The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, October 01, 1916, Page 20, Image 20

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The Commoner
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Tuthill in St. Louis Star.
Wilson's Administration a Record
of Efficiency
(Continued from Pago 13)
And but for tho abnormal condi
tions ill tho fiscal year 1015, when
tho European war caused tho only
postal deficit recorded under Wilson
and Burleson, the surplus for the
four years would have amounted to
from fifteen to twonty millions of
dollars. It may amount to from
thirty to forty millions during the
next four years if democratic admin
istration is continued.
In the year onding June 30, 1908,
tho number of miles olt mail service
rendored annually by tho, postal ser
vice, exclusive of that performed by
city and rural carriers, was, 5 $8,4 3 8,
722. In tho year ending June 30,
1912, this .figure was 678,165,206.
And in tho year ending Juno 30,
1916, this annual mileage of mail
service had become 618,116,956.
Surpluses of $3,800,000 and of
$3,500,000 were paid into tho treas
ury for tho fiscal years 1913 and
1914, respectively, and the surpluB
for tho last fiscal year ending June
30 is $5, 7 42, 445. After annually re
curring deficits, tho Wilson adminis
tration has put tho postal service
upon a self-sustaining basis.
Oh, You Skinny !
Why stay thin at a rail ! You Wt h we
to! And you don't have to go thtough
life with a, chest that ttie tailor give i v ou ;
with arms ol childish Mrrneiht with less
you can hardly stand on. And what
about that itowach that flinches every
time you try a square inealt Are you a
Do jou expert Health and Strength. In
tabloid form through pllli, voUobi aad
other exploited pllBt I
The only wavto be well Is to build up
your body all of It through nature's
methods not by pamperlni; the stom
ach. It Is not fate that Is maklnjr you a
failures It's that poor, emaciated body ol
1 ours j yourhalf-slckuess shows plain In
jour (ace and the world loves health
p Htple. So be healthy tr. r vital.
That's Uflnr. Don't think too ionci send
4 cents In stamps to cover mailing; ol mv
AN it IlKAIril CULTURE' written, by
thetlronget physical radar Initrnitor
la the worM.
rhyileal Cnltaro Expert
'Dtft N51K tttWiz, Ntwirk. N. i
To provide equal service for every
body, to give the very best service
everywhere, to oliminato "pull"
privilege and waste all along tho
line these have been the guiding
rules of the postal establishment un
der democratic control.
Private interests doing work for
Undo Sam have been required to
give honest measure for honest pay.
Postal employees, of all grades,
have been compelled to place effi
ciency of the service above all other
considerations. There has been open,
fair competition in the bidding upon
all contracts for furnishing postal
supplies and contractors have been
required to live up to their contracts.
The results of Postmaster Gen
oral Burleson's administration of
tho postal savings system have been
phenomenal. Under his guidance
tho number 'of depositors has in
creased from 810,000 at the begin
ning of March, 1913, to 603,000 at
the end of June. 101 a wVin n.
amount deposited has increased dur
ing the same period from $30,000 -000
to $86,000,000. Tho gain of
nearly 50 per cent in the per capital
deposit is convincing evidence of the
prosperity of the working people of
this country, who are the principal
patrons of the postal savings banks
A recent act of congress, recom
mended by Postmaster General Bur
leson raised tho limit of deposit by
ajiy one person from $500 to $1,000
oxclusive of accumulated interest'
This immediately resulted in a pro
nounced increased in deposits, it is
estimated that tho $500 limit placed
iV?Vrlsi?al P0stal 8aviues w of
1910 turned away as much money
aB was accepted. The postal savings
system as a whole has been broucht
to a self-sustaining basis and for the
past three years has yielded a sub-
When tho present democratic ad
ministration camo into fflno i.
Itween 2,000 and 3,000 petitions from
patrons living in therural districts
asking for tho establishment of ru
ral freo delivery service were pend
ing before the postoffipedepartment-.
Today there are but--twenty such pe
titions pending. Up to(tho close of
1915 there were authorized by the
postofllco department under the Wil
son administration a total of 8,942
new rural freo delivery routes and
extensions. It is a record without
parallel in the postal administration
of tho country.
Parcels Post
The parcels post has witnessed a
phenomenal growth under demo
cratic administration. Tho old ex
press monopoly has been smashed
and tho United States parcels post
service has become the largest, most
ofllicient service in the world. The
expansion is directly due to success
iye liberalizations of tho rates,
weight limits and other regulations
under tho Wilson administration.
Special effort has been made to per
fect tho parcel post as a farmer's
express facility, and the shipment of
products from farm to the city en
couraged and developed.
With a view of aiding tho prac
tical work of the bureau of depart
ment of labor under the name of the
United States employment service,
the postmaster-general has agreed
to issue directions to alL-postmasters
requiring them to actW tho local
agents of tho employment service.
The department of labor will thus
bo enabled to keep in close touch
with the employment situation in
every city and town. Thus the
farmers of the United States have
been given the benefit of 58,000 in
telligence offices by the post-office
department's co-operation with the
department of labor in carrying out
President Wilson's scheme for
finding employment for the unem
ployed. Salaries of post-office clerks, city
and rural carriers, and railway mail
clerks have been increased to the
aggregate extent of nearly $15,000,
000. The fraud order statutes have been
relentlessly m enforced against all
fraudulent enterprises which use the
mails in the circulation of their ad
vertising "literature.'' During the
last fiscal year 57 fraud orders were
issued. In the same-tyear 1,900 lot
tery schemes were barred; from the
mails. j-
A progressive policy of action
which at once protects the public in
terest and opens many important
fields of opportunity to, private en
terprise has characterized the admin
istration of the department of the
interior under President Wilson.
There has been forward movements
In every one of the great bureaus of
this department and in no instance
in marked contrast with recent re
publican, administration of these
same agencieshas there arisen tho
hint, much less the formulated
charge, of a vicious motive or ques
tionable conduct.
The interior department, under
Woodrow Wilson and Secretary
Lane, has:
Opened up the west and Alaska.
Advanced the cause of conserva
tion. Made the national parks in fact
the Playgrounds of America."
Contributed to solution of the
gasoline question.
X?mL lne that greatly enhance its
utility to the Indians and the coun-
Mado the 'bureau of education an
enlarged and more practical agency
VOL. 161NQjn
for tho improvement of the mil
schools. " nal,m'a
Inaugurated a , "Safety prRt
campaign which has much redul
thee annual loss of .life in mr
Enlarged Homesteads
Farmers can now have 320 aero,
of government land for "Dry Farm
ing" purposes, by reason of tho on
operation of this administration, and
in consequence acreage devoted to
wheat growing in the western statea
has increased fully fifty per
Since MarclL 4, 1913, the total area
which has been designated as open'
to 320-acre entry, reaches the huce
total of 76,000,000 acres. B
Bona fide settlers have been tak
ing up the public domain instead of
"dummy entrymen" that for bo
many years made tho land office the
centep of national scandals. Under
Wilson the time consumed in acting
upon final proofs for homesteads has
been reduced fully 'fifty per cent.
Delays of approximately six
months in acting on applications for
land surveys have been entirely
eliminated. Tho abuses of the
Carey and Desert Land acts were for
years notorious. A different state of
affairs exists and the law is en
forced. At the beginning of President Wil
son's term more than 65,000,000
acres of public lands were under
withdrawal. from public use. In the
past three years more than 20,000,
000 acres, or nearly one-third of the
total, have been restored to public
Editor's note. No material was
received from, tho state and war de
partments up to the time of going to
press.... ,
T-he Ford Motor Company issue a
pamphlet entitled "For Your Safety,
Health, Better Living for Ford Em
ployes." Among many good things
is this:
Alcohol A Kemover
"Alcohol," says an exchange, "will
remove stains from summer clothes."
"That is true, but it also removes
the summer clothe, also the spring,
the autumn and the winter clothes,
not only from him, but from the wife
and family as well. .
"It removes the household furni
ture, the eatables from the pantry,
the smiles from the face of his wife
and the laughs from tho innoceut
lips of his children. It removes hap
piness from the home. As a re
mover of things, alcohol has no
Free trade in hides has not only
discouraged tho production of cat
tle but has closed our tanneries, so
that we have been dependent upon
for ign countries for the finished
product. Senator Gallinger of New
Our exports of raw hides from two
years ago have actually increased by
some 37 per cent out of "closed tan
neries," while our 'imports have in
creased only about 23 per cent. Our
imports of the "finished product
have actually decreased, while our
exports of the "finished product
have increased 150 per cent. But
if the facts ridicule the New Hamp
shire senator, then so much the worse
for the facts. New York World.
"Say," said the man as ho entered
tho clothing store. "I bought tins
suit here less than two weeksago,
and it is rusty-looking already.
"Well," replied the clothing deal
er, "I guaranteed it to wear hko
iron, didn't I?" The Lone Scout.
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