The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, April 01, 1916, Page 32, Image 34

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The Commoner
VOL. 16, NO. 4
fee?! il I Wm km mm I IS'TfiuWPS,
K?53ski 3a sr yofWtf
V"5iDP "V3jS
I want snuaro men to act as my Special Sales represent
atives in every county. I want hustling, energetic, amDi
tious fellows, anxious to make big money, who aTo willing
to work with mo. I want to show you and every other
honest man who believes in fair play and a square deal
how to mako $300 profit and expenses every month. I
want to show you how to make more money, easier,
quicker, moro sure and certain than you ever did before
in all vour life. I want you to advertise, sell, and appoint
local agents for tlio most sensational seller in fifty years
tho startling invention that has set tho entire country
Tho Robinson Folding Batli Tub
Hero's an absolutely new invention. Nothing else like
it. Has takon the entire country by storm. Solves the
bathing problem. Gives every honlo a modern, up-to-date
bathroom in any part of tho house. No plumbing, no
waterworks needed. Take full length baths in any room;
upstairs, downstairs, bed room,' sick room, parlor, kitchon,
any room in tho house. Tho Robinson Tub folds in small
roll, handy as an umbrella. Rivals expensive bathroom.
Constructed of the wonderful "Steelino" material. I tell
you it's Great! Remember it is needed in every homo.
Moans modern bathing facilities for all the people. A
godsend to humanity.
I want you to handle your county. I'll furnish demon
strating tub on a liberal basis. I'm positive, yes, I'm abso
lutely certain that you can make bigger money in a
week with mo than you ever made in a month before.
Hustlers, east, west, north, south, are simply coining
money. Orders, orders, everywhere. For remember,
fully 70 per cent of the people have no bathrooms. You
can take the orders right and left. Quick sales and im
menso profits. Two sales a day means $300 a month
profit, Stop and realize the tremendous possibilities.
Look around you. Bo amazed. Your neighbors, fricndB,
rolativos, have no bathrooms. They are eager for one;
never had the opportunity to install one. You step in;
show tho tub. Sale's made, profit sure.
No E.vperiencok Needed
Why, J don't care if you never sold anything before In
all your life, you can make good big money with mo.
You're honest? You're square? Of course you are.
You've-got grit, ginger, gumption? Of course you havo.
You want to make good? You waiit to make big money?
Sure you do. Well, that's all I ask. If you are willing
to do your best, backed by my co-operation and help, you
can blast out the biggest finaucial success of your career.
I grant credit, you know, so money can't hold you back.
I furnish sample on liberal plan. I help you out and back
you up. So don't let doubt drag you back. You havo
nothing to lose. My other men are building homes,
starting bank accounts, so can you.
ScnnnttoHnl Sales Sncccn.i!
What othors aro doing YOU can do. Road those records. N. T. Smith.
Ohio, $90 weekly profit. Meyers, "Wis., $250 first month. Beasley, Neb., $35
profit first 4 hours. Nowton, Calif., $60 In 3 days. Mathias, Florida, $120 In
2 days. Corrlgan, N. Y., $114 In CO hours. C. II. Tremor, Ind., $35 profit first
C hours. "W. l' Illncard, New Mexico, $35 in 2 days. Average men, average
ualos, average towns. Undeniable Proof of the Big Monjy to be made by
hustlers everywhere. Tho Robinson Tub 13 badly wanted and eagerly
v CiiKtomcrM Words of Praise
See how pleased these people are: "Delighted with Tub; will recommend
It," Mrs. Jennio Hall, Mis3. "Bath Tub O. K. Just right size," Wm, Bern,
Ohio. "Our Tub has been in dally use. Fine," Mrs. J. E. Randall, N. Y.
"Havo been using your Tub. Could not do without it," Mrs. G. C. Money,
Iowa. "Robinson Tub first class," Chas. A. Massle, Wash. "Tub arrived.
Chlldron and all delighted," C. R. Loucks, La. "We all took a bath. It sure
Is a daisy," O. L. Morris,. Ore. ' "After testing your Tub can sav it surely is
a wonder and gives entire satisfaction," O. P. Morgan, Ohio.
tmrtle. IUf If
Remember this! The Robinson Folrflnr
Bath Tub, equipped with our Special Out
let Hmptvlnz Device makes tho tub post
tlrel self emptying, How conrenlent and
handy this it. Atler the bath no fuss aud
bother emptying the tub. Ily the time
jou're dremd the tub It emptied, ready to
lay away, Alltheconvenlciiccsnla modern
up-to-date bathroom, and yet the Folding
Tub does uot tabe up space or be lu the
way when not In use. No special room r.eed
be set aside as a bath room unless desired.
Any room can be made luto a bathroom In
S minutes time. Is It any wonder users are
delighted, and agents are enthusiastic? The
Robinson Folding Hath Tub dcnionifatrs
Its value Immediately upon showing. It 's
the Idral bathing equipment (or every home,
city. Country or town, for camping, etc,, as
well as the one desirable tub Itr the sick'
room, bed-room, parlor, Ihlng room or
kitchen) any room can be made Into bath
room in a jllty. All this without pltimblur,
waterworks or extra expense. After the
Initial cost there are no further cipenses t
fay. Uvery home, everywhere Islustwalt
og for the Robinson Folding Tub.
w rtSTsaiift53l
Gaarauterd Tor Ten Years! Cannot Ltak
Every Robinson Foldlnj IJath Tub th
leaves our factory is guaranteed for tea
years against any defect in manufacture.
This Is due jo the remarkable Inventloa
Stceline," the material ured in the coa
struction of the Robinson Folding Tub.
Constructed with this material the tub
can be, and Is. guaranteed for 10 yean.
Shou'd it prove de'ertive a new tub Is
immediate1? furnished in its place. This
guarantee protects eycry customer for a
re.lod of ten years, Steeline makes the
Tub soft and pliable, yet strong and last
ing. The tub catlnot spill, tip or splash.
Just as strong and durable In use as the
ordinary enatneled tub, but in convev
ience so hr superior. In bujlng the
Robinson Tub, customers take absolute
1 no rsc. They are guaranteed aralnst
defects by "our liberal, binding guaran
tee. Families everywhere boost the Rob
inson Tub to their friends which makes
the sales come, fast and sure for our
represcr tiliyos. Surely the ideal bath
ing equipment without one objeetionabl
Yes, join tho many who are making bigger money than they over did be
fore. You don't Bcctl to quit your regular jolt rltfkt morr. Try the business
out evenings, Saturday aftornoons, whenever you have a llttlo aparo time.
See that all I tell you is so. Then quit your Job. Say good-bye to tho time
clock; say good-byo to grinding work and meagre pay. Bid your pay-check,
pals, farewell forever. Just for a chango you be the bows. You can do it.
1 know after one week of spare time effort you will be eagor to devote all
your time to tho salo of tho Robinson Folding Bath Tub. You will be
amazed. You will say: "My luck was surely with me when I got acquainted
with Robinson."
I wish that I might call a meeting of all ambitious people In America that
I might talk to them and toll thorn of tho tremendous possibilities in this
business; show them tho sales my othor representatives aro making; con
vince them beyond tho possibility of doubt that here at last is tho chance
they havo been waiting for; tho "Opportunity" that Is said to knock at every
man's door once. If I could only look you squarely In tHe eye and tell you
all tho facts about this wonderful business; if I could only lay before you
undonlablo proof stacks of letters and orders on my desk; if I could show
you enthusiastic letters from Robinson Representatives Hesitate? Whv
w r
Special Commoner Coupon I
iff. S. 1IOIIINSOX, Prcn't. 2
Uvbluson Cubluct Mfe. Co., 10110 Factories Bldff., Toledo, Ohio.
$300 a month looks good to me. Write mo and tell m an 0v,, k 2
modern bath-
today, an article
average Amor-
parson, so sena
Street and No,
drop' ?;"th?J Part of a second. You would
"Robinson, I'm with you?1 Y er buslness. "liot potato' and say
IfP&n ft?,Q"?0Jl b1; Let me tell you tho .,.,,
let me tell you of thSyearfof soff A tmt nmkes thc Mif.emptylns
of unremitting effort in the wnru,,;-acrIflciJlgr experimental work; the years
ties for every homo, tlmt tno ri5htLLs. ?? !W! p?rfect thing faclU
the conifort and eonyenSSothPSi "le liigh, the Jowly, might, have
room. j,et me tell you of fhi -nX, j'"-"-0," unu luxury or a
which I honestly M?eve tc be X SrJ?1 J'entlon as it is to
lean home of the S centurv Tef.St, nventIon' for the
the coupon' below Sffi SStmTCrltV." lLft thls ,n I
you apprec?ate tlSnimensnttMnfi Thi ,you can decide whether or not
in. You will iwS !.- PPfMHtles of the business I want vou to start
skeptical, then curious then Pnthitwi yor PoUipn who were at first
today than ever thougl t noMVHffi?' JYA a making bigger money
tea you how on nutuX.:L. :T "' h"i- nioac
'Opportunity," get a strangle hold on
?L?nancJa.1 independence ySuw!, R
my;, mat nonesty and amhIHnn a,i rH,,'"ii iwhjw, una appreumm nv
backed by conscientiougSortnrCH,mbIn,ed with tho right proposition and
, tenuous effort are the only requisites to an abundant success.
.enVo,ffaVhp?agrnDotnen?' Don'ond me a single penny. Don't
and mail the Wpon 'Tlmt is ii t nB remunration at all. Just siffn
tho twieoVprovc ?evwy JomS ?y scTndinff the couPn yu slve "f
Let me telUyou the whol?J?i.?iaVe pa,d Lot me prove every statement,
H. S. ROBINSON, Pres't
Tk n.H. o.w.t mr. ci.H 2.2. ,L:lZ?,J- .,.i oki.
w.i B'..wmv Ufc, -.j -
you how one ttmhinA,,0 k- " Vloir m08C roseate day dreams. I win
- i'uuuii xii t'H i'n nnm ri vi . m m. wrirn
- a &a uii . ajiiaiiiiiiiaa ay fin n firm ni'i'i vw a a. aav
know tho bios;
ed stimulus
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