p,y .wrr.-na ,-,. JW"WpBUrj I"- (4 The Commoner MARCH, 1915 21 4 '" "':W J MaiMMMai"MBII"ialnlaBIIBI,aaal,B Dickens, Hugo, e g-reateat Trrlter of 1rMKl . day. KlpIIn hold Kipling, ure a place in tbe Jr n FjPBaaaiaaLcaalwalffanaaaffBiBLBWI3Manaa ?y m ji av wjAjf.xMBHaflaanBaHHNn BPVCHIHtHnBHB9BvHBticVMSv"'UIHE3IBt aaBajBBBBBiiKBaByaHi M jnypMfcDJWBMWWBBWnB. lHMHBM fHHflfcSniiw EHawjRB PyxfyLvS lHu"M HWWLBViHBBBciQl I MBSffiifflfetoEl IfS'TnfP MaSBSBSBiEKj ffi5 Tke most widely BBfl jflPPfaJm iraralP Bfr .'FvJiJBImwB read and -widely BPS6 KmPSi nHB5JM CTHuKim'" BfMELB loved stories 1b the MBefflilsiiSISB lfiffiftfeBJfcPg&M anSHMfellBIBSBl 1 flBlilRiHiSra! liilJ mmm lwH P kipling laHS&miimmimmiVBUEiSEauw mwB&Es mms WSsoi"sVf laaHBaBHflatHB9lIlK9HH bmIbIbbH BfiaKaaH BwKBB9IQBa l,r BVSMaViBBWMBBaHlHfiBniKSB MBHMfllHlHnfl aaBaVaRluBBM as I lilllllB "IT Cm fcaiiifiTII I BMMBBiiB JaJslil "felS WMM vMrnrnm I HIBPp BHiK HHh I HUGO ilIWIillill Tke master ISH?a BBsaliM WiamW! BffflaSl IHSd&Ji tWLWtaffSwM renuuicer of all time nffil ? WkjWmM. a"JP$?I BrteSKMB IflaiffioMiM'tfl mad ef nil jaattoas. KHIffiC3 S3 MttOat If&JflJHi f&sKS' WmflKSEfeal H H BBHmBnHriSftJ3an5iHfSr?''!?f Ewl!HOi fg-'.itt EmKrfi! kMcnialBBft u&fllilBKflHaWBivWSS9 I HBBjHttHHgfffWBaiBliBia ILwffiliWlMBr HBBI Tke supreme type of KtKWKMMBafKtBBBmMSBBKmSmm WBmSMmf. UWm romaatie eeBiosi ke left BTaaaHBBMVanHWaMBSJRfaraPSl SSnzKt Ea"B"" iimltators. WKBKavWIBmMBBBSBxWmtBKSWm vsiBaBSSSi sTSnvl ceor8. H aVBjKfMBHMMSjBvalHlDBB)nc!Vw2vlnHHlVffi aviiRflUBfluajBf KBjjBWjIjaaawagaMBM MaMmW BliKamMWWTHB ffjMinMPJilBBwKwlSwijw FT7HjryBH5aaaMmaaMMaB at aaaaHafBBWffiKlSriy an bbbmbs BOBaMBKncaHn liSuiVS TOMlicJil' iifnaiHMplrniir 1 irJrDUCTijr rjLl3wnrm. ' ,j ' j-MjHaBoawiiMjBaBMaaaiMMaMll BaaaMBaawanalB!llitia waSamSSaitfJinl' utmB !CiRkS2bSC RRawMaHSaaBBl E Tke most beloved of flDH Gd fjPSg 4f:5"t'1fBP8Laaal all modera anthers. BEBsBw SMvmMtlJ J EBaJHBaaa! Baaaaal i Y0Ur Choice Of any HHHPTO 9W BB3aTOgaBalaaalBaal I of these Fine MmlBPlW BBi IHBBHIWB I Cloth Bound Sets HBi at $1.60; the mmmmflBmKSRmHmMVMB R"saaBsaaF vK-B HP A GREAT WARTIME BOOK BARGAIN Because of the great European War because the market for books on the continent has been de stroyed because the famous Bible publishers, Thomas Nelson & Sons, of London, were over stocked with new editions, we are able to offer this wonderful bargain. Booklover Home Library Sets Six of World' Greatest Authors. Six Fine Volumes to Each Set. Dumas, Stevenson, Shakespeare Books all the world knows and takes joy in pos sessing books which have been translated into every language and given delight to readers of every land books that represent the pinnacle of Romance, Adventure, Realism, Drama, Poetry and Belles-Lettres in a word, books that everyone 'who reads at all should own and read again and again these great master writings of the Book lovers' library are now offered to the public for Library Cloth Binding; d Z A & Vnliim aq in Rarh Set- OI.UU Large Type; Bible Paper; Duotone Illustrations iTheSet (U. S. Customs Duty and Delivery Charges DUMAS Pnpna) These books make the foundation of an ideal but BO SUC r,An.. 1iVtvnir 'P'haxr ovo in raf n m rm 1 im am f ol library in themselves. The complete works of Shakespeare, the famous stories of Dickens, the romantic and brilliant realism of Hugo, the adven tures of Stevenson ; the short stories of Kipling where in all literature caxi you get more that is helpful, interesting and enjoyable? Tear off Coupon, Fill in, and Mail Today! 1 Your choice of any of these Fine Cloth Bound Sets at $1.60; the entire six sets, 36 vols for $9.60, V "I Mil mIi m ba a Jh. MIIjMMaW WbMWrywp-tvrpMU mukmi-te Works Shkeer. Limited Offer Tear off Coupon, fill in and mad today. SHAKESPEARE ACT NOW! SPEOIAIj UBRAKY COUPON J. n. FARItlS, 01 No. 23d St., IJbooIb, Neb. Enclosed find (money order, check, or currency), for which please send me Cloth Bound Sets of Booklovers' Library, checked below: .Dickens .Hugo ........ .Dumas , KipIlniT . ..Stevenson .Shakespeare Name Address .. Kach eet is fl.W for the six volumes, sent alfcharges pre paid. Select one or more sets on this coupon, NOW. I $ i A ! -M hi 3T a..i i; & 3 ,1 aqffc n m . i nnwaw o NWflEisW