X MARCH, 1915 The Commoner 13 cannera who are considering tho feasibility ot gelling good on the other side of the Pacific. Americans who have been influenced by the Orient to the extent of taking their tea clear, without milk or sugar, will be astonished to learn from this report that tho Occident is now bent on teaching the Chinese to use milk with, their-decoction of tea leaves and condensed milk at that. An enterprising condensed milk company is pushing the campaign, and expects to be successful. This concern has already intro duced condensed-milk Ice-cream to tho Chinese, and they like it so well that many of the res taurants keep it always on hand. Canned sal mon is another western staple that has made a decided impression on the far east. - The third report relates to the "Canned Tom ato Industry in Italy." Tho tomato was given to the world by America, but Italy is today teaching the rest of the world by example how it should be raised and how It should be preserved. Italian canned tomatoes have practically pushed tho American product out of the English market, and have gained an enormous market Th tho Unitejd States. The Italians raise a solid meaty tomato o fine qolor, and it is so packed in the .cans that the consumer Is not obliged to pay for a large percentage of water. Canned tomatoes, how ever, are put up principally for the export trade. The Italians themselves prefer their tomatoes in the form of sauce, or paste, which is nothing more or less than boiled down tomato pulp, minus the skin and seeds. This sauce is put up in cans and is used by the Italians in a great va riety of dishes, of which spaghetti Is perhaps the most familiar to Americans. According to fairly accurate statistics the area planted in tomatoes in Italy Is about 22,000 acres, producing about 285,000 tons. The exports to the United States amount to about 20,000,000 pounds of canned tomato and tomato Bauce, and somo 8,000,000 pounds of the product go to South America. The total value of the tomato exports from Italy is well over $0,000,000. The skins and seeds that were formerly wasted are now utilized, the form er as stock feed and the latter as a source of oil. The crude oil is suitable for soap making and for lamps, and tho refined oil Is said to be edible. Copies of these reports may be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents, Govern ment Printing Office, Washington, D. 0., for 5, 10 and 15 cents eachurespcctively. IMPORTS OP COFFEE Coffee imported into the United States In the calendar year 1914 exceeded one billion pounds, a record made only twice before in tho history of our foreign trade in 1904, when the total was 1,113 million pounds, and In 1909, 1,140 million. The valuo of last year's coffee Imports from foreign countries was 106 million dollars, or 25 million dollars less than in 1912, when an unusually high import price, in conjunction with an ittcrease in Quantity, brought the total up to the highest value ever recorded. Brazil is the chief source of supply of the cof fee imported !nt6 the United States. Out of 1,011 million pounds imported from foreign countries last year 726 million pounds were from Brazil, 99' million from Colombia, 60 million from Ven ezuela, 45 million from the Central American states and British Honduras, 44 million from Mexico, and 87 million from other parts of 'the world, chiefly South America, Java and other Java Dutch possessions in the East Indies. Bra zilian Coffee has a little more than held its own in the proportion of the total; Colombian coffee has increased from less than 3 million to nearly 100 million pounds in the last twenty years. An Increasing share of the coffee consumed in continental United States is produced in its in sular territories of Hawaii and Porto Rico. Last year, 2,793,052 pounds of coffee arrived from Porto Rico, compared with 372,427 pounds in 1894; and 3,501,C98 pounds were from-Hawaii, against 108,265 pounds in 1894. The superior quality of the coffee grown on the American ter ritories in question is suggested by the fact that It commanded better prices than that imported from foreign countries, Porto Ricali having av eraged 13.4 cents per pound and Hawaiian coffee 14.8 cents, while that from foreign countries av eraged only 104 cents per pound at the points, of production. In each case, however, these prices are below the wholesale price In the United States,, as they are exclusive of transportation charges, brokerage, and other expenses which would be Included in the valuation In the mar kets of this country. The United States is the world's largest consumer of coffee, Germany, the Netherlands) France, Belgium, and Austria-Hungary having been in recent years the next largest consumers. The domestic consumption of coffee is -now over 10 pounds por capita as against 8.3 pounds in 1894, 9.3 pounds in 1884, 6.6 pounds in 1874, and 3.76 pounds In 1864. The following table shows tho growth in tho Importation of coffee into tho United States and the range of import prices at decennial porlods frohi. 1874 to 1914: IMPORTS OF COFFEE . , Av. import Calendar Million Million price in year pounds dollars conts per lb 1874 288.07 53.26 18.5 1884 250.96 46.90 9.0 1894 587.06 90.59 15.5 1904 1,112.71 87.43 7.9 1914 1,011.07 104.79 10.4 Exclusive of 6,295,000 pounds valuod at $894,000 from Hawaii and Porto Rico. IMPORTS OF FERTILIZERS The increasing extent to which Amorican farm ers must rely upon domestic fertilizers as soil foods is suggested by figurer compiled by tho bureau or foreign and domestic commerce which show an increase last year of 240,000 tons In tho receipt of potash salts as compared with 1912 or 1913. Tho imports of that group of potash salts moBt largely used for fertilizer purposes amount ed in the calendar year 1914 to 702,800 long tons, compared with approximately 942,000 tons in each of the two years immediately preceding. Tho imports of guano increased from 19,100 tons in 1913 to 25,600 tons In 1914; and those of ammonia sulphate, from 58,300 tons to 74, 100 tons. Calcium cyanamid, or lime nitrogen, is not reported monthly, but for the flBcal year ending June 30, 1914, the imports were 30,000 tons, or double tho amount for the preceding year. Only a slight chango occurred In imports of bone dust and ash, the total increasing from 34,600 tons In the calendar year 1913 to 36,000 tons last year. Of basic slag the imports In 1914 were approximately 10,000 tons, a decrease of 33 per cent from those of the preceding year. Crude phosphates, of which tho United States is the world's chief producer, show importations to the amount of 24,000 tons, while apatite, a phos phate of unusual purity, decreased In quantity ot Imports from 3,000 tons In 1913 to less than 100 tons last year. The aggregate value of potash salts and fer tilizer materials imported into the United States in the calendar year 1914 was 38 million dol lars, as compared with 47 million adllarri in the preceding year. Nitrate of soda decreased in valuo of imports from 21 million td 16 mil lion dollars. BUREAU OP STANDARDS TESTS OF TIMEPIECES The test and certification of watches, chron ometers, and other timepieces has been carried on for many years at tho Kew observatory in Ehglarid, at the Besancon observatory in Franco, and at the observatories of Geneva and Neucha tel in Switzerland, but no such tests have been made for the public in this country, except for a few years at Yale university many years ago. This line of work is now started at the bureau of standards, and circular No. 61, entitled "Meas urement of Time and Tests of Timepieces," has just been issued giving the regulations under which the tests will be made, the methods em ployed, together with sections on the use and care of watches, and on standard time, and the sources of reliable time standards with which one may make frequent comparisons of his watch. The first edition of the circular an nounces the regulations for the test and certifi cation of watches only; the test of other time pieces will be taken up later. For the purposes of test, watches are di vided into two classes, designated as A and B, adapted to watches adjusted for flvo positions and three positions respectively. The former test lasts 54 days, the latter 40 days. Both tests include a test of the temperature compensation of the watch, at temporatures of 5, 20, and 35 degrees C. In the class A test is also included an examination of the isochronism adjustment of tho watch. Four tests a year are carried out, beginning on the second Tuesday In January, April, August, and October, respectively. The daily rates of the watches under the various con ditions are determined within about 0.1 second. If tho performance of a watch is within certain tolerances set for the different conditions, a cer tificate is granted showing the results of tho test. If a watch fails to meet the requirements,' re port Is rendered showing wherein It fell short of tho tolerances and giving It actual perforata in tho trial, Watchos may bo submitted by mam-' ufacturors or jobbers of watches, by retail deal ers, or by tho Individual ownors of the watchew, a fee being charged which is estimated to cover ttio actual cost of tho test. It is expected that tho testa will be especially valuable In case whero watches are to bo usod for scientific pur poses or exploration, and also to purchasers of high grado watches in giving thorn assurance that tho watch Is reasonably adjusted and in good condition at the timo of tho test. Copie of tho circular and of tho application blank to bo filled out by those submitting a watch for teat may bo obtained from the Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. Q, ' STANDARD FIRE-HOSE COUPLINGS An account of the advanco toward a national standard for hose couplings and fittings for pub lic fire sorvico is contained in Circular No. 50 of tho bureau. Tho moveraont for tho adoption of standard flro-houso couplings datos from tho great Boston flro of 1872, which showed tho impossibility of tho flro departments of adjacont towns acting J unison when provided with tho divorso size of hoao fittings then prevailing. Tho matter was taken up at tho first conven tion of flro engineers, In 1873, and was discussed at various conventions In oucceoding years, but little was accomplished toward bringing about tho desired changes until tho agitation received a now Impetus from tho Baltimore flro in 1904, when noithor tho Washington, Philadelphia, nor Now York flro engines on their arrival, could make connection with tho local flro hydrants. This condition led tho Morchants and Minera Transportation Co., In April, 1904, to roquest the secretary of tho department it commorce and labor to investigate tho subjoct of flro-hose couplings. Tho secretary refcrr d tho matter to tho bureau of standards, and in tho investigation which followed, it was found that there was a great diversity In sires and throads of couplings throughout tho United States. At a conference of tho committees of tho National Fire Protec tion association, hold in Now Yor' City April 24, 1905, the bureau proponed tho adoption, either of tho thread which could bo shown to be most extensively used, or (hat thread, which possessed tho greatest advantages In other respects. Fol lowing tho latter course, tho conference resolved that 7 threads per Inch shoi Id bo recommend ed for 2 Inch flrc-hoso couplings. This thread was not regarded as an Ideal standard, but was considered tho most practicable baBls for uni fication under prevailing conditions. At tho annual convention of the International Association of Fire Engineers, at Duluth, In 1905, this standard was adopted after lengthy discussion, and at Dallas, in 1906, the conven tion reaffirmed tho action taken at Duluth, and made Its record complete by adopting the na tional standard specifications covering coupling of 3 and 3 Inches inside diameter, eaqh to have six threads to the Inch, and 4 Inch coup lings having 4 threads to the Inch. Up to 1913 the national standard had been put Into service in 73 cities 6r towns, either as hew equipment or by adaptation 6f non-standard couplings to interchange with the standard. TAKR PROFIT OUT OF WAR If we are to have moro battleships, let the gov ernment build them at government navy yards. If we must have more guns, let the government make them in its own shops. If we must have powder, bullets and shells, and other Implements of death, let the government manufacture them. And so with aircraft for war, so with mines and submarines. Admitting that we heed all those things, yet It is true that we do not neod a war lobby at Wash ington, nor do we need the constant, Inspired agi tation through newspapers for the "preparedness for war" that means private profit to those en gaged In building ships, making armor-plate, powder, guns and other Implements of war. It Is of very little consequence whether or not such things can be made more cheaply by the government can be made at lower cost than by private Arms or individuals. Profit In war and "preparedness for war" Is an incentive to agitation for war. San Francisco Star. It will be noted that when the democratic ad ministration discovered that there was a likeli hood of the government income failing to equal the government outgo prompt steps were takes to remedy matters. The republican plan was tc allow the deficit to pile up and then ask for per mission to raise the tariff. t il