ml' & . . A- ' ft' IV " ,' ' Y - v 18 The Commoner VOIr.' 15,-N0 8 per, cent salt-for three days, then in to clear water for one day; then into a sjfx per cent solution o.aalt water for'" three days more, and' again into clear water for a day, then back into an .eight per cent solution of salt and water, for two or three days, then wash off in clear water and bottle in r final solution of eight per cent so lution of salt and water." Do you think you. could, and if you did, do .ydu think it would pay for the trouble? Hard Crystals in Jelly Many housewives complain of hard particles, like glass forming in their jelly. One cause of this is hard boil ing. When the syrup boils rapidly, so that portions are thrown up on1 the aides of the kettle, they will form crystals, and if theso are 'stirred back into the jelly, they will cause more crystals to form. Another cause is too much sugar. When the fruit it self is sweet, the sugar added snould be less than the amount of juice by measure. In very hot, dry weather the fruit contains more sugar than whon the season is wet and cold. When the fruit is thus rendered more sugary, three-quarters of a pint of sugar to a pint of Juice is enough. Maria Parloa. Batters The difference between dough and batter is that batter is made thin enough to pour or drop when lifted, while a dough is made stiff enough to handle and mold. Drop batter is made' of two parts flour, one part 11-' iiuld, with other ingredients as su gar, salt, eggs, etc., .as liked. This :an be dropped from a spoon. "Pour batter" is the same, but equal parts of liquid and' flour, to run frbm spoon, or Erdm the dhm into pan. Griddle cakes are "poiuSbatler" ; dumplings are drop batter. . Pour batters are made much lighter by beating in eggs; or using baking pow der, or" soda and sour milk. Vegetables f6r Canning Corn and.okra can be canned with tomatoes, hut in this case, the cook ing should be continued longer than for tomatoes alone. Egg plant, as paragus, spinach, and other greons, summer squash, cauliflower. , and other vegetables ,do, well. canned, it you nave a family size canning out fit. One will cost five to ten dollars, and will last years. ' i Jj if 111 Pnx v. Al- "d ' t rt JM MWtti Ml : ih ifjrWi M w k iV 1 iM lK Jl &. ryftM m t Hftsw v fl I tl I x fU ft Tm m n W "Vii nrv Tc X Jtr DfJLft. "it t ImjCUv lilli O1 till a if r "' I r 1 i H .vTs?W3 ' . . RELIGION AND MORALITY Of ail the dispositions and habiis which lead to political prosperity, re ligion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great jOillars of human happiness these firmest props of the duties of men nd citizens. The mere politician, equally with the pious man, oXight to respect and to cherish them. A vol ume could not trace all their connect tions with private and public felicity. Let it be simply asked, where Is the security for property, for impu tation, for llfer if. the sense of re ligious obligation desert the oaths which are the instruments of inves tigation in courts of- justice? And let. us,.iwlth. cuthpn indulge the sup position mat moraniy, can do main tained, .without religion, Whatever my be ponceded to the influence of . refined euqatton on mlndB of pocu ' liar structure, reason and experience . both forbid us to expect tuat national , morality, f can prevail in exclusion of rUglpu;s principles. It is -substantially true that virtu,e or morality is a necessary0 spring of 'popular government. The rule, in- 2 ded, extends with more or less force 1 to every species of free government. Whfc that Is a sincere friend to it can tconunuca rrom Preceding PaSe) bo used to make this dress. Tho yoke sleevo sections are In ono piece. Tho a,nd tho sleeves are in ono piece. Tho edgres aro bound with contrasting ma- ?U?eveS ma-y bfe long or short. The trim- terial. , & ming may. bo of contrasting material i r7a""Mi',se,?' D'essGut Iri sizes 14, 7322OhIIdren'a Dre Cut in sizes 16, 18 and 20 years, Dresses of this ?. 4, 6 and. 8 years. Linen, gHgham character are made of serge, linen, lawn, piquo or sergo can be used to pongee, taffetas, gingham and numor- jnako this dress. Tho sleeves mav ho ous other wash fabrics. . Thq sleeves long or sh6rt. The skirt is cut in one may. bo in long- or short length arid 'the piece and can be made with or without skirt is cut in four gores. tho suspenders. wiuiout 7?72rIiadle " sizes 84 wTlff.u APrn Cut in sfzos 36, to 44 Inches bust measure. This plain IV na 44 lnches bust measure. Linen stylo may bo developed in taffetas, lln- S?,1 op c!Ico can ued to tnako on, serge, ratino and tho like. Tho skirt hViflhP nPr ife? ipr,on fastens with a is cut In four gores;. and had a pocket -S?tt0r?hd .ttonhole at each should onatthe left side. 'The guimpe is sep- ch TJ& Patch oc 718 Ladled Sklrt-Walat Cut in' TOlft lmillc Skirt .Cuf in oir. oo sizes 34 to ,44 Inches bust measure, to 32 inches waist measure TnJ,2 Plain and figured material aro com sorgp or broadcloth fan bo used blnod in making this pretty waist, The mako tllIs skirf- The skirt is-fn collar and vest aro in ono piece. Tho tho gores arid has WAa tt n sleeves may be either long or short Plaited sections. The hie-h SI J. de lO-Chlldren Set o Short Clothe, tlon waistline moybS Ssfd Shi Wft? Cut in sizes , 1, 2 and 3 years. This fastens at tho front. sklrt set consists of a dress, a petticoat, a 37-mlIen' Houne Drown J. rw i coat and a cap All .tho .garments aro sizes 3,4 to 46 inches bust mmMr?lT.'In simplo and easy to make. Linen, pique, en, gingham or calico "cart b ,r,In" sergo or cashmere can be used for the mako this house dress i Tiv $5L3BOifl . other garments. . sleeves- may be lone op imS wi ,T.he TassImdlcH' Shlrt-Walst Cut In s cut in five gores short-The skIrt sizes 34 to 46 inches bust measure. Llri- Imtcat i?MiTtnn r , on br cr)6do Chino can bo used tot Issue "very onth BRne ?e-We this waist. The collar ca"n bo buttoned our fashion rtmnjuini.-connoctfon with high or rolled in low outline. Tho azine " lllMtStfni?10!4' a ,fashl"on -rtag-sleeves may bo lqng or short. CollS? London and New YnHr I,ate.Bt Par's and cuffs aro' of contrasting material, containinc " miwlh i0rl?, deslffns, and 73Sfr-c;irl' DreHKCut in sizes 8,10 about So J oW'6 information 12 and 14 years. Striped gingham 'can children, dressmaking1?5' m!aaes and bo used for this dress with tho collar,, ery, halrdressin i?e 1?S3ns. miliin vest and cuffs of plain -material. Tho at tho samf timo lf?0' V ordered skirt can be made with or without tho wo wll Bend the ia&Stpr5 L?. ordered tuck and is cut in ono ploco. The of The Pashion wi,nsi mbnthly issuo sleeves may be mado long or ehort to cover hanSiin?0 for only cents 7810-CfclldreH'H JDreCut"in sizes wltlioriWpaUerJ Sit?08???' PIc" 2, 4, 6 and 8 years. Linen, or sorgo can Commoner" Fashldn Dept"Ll S? Tn .16ofc with indifference upon attempts to gake.the fonndation of the tab- Promote, then, as an object of nrl mary importahee, institutions for the general diffusion bf'VnWioricr T proportion as the structure' of a rov- wv.iu irco iuwo io puDiic onin- X.' , , "H"1 -; pudiic opinion should be, enlightened.' Observe good faith and justice tpw'ard all nations cultivate'peace and harmony With all' Religion and morality" enj6in this conduct; and can if b,o that good policy does nQt equally enjoin it? It will be worthy of. a free, enlightened, and, at no distant period, a" great na tion, to give to mankind the mag nanimous and too novel example of a people always guided by an' exalted justice and benevolence. Who can doubt that, in the' course of time and things, the fruits of such a plan would richly, repay any tem porary advantages 'which might bo lost by a steady adherence to it? Can it be that Providence has not con nected tlu permanent' felicity of a na tion with its virtue I The experiment, at least, is recommended by every sentiment wlii?n enrioJ)le3 human na ture. . Ala's! is itrrendered impossible by its vices? George1 Washington. GRIXlClSlft& THE "btnJRCfi Criticism" of the churches is current ly popular. The ' criticisms often den stroy eactt other; One: class1 of critics i charges that the Churches 'are con cerned only-' about personal salva tion and that they' stress other- worldliness to' the neglect of condi tions in the present vale of tears. An- 'other class accuses the churches of having1 'neglected- their first ' mission and"of " dovoting- their efforts too muCh: to social amelioration. But .the fact' is'thaMhe church' is better than e'vCtf 'in ita'hfotdry attempting to -perform both function's Thevchtlrch' at one' time concerned-'Itself 'dhicfly about personal salvation; An occa sional church at present concentrates its efforts on social service. But the churches in general' are presenting personal alvatioji and also-seeking ,to bring the "kingdom of heaven" to this earjth., The program adopted by the Federal, Council of the Churches of Christ in Ameriga, representing thirty of, the principal PrQtestant de nominations, Is one, of the most coi crete, and lpfty platforms of social betterment , ever promulgated. Yet the revival services held in every nook of tjie country indicate that the question pi" personal salvation is not being ignored. . , . . . , It is easy to find, excuses for ,riot at tending church. But mapsr of.them are not sincerely urged. The chief one abou t the. number, of men who use Church .activity as a cloak for concealing rascality, will not bear analyses, une migh,t as well gp back on the.coifi of dhe realm because it is so often coun terfeited. The excuse of dress is based on personal pride. There are ,few churches in America where any body is unwelcome because... of his poverty, although there are many self-conscious individuals' who. have -vainly imagined slights. St. Louis GlQbe-D.emQcrat. T i THE JULY CCMIMQNER Wahoo, Neb., July 19. I'S,1.6-;-Editor, The Commoner; Liricoln, Ne braska Dear Sir: The Commoner is always great, but tlie , constructive peace arguments of 'the current month's issue is ipajmense. truly, E. L. Barch,,rPAStor, Methodist Episcopal Chwch 'fov Peaca ... Oh, peace is gentle, kind and meek, And gracious in its influence. But if to purchase it you seek-, i There is no end to the expense. -Wfeshington Star. v