felt. Ho has made such an impression upon the heart of Russia and tho world that whllo somo of his books aro refused publication In Russia and denied Importation from abroad, and whllo people aro prohibited from circulating somo of tho things that ho writes, yotwith a million men under arms the government does not lay Its hands upon Tolstoy. (From The Value of an Ideal.) THE LAWYER'S IDEAL When a lawyer has holped his client to obtain all that his client is entitled to, ho has done his full duty as a lawyer, and if ho goes beyond this, ho goes at his owi peril. Show mo a lawyor who has spent a lifetime trying to obneuro tho lino between right and wrong, trying to prove that to be just which ho knew to bo unjust, and I will show you a man who has grown weaker in character year by year, and whoso advico, at last, will be of no value to his clients, for ho will havo lost tho power to discern between right and wrong. Show me, on the other hand, a law yer who has spent a lifetime In tho search for truth, determined to follow whore it leads, and I will show you a man who has grown stronger in character day by day and whoso advico con stantly becomes ra&ro valuablo to his client, be causo tho power to discern tho truth Increases with the honest search for it. A JOURNALISTIC IDEAL I present to you a different and I beliovc higher ideal of journalism. If we aro going, to make any progress in morals wo musl abandon the idea that morals are defined by the statutes; we must recognlzo that there Is a wide margin between that which tho law prohibit! and that which an enlightened conscience can approve. We do not legislate against the man who uses the editorial pago for tho purpose ol deception but, viewed from the standpoint ot morals, the man who, whether voluntarily 01 under instructions, writes what he knows to be untrue or purposely misleads his readers as tc the character of a proposition upon which thej have to act, Is as guilty of wrong-doing as the man who assists in any other swindling trans action. PULPIT IDEALS We need more Elijahs in the pulpit today more men who will dare to upbraid an Ahab and defy a Jezebel. It is possible, aye, probable, that even now, as of old, persecution would fol low such boldness of spedch, but he who copse crates himself to religion must smite evil where he finds it, although in smitlng-lt he may risk his salary and his social position. It is cawy enough to denounce the petty thief and the back alley gambler; it is easy enough to condemn tlfa friendless .rogue and the penniless wrong-doer, but what about the rich tax-dodger, the big law breaker and tho corrupter of government? THE SOUL THAT IS WARMED BY DIVINE FIRE WILL BE SATISFIED WITH NOTHING LESS THAN THE COMPLETE PERFORMANCE OF DUTY; it must cry aloud and spare not, to the end that the creed of the Christ may be exemplified in the life of the nation. (From The Price of a Soul.) " MISCELLANEOUS ..r EDUCATION v . Universal education is our national a'm an open- school door before every child born in the land, and ail -encouraged to make the largest possible use of the. opportunities furnished. (From Speech on Education.) . WcwLO.Thsn Iho Loss of. an Arm .In thi8ja.t)f increasing education the father . -f.cjm .denies .lo 'his aon the- advantage cf the 't Sohpbls;-aniJ --inds .h'm aut;-,half educated to' ! -"'compete ".with theboyo well -educated, "Ts wra ' '