The Commoner 10 VOL. 16, ,0 u -. i I- I i K- --J Bk, that can sco. Illicit sales in dark alloy, if thero bo somo under prohibition, aro not as great a menace as the open saloon which, plant ing itself on a principal street arid boasting that it is a legitimate business, sends out its agents to bring in now recruits to take the place of the drunkards it kills off. (From Prohibition Campaign Speech, 1916.) EQUAL SUFFRAGE THE MOTHER ARGUMENT The strongest argument In favor of woman suffrage is the mother argument. I lovo my children as much, I think, as a father can; but I am not in the same class with my wife. I do not put any father in the same class with the mother in lovo for the child. If you would know why the mother's lovo for a child is .the sweetest, tondorest, most lasting thing in the world, you will find the explanation in the Bible: "Where your treasures aro there will your heart be also." The child is the treasure of the mother; she Invests her life in her child. When the mother of tho Grace! was asked: "Where are your jewels?" she pointed to her sons. The mother's life trembles in tho balance at the child's birth, and, for years it Is the object of her constant care. She expends' upon it her nervous force and energy; she endows it, with the wealth of her love. She dreams of what it is to. do and be and, 0, If H mothers dreams only came true, what a different world this world would bo. The most pathetic struggle that this earth knows is not tho struggle between armed men upon tho battlefield; it 1s tho struggle of a mother to save her child when wicked men set traps for it and lay snares for it. And as long as tho ballot is given to thosd who conspire to rob tho homo of a child it is not fair no one can believe it fair to tie a mother's hands while she is: trying to protect her home and save her child. It there is such a thing as justice, surely -a mother has a just claim to a Voice in shaping tho environment that may determine whother her child will realize her hopes or bring hor gray hairs in sorrow to the grave. Because God has planted In very human heart a sense of justice, and because the mother argument makes an irresistible appeal to this universal sense, it will finally batter down all opposition and open woman's pathway to the polls. AT CONVENTIONS CHICAGO CONVENTION : . ; fri THE ARMOR OF RIGHTEOUSNESS I would be presumptuous, indeed, to present myself against the distinguished gentlemen to , whom you have listened if this were a mere measuring of abilities; but this is not a contest between persons. The humblest citizen in all the land, when clad in the armor pf a righteous , cause, Is stronger than all the hosts of error. , I . come to speak to you in defense of i a holy as the cause of liberty the cause of hu- ' ,. inanity. .(From Chicago Convention Speech, 189U.,) , 4 DEFINITION OF A BUSINESS ,.-MAN tho few financial magnate who, in a back room, corner the money of tho world. We come to speak for this larger class of business men. (From Chicago Convention Speech, 1896.) i i i m THE PIONEERS OF THE WEST Ah, my friends, we say not one word against those who live upon the Atlantic coast, but "tho hardy pioneers who have braved all the dangers of tho wilderness, who have made the desert to blossom as the rose the pioneers away out there (pointing to the west), who rear then children near to Nature's heart, where they can mingle their voices with the voices of the birds out there where they have erected school houses for tho education of their young, churches where they praise their Creator, and cemeteries whero rest the ashes of their dead these people, we say, are as deserving of the consideration of our party as any people in this country. It is for these that we speak. (From Chicago Convention Speech, 1896.) THE CHALLENGE We dp not come as aggressors. Our. war is not a war of conquest; we'are fighting in" the defense of our homes, our families, and jjoster ity. We have petitioned, and our petitions have been scorned; we have entreated, and our en treaties have been disregarded; we have begged, and they have mocked when our calamity came. We: beg no longer; we entreat no mqr6; we pe tition no more. We defy them. " . (From Chicago Convention Speech, 1896.).. CROWN OF THORNS; CROSS OF GOLD My friends, we declare that this nation is able to legislate for its own people on every question, without waiting for the aid or consent of any other nation on earth; and upon that issue we expect to carry every state in the Union. I shall not slander the inhabitants of the fair state of Massachusetts nor the inhabitants of the state of New York by saying that, when they are con fronted with the proposition, they will declare that, this nation is not able to attend to its own business. It is the issue of 177.6 over again. Our ancestors, when but three millions in num ber, had the courage to declare their political independence of every other nation; shall we, their descendants, when we have grown to sev enty millions, declare that we are less independ ent than our forefathers? No, my friends, that Will never be the verdict of our people. There fore, we care not upon what lines the. battle is fought. If they say bimetalism is good, but that we can not have it until other nations help us, we reply that, instead of having a gold standard because England has, we will restore bimetalism, and then let England have bimetal ism because the United States has it. If they dare to come out into the open Held and defend ,th,e gold standard as a good thing, we will fight them to the uttermost. Having behind us the producing -masses of this nation and the world, supported by the commercial interests, the la boring interests, and the toilers everywhere, we will, answer their demand for a gold stand ard by saying to them; You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall hot crucify mankind upon a cross of gold." . . : (From the Chicago Convention Speech)"1 -ST. LOUIS CONVENTION We say to you that you have made the. defin ition of a business man too .limited" in its. appli 1 cation. The man who is employed for ' 'wages' is as much a business man as his omp'lbyer, the' at torney in a country town Ib as much a business w map as the corporation counsel In a great me ; trqpolis; tho merchant at the cross-roada store ' is, as much a business man as the merchant of New York; tho farmer "who goes forth In the morning and toils all day- wh begins In the spring and toils all summer and who by the 'application of brain and. muscle to the natural resources of tho country creates wealth, is as much a business man as the man who goes Upon the board of trade and bets upon the price of ' grain; the miners, whq go" down a'thousattd. feet into tho earth, or climb two thousand feet upon '. th i cliff,, and bring forth from their hiding hyce the precious metals' to be poured into the vcMnnhr of. trade tare as much business men as I HAVE KEPT THE FAITH 4 ',. .". .-. Eight years ago a democratic national , con- vention placed in my hand the standard q&the . party and commissioned me as its candidate. Four years later that commission was Tenewed. I come tonight to this democratic national- con vention, to returji the qommission. You may dispute whether I have fought a good fight, you may dispute whether I have finished my course but you can not deny that -1 have kept the faith. f. (Extract from St. Louis Convention Speech, ".'.: 19Q4.) ' MILITARISM . : Governor Black, of New York, Jn presenting theame of President Roosevelt, to tbSh. M9J8, .contention,, used these words: m , , Thejfato of .nations is.itlii decided . bythelr the gentle praises of the quiet life; you T8 strike from your books tho last note nf?y martial anthem, and yet out in th sUlfS war. You may talk of orderly trihnn, learned referees; you may sing in yu ? . Vnd thunder will always be tho tm . lW0Ke aQd the silent, rigid, upturned face. Men prophesy and women pray, but peace win ay here to, abide forever on this ear?h only IT the dreams of childhood are accepted charl . guide tho destinies of men. arts to "Events are numberless and mighty nmi man can tell which wire runs around The Itu The nation basking today in the quTe anTZ' tentment of repose may still be on the deadly circuit and tomorrow writhing in the toii I, war. This is the time when great figures 1 be kept in front. If the pressure is great th material to resist it must be granite and iron whll u 6UiF f War This is a declaration that the hoped for, prayed for, era of perpetual peace will never come. This is an exalting o the doctrine of brute force: it darkens the hones of the race. This republican president, a candidate for re election, is presented as the embodiment of the war-like spirit as "the granite and iron" that represent modern militarism. Do you, men of the east, desire to defeat the military idea? Friends of the south, are you anxious to defeat the military idea? Let me as sure you that not one of you, north, east, or south, fears more than 1 do the triumph of that idea. If this is the doctrine that our nation is to stand for, it is retrogression, not progress. It is a lowering of the ideals of the nation. It is a turning backward to. the age- of violence. More than that, it is nothing less than a cbaU lenge to the Christian civilization of the world. (From St. Louis Convention Speech, 1904.) APPEAL FOR DEMOCRACY And I close with an appeal from my heart tc the hearts of those who hear me: Give us a pilot who. will guide the democratic ship away from the Scylla of militarism without wrecking her upon. the Charybdis of commercialism. - (From St. Louis Convention Speech, 1904.) BALTIMORE CONVENTION DEMOCRACY PILLAR OF FIRE AND CLOUD The democratic party has led this fight until it has stimulated a host of republicans to action. I will not say they have acted as they have be cause we acted first; I will say that at a later hour than we, they caught the spirit of tho times and. are now willing to trust tho people with the control of their awn government. We have been traveling in the wilderness; we now come in sight of the promised land. Dur ing all the weary hours of darkness progressive democracy has been tho people's pillar of fire by night; I pray you, delegates, now that the dawn has come, do not rob it of its well earned , right. to,be the people's pillar of cloud by day. i( Baltimore Convention Speech on Chairman- v ; - ship.) 7e;vi ri fTHE -MORGAN BESOLUTION Mr. Chairman: I have liere a resolution which should, in my Judgment, be acted upon before a candidate- or president is nominated, and I ask unanimous consent for its immediate consider ation: v -- ''' : '"' '"Resolved, That in. this Crisis in our party's '-;c$rectf jetnd in. our country's fMstbry this conven 'tfVfti sends greetings to the .people and assures them that the party of Jefferson and Jackson " is kill the champion of popular government ana equality before the law. As proof of our fidelity ' to the people we hereby declare ourselves op : "posed to. the nomination of any candidate for President who is a representative of, or under ' any obllgatibn to, J. Pierppnt Morgan, Thomas F. Hyatt, .August Belmont, o pny other member of the privilege-hunting and favor-seeking class. "Be it further resolved, Tjist we demand tn8 IvithdraVal from this convention of any dele gate or .delegates constituting; or represents '' the above-named interests." ,0 x ... Thls Isv.faji extraordinary .resolution, but ex . trabrdinary conditions require, extraordinary remedies.. W are now. .engaged in the contu s V