The Commoner OCTOBER, 1916 perience, wo can expect from Senator Reed oven greater service in the future. Missouri has had many able men in tho senate. Senator Reed fully measures to tho high standard of his pre decessors. The people of Missouri are looked to by tho democracy of the nation to re-elect "Jim" Reed to the United States senate. EX-GOV. JOHN BURKE OF NORTH DAKOTA Former Governor John Burke of North Da kota is a candidate on tho democratic ticket for election as United States senator from that state, and the progressive and independent electorate of North Dakota should choose him to represent them in the higher branch of congress. Mr. Burke's record is one of faithful service to the people while his opponent, Mr. McCumber, is an established member of the old guard, at present in the senate, where he has mado speeches for distribution to the farmers, but where his vote and stand on tho progressive laws passed by the present administration, has been generally with Penrose, Gallinger, Smoot and others to retard and block. Governor Burke's adminis tration in North Dakota attracted wide atten tion as being effectively progressive. Ho ac tively enforced the prohibition law and succeed ed in closing up tho saloons in communities where on account of local sentiment the law had not been in force, insisting that tho laws being on the statute books, must be enforced. He fought for and procured an increase in the taxes paid by railroads raising their assessed value in the neighborhood of 33 1-3 per cent to compare with the assessed value of other property, in creasing the revenues and causing the railroads to bear a just proportion. He fought and worked for legislation which went onto the statute books during his administration as follows: The amendment of the primary law to cover all state offices; non-partisan judiciary law; anti-pass law; initiative and referendum amendments; tax commission lav; corrupt practice act; reso lution for amendments to the constitution for building state warehouses within the state and in other states; provision for; bonding by coun ties to procure seed wheat for settiers; and other progressive measures. Mr. Burke has always been the champion of any cause tending to better conditions on the farm and takes the position that farming is the greatest of all industries. He has been associ ated with dry farming conventions and has ad vocated rotation of crops, conservation of the soil, cultivation of trees, and diversified farm ing ever since his entry into public life. In 1915 when the price of wheat dropped from $1.40 to 85c at the time the crop was put upon the market, Mr. Burke took the position that the provisions of the Federal Reserve law for six months' agricultural paper was intended clearly for the benefit of the farmer and should bo made accordingly to relieve the farmer wherever possible until a proper Rural Credits act could bo passed and put into effect. He forced the extension of the regulations on com modity paper to be of use to the people in his state, and published letters explaining tho ef fectiveness of the law when its provisions were understood by the people. Newspapers and public men were advising the farmers to market their grain early as the price wouldv decrease. Mr. Burke's letters urged them to hold and fight for the benefits of low interest under tho Federal Reserve act to enable them to do so. Interest rates went down and the price of grain went up, with a big saving to the farmers of the northwest. His public career is a fine example of service to his people and if elected by the people to the position of senator, North Dakota will have a representative in tho senate who will fight for the interests and welfare of that state and her people. If the people of North Dakota desire a public servant who is capable, honest and fearless, they will vote for John Burko for United States senator. A. A. JONES OF NEW MEXICO New Mexico should elect and will elect An drieiis A. Jones of Las Vegas as her United States senator because he represents the highest and be3t typo of New Mexico c'tizenship. New Mexico will be proud to send A. A, Jones to represent her in tho greatest law making body of the world because she believes that he has earned the right to be called 'llfirst citizen of New Mexico., ." , A brilliant lawyer, a successful federal pros- SSS u f, banke1r 8t0 grower, capitalist, em pire builder, publio servant and plain citizen of conspicuous and unstained Integrity and a party leader whoso clean partisanship, clear montal grasp of party principles, wiso counsel and mag netic personality sot him head and ahouldoro abovo the ruck of average "politicians." A. A. Jones has risen to his high place in tho minds and hearts of tho people of his stato by reason of brains, industry and character. His honors have come unsought, the inevitable result of ability that coujd not escapo recognition. Mr. Jones Is not only an example otwhat ho likes to think is typical and representative Now Mexico manhood, ho is an integral part of New Mexico. Thirty years close contact with every phaso of the slow and struggling growth of tho territory and the rapid advancement which fol lowed statehood, have fitted him as no other man to be the spokesman and the advocate for New Mexico people, to take tho lead in solving their varied problems of development and economic progress. His keen insight and vigtoous prac tical commonsense mado his administration of tho office of first assistant secretary of the? in terior redound Immensely to tho benefit of tho people of the entire west. Mr. Jones's splendid training and experience mado him ready for that job. His experience there has more than com pleted his readiness to step into the position of larger trust and responsibility. New Mexico will honor herself before the na tion in honoring A. A. Jones with a United States senatorship for tho country has become acquainted with Mr. Jones since ho became connected with tho official family of tho Pres ident at Washington, and it will fit its estimate of Mr. Jones to the state which puts its seal of approval on his character and career. Success to A. A. Jones. WILLIAM H. KING OF UTAH One of the leading progressive democrats of the west is Judge William H. King, of Utah, democratic condidate for United States senator. Judge King has for thirty years taken an active part in democratic politics In the state and has on several occasions been a delegate to the na tional conventions of the party. Ho is widoly known throughout tho state and his ability as a public speaker has made him much in de mand. Judge King needs no Introduction to the people of Utah. Ho is the type of man needed in the senate of the United States to keep that body near to the people. Judge King is a native of Utah. He was born at Fillmore in Millard county, June 3rd, 1863. His education was had at the Brigham Young Academy, the University of Utah, and the Uni versity of Michigan, where he graduated in law in 1888. He was one of tho organizers of tho democratic party in Utah and his services and support of the party have been consistent and valuable through all thejntervenlng years. Judge King has been"actlve in public affairs since his young manhood. Ho has been county clerk, assessor and collector, and county attor ney In Millard and Utah counties. At. the age of 22 years he was representative in the legisla ture from Millard and Juab counties. Ho rep resented Utah county and was president of the council in ihe last legislature of tho territory. In 1894 he was appointed justice of the supreme court by President Grover Cleveland. In 1896 and again in 1899 ho w'as elected representative to congress. His congressional service was notable in many ways: He supported the proposals for the in come tax, and popular election of senators by amendment to the constitution; he defeated the scheme to lease the mineral lands., of tho Unitah reservation and to inaugurate a general leasing policy with respect to mineral lands; he urged cession of the mineral lands to the states; he introduced the first resolution for tho annex ation of the Hawaiian Islands; he investigated conditions in Cuba under the Spanish regime; he promoted the establishment of forest re serves; he assisted in the formulation of the reclamation policy incorporated in the Newlands act, and supported tho progressive legislation befcro congress. Judge King has a wide personal acquaintance with public men;, he knows the people of Utah and their needs; he is thoroughly familiar with the great questions of policy pressing for at tention and can bring to the office of United States senator exceptional capacity to Interpret the wishes and aspirations of the people, to servo the public welfare and to support the. ad ministrative policies of President Woodrow Wilson. Ho deserves tho voto of not only every democrat but of ovory citizen who belioves 1 progressive legislation In tho Interests of tkt masses. SENATOR KERN OF INDIANA Tho people of Indiana owe it to themselves to roturn John W. Korn to tho United States sen ate. Fow men in tho history of that body have ever mado such rcmarkablo strides toward na tional leadership. Placed upon tho stoorinff committee tho moment ho reached tho sonata and given a position on tho financo committee at onco, he immediately took foremoBt rank. Two years artor ho took the oath of ofllco he was elected to tho leadership of tho majority and two years lntor ro-olocted, ho that his lead ership in tho uppor chamber has oxtonded through the administration of President Wilson. During the first two years when the greater part of the great progressive and constructive pro gram of tho President was put through tho dem ocratic majority was so slight that but for the tireless energy, watchfulness,, and conciliatory genlufl of Senator Kern it is probablo that many res would havo boon emasculated or de- In a somewhat less degreo tho same ro said of tho last two years. But aside from tho success of his leadership, and the prestige that ho brlngB the stato of In diana, ho should bo returned becauso of tho things ho stands for. No man in public Hfo is more progressive; nono more responslvo to tho will of the people; none more jealous of tho rights of the masses. lie led the successful fight which purged tho senato of Lorlmor. Ho urged the invest'gatlon into the terrlblo conditions In tho mining region of West Virginia. He cham pioned the passage of the Child Labor law. Ho has championed every progressive measure. There Is every reason for his return to tho sen ate where his leadership and voto is, needed.. raeasu featbUX HOMER S. CUMMINGS OF CONNECTICUT Hon. Homer S. Cummlngs Is tho nominee of the Connecticut democrats for United States senator. His nomination is a deserved recogni tion of his high ability and sterling character, and his election would insure a strong represent ative at Washington for tho people of that stato. Mr. Cummings is a graduate of Yale, and has since practised law at Stamford, Connecticut. Pie has served as mayor of Stamford, and taken an active part in city, county and stato affairs. Ho has represented his state as democratic na tional committeeman for many years and is vice-chairman of the national committee. Mr. Cummings should be elected to assist tho Pres ident in carrying out progressive reforms. OTHER PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRATIC SENA TORIAL CANDIDATES Mr. McCombs, the candidate in New York, has established strong claims to democratic support by the invaluable aid which he rendered to the President in the campaign four years ago. Senator Martine of New Jersey has demon strated his capacity for public affairs during his first terra and has earned re-election. Congressman McKellar of Tennessee, by his splendid record in the house, has won Increas ing distinction in his own state, and his past record assures him prominence in the senate. Senator Culbortson of Texas has gained a permanent place in the affections of his state and In the confidence of the nation. Governor Trammell of Florida is a growing figure. He steps from the governorship Into tho senate' prepared by ability and experience to secure to his state the attention which its in creasing importance demands. Senator Myers of Montana has worked for and voted for the many important progressive meas ures passed by congress during this administra tion, and as a faithful and efficient public servant deserves to be re-elected by tho friends of popular government in Montana. Tho readers of The Commoner aro earnestly urged to leave nothing undone to secure the election of tho democratic candidates for tho United States senate in Nevada, Arkansas, Del aware, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan,. Minnesota, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wis consin and Washington. .itofa.., Mjf