The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, July 01, 1916, Page 13, Image 13

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    The Commoner
JULY, 1916
nitive expeditionary forces Jtiave destroyed f or
dispersed many of the lawless elements and
bandits or have driven them far in
to the interior of the republic of Mexico and
further, that the United States forces were then
'carrying on a rigorous pursuit of such small
numbers of bandits or lawless elements as may
have escaped
"The context of your note gives the impres
sion that, the object of the expedition being ad
mittedly accomplished, the United States had
agreed in the memorandum to begin the with
drawal of its troops. The memorandum shows,
however, that it was not alone on account of
partial dispersion of the bandits that it was de
cided to bdgii the withdrawal of American
forces, but equally on account of the assurances
of the Mexican government that their forces
were at the present time being augmented and
strengthened to such an extent that they will
be able to prevent any disorders occurring, in
Mexico that would in any way endanger Amer
ican territory, and that they would 'continue to
diligently pursue, capture or destroy any law
less bands of bandits that may still exist or here
after exist in the northern part of Mexico' and
that it would 'make a proper distribution of
such of Its forces as may be necessary to pre
vent tbe possibility of invasion of American ter
ritory from Mexico
"It was because of these assurances and be
cause of General Scott's confidence that they
would be.carried.out, that he stated in the mem
orandum that the American forces would be
'gradually withdrawn It is to be noted that
while the American government was willing to
raitfy this agreement, General Carranza refused
to do so, as General Obregon stated, because,
among other things, it imposed improper con
ditions upon the Mexican government.
"Notwithstanding' the. assurances in the mem
orandum, it is well known that the forces of
the de facto government have not carried on a
vigorous pursuit of the remaining bandits and
that no proper distribution of forces to prevent
the invasion of American territory lias been
made, as. wjll he, shown, by the further facts herev
inafter -set forth, I am reluctant' to bo forced
to the conclusion which might be drawn from
these circumstances that the de facto govern
ment, in spite of the crimes committed and the
sinister designs of Villa and his followers, did
not and does not now intend or desire that these
outlaws should be captured, destroyed or dis
persed by American troops or at the request of
his government, by Mexican troops.
"While the conferences at El Paso were in
progress and after the American conferees had
been assured on May 2 that the Mexican forces
in the northern part of the republic were then
being augmented so as to be able to prevent any
disorders that would endanger American terri
tory, a band of Mexicans, 'on the night of May
5, made an attack at Glenn Springs, Tex., twenty
miles north of the border, killing American
soldiers and civilians, burning and sacking
property and carrying off two Americans as pris
oners. Subsequent to this event, i the Mexican
government, as you state, 'gave Instructions to
General Obregon to notify the United States
that it would not permit the further passage of
American troops into Mexico on this account,
and that orders had been given-to all military
commanders along the frontier not to consent
to same
"This government Is, of course, not in a posi
tion to- dispute the statement that these instruc
tions had been given to Obregon, but it pan de
cisively assert that General Obregon never gave
any such Information to General Scott or Gen
eral Funston, or so far as known to any other
American official. General Obregon did, how
ever, inquire as to whether American troops had
entered Mexico in pursuit of the Glenn Springs
raiders, and General Punston stated that no or
ders had been issued to American troops to cross
the frontier on account of the raid, but this
statement was made before any such orders had
been Issued and not afterward, as the erroneous
account of the interview given In your note
would appear to indicate. Moreover, no state
ment was made by the American generals that
io more American troops would cross into our
territory On the contrary it was pointed out
to General Obregon and to Mr. Juan Amador,
"vho was present at the conference, and pointed
out with emphasis that (he bandits of De la Rosa
ad Pedro Vino, who had been instrumental In
causing the invasion of Texas above Browns
yille, were even then reported to be arranging
in the neighborhood of Victoria for another
raid across the border, and it was made clear to
General Obregon that if the Mexican government
did not take immediate steps to prevent another'
invasion of the United States by these maraud
ers, who were frequently seen in the company
of General Nafarotto, the constitutionalist com
mander, Mexico would find in Taumaulipas an
other punitive expedition similar to that then
in Chihuahua.
"American troops crossed into Mexico on May
10 upon notification to the local military author
in 5oUnder the rePudIated agreement of March
10-13, or in any event in accordance with the
practice adopted over forty years ago, when
there was no agreement regarding pursuit of
marauders across the international boundary.
These troops penetrated 1C8 miles into Mexican
territory in pursuit of the Glenn Springs ma
rauders without encountering a detachment of
Mexican troops or a single Mexican soldier. Fur
ther discussion of this raid, however, is not
necessary, because the American forces sent in
pursuit of the bandits recrossed into Texas on
the morning of May 22, tho date of your note
under consideration a further proof of tho
singleness of purpose of this gov rnment in en
deavoring to quell disorder and s'amp out law
lessness along tho border.
"During the continuance of the El Paso con
ference General Scott, you assert, did not take
into consideration the plan proposed by the Mex
ican government for the protection of tho fron
tier by the reciprocal distribution of troops
along , the boundary. This proposition was
made by General Obregou a number of times,
but each time conditioned upon the immediate
withdrawal of American troops, and the Mex
ican conferees were invariably Informed that Im
mediate withdrawal could not take place and
that therefore it was Impossible to discuss the
project on that basis.
"I have noted the fact that your communica
tion is not limited to a discussion of the de
plorable conditions, existing along the border
and their important bearing upon the peaceful
relations of our governments, but that an effort
is made to. connect it with other circumstances
in order to support, if possible, a mistaken Inter
pretation of the attitude, of .e government of
the United States toward Mexico. You state in
effect that the American government has placed
every obstacle in the way of attaining the paci
fication of Mexico, and that this Is shown by the
volume of diplomatic representations In behalf
of American interests which constantly impede
efforts to reorganize the political, economical
and social conditions of the country by the de
cided aid lent at one time to Villa by American
officers and by the department of state; by the
aid extended by the American Catholic clergy
to that of Mexico; hy the constant activity of
the American press in favor of intervention and
the interests of American business men; by the
shelter and supply of rebels and conspirators on
American territory; by the detention of ship
ments of arms and munitions purchased by the
Mexican government, and by the detention of
machinery intended for their manufacture.
"In reply to this sweeping charge, I can truth
fully affirm that the American government has
given every possible encouragement to tho de
facto government in tho pacification and rehab
ilitation of Mexico. Prom the moment of ifs
recognition it has had the undlv'ded support of
this government. An embargo was placed upon
arms and ammunition going Into Chihuahua.
Sonora and lower California, in order to prevent
their falling into the hands of the armed oppo
nents of the de facto government. Permlss'on
has been granted from time to time, as request
ed, for Mexican troops and equipment to tra
verse American territory from one point to an
other in Mexico in order that the operations of
the Mexican troops against Villa and his forces
might he facilitated. In view of these friendly
acts, I am surprised that the de facto govern
ment has construed diplomatic representations
in regard to the unjust treatment accorded
American interests, private assistance to op
ponents to the de facto government by sym
pathizers In a foreign country and the activity
of a foreign press as interference by the United
States government in the domestic politics of
Mexico. If a denial is needed that this govern
ment has had ulterior and improper motives In
its diplomatic relations or has countenanced the
activities of American sympathizers and the
American press opposed to the de' facto gov
ernment, I am glad most emphatically to deny
it. It fs, however, a matter of common knowl
edge that the Mexican press has been more ac
tive than the press in the United States In en
deavoring to inflame the two people against "
each other, and to force the two countries lnt
hostilities. With the power of, censorship of
the Mexican press, so rigorously exercised by
the de facto government, the responsibility for
this activity can not, it would necm, bo avoided
by that government, and the issue of tho appeal
of General Carranza himself 1m the press of
March 12 calling upon the Mexican people to b
prepared for any emerges? which might arls,
and intimating that war with the United State
was imminent, evidences tho attitude of the dt
facto government towards these publications. It
should not bo a mattor of surprise that after
such manifestations of hostile fooling th
United States was doubtful of the purpose for
which the large amount of ammunition was to
bo used which the do facto government appeared
eager to import from this country. Moreover
tho policy of tho de facto government In refus
ing to co-operate and in failing to act independ
ently in destroying tho Villa bandits and in
otherwise suppressing outlawry in tho vicinity
of the border, so as to removo tho danger of
war materials while passing southward through
this zone falling into the hands of the enemies
of law and order, is, In tho opinion of this gov
ernment, a sufficient ground, oven if there wert
no other, for tho refusal to allow such materials
to cross the boundary Into tLo bandit infested
region. To have permitted these shipments
without careful scrutiny would, in tho circum
stances, have beon so manifest a sense of secur
ity as not to bo justified.
"Candor compels me to add that the uncon
cealed hostility of tho subordinate military com
manders of the do facto government toward the
American troops engaged in pursuing tho Villa
bands, and the efforts of tho do facto govern
ment to compel their withdrawal from Moxican
territory by threats and show of military force,
instead of by aiding in the capturo of tho out
laws, constitute a menace to tho safety of the
American troops and to tho peace of tho bor
der. As long as this menace continues and
there is an evidence of an intention on tho part
of the de facto government or its military com
manders to use force against tho American
troops Instead of co-operating wi h them, the
United States will not permit munitions of war
or machinery for their manufacture to be ex
ported from this country to Mexico. , . , '
"As to the shelter and.' supply of rebels and J
conspirators on American territory, I can sta e '
that vigorous efforts have been made and are
being made by tho agents of the Ui'ited States
to apprehend and bring to justice all persons
found to be consp'rlng to violate the laws of the "
United States by organizing to oppose with arms
the do facto government of Mexico. Political
refugees have undoubtedly sought asylum in the
United States, but this government has vigilantly
kept thom under surveillance and has not hesi
tated to apprehend them upon proof of their '
criminal intentions as the arrest of General -Huerta
and others fully attests.
"Having corrected the erroneous s'atements
of fact to which I have adverted, tho real situa
tion stands forth in its true light. It is admitted
that American troops have crossed the interna
tional boundary in hot pursuit of tho Columbus
raiders and without notice to or the consent- of
your government, but the several protestations,
on the part of this government by tho President,
by this department and by other American au
thorities that the object of the expedition was to
capture, destroy or completely d sperse the Villa
band of outlaws or to turn this duty over to the
Mexican authorities, when assured that It would
be effectively fulfilled, have been carried out in
perfect good faith by the United S ates. Its ef
forts, however, have been obstructed at every
point: First, by tho insistence on a palpably n
less agreement, which you admi was e'ther not
to apply to the present expedition or was to con
tain impracticable restrictions on Its organiza
tion and operation; then by actual opposition,
encouraged and fostered by the de facto gov
ernment, to the further advance of the expedi
t'on into Villa territory, which was followed by
the sudden suspension of all negotiations for ar
rangement for the pursuit of Villi and his fol
lowers, atid the protection of the frontier; and
finally by a demand for the immediate with
drawal of the American troops. Mean irnc con
ditions of anarchy in fho bnrror states of Mexico
were continually growing worse; incursions in
to American territory plotted and p rpetrated;
the GJenn Springs raid was successfully exe
cuted, while no effective efforts were being mads
by General Carranza to. improve the conditions
and to protect American territory from constant
thrMt of invasion. In view of this increasing