The Commoner VOL. 16, NO. 4 28 I I Rf to -J ' X ' w ' . Shall Preparedness be Paid by Labor? It has boon proponed to moot tlio cost of "proparednosB" by taxes on sugar, on guBollno and by other di rect taxes that bear heavily upon la bor. It 1b also proposed to continue the. present indirect taxes on the things pcoplo use, which yield $620, 000,000 a year. It is proposed to burden the workor and farmer by taxes on the things they consume, und spend the proceeds on arma ment, with colossal profits" to tho armament ring, for an army and navy to protect principally the things that privilogo owiib. Why tax labor when, according to tho report of tho commission on in dustrial relations, from between one third and one-fourth of the male workers 18 years of age and over in factories and mines earn less than $10 per weok, while from two-thirds to three-fourths earn loss than $15 por week; when 2 per cent of the peoplo own GO per cent of tho wealth, and G5 por cent own only 5 per cent of tho wealth. Why not compol 2 por cent of tho peoplo to pay GO por cent of tho taxes instead of making the great mass of tho peoplo, who own 5 per cent, pay 95 per cont of tho taxes? Why tax labor when war-munition stocks havo increased in value in one yoar by $806,000,000? Why tax incomes in America but $80,000,000 when incomes in Great Britain, even bofore tho war, paid $236,245,000? England contains loss than one-half our population and wealth. All told, England taxes wealth, in comes and inheritances to tho extent of $380,115,000, and collected 45 per cont of her total revenues from these sources. Democratic America collected 9 per cent of its revenues from wealth, incomes and inherit ances. Why tax labor on its necessities, on tho things it needs to merely live, when inheritances have not as yet been taxed a ; niny by the federal government? Great Britain taxes incomes up to 33 por cent for war purposes, Ger many levies taxes for imperial pur poses, for stato purposes, and for municipal purposes as well; the com bined rate running often to 15 per cent or 20 por cent. Democratic America taxes incomes from 1 to 7 per cent, tho maximum up to $100, 000 being but 4 per cent. A tax of $10 to tho wage earner means giving up clothes, food from his table, possible the doctor for his children. A tax o" $10,000 to a man with an income of $100,000 or $100, 000 to a man enjoying an income of $500,000 means no sacrifice what ever. Preparations for war should call for equal sacr""cc. Defense should not mean sacrifice for the millions, and only profits for the few. Prep arations for war mean profits to the railroadj, to mine owners, munition factories, banks; it means specula tive values for the stock brokers and speculators. It means that the bended backs of labor will carry the army and navy, which, if the emer gency arises, will be used against la bor at home and for the protection of over-seas investments abroad. CLYDE H. TAVENNER. No Munitions of War Made in this Factory The Fox Factory at Grand Rapids, Mich., Is Running Full Time With Full Force of Men Building Fox Typewriters Exclusively mfA V IV STI mmluu irr BHutfflE SrjftNMf4vVV JB2rl4VIDfl ,i!n?X i-,e WKjrte" u"nnaff, VnntcHt Run. Blnyr, "Mont Peaceful Running" Typewriter ever built In the United SUtcs-or In any other coun! try. r Tho Fox has boon kept running, running, run nine, so swiftly, so peacefully, for the past s x- tlTgffi8' that t0tlay US tla11 0f &es SrSfts la quality the Pox Typewriter linn never been SSSHSf-iSWSrtT" ,vUo """" """ to a!&,iiCBitr'S J?l'.olhor&Sa i. t i,alifnK Leaf." Reduced to cold facts tho ouSs.0 th FX i3 equa11 twoC2na oSo-lmlf Write for Special Introductory Offer Wo are living In a wonderful vear of a wonderful ago Be optlmtHtlc enough to want tho Beat. Write for our Now Froo Catalog just out today and our Special In troductory Offor on tho Famous, Light Running, "Peaceful" Fox. lSaay payment terms, and old typowrltors taken in oxchango. Bo uro and mention The Com. moner" for April, FOX TYPEWRITER COMPANY BUILDERS OF TtlE PEACEFUL, LIGHT RUNNING FOX 6404-6454 Front Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. THE NON-COflEBATANT AT WAR! From the Florida Times-Union. In theory, war means that the soldier is to set himself the task of slaying soldiers in theory, private property is to be respected in the ory, women and children are safe while armies march over them. But sensible people look for the practice behind the theory. Mr. Root learn edly asserts that Germans should not havo invaded Belgium, and it was the duty of this government to pro test "with firmness" against such an outrage! In theory, neutrals should continue to transact business with each other and with the belligerents, reserving only the restrictions im posed on contraband goods and by blockades. We are all Christians, and all admit obligations to the law and the conventions; of course the European belligerents are guilty, and Mr. Root assumes that in our inno cence we may stand before thrones and principalities! When a protest from Washington could be read in Berlin, two million Germans would be marching through Belgium to reach France. Belgium had "prepared," at great cost against such an invasion what good did it do her? Would the armies have stopped when our protest stood in the way? Has the conduct of these parties justified Mr. Root's assump tion that our written word of pro test would have stopped armies In mid career? Others protested, but what good was done? How did the invasion of Belgium by Germany differ from the invasion of Virginia by a federal army? How did the conduct of German generals in Belgium differ from tlie conduct of federal generals in the valley of Vir ginia? Let us note one difference Germany demanded huge sums from conquered cities under penalty of disappearance from the map; Ger many collected hostages to be shot whenever attacks were made on uerman soldiers by other than reg ular soldiers! How do England's restrictions on our commerce differ from the claims made by the United States under like circumstances? If is true that we are trying to establish such differ ences, but protests are continually met by English citations'to our prac ticesto decisions of our courts and ueumrauons or our diplomats. At present we are succeeding as badly with our protests against barbarity on land as with our claims for the right to do business at sea; we are permitted to feed those Germany doomed to starvation, and wo are in vited to wait for the decisions of English courts! What did the pirates of other davs? They levied contributions on cities and imposed blackmail on commerce and sank the ciews of ships that re sisted these unlawful demands. Hereafter pirates may claim law and precedent for such crimes because they can find precedents to justify TolyZ the acts of governments VL stian Powers! What did the robbers? They broke into bans and exacted tribute from towns and butchered women nnri MitiM... "l .J5! a,ths 0f g0d men an true all .coc iiuiurs win remain to redden forever the history of Belgium. How were such crimes made possible Moreover such crimes are the logical and inevitable results of prepared ness-the setting-nations topfSw for war while they should beP work! ing in the ways of peace! Then to mark our horror ofneonditions againsl which we should have, protested are advised to set uppprepareTneSs this side as a preliminary to like aot under the impulse of the same law nt cause and affect! l Modern warfare recognizes thn duty of the non-combatant as well as of the soldier labor must continue to produce that the soldier may be fed and armed. Then labor must pav the cost, and he is pledged to the performance of this duty in the act of mortgaging his future to the can ital that waxes fat on war! The peace income of England is now eaten up by the interest on her war debt; other countries have mort gaged their future to support the war! We are asked to enter upon the same business and to enter the field is to find ourselves compelled to continue to the end! How shall the soldier spare the non-combatant more than the brother in front? The now practice is logical-, and who cares for a theory that will not work to ward victory? PACIFISTS "Blessed are the peace makers for they shall be called the children of God." These words of Jesus of Nazareth are as well known as any ever spoken on earui. tuis nation calls itself Christian and boasts that its civili zation is founded on the teachings of Christ. And yet so empty is the pretense that today "pacifist" is the term of greatest reproach. The newspapers of the country, the pub lic speakers are sneering at the "Pacifists" and writing them down as only cowards. Some men find it utterly impossible to conceive that others have principles. The "pacifists" do not keep pace with the Prince of Peace, who taught that men should not resist should never return evil for evil. We know of no newspaper and no man urging non-resistance to - attack. But there are a few newspapers and many men who do not wtelTtb see this' country put on tho airs of a swaggering bully. They are willing to fight in defense of their country as- willing as the militarists to die if necessarv in defense of their country, and yet they are denounced as unpatriotic and cowardly. All this makes Hm fiKforoTmo tn the men who have principles and stick to them. Thev can consider the source of tho insults that are hear on them and find it contemptible in quality if not in numbers. The "pa cifists" are not bullips but they are just as ready to fight if necessary as the militarists are. Some of the old men among us to day remember a time when many men were loudly clamoring for war and others were protesting against it, and they know that when war came the loudest shouters for it fought no better than- those who were reluctant to see it com. Among this number was Robert E. Lee. but. he fought very well. The "pacifists" want this countrv prepared for self-defense but not for aggression, and the founders of our Government forbade aggression whn they announced the principle: All governments depend for their just powers on the consent of. the gov erned. For more than a century our nat'on lived up to this hich level, afraid of no one, no matter how strong, and a danger to no one no waiter how weak. Florida Times Union. v FRANCIS NTCTIiSON It woulft bo essentially th posi tion .of so great a champion of dem ocracy and the humanities ns Fran cis Neilson to oppose preparedness. Tho democratic member of the Eng lish parliament ban a keenly appre ciative idea of what, "preparedness" means. He knows it to be only a euplionism for extreme militarism. K'Mr "NTonartTi . j-i-f it.. .unuu, mi ueuiunug iuut t WKft;