wxr. w$9pw$ The Commoner VOL. 16, NO. 4 rvftT r Lb (- r s II bent to provent tho salo of alcoholic liquor, wo aro not to blamo if any is sold In splto of all wo can do. If a man strikes another down when I am a block away, I am not responsible, especial ly .If I try to reach tho victim and protect him. But supposo I furnish tho club and stand by and, without protest, sec tho murder committed how can I plead not guilty?. And, now, a word to democrats. I am Inter ested in tho democratic party. I want to see it tho dofonder of tho masses tho champion of tho right. I want it to draw Into its ranks tho strong young men who como out of our schools and collogos with energy, purposo and hops. They will not como to us so long as tho liquor interests aro in control. We must, therefore, rid tho party of thin sordid, mercenary group, if our party in Nebraska is to do its duty to Ne braska and the nation. I take it for granted that republicans who love their party aro just as anxious to drlvo tho liquor interests out of that party. And if ono party makes tho at tempt tho other party must do so also, as it is a matter of solf protection. Tho situation recalls a story which I heard many years ago, but which I had not thought of for a long timo until this contest suggested its application. A farmer went to a veterinary surgeon for medicine for a horse that had a sore throat. Tho doctor gave him nomo powder and a long tin tubo, with instructions to put tho powder in tho tubo and blow it on tho diseased part. Tho farmer camo back soon and asked for nomo moro, explaining that tho horse having coughed Just as ho was about to blow, ho had takon that dose himself. It makes a difference which party blows first. If wo drive the liquor intorests out of the democratic party, and the republicans wolcomo them, the republican party will got all of our bad men, and Heaven knows that party has enough bad men now. But what if tho republican party blows first? Then we'll got all their bad men if wo let them como and, confidentially, wo haven't room for any moro bad men. Fortunately, tho primaries como on tho samo day, and tho two parties can blow at tho samo time and, having rid them selves of those men who have no principle or patriotism, but only a desiro to profit by tho salo of alcohol regardless of tho harm it does, can enter into competition for tho advancement of tho welfare of tlio stato. I am proud of Nebraska; the state has been a pioneer in all tho reforms which havo been se curod during the past twenty years. Nebraska has been on tho firing lino; no stato has mado a bettor record. But wo can not live on the past; wo must meet the issues of the present and tho future Tho lines are being formed for a now contest and tho issue is moral as well as economic a greater issue than any we havo yet had to meet. Nebraska must be on the right sldo. I hope it will bo a democratic Nebraska, but whether it Is a democratic Nebraska or a republican Nebraska, it must bo a "Dry Nebras ka." Nebraska must bo on the side of the homo, not on tho side of tho outlaw. Beware of "Obligations" Tho climax of tho Baltimore convention was reached in the passage of tho following resolu tion: ". V... . As proof of our fidelity to the peo ple wo hereby declare ourselves opposod to the nomination of any candidate for president who is tho representative of or under any obligation' to J. Piorpont Morgan, Thomas F. Ryan, August Bolmont, or any other member of the privilege hunting and favor-seoking class." It was not sufficient that the candidate for president should not "represent" Morgan, Ryan and Belmont; tho convention declared that he must not bo "under any obligation" to these fi nanciers. That resolution was passed by a vote of S80 to 196 4 to 1, and tho doctrine laid down in tho resolution is of universal applica tion. Public officials must neither represent nor BE UNDER OBLIGATION TO tho special inter ests, and of all the special interests the most tyrannical aro the liquor interests. In Nebraska the liquor question is tho para mount stato issue. A prohibition amendment will be voted upon at tho Novomber election V ; x, ttUl"uuem. is carried, as now seems certain, tho chief work of the governor to be elected will bo tho carrying out of tho will of the people as expressed In tho adoption or the Amendment. Tho liquor interests understand this, and they aro making a desperate effort to control tho nomination of governor in both of tho political parties. In the democratic party Mr. Charles W. Bryan, at present mayor of. tho city of Lincoln, is a candidate for the demo cratic nomination. In his platform ho declares: "I havo entered tho gubernatorial contest to help tho people to secure legislation which has been denied them on account of tho special in terests working together under the leadership of tho organized boozo Interests to protect each other." Mr! Keith Neville, of North Platte, has an nounced his candidacy upon a platform which says: "I favor regulation of the liquor traffic rather than the prohibition of it." "I intend to vote against tho prohibitory amendment." "Nevertheless, if elected governor and the pro hibitory amendment carries, I will enforce to the lettor its provisions. I will enforce the laws of the stato and In so far as tho power of the offic.e will permit, will carry out that provision of the state constitution which says: 'The supreme executive power shall bo vested in the governor who shall take cafe that all the laws shall bo faithfully oxecuted.' " It will bo noticed, first, that he is against the prohibition amendment and will so vote; sec ond, that ho promises to enforce the PRO VISIONS of the amendment and the laws of tne state. The second promise is merely a re-statement of the oath of office, for the oalh pledges the governor 'to enforce the laws. It will be noticed, however, that HE SAYS NOTHING ABOUT ASSISTING IN THE EN ACTMENT OF THE LAWS NECESSARY FOR THE CARRYING OUT 'OF THE AMENDMENT; ho does not even say that ho will not veto laws proposed for the carrying out of the amend ment. THE AMENDMENT IS NOT SELF-ENFORCING. The people might adopt the amend ment unanimously and they would still be in ex actly the same position they are now until laws wero enacted putting the amendment into ef fect. A governor, through the control of pat ronage, can exert a powerful influence against tho passage of laws and, by his veto, he can de--feat any' proposed legislation unless it is sun-' norted by two-thirds of both houses of the legis lature. The liauor interests are now busy trying to' secure control of the legislature, especially the senate. They are attempting to secure the nom ination of anti-prohibition candidates for the legislature in both partes. If the Honor inter ests can succeed in controlling EITHER branch of the legislature, no laws can b passed en forcing the amendment, and the will of the peo ple will be thwarted. But the liquor interests take no chances; they will not only try to defeat legislation bv the control of the legislature, but. knowing that a governor in sympathy with them, could and in all nrobability would veto anv legislation in tended to carry out the prohibitory amendment, they are bending their energies toward the nom ination of an anti-prohibition enndidate H lth Pities. W. J. BRYAN. DIVISION MEANS DEFEAT Don't allow the liquor interests to divide the dry vote. In some senatorial and legislative dis tricts the liquor interests are trying to divide the dry votes bv encouraging several dry caudi-" dates to run. Be not deceived by their" tactics. V? drv candidates should get together, find out which is strongest, and the rest should withdraw n his favor. Personal ambition must not he al lowed to stand In tho way of the success of the prohibition amendment. Drv candidates who, bv running, aid the nomination of wet candi dates, can not escape condemnation. THE ATTORNEY GENERAL nffnnnt?,611!1 Is the state's Prosecuting attorney; it is his duty to enforce the law. K the prohibition amendment carries, as now seems quite certain, it should be enforced by an attorney general in sympathy with the law SfnnM1!? democratic an republican parties should therefore nominate men for this portion who believe in prohibition. No attorney genera" obligated to the liquor interests for hliJomllt tioncaiido justice to the people. Vote for Berge A Progressive Demo cratic Ticket Below will bo found the names of a number of prominent democrats and tho positions to which they aspire. They all favor the renom ination and election of President Wilson. The paramount stato issue in Nebraska this year is the adoption of the "dry" constitutional amend ment and tho election of men on the state and legislative tickets who are in favor of driving tho liquor interests out of Nebraska politics by the only feasible plan, namely, by putting them out of business in Nebraska. The democratic candidates on the stato ticket listed below are in favor of the "dry" constitutional amend ment and their influence will be used to secure the passage of laws for its strict enforcement and for preventing any further interference in politics by- the liquor interests or any other special interests of the state. Those listed be low who are candidates for national positions aro opposed to special interest domination in politics in Nebraska, and favor the progressive principles of the democratic party. Some men claiming to be democrats, who have recently served the special interests as lobbyists during sessions of the Nebraska legislature, are aspir ing to positions of trust in the democratic party; but the candidates recommended, below contain the names of no such men among them, and democratic voters in Nebraska who are opposed to special interest domination in politics and who desire to vote for men who can be depend ed upon to represent the interests of the masses and who are pledged to carry out the will of the people expressed at the ballot box, should cut out and take ths list of names to the polls on April 18 and mark their ballot to correspond with this list. The list follows: Delegate's-at-Large to National Convention: WILLIAM J. BRYAN-,;, W. H. THOMPSON' ,".', -J. J. THOMAS - . .jtfT . LOUIS J. PIATTI' ' . im,,,. First i District Delegates: m.d'jittwui iv FRANK D. EAGER- ,- &&' L. F. LANGHORST . -Vflfff .-. Presidential Elector. First District: wcJ C . E. ARTHUR OARR -.: , . Third District Delegates: ; ji i; W. H. GREEN - ' ';U F. H. MORROW V -"'; Fourth District Delegates: . "ij-ti C. M. SKILES V1 'S c e. bowlby . v . Jy ; Fifth District Delegates: -' .' .'ffH P. W. SHEA i . yf :W FRANK T. SWANSON. j!gj Sixth District Delegates: -- rL FRANK J. TAYLOR . - -S3, FRANK W. BROWN- 'Y National Committeeman: - " ' ' JAMES C. DAHLMAN" '? United States Senator: '' ' - - ':$(' I. J. .DUNN &? Goyernor: . "' CHARLES W. BRYAN'' ' ' Lieutenant Governor: : - t-;"M t EDGAR HOWARD. -W?. Attorney General: ." z'v.i'i'1 GEORGE W. BERGE ' .7 'l Railway Commissioner: . .-,-, .l"f ANDREW CLUTE Commissioner of Publin r,n, flnrt Buildings t GRANT L. SHUMWAY1 Nominate Democrats Who gtai for THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR VmSbfiaskaiJ!Ux8,t have a Untenant governor in sympathy with the prohibition amendment. The lieutenant governor presides over the senate, and his influence should be cast in favor of laws giving force and effect to the amendment. Then, too, under the constitution, he becomes govern or in case of resignation or disability of vthe gov ernor Therefore, the reason given for the elec tion of a man opposed to the saloon to the gov ernorship -apply to the lieutenant governor as well. Put none but the faithful on guard in ""'t vuoiLiuxiK.- voio ror isagar Howard. Moral . '.:., i Bifeeiples t-gcajMii . , , k