VOL 16, NO.. 2 12 The Commoner 4. fr Dunn Against Militarism Extracts fron? a speech delivered by Hon. I. J. Dunn ut Humboldt, Neb., February 4, 1916: I am opposed to tho military program -which In the name of preparedness, it is sought to fasten upon this country. I am opposed to tho increaso at this time in our army and navy, recommended by tho President. When I speak of militarism, I mako a distinction between the policy pursued by our government for many years, of maintaining an army and navy suffi cient for our needs, and gradually adding to the navy from year to year, and tho proposition to spend hundreds of millions of dollars within the next few years for tho purpose of malting ours one of tho military nations of the world. Preparation for war invites war, excites na tions to war, and renders war inevitable sooner or later. The organization of large armies and navies by ono nation, leads other nations to pre pare for war. When one increases its arma ment others, who may justly fear attack, feel that as a matter of self protection they must arm and preparo for possible war. When nations, living side by side, traversing tho same seas, and seeking to control the same avenues and marts of trade, spend millions of dollars yearly on armies and navies, the inevit able result sooner or later is war. All nations know this. They organise armies and build navies and prepare for war, because they expect at some time to engage in war. Preparation for war does not Insure peace nor does it render war less probable. Training men to fight, to bocome pfllcient in the art of killing human beings, does not tend to preserve peace. WAR DUE TO MILITARY PREPAREDNESS Tho war in Europe is due largely to military preparedness; and to tho fear, jealousy and hatreds that maintaining largo armies and navicB has created among tho warring nations And the jealousy, fear, hatred and suspicion born of militarism, can be traced to the efforts of tho war traffickers, who derive enormous profits from war. If Europe had had neither armies or navies, there would bo peace and happiness there to day. If it wore not for militarism there would bo little hatred or ill feeling among tho peoples of Europe. War is always brutal, barbarous and savage. It is at best, legalized butcUery. It is an appeal to tho doctrine that might makes right. It is without moral force and can not in any sense determine questions of right and justice. Tho Jdoa that because one nation may bo powerful enough to overcome another by brute force, by the shedding of blood and the destruction of human life and property, that it therefore fol lows that that nation is in the right, is utterly irrational. Ono would imagine that in view of what is now going on in Europe, wo would-hear no more of tho doctrine that preparation for war is neces sary to proservo peace. We should preparo for peace, not war. Tho policy of universal peace must bo adopted sonio day, else tho nations that now constitute tho civilized world will return to tho conditions of the dark ages, which followed the fall of the Roman empire. Another war such as Europe is now engaged in may produce conditions sim ilar to those of the early centuries of the Chris tian era. Preparation for war, in tho last analysis, -makes war inevitable. Wars will end when the tendency of men and nations is away from war, and in the direction of peace; when the thought and purpose and hope of the peoples of the world is for peace; when men and nations exalt peace and condemn war. Many of those who now favor a military pol icy, only a short time ago denounced Prussian militarism as being tho cause of the war in Europe. They now demand that we shall adopt mili tarism. We are told that unless wo do adopt the mad policy that has caused Europo to run red with blood, we are in grave danger. This military propaganda was conceived in selfishness and greed and it has been promoted by a campaign of falsehood and deception which for shameless mendacity has had no par allel in the history of this nation. With few ex ceptions, the daily newspapers of all the larger cities of the country, and practically all of the magazines and periodicals published throughout the eastern. half of the United States, have will ingly, or through fear of the power of organized wealth, engaged in an attempt to terrorize the nation into adopting this proposed military pol icy. This propaganda is based on the falsehood that tho United States is unprepared to defend itself from attack or invasion; that there is danger of a combination of nations against us when the present European war shall close, and that wo would be unable to defend ourselves from attack from any first class nation. This charge is groundless. The fact is the nation is better prepared and more thoroughly equipped to defend itself on land and sea today than at any timo during the last 50 years. And, al though for moro than a century and a quarter no nation has declared war against us, wo aro actually in less danger from attack than wo have been at any timo in the past. Every war in which we have engaged sinco tho revolution, we wero tho aggressor, tho one to declare war. And now, notwithstanding that tho high ways of time are strewn with the wrecks of na tions and of peoples who believed in war, as the only method of settling disputes between na tions, we are invited 'to take up our pilgrimage along the crimsoned, brutalizing pathway- of militarism, to mark our milestone in the blood and tears of innocent men and women, as other nations, following the creed of Mars, have done. Tho problem confronting us and tho world today is whether human reason shall prevail over human passion. If we could take the vote of all the people in the world at present as to whether they desire war or peace, I have no doubt the vote would be overwhelming in favor of peace. Confine it to any one nation, even those at war, and it would still be for peace. If tho masses of men favor peace, what forces, conditions or tendencies prevent the wishes of the people being realized? If mankind abhors wars and desires peace, then why can not peace be attained? If we will get a clear understand ing of the forces interested in the tendencies which produce war, we will have laid the foun dation upon which universal peace and good will may be established. The danger to us as a nation, if there is dan ger, is not because of a desire at this time, or likely to be in the future, on the part of any foreign nation to attack us. The real danger is here. It is from the efforts of the war traffick ers Avho are fathering this propaganda of decep tion and falsehood that they may satisfy their greed for profits. Nothing has occurred even during the present war that will result in serious ill will towards us after the war is ended, unless it be that the war traffickers have furnished mu nitions to some of the belligerents. SOWING THE SEEDS OF DISTRUST One of the purposes indicated by the contents of the thousands of articles published in the press and in the magazines throughout the coun try during the last twelve months, is to sow the seeds of distrust, hatred and suspicion of other nations among our people. Articles aro now being published in the press in some parts of ulZF descJIbing aginary Evasions3 o this country by foreign nations, and depicting scenes intended to inflame the public md against certain other countries, and to crate he belief that some nation is preparing to at tack us. If there is any treason odisToyaUy to America in connection with the military nrona gaiula those who are responsible for the tMngs I have described are the guiltv ones WotJXi and suspicion of other natKtotti could have made any sacrifice necessary to have met the demands of any other niitinn V.V S -have been millions aheadin 'nSSey? p?ope ty and human lives. No nation has ever bGPn called upon, or ever has made in times of B.S the sacrifices that these nations hav? made Zot V16 KrtJeg?n- By reasonable sacrifice the in describable horrors of war would Tflv t avoided. Why was no! the policy of mutS sacrifice adopted? Simply because . HvmJS? a tions still hold to the barterodooWno that" between nations "might makes right tnd tw brute force id the only method in the last anait -sis by which nations can settlo disputes w will not Permit. the. half-civilizedTn-christiln tribes, subject to our control here and in the Philippines, to settle their disputes with the tomahawk, scalping knife and bolo. No! We consider that method barbarous, un-Christian and uncivilized. But we, as a great Christian nation, will resort to those methods ourselves, and to others infinitely more destructive, to de termine as between ourselves and some other nation whether our contention is right and theirs wrong. I am opposed to the President's" plan to in crease the army and navy, not because I object to the nation being fully prepared to defend itself against attack. I oppose it on the ground that the nation is prepared to defend itself against any attack or invasion that is likely to be attempted, now or in the future, unless by adopting a military program we help to create conditions which mako war inevitable. NOT OPPORTUNE TIME TO CHANGE POLICY I submit that this is not an opportune time to chango our military policy by making unusu al preparations for war. If wo carry out either of tho programs now being advocated, the one by the" President, or that of his secretary of war and the extreme militarists, the nations of the world will not be deceived or lulled into tho be lief that we aro merely preparing for defense. They will understand that if we build a navy equal to or more powerful than that of- any other nation, and increaso our army, in propor tion, we will use them as an aggressive force to. carry on war whenever in our judgment .our in terests demand or justify it. Wo ought to wait until after the- European war ends and see whether or not the conditions which, result from that war, and the action taken by the nations engaged therein, will not enable us to decrease instead of increasing our military establishment. Another reason why the time has not arrived is, that until the present war ends, we can not tell just what kind of fighting craft on land and sea will best suit our purposes of defense, if such be our purpose. The equipment for the army, navy and coagt defenses may all need re vision at the close of the. European, war. .,.' Furthermore, we ought no,4tp. cpnsir in creasing the army and navy, or "our "stores of guns and munitions, until the nation, "is pre pared to take private profit out of war and prep aration for war. Until the nation has adopted the policy of manufacturing its own munitions of war, and constructing its own battleships, there should be no increase in the army or navy. Neither should there be any further increase in the expenditure for either, and congress ought to refuse to make further appropriations until this policy has been adopted, and the necessary funds to construct government plants and fac tories, appropriated. Of course, it will take some time to erect government plants sufficient to supply the army and navy and until they can be constructed and equipped, it will be necessary to purchase supplies from private concerns. This talk about it being necessary to encourage pri vate factories for the manufacture of guns and munitions of war, to the end that the govern ment may have a sufficient supply in time of war, is nonsense. The government has the right and the power and it is its duty to take over any private plant m case of necessity, in time of war, and utilize nf PnvgVerpme Purposes, just as the nations of Europe are doing. It did not take the great steel manufacturing plants of the country long nnnn?rXlieni,0f!erTe(1 laig6 ProfitS foreign . unn Sio But I Presume, these gentlemen are do ?n fiVhat !t W?uld not d0 t0 ask them to fhVv , S"??,?4 of tlle United staes what they have been willing and anxious to do and Have been doing, for foreign countries PEOPLE HAVE NOT BEEN CONSULTED 'in thlZ r,?aT WJiy the tIme is wt opportune consulted ofH?!6 f country have not been SnwSiuS ? e question' and have had no op portunity to pass upon it, to have their sav in determining to what extent, if any the armv or Smnnwrrtr7n 1912 endorsed the statement mJ? fmmentded- I have heard the conveTuon nf i?nlH at thf demcratic national convention at Baltimore declared for the tinifov StttSSS1 lM It dw'nooSg ance or lik ?h.at, s'at?ment is made in ignor- offlSy? POlicy tUa' -would guarantee Furthermore, President . Wilson, iji ills' .men-