The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, April 01, 1916, Page 21, Image 23

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The Commoner
'APRIL, 1916
pass him on tho street a, hundred
times, said a writer in the New York
Times, "without a second glance."
It is only when he is in action that
ho becomes specially noticeable.
"You see him a spare, wiry figure
of middle height, whoso dress be
speaks an entire unconcern for out
ward show. It is not that studied
disregard for appearance that one
observes in a good many men who
profess much in public. Ho doesn't
wear an ancient long-skirted frock
coat and a black string tie, and af
fects neither a silk hat nor a states
man's broad-brimmed felt. Ho con
ducted tho rate hearings hero in New
York dressed in a pepper and salt
sack coat, a soft-collared negligee
shirt, and made most of his cross
examination with, his hands thrust
deep into pockets of trousers held up
I by a leather belt. His faco and
hands were tanned from Bailing a
small boat in some nook or corner of
Massachusetts Bay. He didn't look,
as did certain other of the counsel,
as if he were trying to impress the
commission with his own import
ance." "Self-effacing" is the term used by
Ernest Poolo to describe Brandeis in
a sketch for tho American Magazine.
"His face, with its high forehead,
prominent cheek bones, deep-set eyes
and heavy lines about tho broad and
sensitive mouth, gives an impression
of immense force, of a mind keen,
subtle, trained, a mind of large
vision, big ideals. And yet it's a like-
ablo face, his manner is kindly."
He has a feminino mind that has
'lnlnnl.n rt.mntsv T (ml a 1titinn1i In
iiuuuuco, tviuio juiyj u. ivivuaiuo in
The Independent, and "a fineness of
conscience suggestive of the Jewish
prophet." He looks younger than
his.,60. years. Ho Jives unostenta
tiously in the Back Bay district of
Boston in winter and in the village
of Dedham on the Charles river in
summer. His dining-table has been
likened to a continuous university.
Frederick W. Coburn gave this im
pression in a sketch written for the
now defunct Human Life:
"His talent for reaching both the
intellect and the emotions of the or
dinary man is the source of Mr.
Brandeis's power. Just what his
motive is in undertaking big things
believed to be for the common wel
fare still perplexes many of his fel
low countrymen. Something ulterior
is often suspected somo ambition
not previously revealed, for personal
advancement or a desire to display
his power of directing men and
things. But personal acquaintance
with the man convinces you easily
that he follows an instinct rather
than a calculated design. Like the
rest of us, he just does the things he
can not help doing.
"A former tutor who received him
aB a blue-eyed tractable boy, says
that his appetite for knowledge in
his early teens was as insatiable as
most growing lads' for food. Today
a dinner with Mr. Brandeis, if not
literally a feast .of reason, is an af
fair of assimilation. One under
stands what some of the trust mag
nates have failed to grasp that this
man has for fifty years past been
building up within himself a big
mind trust. In his friendly, court
eous way he seems all the while not
merely to bo partaking of food; his
very active mentality is absorbing
A press statement, issued from
Washington, March 17, says:
Representative Warren vorth
Bailey today introduced a bill to,
amend the Underwood tariff act so
as to provide for the admission free
of duty of the products of any Amer-j
lean country which shall admit the
products of the United States with
like freedom. The measure is de-l
signed to establish an effective cus
toms union that shall include all tho
countries on this hemisphere.
Mr. Bailey claimed today that his
proposition has tho backing of a
large and influential organization of
which Charles A. Ingersoll, tho
watch man, is president, its list of
vice presidents including A. B. Far
quhar of York, Pa.; Jacob B. Schlff,
of Kuhn, Loeb & Co.; W. D. George,
vice-president of tho People's Savings
bank of Pittsburgh; H. H. Willock,
president of the Waverly Oil Co.,
Pittsburg; Lawson Purdy, tax com
missioner of the city of New York;
Charles Frederick Adams, assistant
tax commissioner of the city of Now
York, formerly of Coudert Bros., and
of the Pan American Union; and Cal
vin Tomkins, president of the Now
York Reform club. Tho movement
has the support of tho leading man
ufacturers, bankers and business men
of the United States; and it is the
purpose of those interested to press
the Bailey amendment for early con
sideration and adoption.
"This will bo a real insurance
against war," Mr. Bailey declared
UUU uicicijr lljrili& LU put UUt IUU III U
by pouring kerosene on it, as most
'preparedness' is. It is to make trade
as free between us and Latin Amer
ica as it is among the states. It will
benefit both our consumers and our
manufacturers. If any one is cu
rious to know that its probable ef
fects would be on our trade with
South and Central America, let him
study the statistics of trade between
the United States and the Philippines
and Porto Rico since free trade be
came effective between those islands
and the United States. Tho measure
I propose will go farther toward the
establishment of a solidarity of all
America and to preserve the peace
than all the fleets and armies that
could bo mobilized."
The text of the bill follows:
A Bill to amend an act entitled
"An act to Reduce Tariff duties and
to Provide Revenue for the Govern
ment, and for Other Purposes," ap
proved October three, nineteen hun
dred and thirteen.
Be it enacted by the senate and
house of representatives of the United
States of America In congress as
sembled, That paragraph J' of sub
section 7 of section 4 of said act be
and the same Is hereby amended by
adding the following at the end of
said paragraph: Provided further,
That on and after the first day of
July, nineteen hundred and sixteen,,
no tariff taxes 'shall be collected on
importations of the products of any
American country which shall admit
the products of the United States free
of tariff taxes, the President of the
United States being hereby author
ized and requested to notify all
American countries of the passage
hereof and to invite their adhesion.
"Si vis pacem para bellum." This
ancient proyerb appears near the be
ginning of Dr. Fisher's address at
the Ninety-seventh Convocation of
the University of Chicago, December
last. The last sentence of tho ad
dress Is, "Si vis pacem, para pacem,"
It gives us pleasure to call attention
to this virilo utterance, and to a few
of the significant passages:
"Force as a means of promoting
economic interests or of advancing
intellectual ideals is certain to di
minish and to disappear, just as cer
tainly as human stavery anl tho im
position of theological or religious
dogma by force-'nave already disap
peared. The ra'pldity of the process
will' depend chiefly!, if not entirely up
on the progress" jo education and in
telligence among tho mass of man
kind." ...
"Let us endure with patience the
taunts of the militant pacifist whose
motto is 'Speak softly and carry a
big stick.' I try sometimes to visu
allzo that peace-loving and peace
seeking community in which that
motto is carried into practical effect,
as its distinguished author illustrates
it in his own delightful way. Picture
to yourselves tho citizons of Chicago
leaving their homes in tho morning,
each armed with a big stick, suited
to his taste one with beautifully
polished knobs on tho heavy end of
tho stick and one with nails carefully
disposed upon its surface, to empha
size tho value of tho weapon as a de
terrent of force, and an incentive to
peace each swinging his llttlo paci
fier Jauntily as he trudges sturdily or
saunters leisurely along, spoaklng
Boftly to thoso ho passes about molly
coddles, cowards, and tho Ananias
club. How certain it would bo that
no thought of violence would disturb
the peaceful serenity of such a happy
community. It is an excellent motto,
but hard to live up to; and we shall
do well not to underestimato tho
dlfllculty. Nations, like individuals,
when they carry big sticks, seem pre
disposed to raise their voices." Ad
vocato of Peace.
From the Des Moines, Iowa,. Reg
ister and Leader, March 23, 1916.
Speaking at tho Coliseum last
evening on "Tho War in Europe and
Its Lessons for Us," William Jen
nings Bryan faced an audience of
4,000 people who were in absolute
sympathy with him.
They cheered his peace sentiments
as heartily as tho New York news
paper men said they cheered Presi
dent Wilson's preparedness address.
Coming after tho President, and
limited to a 4,000 audience by the
fact that admission was charged by
the federated churches of Des Moines,
Mr. Bryan nevertheless was "greeted
with a continuous demonstration
which for enthusiasm and spontane
ity completely distanced tho Wilson
Introduced by Governor
Mr. liryan was Introduced by Gov
ernor Clarke as a man in American
public life comparable to Cobden and
Bright in his intlucnco upon his own
times and lii people, with a voice
raised for righteousness and peace,
and liko Wendell Pliillirm in hi dr..
votiou to great humanitarian motives
and Ideals.
Tho speaker and party arrived
whilo tho audieuco was singing
"America." With Mr. Bryan and tho
governor on tho platform were Mayor
Hanna and Mr. Aehby, president of
tho federated church council.
Mr. Bryan talked for two hours.
In all that timo scarcely an individual
left tho hall, and there were not the
slightest signs of restlessness. On the
contrary, tho audience listened with
fixed attention, and frequently divin
ing tho point of a figuro of speech
or an apt comparison before it was
reached, extinguished tho climax with
prolonged applauso or heartv laugh
ter and cheers. This was particu
larly truo in the many Jabn which
tho speaker had ready for ammuni
tion makers and Jingo editors.
Pleased With Auspices
In opening his address, Mr. Bryan
said he was particularly pleased to
speak under tho auspices of tho fed
erated churches of Des Moines, be
causo ho know something of tho af
termath of tho great revival held
here, and tho spiritual cxamplo which
Des Moines set for other cities:
Ho said that ho looked forward to
feeling moro at homo in Iowa in tho
next fifteen years than ho had felt
in tho last twenty.
The World's Famous Orations
A Collection of the World's Most Brilliant Speeches on all Subjects
jrom all Ages and JValtons
Compiled and Edited by
Speeches That Have Made History
These ten volumes, containing the great
masterpieces 'of oratory from ancient
Greece down to the present day, in
clude many that are famous as Mark
Antony's over the dead body of Caesar;
Burke a at the trial of Warren Has
tings; Patrick Henry's "Give Me
Liberty" speech; Lincoln's "House
Divided Against Itself"; Wolfe's Ad
dress before Quebec; Goldwin Smith's
"The Secret Beyond Science"; John
Morley's Pittsburg Address; Lord Rose
bery on Robert Burns, as well as many
other famous epoch-making orations.
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