SFfTwrj? , ' ft The Commoner 12 VOL. 16, NO. 4 f r. Back to the Constitution By Walter Clark, LL.D., chief Justice of the supremo court of tho Btttte of North Carolina. Itoprintcd from Vol. Ill, No. 3, of tho Virginia Law Uovlew. Law was long ago defined as "a rule of action prescrihod by tho supremo power in tho state, commanding what is right and prohibiting what la wrong." Which Is tho body in this country that has tho last supremo word in legislation? Under our form of government wo havo an ex ecutive, a legislature, and a Judicial department. Tho thoory taught in tho schools is that each of theso is separata and distinct and that neither can interforo with tho other. Laying aside pre conceived opinions and deceptivo forms of ex pression, what is tho real government which wo havo? Tho legislative is understood to be tho law making body, as its name imports. If so, it should bo tho supremo power here, as in Eng land. In what ways do the Constitution of the Uiiited Statos and tho constitution of the states placo any restrictions upon that body? Accord ing to tho federal constitution and that of nearly all tho states, there is only ono restriction that anothor department can placo upon tho law making body and that is that tho executivo can interposo his voto upon any legislation which doos not seem good to him, but tho constitu tional convention did not see fit to mako this an absoluto veto. For that would havo placed tho supremo powor in the executivo. Tho executive was not given tho ltiBt word, but it was provided that by a certain voto, which is two-thirds in tho fedoral constitution and varies In tho different statos, tho veto can bo overruled by tho law making body if it adheres to its views. This is In accordance with tho theory of our govern ment, which is that the lawmaking body is ono of restrictions; that is, that it represents the pooplo and has all power that is not denied it by the organic law, whereas, tho executive and Judicial aro grants of powor and have no au thority except that conforred by the constitution. This Is tho Btatement mado by Black and sums up correctly tho analysis of our state and feder al constitutions as they aro written. In the federal government, which is not an original sovereignty, but the creation, after tho revolu tion, of tho states, tho authority of tho federal lawmaking body is also a grant of power, for it has, or .correctly should have, no powers except those expressly conferred, or necessarily in ferred from thoso that aro given. Now, as to the executive (both state and fed eral), its only powers aro those which are ex pressly given or derived by necessary inference from thoso that aro conferred. Tho only au thority given this department to interfere with tho others in any way is the veto already men tioned, and that is not absolute, but subject to be overruled by a legislative vote. In four states Rhode Island, North Carolina, West Vir ginia, and Ohiothe governor was even denied any veto power, though in some of these in later years it has been conferred. As to tho Judicial department the power of the executivo over it was in the appointment of tho Judges. This at first was very general but now the number of states in which they are an pointed by the governor, with the consent of the senate, has been reduced to seven. The control of the Judiciary department by he legSative was made more complete in that in those stalls where the governor appoints the upper house can affirm or reject his nomination, and in all of them the legislative department has super vision of tho conduct of the Judges aSM move them by impeachment. Ir fthrw otthlt Massachusetts, New Hampshire , nfl iih7 Island-tho legislature, w i5 BnglaSd cant move the Judges without trial, maTorUy It may be mentioned hero thnf n, vn l.u in M. UIlNrilirn n 41 Ofmttey held at the pleasure1 oYZmn Black, Constitutional Law, sec. 100. who could remove any Judge it any time with out a trial. Since 1688 the Judges in England, as in tho three American states above named, hold at the King formerly did, at will and with out trial. This being the status of the other two depart ments of tho government, as expressed by the organic law, what is tho place contemplated for tho Judiciary department, taking the constitu tions as they are written? There was given to the Judicial department no authority whatever over the other two departments of the govern ment. There was not conferred on it, as upon the executive, any veto over the action of either of the other two departments, not even the sus pensive veto conferred on the executive. Its mombers were originally appointed in all the states by tho executive, save in those in which such appointment was subject to confirmation by the legislative department and a few states in which the judges were elected by the legisla ture. It was thus the creature of one or the other, or both the other departments jointly, and the members of the judiciary were made removable, as already said, by the legislative department, while in three of them they still hold at the pleasure of the legislature. In the federal government all the judges of the cir cuit and district courts hold subject to the right of congress to legislate them out of office at any moment. In 1802, 16 circuit judges were thus legislated out of existence by congress, and at sundry times since district courts have, in like manner, been abolished. As to the federal su preme court, it holds its appellate jurisdiction "with such exceptions and under such regula tions as congress shall make." Indeed, as to tho reconstruction act congress enacted that tho courts could issue no writ to construe the validity of such statutes, and the court held that it could issue none. The United States ju dicial department, therefore, is the creature of tho legislative department, which, from time to time, can increase or diminsh the number of the judges inferior to the supreme court. The number of-judges on the federal supreme court is not fixed by the constitution but bv congress which, from time to time, has increased or dim in shed the number when it thought the public interest demanded; for instance, when it was thought desirable to change the ruling of the court as to tho legal tender act. Tho court being the creature of the legisla ture and subject to it for the extent of its ju risdiction and for its existence to a large de gree, whence comes it that the court has been exercising the supreme power in our govern ment i. e., the last word in legislation? Thte?e, ls certainly no express authority for JmI C, f?remacy" or the "judicial veto," by which that department assumes the reviewable and therefore the absolute supremacy over the other two departments. There is not a line in the constitution of any state or in the federal const tution to authorize it. If there were U would only be necessary to point to thl words and end all debate. There would be no Zes sity for sophistical argument, and we would be saved the absurd spectacle of attemptlnTta sun! port the authority of the court upon the fact Sad' E ther CUrt' at SOme other . had made the same assertion. The former asser tion is as groundless as one made now! unless the authority can be found in the constitution f Jnf7Ulid bG Very Grange, indeed, if any con !r i mal fconventin had conferred Xhl last jor tv 1ofraa hnPer,0f sovereIenty upon a ma jority of a board of appointive judges an Vn, thority which was denied to the leKiriitu?e bv whenThadnr,0 gIT the and wutWe Y Tef anlabaolute vet0 t0 the ex ecutive. Yet the judiciary was the creature nf the other two departments until, in nWre- ?St In AffJS-f rjrity of the states bu! no Ha ?i th51fefral government, the judges f hav had the dignity conferred upon them of i , a t rect mandate from the people bv eSSJ2 ? ?" ballot box. It mav be noted afsoftaMw-M th from an appointive to an elect i hang-e hroughtout as a check fiiKSg a21? mt8iC86n88tltution' Art V EX5oTte MGCardIe' 74 U- S- 7 Wall.), And irresponsible power assumed by the courts of setting aside the action of the legislative ap proved by the executive department. ' It would consume too much space to discuss the assumption of this power by the state courts as it has been more flagrant in some states than in others. Latterly there has been a further curb sought to be imposed upon the assertion of this supreme power in the courts by the adon tion of the "recall of the judges" in the state constitutions in eight states. Those who like the writer, do not think the "recall of the judges advisable, may well consider the fact that a free people will not -willingly consent that the action of their duly elected representatives empowered to make their laws and of their duly elected executive shall be brushed aside by a bare majority of a board of lawyers without any authority conferred in the constitution. Have the courts assumed this irreviewable power and asserted for a majority of the court an infallibility which they have denied to the minority of the court, and to the other two de partments of the government? Taking the federal court as an example, a few instances will make reply. Not long after the federal supreme court was created and it will be remembered that it was created and its juris diction fixed by an act of congress, the judiciary act of 1789, and not by the constitution that court haled a sovereign state before it and passed sentence in Chishold v. Georgia. Im mediately the people took alarm and the eleventh amendment was passed to prevent the repetition of the right of a sovereign state being brought into court at the suit of a private individual. It was fortunate that this was done, for otherwise the docket would have been crowded since with actions by the American Tobacco Co., the Stand ard oil Co., and various railroad companies, bringing into court states whose legislation was not -acceptable to those great aggregations of wealth. The next assumption of power was in Mar bury v. Madison. John Marshall was secre- ilSL-i Sia?-, X2 January. l0i;ne was ap pointed chfef justice and qualified as such and took his seat on the bench January 30, 1801, uvl Z tmrijs however, his position as secre llL i ,8tate President John Adams having Jf df eaTted fJ re-election, at midnight on Mn L Jolm Marshall as secretary of state , ni!5S?nBf aid ?? aling amissions when, as ?.; pJIUn UQ hUr f 12' Levi Lincoln X 5 I telIs J18?' With Resident Jefferson's CWp? tS JE? VP )a?,e Secretary of State and Snlfa mS8"06 M"rsna11 to deliver the commis sions then upon the table already signed. Among o? twS? tone to Marbury as justice of the peac! of the District of Columbia. BUOTemflmS"6? re Was brught before the Xcm Si if Wh ch Marshall was still chief SlJ !eefn? compel Mr- Madison, the ?h7comf7 f i aie' t0 delIver t0 Marbury stoned nn Wh'?h Marhall himself had secrltarv o RfnCfCUPyi1ng1 Pe do,lbl Psition of secretary of state and chief justice. hi8nown dftntf S?Cl,n,f to sIt in lament upon ongTcisionMnrSi1ia1.al Chief U8tice wrtla counts had tL"Wllic? he verted that the greSS but WnnnTVeri 8Gt &Side Of COU- pScledlnm SSSJ finalIy With hissing the So JurlsdM fV?G groUnd that the court had &eh?J?Jmmndmw' as the con fn obiter dnS?nJS7ed BVLCh power' Th, n SSwer ihlih 3; th,B Vast and reviewable lv7me cwpt thS nf !lJ a maority of the su- if the onnrf ? lt was known that Jefferson IS w6?ed the wrlt to issue Mr. CwS TnTffnl r distinctly made. Later when sit the "now anS?a11 in anothGr cae did as- droga'tionTa statnta ooSk0' ? son nithilv anM ? v: orJeorRia Andrew Jaek- deciskm hJ w hn Marsuall has made his aecision, has he? Now let us see him execute bo muhbKr eXeU-d and has remained as tloiof til a a?er- The evil from the asser the court lnd0(ltrIne of ulmate supremacy of the couris has, however, abided with us. ofrln11 asa6rtoas against, any .act or congres-s, however, for 54 years, and then in 2 Dall., 419. 1 Cranch, 137. " ' Vii