J" The Commoner FEBKUARY, 1916 17 through Indemnities. They will all spend all they have fighting, leaving nothing but incon ceivable poverty to be divided, and endured among them. In the light of what has already happened, of what has already been spent, and what now must with the inevilableness of the law of gravitation .still be spent, no mind in Eu rope can any longer figure on the hope of re imbursement. In a deadlock of physical force they lie, each side waiting for the other's finan cial exhaustion to put an end to the struggle. Meanwhile, all together arc tumbling headlong toward financial and industrial anarchy. "WELL OUR NATION EXTEND LEADERSHIP TO MORALS AND IDEALS Yes, the close of this war in Europe, will see America the one great, rich nation of the world leading all the nations in wealth, commerce and industry. The question above every other for us to answer is this: will the United States ex tend Us leadership also to the realms of morals and ideals? Are American ideals of international good will and justice to prevail? Is real Chris tianity to spread until it embraces the nations in their intercourse; or, are we to confess that dur ing the past fifty years when we were largely relying on the justness of our actions, and our moral ideals to save us from conflicts with other nations, we were wrong, and the European na tions alone were right when they spent a vast Dart of their, energies and resources in planning for war? Is America now to be dominated by its suspicious, military minds, or is America to lead the world in the effort to conquer the dead ly militarism which, because of its hellish rule, has swept Europe into her present horrors? Be cause of our leadership, our wealth, our re sources and relative strength, our conservation of that which Europe has, thrown away, Europe's only hope of rehabilitation lies through us: and, whether we want it or not, we are to have an enormous world influence, and it has come to us at an hour when very literally civilization is at the cross-roads. The world is at that point in its life where either Christian ideals are going to take, hold of the .nations and make, them see the ' iutter.4nsanityt of. civilized men fighting, like wild beasts, and spending the hard accumulated earn ings of the people fpr that which is not bread, until poverty and misery are universal; or, we are in but the first chapter of a retrograde move ment wherein the light of civilization fades into another period of dark ages. The present del uge of blood and misery produced by the power of the military mind in Europe is going to be the last thing of its kind among highly civilized na tions, and lead to the complete over-throw of the doctrine of military preparedness, or, it is going to lead to such hatreds, tyrannies and fears; to such unbelief in human nature, to such universal suspicion, to such a bold open pro fession of supreme faith in force, to such a ma nia of armamental rivalry, that what Europe has been for the last forty years, an armed camp, that the whole world is going to be. An armed world, a world given over in every coun try to the leadership of its military minds, is a world headed for a chaos as much beyond that in which Europe is at present engulfed, as the present European state surpasses in misery all the" preceding wars of the ages. No generation of men, therefore, were ever called upon to de cide a more momentous moral question, a ques tion so fraught with good or evil, so influencing the whole destiny of humanity for ages to come, as that which confronts the people of America over the problem of increased armament. No one of us could sit on a jury having the life or death of a single man in our hands without a profound sense of responsibility; but in the de cision of the United States over the question of vastly increasing our military strength at this time, and in giving our assent to the doctrine that in time of peace it is right to prepare for war, we are deciding the fate of a world; and we are deciding it just the way the men who scoff the loudest at all efforts to create a Chris tian conscience among the nations, and who openly say that men are going to fight and that fighting, after all, is not a bad thing but a good thing for the nations just the way these men of supreme unbelief in moral ideals and spirit ual forces want us to decide. Further than that, when America votes to vastly increase her mil itary preparedness at this time, she proposes to do under excitement, under fear, under a delib erately planned, nation-wide campaign of narrow minded specialists, and of financial interests which will make millions out of this new pro gram, what her whole moral judgment during all our preceding history has condemned. She will do what virtually every newspaper in Amer ica under the first shock ot the news that at last Europe was at war, denounced in the European nations as the very thing which above everything else had led to this universal conflagration. In such a time as this many of us conccivo it to bo the supreme patriotic duty of all who believe in a righteous God and an eternal moral order, to which nations as well as Individuals are respon sible and agaiiist which in the long run a bil lion men can not prevail to refuse to let our selves be swept out of our right senses, but to keep calm-and to look thoroughly into the need, the value and the moral significance of these proposed new and vastly costly policies. To spend billions of dollars over a mere rumor and the fears created by falso alarmists, is nothing less than criminal. Beforo entering into tho discussion which is to follow, let me say that I do not consider all soldiers to bo militarists, and therefore subject to wholesale censure. All soldiers are not military in mind any more than all preachers are pacifists. For the self-respecting soldier who does his work conscientiously, and so lives and thinks in touch with the best light of his age that he has some hope that possi bly the world may be educated and made wise enough, if not to get rid of its soldiers, at least to relegato them to such a placo of regulated subordination that they do not eat up all the fruits of our common toil with such a soldier I have no quarrel. And I hope there may be many such. But for that man, whether in the soldier's uniform, the editor's shirt sleeves, or the garb of a priest of religion, whoso ultimate faith for tho welfare of society rests upon force and not spirit, upon fear rather than justice and love, I have little respect and no admiration. MEN WHOSE FALSE PHILOSOPHY HAS PRODUCED STATE OP FEAR Now the first thing I want to say about the program of vast preparedness is that its chief advocates, the ones who have fathered it from tho beginning, the ones who have done the most to create the 'fear that we are in danger of at tack, if not from one direction, then certainly from somewhere else; thd men who have pro duced that state of fear out of which this sup posed necessity springs, in their philosophy agree perilously near with tho European Bern hardi's and the whole blood and iron tribe who are most responsible for Europe's present state. We pick up Bernhardi's book and read it. It fills us with abhorrence. Here is a brain di vorced absolutely from heart. Here Is a man openly preaching the doctrine that might makes right. Here Is a man appearing in the modern world with a spirit "as frankly pagan as if he had been lifted bodily out of Rome under Julius Caesar a world that never heard of Jesus Christ. We lay the book down with disgust, and we say: "A nation under such leadership is headed for the, pit." It is horrible to think that modern civilization anywhere could have so de generated as to make such a human possible; and we can not help feeling that a kind of moral taint rests upon the whole of Germany that a. man so divorced from all the finer feelings of humanity should have flourished there. But hold on a minute before you visit your whole sale condemnation upon the German people. Have you read our own American Bernhardt General Homer Lea, in his "Valor of Ignorance," the book which has received the unqualified en dorsement of the" military people who are now preaching to us that we are gone unless we straightway arm to the teeth? the book which has been more responsible for our well nursed fear of Japan than all causes put together. I defy any man to find anything in Bernhardi which is more frankly pagan, which more bru tally denies every postulate of the Christian re ligion than does General Homer Lea. General Lea's God is blind Force. Force and nothing but Force rules the nations in their intercourse. Ac cording to this preacher' of valor, men live by conforming only to the laws of Force. Hear this sentence: "To exist thus, individually or as a nation, man must ceaselessly endeavor not to thwart but to comprehend and live according to these laws that know not of him and his vain progeny." Some of us, on what we consider even better authority than the dictum of Gen eral Lea, have for a long time believed that man lives by conforming to the will of a righteous, personal God, who not only knows of us and our vain progeny, but of the very falling sparrows. But with one fell sweep General Lea wipes God and the whole Christian morality out of exist ence, and thea h proceeds to make for us a new religion founded not on a personal God of love and righteousness, but on the worship of Force "that knows not of us and of our vain progeny." People who are religious according to that old mistaken notion which was embodied in the teachings of Jesus Christ can do nothing to alter human life for tho better. They aro so wildly visionary and so completely misread the laws of life, as General Lea knows them to be, "that," I quote again "as far as the world is concerned they might as well bo a louse on tho back of a wild duck as It wings it way through the stormy night." General Lea holds that religious people who hato war aro powerless to -stop It, but that military "experts" like the General, who believe in it, by writing books which constantly play up on the fears of the people, can do a great deal toward making men more belligerent. Ho is as right in his last proposition as he Is wrong In the first. Again I quote from our supremo alarmist: "It Is in relation to these forces that govern the formation, duration, and dissolution of political entitles, that International arbitra tion and disarmament are to bo considered. Not that they themselves aro Worth oven a passing word but for the fact of tho mischief that their IP lusive ideas are capablo of bringing about." It Is amusing to see the intense anxiety with which each one of the modern war writers from every country, including even Bernhardi of Germany, views tho decline of militant patriotism among his own people, and looks upon tho growing tendency to find some way to curb war as a sign of national decadence peculiar to his own land; Instead of seeing In this growing hatred of war among all free and intelligent classes a world wide movement big with hope for a new and happier humanity, certain In time to bring about just that change which the militarist says can never come. But to quote again from the au thor of "The Valor of Ignorance" (better named "Tho Ignorance of Yalor") "Usually these de lusions are harmful only to tho individual, and as such are not worthy of concern; but when tho hallucination Is apt to become so widespread as to affect the welfare of the nation, then it is time to point out the mockery of their hopes and the quicksand into which they have led them In this class of visionaries we plate In Jernatipnal Arbltrationists and Dlsarmamental ists, who are so persistently striving through subservient politicians, through feminism, cleric alism, sophism and other such tollers to drag this" already much deluded republic Into the Brobdlng naglan swamp from whose deadly gases there is no escape." And, we may answer, exactly so reasoned Bernhardi about the same toilers in Germany! Yet, there is not a free mind In all the world outside of Germany which does not feel that it would have been far better for Ger many and for all humanity if Germany had had more of these visionary toilers and less Bernhardi's. "DANGEROUS VISIONARIES" BECOME THE BUILDERS OF CIVILIZATION War, according to General Lea, who breaks off again and again into peans of praise over the hardened soldier who has been militarily trained until he has shed all the moral sentiments and feelings which belong to ordinary humanity war is not only a necessary and good thing, It is such a good thing that the very effort to avert and curb it, though that effort appear among intelligent men of all modern nations, is the su preme imbecility and impiety of which the hu man spirit can be guilty. By the patient and persistent effort of those who were at the time called "dangerous visionaries" by the Homer Lea type of .mind, but whom we look back on now as the real builders of civilization; our race has conquered cannibalism and tribal war, slavery and bloody empires that rested solely on murder and rapine, gladiatorial 'combats; all avowedly wars of conquest; over most of the earth the power of irresponsible kings ruling in wickedness by divine right; wrung from tyran ny, ignorance and superstition, a thousand con cessions, and put an end forever among really civilized men of the cowardly practice of duel ling and the degrading code of honor all habits , of. mind as old as war and, once thought to be, as impregnably fixed "in changeless human na ture" as war itself. But they are all gone now and are superceded by new and better habits of life. But the one supreme curse of them all, the one diabolical thing which is nothing less than hell incarnate, man's deadliest enemy and father of more miseries than all else, we are asked not to attack, not to question Its right to be, but to bow down before it as a great god of fate. Be fore war alone we must be helpless fatalists. For, according to our wise prophet of the way oJt i 1 -1 I &