The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, October 01, 1916, Page 4, Image 4
t ?v" T r ""'" ?v 1 The Commoner VOL. 16, NO. 10 t la i i li. c If !, l-c : - The Commoner ISSUiJO MONTHLY ' Entered at tho PoBtofflco at Lincoln, Nobraska, ntf nccond-clnfiB matter. WILLIAM J. BRYAN, CHARLES W. BRYAN KdJtor mid I'ropriotor Ausociato Ed. and Publisher Ifidlt. IUno. and Bualnofis Ofllcc, Sulto 207 Proftfl Bids. Oho Year . 91.00 Mix MoHtliN no In Clubs of Flvo or more, por year., .75 Threo Month 2S Mlrikln Copy 10 Hamplo Copies Free. Foreign Post, 25o Extra -HUHSCllirTIONS enn bo sent direct to Tho Com moner. They can also bo sent through nowspapors which have adverticd a clubbing rate, or through local agents, where ouch agents havo been ap pointed. All remittances should bo sent by post offlco money order, express order, or by bank draft on Now York or Chicago. Do not send Individual checks, stamps, or currency. IUSNKWALS Tho date on your wrapper shows tho timo to which your subscription is paid. Thus January IB means that payment has been received to and including tho Issuo of January, 1910. CHANc;i OF ADDltMSS Subscribers requesting a changa of address must glvo old as well as new add reus. AnviQHTiSlNCJ Rates will bo furnished upon application, Addross all communications to Till: COM.MONEH, LINCOLN, NISB. An alienist out in Colorado declares that no one 1b absolutely sane. This ought to encourage tho republican campaign managers to renewed offqrt. It is their one real hope of success in the nation this fall. It used to be thafjh argument a man could prove anything by a quotation from Scripture, hut politicians have discovered a richer gold iniuo of afllrmation in the result of a September election in Maine. Vrotcl3r on roaoon vry oo mcvny poroono bc- licvod that the women were supporting tho cause of Mr. HughQB lay in the fact that Miss Repre sentation and Miss Taken wore prominent in all his campaign speeches. The self-restraint of tho paragraphers is shown by tho fact that none of them mentioned the fact that when it came to tho Now 'York senatorial nomination Colonel Roosevelt was unablo to bring homo tho Bacon. . Tho reason why a republican candidate who has failed to secure the progressive nomination la well pleased ovor the fact is that Berlin felt elated because Rumania decided to throw her fortunes in with thoso of tho allies. Tho republican paragraphers thought it sig niilcant that in his,, tour through North Dakota Mr, Hughes followed- a cyclone. They will doubtless bo vastly more impressed when the November cyclone overtakes Mr. Hughes. Both of tho political partieB in Colorado in their platforms this year praised tho effect of tho prohibition policy, in that state. When po litical parties can agr.eB Upon a vital issue like that a motion to close the argument is in order, Henry Ford has sued tho Chicago Tribune for a million dollars because it called him an an archist. Tho Tribune evidently mistook Henry for a democratic candidate for office, or it would not have jeopardized its unearned Increment so hastily. Tho fact that over since tho republicans havo had a chance to thoroughly scan tho figures from tho Maine election they have redoubled ttieir campaign activity is a pretty fair indica tion of the character of tho comfort they drew therefrom. The republicans have been such carping critics of tho President, insisting that this, that and the other action of his was dictated entirely by political interest, that when he wins tho .election in November those that will be left with voice enough to cry out will say ho did that for po litical effect, too. The progress of the campaign may be judged from the fact that the old friend, the story that tho republicans are going to carry Texas, has appeared. As soon as the democrats set forth their claim to the electoral vote of Vermont, wo may know that all is well with tho claim bureaus. . Complaint is made that there is no novolty in tho big political campaign, that tho orators are threshing old straw and that old issues are be ing revamped. What do these critics want, some campaign manager to admit that the ticket lie champions is not certain of victory. Tho gayety of the campaign was considerably added to when Uncle Joe Cannon had to sit on platform at ono of Candidate Hughes's meet ings and applaud while the justice scored the President for signing the Adamson eight-hour bill for which Uncle Joe had cast his vote. It has perhaps not escaped notice that the men who are most bitter in denouncing the President for, as they put it, allowing the railroad broth erhoods to dictate legislation, are the same men who, in former administrations, found no fault with the action of the executives in allowing the railroads to dictate legislation. It probably strikes a number of republicans even as pretty mean on the part of Mr. Hughes, who knew a better way of settling the railroad strike in tho nation than did tho President, not to slip a little of the recipe to the New York governor in order to let him try it on the street car union men. Robert Bacon was defeated for the republican senatorial nomination in the New York pri maries. Mr. Bacon made his fight on the -issue of a larger army and navy. Apparently the re publicans of New York are not so war- mad as spokesmen like the Colonel have represented them to be. The republican candidates and the republican backers have only one aim, and that is to change tho administration oo that thoy nan change con ditions. Do you want to change conditions ur are you satisfied with the present prosperity of tho country and the fact that we are at peace with every nation? The mere dropping of a kind word to a man who is longing for sympathy works wonders. There are hundreds of republicans, too, who havo been looking for the worst after the fall down of Mr. Hughes as a campaigner, who actu ally felt cheered after the republican victory in Maine had been announced. As we understand it, Mr. Hughes will not in form the people how the Mexican matter can be properly handled unless he is given the job of handling it. From which it is safe to assume that if Mr. Hughes came across a man whom he believed, was drowning, he would refuse to "give assistance unless tho man came through first. The last reports of the railroads of lhecoun try show an increase of $5,000 a mile in net earnings, for the year ending June -80th last. Thus we observe how vast an injustice was done them in the passage of the law making eight hours a. day's work. It may be well to cut and paste this item for reference when the railroads besiege congress with pleas for an increase in rates in order to take care of the increased op crating cost due to the passage of the Adamson Some of the campaign managers are worried over the general apathy of. the voters with re spect to the presidential contest. It is no cause for democratic worry, however. With the peo ple prosperous and at peace with the world why should they get excited? Thdy know that to r tain those conditions they need only retain the democrats in power, and the fact that they are not running around in circles indicates not only a contented spirit but a made up mind. Now the republicans are claiming that the national administration income tax la is sec- NrkSnv ihG PGdple of sachuletts 2d New York-pay more per capita than do the peo ple of any six southern states. It has not In prirncU andSeritiCS' co-e, thelme" principle and rules govern the applications nf ItJw ?" eeltlons the faot that To t states that have been the favorites nf eglslatlon for generations St indicate thS lh'e3sontU6e 'hey "aTe BOt rI ttan Mr. Wilson as Seen by One of Family Circle The New York Times secured for publication an Intimate personal sketch of Woodrow Wilson the man, written by Professor Stockton Axson whoso sister, Ellen Louise Axson, was the Pres' ident's first wife. Professor Axson not only had close personal relations with the President for thirty-five years, but served under him, when Mr. Wilson was president of Princeton univer sity. Following are a few extracts from Pro fessor Axon's article relating to the President's home and married life: "It is hard for me to speak in moderate terras of the beauty of the Wilsons' married lifethat married life which I saw so intimately for more than twenty-five years. In the long years of his and my sister's life together, they were more completely one than anytwo people with whom I have been thrown into intimate contact. We often hear it said of a married pair so often that it has become a sort of 'bromide' A cross word never passed be tween that couple.' I .have been honestly trying to think if I ever heard anything approaching an altercation between Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, and I can not recall even a shadow of such. And yet these were no weaklings; but two spirited peo ple, each with a power of conviction possible only to very strong characters. They would sometimes differ in their opinions, but their re lationship was so rooted in mutual love and loy alty that their differences were casual and su perficial, never fundamental. I have sometimes wondered how a family composed of varying and very positive elements ever con trived to live in such absolute and undisturbed harmony as did the Wilson family, and I have come to the conclusion that such a result can be auuinod only jn one way, not by any prescrip tion, or plan or domestic 'scheme' of action, but only by enthroning love supreme that where love is always master, every day and every hour, there must be harmony. In the Wilson house hold lovo is always law. "Only a few of us know what Woodrow Wil son was really undergoing in the summer and autumn of 1914, when the world was catching fire from war, and the foundations of his own life were crumbling under him. Just as the war opened my sister died. 'I can not help think ing,' he said, .'that perhaps she was taken so that she might be spared the spectacle of some awful calamity "I was at the White house a great deal that autumn and. I know' that it is no exaggerated use of words to say that he was tin loneliest man in all tho world. i can see the lonely figure of the President now, walking down the long hallway, the hair so much whitened in tho few months. His intimate friends often ex pressed to me the wish that the President could marry again, as he was utterly desolate. 'We who love him feel that God himself must have directed the circumstances which brought Mrs. Gait into the White house circle. But for her we can only surmise what might have happened, for not even the strongest man in the world could bear up indefinitely under that dumb grief. SunHght and grace radiate from Mrs. Gait. Her nature is big and generous and health-giving, and In that presence the Pres ident found new life, found that love without which he can not live. Their love for each other is perfect, and we all love her, both for what she has done for him and for herself, for to know her is to love her. "She. has entered this great career as simply, as unaffectedly, as unselfishly as Ellen Axson entered into the obscure career of the young lawyer who was abandoning law for a new and untried life of scholarship and teaching. To neither woman has condition, high or low, meant anything; to both Woodrow Wilson has meant all.'! The real opposition to the President's shipping bill can be very-readily summarized. If there is any profit in the ocean carrying trade, private capital wants the government to keep out of the business. If there isn't any profit in it let pri vate capital build and run the boats and let the government pay it subsidies. Thus we may ob serve the" sterling patriotism' that private cap- ital possesses, p. 'fjjUwMU .-Hi-