The Commoner AUGUST, -1915 - 27 Putting a City Government Business Basis on a personal direction of and in the pros-1 general supervision over all place of enco of the commissioner of finances, I public amusement frcqHonted lay children, girls and women. 12. Recommendation is made that Readers of The Commoner may he interested in the work now being un dertaken byMayor Charles W. Bryan of Lincoln, Nebraska, in advancing a program of practical business effi ciency in city government, and secur ing for its-citizens the largest meas ure of comfort, happiness and finan cial benefits. His4 program, which was printed in a recent issue of The Commoner, outlined'in part liis ideas of the things he believed necessary for the welfare and future progress ot Lincoln. t Lincoln is no different from scores of other American cities in its general needs, but, likcmany. of these cities, it has suffered from a lack of public spirited leadership and a general apathy of its citizens in. the conduct of its city government. Lincoln, though free from the taint of mu nicipal corruption in the past, was drifting into a condition that would make it an easy prey to interests that never hold the people's interests at heart. Though nominally operating under a commission form of govern ment, city - government in Lincoln was still tied by traditions "of prece dent established when the city was a village and not adapted to the thor oughgoing city of modern times. In stead of being the greatest help to its citizenship, many of the practices in vogue -in the -city government were becoming a hindrance to the moral and material advancement of the city. Last spring it became necessary to elect a new commission. No one had a definite program "for the future welfare and advancement of the city, and little 'or1 ho encouragement was given to the ideas advanced by the civic reform organizations. The mu nicipal machine had lost its spark Plug. Jg&w Under these conditions, Mr. Bryan announced a definite program for mu nicipal advancement, and failing to seeure the enlistment of a proper leader to carry oui his plan, took up the task -himself and, entered the, pri maries.". He was endorsed by the" peo ple, and. stood second on the list of candidates in the number of votes received. At the regular, city elec tion, he was elected to the city com mission by ajnajority of .1,418 over his opponent was later chosen mayor of Lincoln. Immediately fol lowing his election, he ., started . the work of securing ,the reforms .out lined in his platform. Some of these, notably the-free city employment bu reau and the. free qity. legal aid bu reau, have, already ..been-secured. and the city is enjoying- the benefit of them. ....... Continuing his work, . Mr. Bryan recently, submitted, 'a .list , of recommendations ' to the city commission. Ho has invited the ca-operation. ,of ..the citizen ship in his plan and hastask.ed citi zens interested la the.matter to write him at the ,. city hall, .giving .their views .on city, matters. A digest of, tne recommendations submitted by Mr. Bryan follows: TLo Mayor's Recommendations 1. The mayor recommends that the care of the city hall be placed under the supervision of the department of accounts and finances. 2. The department of sidewalks is a part of the streets department and should be handled in connection with that department, and the recommend ation is made that the sidewalk de partment be immediately placed un der the department . of streets-and public improvements. -- "... " 3. The recommendation is made who is always in the department, and thereby in the opinion of the mayor give more satisfactory service to the, a trained visiting nurse shall bo em- public than it is possible to do under ' ployed by th ) city and an approprla- tlif iWroot nhnrtrn nt niilinrilhintnci nnd tlnn 1n marln fnr nam ft rami that ltT that the department of parks shall be I almost wholly in the absence of the j entire time shall bo devoted to the placed under the care of the mayor commissioner whose work in connec-' city's interest under the direction of uiiuer me uepartment of public af- tion with the extension and main- the superintendent of health. tenanco v.f the largo departments of water and light prevent him from superintending the dealing with the fairs. The recent movement for park ex tension from J street to O street and the educational work done to carry a bond issue for that purpose was in itiated and carried on by the public not in official capacity. Not that' the commissioner" having in charge the matter of work of providing park fa cilities for the people of Lincoln was not interested in parks, but because it was physically impossible for him to' lead a movement for park exten sion by the acquiring of lands and the development of a series of parks such as the Lincoln people ha-e asked for and that the city has been handicapped owing to thejack of. The educational work, coupled with the acquiring of properties and the de velopment thereof for park purposes, the establishment of boulevards, etc., is a large department in itself. The importance of it tb a city can not be overestimated, and this department in a number of other cities of the size of Lincoln is handled by one commissioner without any other du ties. In the acquiring of land for park purposes and the development thereof the superintendent of parks is required to deal with all other de partments of the city, and. in the de veloping of the park system of Lin coln it is necessary for him to work in conjunction with the sanitary board, and by virtue of his office the mayor having a general supervision of all departments, being the member of the commission thaS deals with the public and speaks for the public on all matters of public affairs, is by vir tue of his office in a better position to do work with the public in carry ing out the park extension and de velopment in the opinion of the mayor to a better advantage than would be possible for any other commissioner to do who is charged with the grow ing needs of two large departments owned by the city and handling the business that is larger in scope and responsibility than all other depart ments of the city combined. The pre liminary work which has already been done in carrying out the de mands of the public in extending the park system from J street to O street has demonstrated in many -ways the importance of the park work being immediately placed under the depart ment of public affairs. Extend Lighting Business 4. The recommendation Is made that at least $5,000 he appropriated for an extension of the wiring and municipal lighting department so that the public desiring to patronize the municipal lighting plant may have the privilega of doing so. 5 Recommendation Is made that all moneys collected for taxation or from public utility service by the city shall be paid directly to the city treas urer The charter only contemplates one city treasurer, and requires him to give' a bond sufficient to protect all the moneys that come into the pos session of the city. By the payment ;uf tn. ihP tv treasurer all money received for municjpal lighting and water, the puurc moneys wm u safely guarded, the duplication of hten-prlced department heads will be avoided, which will amount to con siderable saving to the public, and employes who will be engaged in the cSlection and accounting for money can be reduced, and the dealing with ,? ilublic by those who were charged wth the responsibility of collecting 111 moneys will be done under the Bell Park Bonds Now 13. A recommendation is made public in the matter of settling' all that the fifty thousand dollar park water and light bills and the adjust-''bonds recently voted for park extcn ment of misunderstandings. , sion bo immediately sold so that the In the opinion of the mayor it was 1 money shall become available for'the undoubtedly intended by tyie charter! acquiring of the property desired for and it Is In the Interest ot saiety, city parte extension. 14. Recommendation is made' that ' $3,500 be appropriated for the estab- : ( Hahing and maintenance for one year of a public city market located be- 4 twecn tho retail business and tho residence district of the city which ' will be accessible to the housewives, economy and efficiency that the col lections of water . nd light funds bo immediately placed under the depart ment of public accounts and finances. Only One Polo Lino ' 6. The recommendation Is made .. i . .1 II. ..illllt.. ,.m.n..t ACf try mat an puouc uuhubb u ui v . - and thus enable the public to secure eluding the city's mjnWP1; fresher vegetables and a reduction be required to use the same poles Jn CQ8t on the streets and alleys and that an hn' Ml(! lmvn .umvtoil that & ordinance should bo passed at .once garbag0 (ll8posal ,)lant bo construct regulating the joint use of same. J C(1 and hav(J V(JtCfl flfty tnollBand 7. uecoinracnuauon i "-'; dollar bondB for that purpose. A landscape architect bo employed for one year at a salary not to exceed two thousand dollars per annum under the supervision of tho mayor for the recommendation is made that the plans for the garbage plant be devel oped as soon as possible and that an appropriation of $2,000 for the com- nurnoRe of advlslnK as to tho con- . na(inl ,rnnl ,in . ' nriniflli nr iia solidation and removal of poles from malntcnance the park spaces and to draw plans 1(J A recommendation is made for the parking of each piece ofparK I that aJl garbag0 wagons should be land now owned and also for new Qwned by.the cJty an(1 tnat they jand as it, is acquired for park pur-, ghould hayo Ught c(jycr ftnd tuftt poses so that our park system will uc syBtematIc concctjon . of garbage mapped out ana aeveiopeu muub - i 8nouia oe done by the city to protect the public health. pert lines rather than by untrained men. The immediate carrying out of 17. Recommendation is made that this suggestion will erpatly -enhance I n approl)riatIon for an additional the value of property in ' ( automobile for tho police department beautifying and placing Lincoln in t Bnould be provided so that the public better position to compete with otner may recelv0 qulck 8ervice in emer cittes In growth and development, ( gency cases wherc moro than ono and from an economic standpoint it e case re(JUre3 attention at will be a money maker to the people, QnQ UmQ as a great deal of tho present develop- lg A recomraendation is made meut will have to be done oyer again thftt ad(mional firo equipment should later on in order to meet the tastes Q suppljed and an appropriation be and condition that Lincoln people are i made fop Bamo flQ that thc I)roperty interested in. 0f the city will have better protection A Real City Auditor I and that thc ch'ef of the fire depart- 8 A recommendation is made thatjment be requested through tho com- !. .i, j. i.i,i vo nnnnintfid tnlRRlnnnr of nubHc-fiflfetV to submit a city anwwi uu.u .; . --------""..-; ;r -,?, nnaa,M whose work will bo unuer uw huiic vision of the mayor. The present auditor is also city clerk, and the said clerk is appointed by tho city treas urer and his work is supervised by tho city treasurer, and I understand that the recorc1 ; kept by the auditor are taken from the figures supplied him by the city treasurer. The city clerk's department should either be in iUa xnnnnll nt flin nnrllnnf nnctalhln ( VV ..- V ..... ..- , - moment a list ot tne present equip ment and the chief's recommendation for additional equipment and his rea sons therefor so that the council can consider this matter in making up its budget. 19. Recommendation is made that tho salaries of all cmployeslat the citv hall doinc similar work should put under the department of public (De standardized so that all will re affairs so that the said clerk will act ceiv0 the same pay that 'are doing in the capacity of auditor or a .separ-1 simiiar work, and that the matter of ate auditor should be employed by I salaries for heads and sub-heads un the city to carry out the duties of an der the various commissioners be auditor as so intended and directed considered as to amounts to be paid in relation to tne cnaracter oi tne work done and the necessary study and preparation to fit such employes for their respective duties. 20. A recommendation Is made that funds should be provided by an appropriation so that an Inspector of weights aid measures can be em ployed whose entire time shall be de voted to tho work of inspection to prevent the public from being im posed upon through negligence or in tent as the public has been imposed upon in the recent past. Provide Winter Work 21. A recommendation is made that extension and development work of all departments of the city that tur iVttx nhnrtfir 9. Recommendation Is made that the city should pay for the surety bonds of the city treasurer in place of the, banks doinj it and that banks should 'be required to pay the rate of interest to the. city of Lincoln that they pay for the city funds of other cities and. for state funds under sim ilar conditions. , .. . 10. Recommendation is made that the superintendent of accounts and finances publish a list of all unpaid taxes and other individual, partner ship" corporate indebtedness to the city at least once every twelve months for the consideration of the 11. A recommendation is made'can be postponed until after Septem thftt one nolice woman be employed i i)er 15 shall be commenced after that and her salary be provided for in the j date and continued into the winter, as annronriation and that she should re main on duty during the hours of 2 p.m. to 11 p.m. to advise with and protect young girls and to keep a far as possible. The carrying out of this recommendation will employ Lincoln men r.nd Lincoln citizens who (Continued on Page Thirty) h vuT afsi (Vi -h