pupiuuiiu, mmffmmiFmvmSFmmm ?jR9Wr1S""-P Tiyn neawjwn r The Commoner APRIL, 1916- 25 The Roosevelt Program Following is special "Washington corrcspondenco o the Kansas City Star: Washington, March 28. Con Tinced that it is his first duty to his country, as ho now sees it, to use all his influence in the coming campaign to encompass the defeat of President Wilson and the present administra tion which he believes has not re flected the true spirit of the Amer ican people and has suffered humil iation and loss of national honor, Without qualification by both stand patters and progressive republicans alike. It has put a finishing touch to the flattening-out process which the "favorite son" boomlets have been going through the last three weeks since the "revival" of the Hughes movement again became so active. This feeling has been further heightened by tho knowledge hero that Colonel Roosevelt in his confer ence with Charles Bird of Massachu setts and other delegates who were Crowell Co., Publishers, New York. Price $1.00 not. Solf-Holps for tho Citizen-Soldier. Being a Popular Explanation of Things Military. By Capt. James A.idcnt on preparedness. Tho Times both at home and abroad, 'ineouore runninir as out-and-out Roosevelt Roosevelt will permit no factional delegates, set his foot down omnhat- fights to be made in his behalf for delegates or give encouragement to any strife in the opposition to the democratic administration. In taking this stand, Colonel Roosevelt assumes that the repub-. lican party, at Chicago, will not adopt any "tweedle-dum tweedle dee" platform, but will adopt resolu tions covering the' question of for eign relations that will appeal to tho true American spirit. Expects Progressive Planks He also assumes that the platform will take a progressive and essen tially forward looking stand on na tional economic conditions, sucn as he believes will point to greater na tional efficiency that will meet mod ern and new conditions brought about by the world war in a modern ' spirit of progressivefsm and Amer icanism. He also assumes that the candi date chosen at Chicago will truly re flect the platform and spirit of its declaration. He will not permit, di rectly or indirectly, any fight to be made, in, his Ijehalfor. delegates, If the nomination is tendered him by the convention, .that will be a matter to pass upon then not before. He Won't Stand lor Machine Work Colonel Roosevelt will not coun tenance for a minute any juggling or political manipulation, such as brought the 1912 convention at Chi cago upon the rocks of discord and ruin. If an attempt is made to straddle the vital Jssues before the country on a "milk, and water" plat form in a delusive. h,ope of catching votes all bets will be off. The "big stick" will be out and there will be a fight every bit as warm as in 1912. This outline of the position of Colonel Roosevelt has been accepted here without . qualification by repub licans representing both the conserv ative and radical wings of the party. It is an understanding reached, it was stated today, as a result of con ferences, supplemented by letters, telegrams and long distance tele phone conversations that have been going on since the return of the col onel to this country last week. Par ticipating in these conferences, di rectly as well as indirectly, were rep resentatives of the "Old Guard" ele ment in the republican party, that fought Roosevelt to the last ditch in 1912, as well as progressive repub licans who stood .with Roosevelt four years ago. As a result of these con ferences muph, progress has been made in straightening out the tangled republican situation. A Jolt for Favorite Sons Colonel Roosevelt's views may have been misunderstood by the re publican leaders here, who have been in touch with him. . Such a construc tion on his ppsitibn may have been circulated here by republicans more interested in bringing about harmony 'at Chicago than In correctly stating; the position of,,, the Oyster Bay 'statesman. Bui tins' much is ahso-j lately certain that' view of the col onel's position is, as stated, accepted ically upon any factional fight being made, directly or indirectly for him here in Massachusetts or any other state. He's Friendly to Hughes Developments in tho situation since Colonel Roosevelt's return, as stated by a progressive, republican and friend of Colonel Roosevelt and as a standpat republican leader agreed correctly represented the situation are: 1. The movement on behalf of Justice Charles E. Hughes for tho republican nomination will be pushed. It is stated Roosevelt is not opposed, but friendly to it. 2. Agreement among certain re publican leaders that only "death or or unequivocal statement from Jus tice Hughes he will not accept tne nomination if tendered him," is to stop the Hughes campaign. That was determined even before Colonel Roosevelt's homecoming. All re straint to be taken from Hughes' campaign with tho further under standing that Hughes, if it becomes necessary, will be accepted on faith, thereby getting around any require ment of an advance public statement from Hughes as to his position on international questions. 3. Should Justice Hughes defin itely eliminate himself from tho equa tion by a statement of the kind above outlined, the Hughes support would go to Roosevelt. Under the circumstances, if party leaders here correctly reflect the sentiment of the rank and file. Roosevelt would fall heir to 90 per cent of the Hughes strength, more than enough, it is estimated, to give him the nomina tion. 4. The progressive party conven tion, to be held coincident with the republican, will be a "club" on the republican convention if there is any "political juggling attempted." "5. Agreement on all sides that the general campaign will be fought out almost entirely on the question of foreign relations and preparedness preparedness for peace as well as for war. Two men, and only two men, can disarrange these well laid plans of the republican leaders. They are 'Hughes and Boosevelt themselves, and it is admitted that Roosevelt is the biggest factor in the situation. Mobs and Capt. Merch B. Stewart. United States Army. Georgo Banta Publishing Co., Menasha, Wis. Tho King of tho Money Kings. By Lincoln Truax. Tho Money Kings Pub. Co., Chicago, 111 Price, 25c not. Oneslmus Tho Slave. A Romance of tho Days of Nero By Laurel M. Hoyt. Sherman, French & Company, Boston. Tho Science of Revelation. In Modorn English. By Henry A, Bruns, 1GG2 East 86th St., Cleveland, 0. Tho Golden Book of Favorite Songs. A Treasury of the Best Songs of Our People. Compiled and edlfbd by N. H. Altch. Published Jointly by Hall & McCreary, Chicago, 111., and F. A. Owen Pub. Co., Dansvillo, N. Y. Prices: Single copies 15c post paid; two or more at tho rate of $1.50 a dozen, postpaid, or $10.00 a hundred, not postpaid. Vols. I & II of History of the Ger man People from the first authentic annals to the present time. Based on Translations from original sources. Edited by Edward S. Ellis, A.M., and Augustus R. Keller. Illustrated. Published by Tho International His torical Society, inc., 171 Madison Ave., New York. Price, cloth, $2.25 per volume. tho United States. Much that th World can say, the President can" not, with propriety say. Tho World agrees with tho Pros OF THE "WORLD'S" CRITICISM WILSON AND BRYAN Though it speaks in polished phraseology and in a manifest spirit of kindness and courtesy, the New York World makes a serious criti cism of President Wilson that we be lieved it intended, when it charges him with being "a too reticent Pres ident." Too much reticence amounts to pretty nearly the same thing as weakness. President Wilson is not a weak, but a strong character, not a weak, but a strong statesman. The World should remember the difference between tho position of a great newspaper like Itself and that of tho President, with the executive responsibilties of the government on his shoulders. The World's, respon sibilities are those which it owes to its great constituency of readers. In the official sense It has no responsi bilities. But the official responsibil ities of the President of the United States are the most immense that are possible for any American. So there is and must be a vast and vital dif ference between the attitude toward the public, of a newspaper like the World, and that of the President of Farmer. likewise la a firm believer in tho preparedness program. But when tho World calls Mr. Bryan a doma goguc becauso ho docs not believe in tho preparcdncHB program, tho World is guilty of tho gravest kind of an injustice. If the Times did not believe In tho administration's plan for increase fn tho nnny and navy, the Times would have a perfect right to say so. Mr. Bryan has an entire right frunkly to express his opinion on what he be lieves means an unnecessary increaso of taxation in paying for the proposed army and navy establishment. Many citizens feel as Mr. Bryan docs about that and becauso tho Times believes that tho army and navy proposition of the administration is abundantly justified by tho circumstances is no reason why the Times should seek to muzzle the candid expression of an opposite opinion by others and tho Times would never do so. Neither should tho World. Open canvassing of big questions is an essential of American institu tions and American freedom of speech. Unless public opinion tells what it thinks, how is tho President, or any other man in office to know what public opinion is? Tho World's charge of too much reticence that is, weakness against tho President, must fall to tho ground. So must its accusation of demagoguory against Mr. Bryan. Both these i minent democrats and states men, tho Presider. in insisting on tho preparedness program Mr. Bryan in debating it from tho opposite standpoint are wholly within their rights. Buffalo Times. WHO WILL PAY? Who will pay the 1,000 million dollars a year tax burden tho mili tary fanatics and the war plunder bund would fasten on tho country? Who will have to dig up tho billion-a-year assessment the poworful arm ament lobby is trying to levy on tho nation? Who, if it is successful .in putting this across will not scruple to bring about war itself to keep this tribute flowing into its coffers? Who then will bo expected, or ordered, to march by thousands to certain slaughter to defend a country delib erately led into war? These ques tions are going to be answered, either for you or by you, in a few days or weeks or years at Washington. Which do you prefer? Oklahoma BOOKS RECEIVED Carlyle and the War. By Mar shall Kelly. Open Court Pub. Co., Chicago, 111. Price $1.00. The Conquest. By Sidney L. Ny burg. J, B. Lipplncott Company, Philadelphia and London. Price $1.25 net. ', Railroad Valuation Rates. By Mark Wymond & Clark, 909 Rand KcNally Bldg.,J4cago, Publishers. Price $1.50. , fJJides of Commerce, School and College Verse.dBycWm. Cary Sanger! mr Country Life Eress, New Yoxk, .JThe Victorious Attitude. By 'Ori son Swett Harden. Thomas Y. m Hj tffi-i "3P BE? CAN BE CURED Free Proof To You All I want is your name and address so I can send you a free trial treat ment I want you just to try this treatment that's ull Just try It. That's my only argument I've been In the drug business in Fort Wayne for 20 years, nearly everyone knows me and knows about my successful treatment. Over three thousand people outside of Fort. Wayne have, according to their own statements, been cured by this treatment since X first made this offer public AJmW?Z!r Kmny J.C.Hwtxell.R.J BRUGOWT If you have Eczema, Itch, Salt Rheum, Tetter nevermind how had mv treatment has cored the worst cases l.ercr eaw slve me chance to preve my claim. Send me your name and address on the coupon below and get the trial treatment I want to send you FREE. 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