MjUgtoUM ; v32 r ! I I fj K i mmmmkmmm " r, The Commoner VOL. 16, NO. 3 w wt'.v'jWKyw' 'w?t v vjvivi.... - ss.rJi,f'Zff.Ti.'x.'rArwsrjtrmi i y ir imubv j'a - " --' t HMBrawF reiHHrai y :' m:t-Vsy?jr.vxrJ&yw.jr,jyxr !- . xrts?s vwjj,K'KfTiusw.)KW"A 'a j n w rrrrt iMMmm-wr y.-wwif - .".-... 'jii.'wr y wrc ' mvjxa : .--.-.-.: :r. j "i wimm ','& Jmj -. ' .' . , X I3DAI0ND II. MORAS, HI. D. The new scientific word "AUTOLOGY," coined by Mrs. Moras and myself has now been accepted by The New Universities Dictionary as a standard Word of the English language. , ; , :, ... Doctor Moras has written a Commonseiise Book on Autology, and by so doing has placed the standard of the Creed of Health further to the front than any other man who has lived for a thousand years. Elbert Hubbard. I have read your Autology with care. It has been of unusual interest throughout, and from beginning to end makes a splendid environment for producing active thought--Luther Burbank- I say this is a hook Thare are men and nmn : but there is mudi.diflerence.1 .WhenJt comes, J;o.jneasurmr men-bv- anideal standard there are but a few; the same is true of books. Autology, by E. R. Moras, M. D., is a book- Dr T ' H Tilden Editor of "The Philosophy of Health," Denver, Colo. ' ' ' Autology saved my life Three of the best physicians here told me I would be compelled to have an operation for Appendicitis. Nevertheless I have had no pain or indications of it since following Autology eight years ago. It has been nothing .less than a "Godsend" to me. -Mrs. C. K. G. (Name on request.) . I am getting better of the hardening of the arteries; all dizziness and heart thumping have disappeared. JB?. C. C. (Name We consider Autology one of the most wonderful books ever vtvitten.r-" Physical Culture" Magazine. aii AVJ0GY is no theory no fad no creed- It is the Science of Livingness It deals with the practical business of your body and brain as you have learned to deal with the youfdol hme PlantS and flowers' lanHirSfi rwvT20GY tfd be ?? 8U& thing as Pain and sickness in your life. AU TOLOGY means truly "A Happy New Year and manv of them i v.o on w ness of health AUTOLOGY mews bodily and mS freedom, o yoTreaHze Xt that means? T)n vnn wnnt if? tiim -v ' xu yuu ieaize wnat . w vv, "M"U M.U . J.1111 )VlltC 1U1 y 9? "GUIDE TO AUTOLOGY 1 II A -. 4 xVttWsJ which will give you the priceless information. It is FREE ABSOLUTELY vmrv i No matter what ails youjtwilljyou to investigate. EVERY SUBJECT is treated not oniy in a unique way, in pfiffiTevSyTSgnBOT, as interesting as v but is as vital to your well-living as breathing and eating lnterestlng as aW; nvel, SlSeXSSSf of inforraation wh03e " ADiS!MBERIT'S FREE! SENDFR "UIDE T AUTOLOGY".TiDAY! mM Road, HighlandPark, DL ur. moras ?s a graduate of Harvard Unwpvwh, Mai o t i , " :::: abases - asawa3?wari iin Mn mm immmmMvmmitwmummmm Form- icians and MMimmifcfrMiwJi. Vij.iartifiai)teal