""ifr .1 i j , AUGUST; 1915 The Commoner IS' Peace and Poltroon ism From the San Francisco Chron In branding anti-militarists ao pol ROCKING THE BOAT sM v.. : ' I i-i-i -, f , x I S 7 'a .-it u: I tZ. r i troons and in coming out flat-footed. for compulsory military service in America, jjCJolonelopsevelt has gone the limit of his moral courage. So bravo are thoge,, utterances they might almost.be , taken as an indica tion that the speaker has no intention of becoming a presidential candidate next year. 'He Js far too wise to be lieve that anything so reactionary as conscription can be made a winning policy at the. coming elections, and he must be fully aware of the fact that an, open confession of faith in such a principle is a serious political, handicap. , It is not too much , to say- that world-wide 'interest will be -aroused by this remarkable outspokenness on the part of one who if he has no re sponsibility has considerable power in -American politics In many .foreign countries - he is regarded as one of the most representative of- United States leaders'. If they think of President-Wilson as our restraining influence-ttieywthink: of Roosevelt as a great motive .power, in- American thought, and ..hip 'latest, declaration will provoke unlimited discussion. Indeed, "this informal, long-range debate, betweqn Roosevelt and Bryan will give the exposition cityjn -vvhich it has' Deen held an enor.mous amount of publicity. , ', As ' for the merits of Rodsevelt's new programme, it may be said that charging anti-militarists with, polr' troonism is .aSj unfair as, conscription l4"irwp-fau"itf'$: to prefer the machinery of justice to the duqling pistol in a case of ' slan; der. v .. '. , Public opinion suppressed the duel because it ivasbsurd and unjust to match, the slanderer who was a good shot with .the honorable man who was 'not, Public opinion may yet take on siicH .an. international character that.it will see the absurdity and in justice of matching a militaristic na tion against' a(small, peace-loving, in dustrial community. . , Dueling was not killed by ridicule in a day, and warfare may die much harder, .but it can lie killed by the education of international public opinion. Coming to -compulsory military service as the only efficient means of defending this country, it should be borne in mind that this would not be the sanitf 'Ainerida with conscrip tion. ' It would still be the land of our living, Wt a people who have for so long enjoyed the blessings of lib erty and who have so long been free from the depressive 'burdens of debt's for war preparation would not feel the same' cause' for pride in their country. We are' the-most patriotic of peoples because we are the most free. Destroy that freedom and you will not Entirely destroy patriotism for the veriest slave has something of that instinct hut-Americans would not feel "that they werf, sacrificing so much -when they left their native land io live elsewhere; "The man who refuses to perform i -t a "VAVTy i jam m . w m ..j y ,fi -'.', mr ,'j " ' ' Sr fsttoK . . IM i- H V .,; t' a-i:" ": V fuf&j&- V 111 V . I I ti y X i Hi ' - .;: -..rsLj . . 111) . wv " - 1 TUT, TUT, THUODORE Des Moines (Iowa) Register and Leader .-..-I lAntrop tii a frpR-linrn. military service should not have the living -American citizen, but the nght to vote," says Roosevelt. Is m "vl?&n tQ compuisory military there not a grave danger in handing over political power to the soldier in a land where liberty has been the national ideal from the beginning? If the rifle is to be the means of regis tratlon.will there not be the possibil ity of bullets being used when bal lots fail? We pride ourselves oh emancipation from the conditions which promote revolutions, but if we return to a military basis of govern ment we might easily. have such rev olutions. It is one thing to have compulsory military service in Europe, the land of social and political inequalities, and quite another in America, the land of n.o class or political distinc tions. , However, it should be set down to Roosevelt's credit that he lets us know precisely what h6 means, that cow nnd all the despotic discipline without which the soldier is not an efficient unit of national defense. TBHE PROVES WISDOM OF BRYAflb L'MlMKjiMrxiiza Francisco on the fifth of July, were moved by various motives. Some came from affection, others out of curiosity. Some were critical, oth ers cynical. On the whole it was a hostile audience which the Nebraskan faced. But he won that crowd, not by gifts of eloquence, not by spread eagle oratory," rtot by word painting, but by his sincerity. As he told of his vision of a great America, the A'merica giving forth Ideas fruitful with blessing to all mankind, the American which may lift the world out of the bondage of hate and lust for power and conquest, the America which will obey the moral law and loye her neighbors as herself, the soul of all that is best and noblest in the country sppke through him unto the masses before him. .xft nnn nunnie who turned' out While we -regret Bryan's decision ui. William J. Bryan in San to -leave President Wilson's cabinet, IU us the good he may do for his country In his role of peace evangelist may be of more lasting value. Others may Rerform the tasks of the diplomat as well as, he but none can surpass him in stirring the emotions and directing the thought ol the, common men and women of America. They know he is their map. He has won their con fidence and trust through long years of, faithful service. The world does move. The Bryan isms of twenty years ago are now written into the statutes of the na tion. No man was more bitterly maligned than the Bryan of that day. Perhaps again he has sensed correctly a coming world in which fellowship and understanding be tween all peoples shall take N the place'of strife and in which the great human family will practice the prin ciples of the Nazarene. Watsonrill (California) Register; r.1 T ."T, ' f"l !3 i 'C .?a n u