The Commoner 'APRIL, 1916 5 mm Athletic fields, and prove their superiority In every line of business. UNCLE SAM'S CARE OF YOUTH If you visit the naval school at Annapolis, Md., you will find there more than 800 young men, the pick of the country, selected from ev ery congressional district in the United States. They are being trained at government expense for government service, and Uncle Sam is anx ious that they shall show the maximum of effi ciency and capacity. These young men are not allowed to use alcohol during their stay in col lego. Why? Because the government believes that alcohol is harmful. If the opponents of prohibition think that the use of alcohol is a benefit, why do they not attack the government's policy and compel the college authorities to give alcohol to the students? And if alcohol is in jurious, why is not every father and every mother as anxious about the welfare of a son as Uncle Sam is about the welfare of the boys in trusted to his care? Is there any parent in Nebraska who is less interested in a son than Uncle Sam is in his wards? On the contrary, every parent must be more interested. If any of Uncle Sam's boys go b stray, he can get other boys to take their place, but if your boys go astray no other boys can take THEIR place. Last month I went to Austin, Texas, to speak to the students of the state university, and as I approached the city I inquired about the people whom I had met there. I asked whether it was true, as I had heard that Mr. , one of the most distinguished citizens of Austin, was dead. "Yes," said my companion. And then he told me of a speech which the man had made juBt before his death. He had been opposed to pro hibition and this was his pathetic confession: "You will remember that I have spoken against prohibition I am NOW for prohibition. Drink has ruined my sons, and in my old age I am left alone." What a punishment for God to visit on a father who has favored the saloon! Can it be that any father in Nebraska will wait until -the demon alcohol invades his own family circle -before he will understand the evils of the saloon. Last week a porter stopped me in a sleeper in this state and aid: "Mr. Bryan, I am just a humble Pullman porter, but I read your speech at Lincoln and I want to tell you that the emancipation of our young people from drink will mean more than emancipation from slavery." And then, as if ho had not made it strong enough, he added: "The man who frees us from drink will do more for us than Abraham Lincoln did." If this man, whose ancestors were in bondage seventy years ago, and three hundred year3 ago were roaming in the forests of Africa if he can understand that the saloon is worse than slavery, what white man or white woman in this state can be ignorant on this subject? BUSINESS WORLD AGAINST INTOXICANTS It is so well known that the use of liquor is indefensible that the business world is throwing its influence against even the moderate use of alcoholic drinks. The man who drinks is the last one to find a Job when employees are want ed and the first one to lose his job when employ ees are being dismissed. This economic pressure is being brought to bear against alcoholic II qours 'throughout the industrial world. If any of you think that drinking is- a business advantage to any man anywhere, let me suggest a test which you can apply between now and election day, and if your vote is governed bv the test you will vote for prohibition. Here is the test: Go to the best friend you have and ask him for a recommendation; tell him to make it as strong as possible. After he has said all the good that ho can of you let him write at the end of the recommendation three words write them In red Ink, so that thev will be sure to be Been "And he drinks." Then take the recom mendation to any man who has money enough to employ another and watch his face when he reads the recommendation and then wait for a job. No brewer, distiller, or saloon keeper ever added those words to a recommendation given to a friend find such a recommendation if you can. Tf the men who make liquor and sell it know its effect well enough never to put it in a recom mendation that the man recommended drinks, ,, why should anybody else think it an advantage in business? j. Tf vou think that a saloon helps a town an swer this question: Did you ever know a"wet" , town torput the number of saloons onr any sign board or in any advertising literature ?The num ber of banks, business houses, factories, col legos, schools all these are mentioned as at tractions, but not the number of saloons or tho amount spent in thorn. Why? If the uso of alcoholic liquor is an injury and if this fact is universally known, why is its salo as a beverage licensod? Tho arguments against the saloon aro as conclusive ns tho arguments against alcohol itsolf. IP A BENEFIT WHY THE TAXES? Let mo pass on to you an argument which was given to mo by a retired farmer in southern Ne braska. He moved into a vilage to spend tho latter days of his life and soon after ho had reached the village was solicited to sign a peti tion for a man who wanted to open a saloon there. Ho refused to sign tho petition, and, when asked for his reason, replied that the town did not treat tho saloon keeper fairly. Tho ap' pllcant for a license had heard many other rea sons, but never having heard that one given be fore, he asked the man to explain. Tho explan ation was like this: "You want to start tho sa loon for tho benefit of the town, don't you?" "Yes," replied the would-be saloon keeper. "You think it will bring trade to tho town and im prove business, don't you?" "Yes," said the man who wanted the license. "Well," said tho farm er, "if your saloon will help the town, draw trade, and improve business they ought to give you a bounty instead of making you pay a high price for tho privilege of starting a saloon." Can you escape this logic? You know that the saloon is not a legitimate business in the sense Jn-tvhich you apply that term to other business enterprises. If a grocer wants to open n store in your city, you welcome him as you do the man who wants to start a hardware store, a bank, a restaurant, a butcher shop, or any other place of business, except tho saloon. But if a man wants to start a saloon you meet him at the city limits and say to him, "You can not open a saloon in this city unless you pay the city $1,105 a year, and even then you must submit to certain restrictions. Tho butcher shop can open at any hour in the morning, but your sa loon can not open before a certain hour. The restaurant can stay open as long as it wants to at night, but your saloon must close at a certain hour., Everybody else can sell anything else to anybody at any time, but if you open a saloon in this town you must not only comply with the restrictions named but you must agree not to sell to anybody under ago or overdrunk." Why do you make this distinction between the men engaged in other businesses and the man running a saloon? Because you recognize that the saloon is an injury, and, therefore, you sub ject it to different treatment from that accorded people in other business. THE ABSURDITY OP LICENSE How absurd it is to license a man to make men drunk and then fine men for getting drunk. I heard this illustrated many years ago, and I know of no better illustration of the inconsist ency of the policy, A man said that it was like licensing a person to spread the itch through a town and then fining people for scratching. Suppose a man applied for a license to spread hog cholera throughout this country, would you give him a license? No. He could not bring enough money into the country to purchase a license to spread disease among the hogs. Why, then, will you license a man to spread disease among human beings disease that destroys the body, robs the mind of its energy, and under mines the morals of men? What excuse do tho representatives of the brewery, distillery, and saloon give for opposing prohibition? They formerly insisted that any interference with the sale of alcoholic liquor was an a'ttack upon individual rights, but that argument has been so completely answered that we do not hear much of the personal-liberty plea now. No man can assert as a right that which interferes with the equal rights of others, neither can any man insist that respect for his rights requires the toleration of a system that invades the more sacred rights of others. No man can claim that his rierht to drink intoxicat ing liquor requires the licensing of a saloon which pollutes the locality in which it is situ ated, and brings want and misery and violence into.-the homes around it. And I call you to witness that the brewer and the distiller understand the saloon; they are not willing to have a saloon located near them. As a rule,, they live in the fashionable part of the cityand.would not. sign a petition for the loca tion oft. a. saloon near- where their families re ' side. They know it" would reduce the value of tholr property and subject their children to an objectionable environment. No; they will not havo a saloon near them, but they will locate their saloons among tho poor, knowing full well whou they do so that tholr saloons will absorb tho monoy that their patrons ought to spend on wife and children. They not only Impoverish tho poor and multiply their sufferings, but they lncreaso tho death rato among tho children. Who will defoud them before tho bar of God when they aro confronted with tho violation of tho commandment "Thou shall not kill"? But have you considered this: that no saloon can bo located in any town unless a majority of tho people of tho town aro willing to share moral responsibility for what the saloon does? If th voters of a town had to ontor Into a written agreomont to bo Jointly liable with tho saloon's owner for any damages done by it, how many saloons do you think wo would have? Aro we less concerned about our MORAL responsibility than wo aro about our legal liability? At next November's election wo are to decide whether saloons shall bo licensed In the state; after that election no saloons can bo licensed unless at the November election a majority of the voters assume responsibility for them. I do not know what position you will take, but my course Is decided upon. I shall not shnro re sponsibility for tho saloon by voting for it. If, after next Noverabor, any saloon is evor licensed in Nebraska, it will bo in spite of all that I can do to prevent it. If any of these young men, who should be tho glory of the state, are ever again led Into temptation by the opon saloon, it will not bo my fault. "BLIND TIGERS" Tho opponents of prohibition having been driven from every other position havo fallen back upon their final stand, namely, that pro hlbltlon does not prohibit. They toll us that tho law can not bo enforced; that liquor will be sold anyhow. They aro tho only element of socloty that announces in advance that it will not obey tho law; It is the only element that boasts of lawlessness, but even hero the facts aro a com plete answer. Statistics show that In tho state of Ohio there Is more illicit selling in wot coun ties than in dry counties. Only a few months ago the saloon keepers of Cleveland sent a dele gation to the governor to complain of tho selling of liquor without licenso. Those who paid the license protested against those who wore selling without sharing tho burden of tho tax. But the very language which tho advocates of tho saloon uso in describing Illicit sales shows that they understand tho nature of tholr busi ness. When they speak of the place whoro li quor is sold without liconse, what name do they use? Do they call the place a blind sheep or a blind goat? No! They call It a "blind tiger.'' They name it after an animal which Is ferocious by nature they know tho nature of tho saloon. Well, if a tiger was after my boy, I would ra ther havo it a blind tiger than ono which could see. Wouldn't you? If a tiger is blind, you must look it up; if it cau see, it can look you up, The man who sells without a license must dodge around and keep himself concealed, but tho licensed saloon plants itself in tho most con spicuous place and sends out its invitation to all. LIKENED TO A RATTLESNAKE One of the men imported into Ohio to defend the saloon went even further than those who talk of blind tigers. He asks, "Would you not rather keep a rattlesnake in a glass case than allow it to run loose in the alley?" But why keep a rattlesnake at all? Why notlcill It? How many families would bo willing to keep a rattlesnake in the house, even in a glass case? It must have something to eat. and thoso who feed it are always In danger of being bitten. But to liken the saloon to a rattlesnake what a confession! And what an apt illustration it is. It must have been by Inadvertence that the speaker selected man's earliest enemy on earth, for was It not theserpent that deceived the first pair In the garden? And has it not lived ever since under the curse then pronounced upon it? Is there not additional reason today why the seed of the woman should bruise this serpent's head? Is not woman today the greatest enemy of the saloon? All praise to th good women of this country whose love for their children and Inters in their country make them an in creasing influence on the side of temperance and in support of all legislation wh'ch has for its object the protection of society from the effects of alcoholic liquor. Statistics show that prohibition can be- and is enforced in other states. But, if we do our 1 i A '..6 rt-t