Nb "-' i J ; Wtf J The Commoner 18 VOL. -16,0... 2 I f- . Ft," to ' i LM ''A rr -t i , 1 - g. V llfo for America "War Is a biological necessity," and nobody but "Theorists and Feminists who aro but tho fovcrlsh phantasms and sickly dis orders of national llfo." will over bo fools onoueh to think that It can bo ourbed, restricted or out grown, According to this man, who in every DttKO of his book shows IiIh nhKoltitn cnntnmnt of tho Christian God, and the Christian hopo of the )world, what is now going on in Buropo must bo ,a part of tho world's life until human nature changes; and as all who try to Quango it "aro Jholpless as lico on tho backs of wild ducks" and, as tho Genoral finds no evidence whatever in all ;rccordod time that human nature has changed :ono iota, man is condemned forevor to be but a fighting anin;al. Tho moment ho tries to quit lighting and concentrate his energy in things which minister to peaceful co-operation and human happiness, ho loses tho fighting spirit, and there is no other school of virtue which can possibly furnish a moral equivalent to a periodic wallow in tho mire made oozy with human blood shed at tho hands of his follow men. And this is tho man upon whoso observations and authority,- more than from any other source, wo aro told that America muBt prepare to fight Japan, and that if wo aro not in a hurry about it Japan will permanently take and hold tho whole Pacific slopo! If his military calculation aro as far awry (and they aro) as his moral vision and his spiritual reading of tho destiny of humanity, those who listen to him need guardians. God pity Amorica and tho world if this creature who lias not morally emerged from tho Tertiary ago is to become our supreme prophet! And Heaven pity tho American people if they are blind and guilllblo enough to bo deceived into thinking that when they follow Genoral Homer Lea and tho kind who put their approval upon what ho has taught, that thoy aro really preparing for peace and not for war. EUROPE'S PREPAItEDNKSS ACTIVITY LEADS TO FEAR AND SUSPICION Has not Europe had forty years of that kind of preparation for, peace? Has not overy nation over there boen worked into tho vast prepared ness program by its. Army and Navy leagues, and by its National Defence crowd, tho prime movers of which were all the heaviest owners in the con cerns which woro to furnish the "defence" at the best paying rato of any monoy invested in Europe? Has not overy natio in Europe been led by Its military experts in'jQ fooling that some body was sure to attack them, arid that their only possible hope and safety lay In over new and over vaster expenditures for soldiers and more sol diers, guns and more guns, arid over bigger guns battleships, and moro battleships? Of course' all this was done solely for "defensive pur poses"? Not in tho whole of Europe was there anybody who contemplated "offense." If it wore not so tragic, some of tho funniest read ing in the world Js that which has come out of overy country of Europe, even by its leading philosophical minds, tho men in each country all moral y certain that there was nothing wrong hnVnl0H 0W'V "Pparedness." I quote from tho lengthy statement signed by the leading thinkers of Germany and sent out to America a! tho nation's justification: "Since the German army when it is summoned to war represents the whole Gorman peoplo, and since the German people is peaceably disposed, it follows that tho army can only bo a defensive organization. Again then lot us repeat that tho German army is a weapon which can be and Is used only for de fense against foreign aggression." Well, now that looks perfectly reasonablefrom a German standpoint. But our dear German friends do not reason at all that way about the armies of Russia and France, or tho navy of England. Here is what they say about tho Russian armies: "The Czar as an individual is most certainly not the instigator of the unspeakable horrors that are now inundating Europe. But he bears before God and posterity the responsibility of having a lowed himself to bo terrorized by an unsor in ulous military clique." unsorup- w!0118',??"'1 ifc llow mch moro innocent i?.?lC fih m itary cliques on our own Bide of the line than those on tho other! Again nv Z peaceably disposed Germans: "The party of the 3rand Dukes in St. Petersburg and tSe party of tho Russian officers, always ready for war and tho PanSlavists, tho brutal and unscrupulous representatives of the ideal that Russian Czar ism was destined to rulo Eurone--tiiAo ?i thd war " Now it so happens ZZflnt to substitute Prussians for Grand Dukes mS .Pan-Germanism for Pan-Slavism, and every one of the Allies is using this identical language about the menace of the German cliques. The crime was always with tho other fellow. All woro sure that they were perfectly innocent and pure of motive. Tho only difficulty lay in the rather troublesome and aggravating fact, that never seems to have dawned upon military minds, and which seems to be inherent in all preparedness programs, that that which looks entirely defensive to the men at the butt-ends of these ever growing and multiplying guns per sisted in looking horribly offensive to everybody who was forced to gazo down the front end of tho barrols. Of course, all this late unpleasant ness in which Europe is at present involved would have been entirely avoided if they had all only had a few more millions of guns! If tho wicked and foolish pacifists had not inter fered with the military experts these guns would have surely been on hand, and peace assured so reason our wise military minds.' And, of course, the whole character of millions of guns and frowning battleships, when we get enough of thom to be "adequately prepared solely for defensive purposes" on this side of the ocean will be so changed that they will look to all the world not like "offensive things," but beautiful tubes of peace through which we propose to toss only love messages around the earth. And yet our "wise and practical" friends profess to hold a monopoly of knowledge concerning human na ture! Instead of this preparedness program leading to peace in Europe, it led, as in the very nature of things it could not help leading, to fear and suspicion, to crimination and re-crimination, to a feverish rivalry, to spying, to con stant reports of alarm; until, first one side and thon tho other was in a perfect nightmare of de mentia; to the awakening of all the worst ele ments of the human heart; and the more des perately each nation tried to get "adequately prepared" the more certain was everybody that war was inevitable, until the Bernhardi's and Blatchford's in each country were openly pub lishing that their own nation should strike the other oven without warning. NERVOUS TENSION BREAKS INTO PRESENT MANIA OF KILLING Finally, the nervous, tension broke into this present mania of killing which is the most hor rible thing of its kind that has ever disgraced the human spirit, Our more reasonable descend ants of three hundred years hence will look back upon man's domination by the militafv minds and philosophy of our day as the most wlerd, unreasonable and inexcusable supersti tion to which the race has ever been subject ria by fire and battle, the exhaustion of .Europe J?i in vni" effort, t0 PPssess the Saviour's tomb. Children's Crusades, the burning of witches, wil all appear manifestations of right reason in the human spirit compared to an. age that puts itself' blandly into the hands of military coteries which thought, or pretended to think, that they .really were working for peace by training millions S moh day and night to think and planfo?war and by pauperizing the people by laving hi ever' more dangerous weapons of destruction ii wi of the priests of ancient Rome who worked the superstitions of the simple common people through the supposedly divhTe oSes that whenever, they .met in the streets thov SS5 SllibiSg1 l derISlVe oyJtl Mineral gullibility of human nature. I qimnpnf laugiung up their sleeves at the easv wnv in which by playing upon fear, and wfth an adroit swer with Von Moiti ' and ;hey wln an" dream; aVnot 3&?FP the mini ot Jesus Chris are in ni" '?"? mIn,d and will destroy modern civilization. Europe, right now is its first victim. And that mind is now in America, in a perfect hysteria, screaming to us that we aro at the mercy of a mad world unless we, too, go mad and surrender our Christian principles and practice for the worship of that Moloch to which Europe's children are being fed. Dr. Jefferson, one of the sanest and most pro phetic men in America, is absolutely right when ho declares: "There is no question before tho world in which tho future of Christianity is so vitally involved as this .question of international peace. The church can not survive if militarism is to rule. Christianity must languish if Caesar is to sit on the throne. A house divided against itself can not stand. A nation can not perma nently have the ideals of Christ in its homes, if it enthrones the ideals of Caesar in -its capital We can not successfully teach the boys the Golden Rule, if diplomats are lauded for ignor ing it. We can not sing hymns to the God of Love, if tho money of the people is progressively squandered in the manufacture of instruments of destruction. We can not get men to look adoringly upon Jesus dying on the Cross, when the magazines and papers are filled with pictures of battleships and batallions of soldiers drilling for the work of human slaughter. Christianity and militarism are implacable and deadly en emies. You can not serve them both, you will come at last to hate the one and love the other otiie" WH1 Cllng t0 thG ne and desPfs'e. the' If there is such a thing as moral certainty, it is that an enormous increase expenditure of money for military purposes on the part of America at the present time, it is a confession ofZ fPnantlmt ?,UP fa,ith ln the Christian way of life for the nations is weakening before the Philosophy which has as its most consistent ad vocates, Homer Lea and Bernhardt It is a confession that the military mind in America is already more powerful thTn tie Christian mind. Have we not ever since-this whim w Ln ",n T, EuroPen Christianity which had so signally failed in its God-appointed task to curb the murderous , spfr.it of Kpe? OuTctSSH8' F WPWltottit . our Christianity is of a different fibre. NpwVis our supreme opportunity to save America from coming to whatever world conference follow this war, with our own faith in the oLisiway lSted l0BtUS?aken " coParativoly unpoai luteci. But let us go to that conference with nlfT1 diately behind u Ttha w & if, J ?Gred SUC1i an easo in our owh 'pro gram of preparedness" as has never' heehVn.? hI ?2T ther nation in tIme of peace anf it fn feVsesesrtoeabhor S How S"' " P" NEVEB IN 'S&Ifesw There has never been n ii - . existence for fifty years wh ? m Ur national care of for some wa that they can -take full of bitterness thai oSrJi , hearts are so fifteen years dither stde Lme W,t.h,n tne next and it looks a if the new in ther .fight, the European power enslpT??1 wiU keeP European power whatever it t the front' that its present enemies bini? i 5' Can couut 0I1 back. It is one of th?g!mmQdiatel3r uPn its that it ever?eedsfmtVwaremIervirf S f"JT garia three years ago weran?,.. V5,a and Bul" garia is now doing fto !? l a?d Wnat Bul" the present conflict which sho,, ?Uher pIde in the near f uture m SS. d at any tlme in America, can "most covtltw Th to attack Present enemies That telLT111 n from lte ant fact whichto enti e y 'oveiTookeZ JmPrt military people who professTo beaSlS