0 The Commoner VOL. 16, NO. 4 20 i: m w :?v "Up From Aristocracy" The Career of Louis Brandeis, Named for a Seat in the Supreme Court "From March Current Opinion That thrill which America still gives, as the Promised Land of Big Opportunity, arises anow from the surprising appointment of Louis Dombltz JJraudcis to he an ussociato justice of the supremo court of tho United States. "Up from Aristoc racy" is tho unique way in which some of his intimates describe his carocr. Ho is tho Kontucky-born son of a well-to-do Bohemian Jew "Who was drawn to this country after tho European reaction from tho rev olutions of 1848. His career not morely represents professional suc cess and the development of high earning capacity, but it is an extra ordinary idealistic contribution of personal service toward the solution of melting-pot problems of American domoeracy. Hero is a partial record of tho kind of achievement credited to Brandels by Jowlsh Comment: "Ho has established a new legal point of vlow in regard to social questions. "Ho has overthrown old ideas of financing public corporations. "Ho has established a now system GOOD REPORT Doctor Proved Valuo of Postum Physicians know that good food and drink, properly selected, are of tho utmost Importance, not only for the relief of disease but to maintain health oven when ono is well. A doctor writes, "1 count it a ploasuro to say a good word for Postum with which I havo been en abled to relievo so many sufferers, and which I count, with its valuod companion Grape-Nuts, ono of the daily blessings. "Coffeo was banished from my own tablo sorao tiino ago and Postum used regularly in its place." (Coffeo is injurious to many persons, because it contains tho subtle, poisonous drug, caffeine.) "I frequently find it necessary to instruct patients when they tako Postum for tho first time to bo quite euro that it Is properly mado accord ing to directions, then it has a clear, seal-brown color and a rich, snappy tasto, as well as health giving qual ities." Tho above letter, received over ten years ago, is fully conflrmod by a re cent lottor from 'the doctor, in which ho says: "It is a pleasure to rouder a good report covering a product of which I am so enthusiastic a friend. "I am using in my homo your Postum Cereal in both its forms, And, what is more, I am having it usgd in tho families of several pa tients in which there are children, and all unite in endorsing tho fine qualities of your admirable product." Namo glvon by Postum Co., Battle Crcok, Mich. Postum comes in two forms: v Postum Ceroal tho orginal form t must bo well boiled. 15c and 25c packages. Instant Postum a soluble Powder dissolves quickly in a cup of hot water, and, with cream and sugar, makes a delicious beverage iustautlv! 30cand 50c tins. y t Both forms aro equally delicious nd cost about tho same per cup I 'There's Reason" for Postum.' sold by Grocers. of insurance for persons of moderate means. "Ho has given a new charter to working women. "Ho has compelled railroads to inquire into what efficient handling of their roads moans. "He has stood for tho masses against tho encroachment of privil ege and done so without resorting to tho methods of the demagog or to tho ecstacios of tho reformer. "In Jewish matters he has taken over tho direction nf 7io?isi" time when it threatened to go to pieces on account of the complica tions occasioned by the war and he has glvon It new life." Significant, too, is the fact that Brandois leaves a voluntary labor court of his own creation for the highest court in the land. His con ciliation court is a part of the ma chinery dovised to keep industrial poaco between garment manufactur ers and garment workers in New York City. Brandels settled the strike of 1910 by Inducing an agree ment on tho new line of "the prefer ential union shop," and was chosen chairman of the arbitration board. Tho complex issues there passed up on are typical of tho legal and extra legal problems in modern industry. "Mr. Brandels' mind Is tho clearest, tho keenest, and the justest I have over known," says Hamilton Holt of the Independent, an associate on the board. "His unerring sense of justice and ability to got at the truth quickly have been a never falling source of won der ... In the perplexing cases that have come before us cases that involvo nearly all the human pas sions, good and bad a man with an insincere mind would have been sure to betray himself sooner or later. If ever, then, I have met an honest man, u is L.OUIS Brandels. I would as soon trust him as my own father." Yet the New York Press, voicing an entirely different attitude, calls the Brandels appointment "a nation al shock" and an "insult" to the su preme court itself. This journal, not long ago a prominent champion of tho progressive party, says: "The insuperable objection to Brandels as a member of the highest tribunal in tho land is that he is a man of furious partisanship, of vio lent antagonisms and of Irredeemable prejudice, utterly disqualifying him, or any other man of like tempera ment and passloiiB, whatever abilities and virtues he might have, from acting in a judicial capacity, where nothing but calm, cold reason should dominate the mind." The senate committee, subjected to such diverse currents of senti ment, decided to hold open hearings prior to a vote on confirmation of the President's appointment. Mr. Brandels has shown a curios ly candid streak of honesty ever nlH the Sfly tlays of Mb legal practice. His professional and per sonal associations were those of Bos ton s socially elect. The president of a shoe company called him in dur ing trouble with tho workmen. After listening to the story of the employ ees representative Brandels frankly startled both sides by saying to him -my client is entirely wrong. What SS to do to help us out?" The difficulty was soon settled' The same candid streak 'appeared in the latest case of the western shippers IZ Somf Brandois PPeared ffi tiia ?SI ate commercP commission. The case was one of protest against increase of freight rates. Yet the hearing of facts led Brandeis to ad vocate that the railroads charge for various "free services" they had been giving, in order to increase their le gitimate revenues. Brandeis consid ers himself free to thus deal with Is sues In controversy because he makes a practice of accepting no fee in cases involving "the public" as a party in interest. In his earlier pri vate practice he was counsel for the United Shoe Machinery Company, one of tho big trusts and an "efficiency" concern. He severed the connection and has contended against some of the contracts, presumably formulated by him, as being contrary to sound public policy. Friends impute righ teousness and courage to him for such action. Opponents call it "un professional," even "dishonorable." Brandeis was a precocious lad. From the public schools of Louisville, Kentucky, to a Dresden Realschule, thonce back to Harvard law school where rules were suspended to grad uate him at the age of 20, so runs his academic record. He paid his way through law school by tutoring and had money to spare. By the time he was 30 he had become a leading light among Boston lawyers. Fiduciary responsibilities and profitable corpor ation practice came his way. Posi tion and income were assured. 'Later, "precocity" showed itself in the in corporation and organization of his "law factory" on the "efficiency" lines of scientific management. Then he divided his professional income with his wife, who is interested in charitable work. For himself Bran deis obtained a new freedom to take up cases for "tho public" without charging a fee. In the last 25 years he has gained an unparalleled repu tation as the "people's attorney." He is easily the most liked and most hated man at tho bar in America," according to the editor of the Boston Common. None of the airs of the sensation alist are adopted by Brandels even when he is doing the unusual thing, and it is mostly by unusual things that the public knows him. There wero nrmArn nf Hi nnflnnai nnuni when Brandeis appeared at the Ding ley tariff hearings in 1897 "in the interest of the Consumer." Then it became widely known that he had been the brains of the traction fight in Boston. A measure of city control of the transportation system through public construction and short-term leases had been won and Brandeis would accept no fee for his services. Brandeis also put through an adjust ment plan for Boston's gas supply. The company is allowed seven per cent on a fixed capitalization for gas at 90 cents. For every reduction of five cents in price (efficiency again') one per cent is added to the com pany's dividend. Gas goes down to 80 cents and dividends up to nine per cent. No fee to Brandeis. Through the efforts of Brandeis in dustrial insurance can now be se cured from savings banks in Massa chusetts at more than 20 per cent be low former cost. And Brandeis' ad vice as counsel for the Equitable so ciety's protective committee, headed by Grover Cleveland, is credited with numerous permanent reforms in the Insurance business. In the Ballinger case during the Taft administration, Brandei! as counse for .G avis in Alaskan affairs prevented a "hush-up" where im portant public interests in the terri tory were at stake. - X Five years ago the. press of the country found a newspaper sensation in Brandeis's suggestion to railroad managers that a mitfioA dollars a day could be saved by applying tho prin ciples of scientific management to their business method Branded nterjected this side $u'Q while nrT testing, before the interstate com merce commission, in behalf of east ern shippers and boards of trade" against an increase of railroad rates' Rates were not raised. Noteworthy instances of increased efficiency in railroad management have latterly been given wide publicity. Brandeis did not succeed in pre venting the merger of the Boston and Maine with tho New Haven rail road system, although his published facts and figures were monumental But his predictions of tho effects of attempted monopoly of New Eng land transportation and of tho wila cat financial methods of management proved only too true according to the verdict of a public after it had been "stung." New Haven management has since become a hissing and a by word. The crash in New Haven stock has left in New England many bitter hatreds, and a large number of them are directed against Brandeis. It is the theory of his critics that the New Haven road would, in time, have emerged from all its difficulties but for the attacks made and directed by him. Twelve times, at the invitation of state authorities, notes the Survey, Brandeis has participated, for Na tional Consumers' league, in defense of women's labor laws. He has an unbroken record of success in prov ing the constitutionality of laws lim iting hours of women's work before the courts of Illinois, Ohio, Oregon and New York. He won the Oregon case on appeal to the United States supreme court. In these pleadings he presented a new type of brief. In stead of clinging to precedents and legal arguments ho offered data to show the facts of working conditions and their effects upon the workers and the community. Ho used the testimony of medical and other ex perts on "over-fatigue" and "social damage." The Oregon minimum wage law for w'hich he also argued before the supremo court has yet to be passed upon by that body to which he has now been nominated. Only from such an abbreviated list of Brandeis's exceptional acts of free law service can one get a conception of his status. It is the record of a fighter, but of one always fighting within the law, never as a revolu tionist. Clearly his career has aroused the bitterest antagonisms. Conservatives condemn him as a rad ical and radicals insist that ho is a conservative. Neither socialist nor anarchist label fits him. He is more of an individualist clinging to tho idea of freedom of opportunity under fair competition. He says that he has no rigid philosophy unless the demo cratic ideal with a small "d" may be J styled. The trouble he senses is the lack of social adjustment between political democracy and industrial absolutism in the United States. He Presses faith in the decline of ex ploitation of human beings once Americans of all classes clearly see the facts. His latest book on "Other Peoples Money" deoIs with the ethics of centralized control of deposits and credit whereby impersonal absentee management of business obtains rule. Brandeis would extend the domain iif WTTby, absorbin& the facts of I iAe Jias tne PInt of view taught by Professor Wilson before he became President; law as the record of society's determination regarding concrete realities of life, rather than S-?i?d..ru!. 0f tllurab for a technical state. That he has an instinct for ethics, a passion for justice and a genius for public service his friends consider amnlv domr.nn..t.j tti capacity for social interpretation of ---w w,. uumifuumou aata is not de nied even hv fimoa iri . ,., conclusions dangerous to the estab- llBiiGn nrrlAf l toMiuiH is not.a.jman who would ,no picked out in a-crowd. One might V-.V '- - - Ui,i v'tv