I h The Commoner VOL. 16, NO. 4 u I if I!' W President Warns in Mexican Situation An Associated Press dispatch, dated Washing ton, March 25, says: President Wilson tonight issued warnings that "sinister and unscrupulous influences" aro spreading alarming reports about tho Moxlcan situation with tho object of forcing intervention by tho United States "in tho inter est of certain Amorlcan owners of Mexican prop erties." In a formal statement tho President told tho peoplo of tho United States to bo on their guard and not to credit such stories. Ho urged thoso who dlssemlnato nows to test tho aourco and authority of every report from tho border, and called attention again to tho gov ernment's announcement that tho solo object of tho punitive expedition now in Mexico was to punish Villa and his followers. Nows services supplying newspapers had been asked, tho President said, to assist in keeping this view constantly boforo tho Moxlcan and American people, to tho end that tho expedition should not bo given tho color of war. ALARM STORIES SENT OUT Tho warning was Issued after careful consid eration by tho Presldont and his advisors of many official reports fronVfriroughout tho United States and Mexico, Including consular dispatches, flaying that tho alarmist stories of tho intentions of tho Washington government wero having an undesirable effect upon tho Mexican peoplo and American residents in the southern republic. Tho possibility that General Carranza's hand might bo weakened to a perilous extent should tho Mexican public misunderstand tho American expedition has boon a prevailing factor in tho ontiro operations ngalnst Villa. Tho question of alarmist reports was considered by tho cab inet yesterday and the President conferred at length with Secretary Lansing before ho issued his warning tonight. Drastic steps may be takon if the warning is not heeded. Various suggestions havo been ad vanced for legal procedure to remedy tho situa tion, ono measure suggested being invocation of tho law against circulating of reports calculated to incito arson and riot. Tho purpose of tho American commanders was doscribed as ombraclng co-operation "in every possible way" with tho forces of General Car ranza and withdrawal from Mexican territory as soon as tho object of tho oxpedition is accom plished. The President solemnly warned tho peoplo "that there aro persons all along tho border who aro actively engaged in originating and giving as wido currency as they can to ru mors of tho most sensational and disturbing sort which aro wholly unjustified by tho facts. THE PRESIDENT'S STATEMENT Tho statement of President Wilson follows: "As has already been announced, tho expedi tion into Mexico was ordered under an agree ment with tho do facto government of Mexico for tho single purpose of taking tho bandit Villa, whoso forces actually invaded tho territory of the United States, and in no sense intended as an invasion of that republic or as an infringement of its sovereignty. "I havo therefore asked the several nows scr Tices to bo good enough to assit tho administra tion in keeping this view of tho expedition con etantly before both tho people of this country and the distressed and sensitive people of Mexico, who are very susceptible indeed to impressions re ceived from the American press not only, but also very ready to believe tha. thoso impressions proceed from the views and objects of our gov ernment itself. "Such conclusions, it must be said, are not unnatural, because tho main, if not tho only eourco of information for tho peoplo on both sides of tho border is tho public press of the United States. In order to avoid the creation of erroneous and dangerous impressions in this way, I havo called upon tho several news agencies to use tho utmost caro not to givo news stories regarding this expedition tho color of war to withhold stories of troop movements and mili tary preparations which might bo given that in terpretation and to refrain from publishing un verified rumors of unrest in Mexico. "I feel that it is most desirable to impress up on both our own people and the people of Mex ico the fact that tho expedition is Bimply a necessary punitive measure, aimed solely at the elimination of tho marauders who raided Colum bus;and also infest an unprotected district near tho 'border which they use. as a basein making attacks upon tho lives and property of our citi zens within our own territory. "It Is tho purpose of our commanders to co operate in every possible way with the forces of General Carranza in removing this cause of irri tation to both governments and to retire from Mexican territory so soon as that object is ac complished. "It is my duty to warn tho people of tho United StateB that there aro persons all along tho bor der who are actively engaged in originating and giving as wido currency as they can to rumors of the most sensational and disturbing sort which aro wholly unjustified by tho facts. "Tho object of this traffic in falsehood is ob vious. It is to creato intolerable friction be tween tho government of tho United States and tho do facto government of Mexico, for the pur pose of bringing al)out intervention in the inter est of certain American owners of Mexican properties. "This object can not bo attained so long as sano and honorable men are in control of this government, but very serious conditions may bo created, unnecessary bloodshed may result and tho relations between tho two republics may be very much embarrassed. "Tho people of the United States should know tho sinister and unscrupulous influences that are afoot and should be on their guard against cred iting any story coming from the border; and those who disseminate the news should make it a matter of patriotism and of conscience to test tho source and authenticity of every report they receive from that quarter. "WOODROW WILSON." PRESIDENT WILSON ACCEPTS PROPOSAL "Following is an Associated Press dispatch: Washington, March 13. The United States government entered into a formal agreement with tho do facto government of Mexico today under which American troops will cross' the border to hunt down Villa and his bandits with tho expectation of hearty co-operation from tho Carranza forces. Secretary Lansing made public tho text of a note accepting General Carranza's proposal for a reciprocal arrangement between the two gov ernments and that the United States held this arrangement to be now in force and binding upon both parties. General Funston will carry out his task under this agreement. Official announcement was awaited tonight that the American force had crossed the border. Plans for the troop movements havo gone ahead without regard to the diplomatic exchanges. INTERVENTION NOT INTENDED Mr. Lansing also made public a statement is sued in the namo of President Wilson reiterat ing that every step being taken by the admin istration was based on the deliberate intention to preculdo the possibility of armed intervention in Mexico. The statement follows: "In order to remove any misapprehension that may exist either in the United States or in Mex ico, the President has authorized mo to give in his name the public assurance that the military operations now in contemplation by this. govern ment will be scrupulously confined to tho ob ject already announced and that in no circum stances will they bo suffered to infringe in any degree upon tho sovereignty of Mexico or de velop into intervention of any kind in the in ternal affairs of our sister republic. On the con trary, what is now being done is deliberately Intended to preclude the possibility of interven- PRESIDENT'S NOTE EXPLICIT The note to Carranza defines the terms of the agreement beyond tho possibility of miscon struction In brief, it provides that where con ditions arise on tho American side of tho border similar to those at Columbus, which led to the orders to General Funston to enter Mexico t e same privilege will be accorded to tho Mexico do facto government without the necessity it a further exchange of views. ," It is clearly stated, however, that the Shafts to bo pursued on American soil by Mexican troops must havo. come from tho AericaSe' committed depredations -on-the Mexicln Sv anded back again to fcojiftk States ierfWo There is no instance on record in recent years of such an occurrence. The note follows: TEXT OF REPLY This is the text of the reply to General Car ranza's proposal, sent to American Consul Silli man: "The government of the United States has re ceived the courteous note of Senor Acuna and has read with satisfaction his suggestion for reciprocal priviliges to the American and Mex ican authorities in the pursuit and apprehension of outlaws who infest their respective territories lying along the international boundary and who aro a constant menace to the lives and property of residents of that region. "The government of the United States in view of tho unusual state of affairs which has ex isted for some time along the international boundary and earnestly desiring to co-operate with the de facto government of Mexico to sup press this state of lawlessness, of which the re cent attack on Columbus, N. M is a deplorable example, and to insure peace. and order in the region contiguous to the boundary between the two republics, readily grants permission for mil itary forces of the de facto government of Mex ico to cross the international boundary in pur suit of lawless bands of armed men which havo entered Mexico from the United States, commit ted outrages on Mexican soil and fled into the United States, on the understanding that the de facto government of Mexico grants the recipro cal privilege that the military forces of the United States may pursue ' across the Interna tional boundary into Mexican territory lawless bands of armed men who have entered the United States from Mexico, committed outrages on American soil and fled into Mexico. IS NOW COMPLETE "The government of the United States under stands that in view of its agreement to this reciprocal arrangement, proposed by the de facto government, the arrangement Is now com plete and in forco and tho. reciprocal privileges thereunder may accordingly be exercised by either government without further interchange of views, "It is a matter qf. sincere gratification, to the government of the United Spates. ' that the de facto government of Mexico has evinced so cor dial and friendly a spirit of co-operation in the efforts of the authorities of the United States to apprehend and punish the bands of outlaws who seek refuge beyond the international boundary in the erroneous belief that the con stituted authorities will resent ,any pursuit across the boundary by the forces of the government whose citizens have' suffered by the crimes of the fugitives. "With the same spirit of cordial friendship the government of the United States will exer cise the privilege granted by the de facto gov ernment in Mexico in the hope and confident expectation that by their mutual efforts law lessness will be eradicated and peace and order ma,inined in the territories of the United States and Mexico contiguous to the , international boundary." BACK TO THE CONSTITUTION (Continued from Pago 13) man, rugged and earnest, and like most strong men he annexed all the jurisdiction he could lay his hands upon. While his course upon the bench was in many respects of inestimable good. ELf JenSii?n? as Marljury v. Madison, the Dartmouth College case, and. others, he went be yond the necessities of tho occasion and cer iI7i beyod far beyond, the authority con- rJ n the courts by the constitution. Small er men have extended his doctrines to their log S?rm5 810n inmore recent cases which have mn"ie. PubHc conscience, and a restora- U ?a JUrisd ?tion of the court to its true bSn dSinfCe8Slty- AS that Juriction has ewn fd0ned in mof o recent cases, all legislation nf Tii nGn( S f0r its validity. not upon the win sfJp i2S?n? aS expresse(1 through congress and of fio W.tU1'es; but UP01V the economic views and Pman?fSV t0 wnom "due process of law" Swlf Protection of the laws" means sim- SeoJi Tnhb;01 6Ve,is 'op the real good of tho S52? wl? "ieir.liands the power of the com" ef,ai;" neither more nor less than nub lc Xnww ?t0 Upon any expression of the puWlc -will tht doea not meet 4hoiv flT,WOYali written"8 fir t0 the constitution" itfjt.ls. StSS; J$VFess an,(1 the -legislatures leBlF Wject to 'the' .only restriction .'con'r